Effective Natural Remedies for Chalazion

Castor Oil
Posted by Jared (Portland, Oregon) on 03/04/2016

Had one of these nasty things (chalazion) appear on the inside of my lower left eyelid. I am a Earth Clinic regular so this was the first place I came after the baby shampoo had zero effect.

Castor Oil. started applying and also purchased a dry eye compress off of Amazon. Benefit was immediate. Size reduced drastically after the first heat treatment. Keep applying castor oil directly to the bump on the inside of the eyelid and use heat regularly. After 2 days, bump is almost gone.

Castor Oil directly to the Chalazion with lots of heat.

Chalazion Disappeared On Its Own
Posted by Linda Sa (Sedona, Az) on 02/29/2016

I developed a chalazion last summer and tried twice-a-day compresses with light massage, boric acid washes, and apple cider vinegar on the outside of the lid for a couple of months but none of those worked to diminish it. I finally gave up trying anything and didn't worry about it.

Now, eight months later, it is completely gone without me doing anything to it - I didn't even stop wearing makeup. It disappeared by itself and I didn't need to try and fix it. It would be good to know if this is true for others - that the lesions just disappear on their own for everyone - or if I just got lucky.

Castor Oil
Posted by Sabah (Palestine ) on 02/15/2016

I tried literally every remedy out there. I had three eye surgeries and they kept coming. Had to dig for the cause since I follow a very careful regimen of eye care, hygiene and the rest of it. Finally I was advised it's hormonal change of the body and there's no solution. I started trying natural remedies one by one to avoid the risk and the cost of further surgeries on the go. Nothing worked and just one day before I my surgery was scheduled I thought the only thing I didn't try is castor oil. I never thought it'd work but then I thought it'd do no harm to try and it worked like a charm! . After cleaning eyes I applied a very small amount topically on the chalazion, three times on that day and by next day the cyst appeared from the outside of the lid and started drying out and peeling off like a pimple. It has always been there right in front of my eyes. Not the baby shampoo, warm compresses, eye washes, drops, antibiotics, eggs, coconut oil, breast milk, apple cider vinegar, frankincense oil, tea/rice bags, nothing worked despite the trouble I went through to get them. Castor oil is a miracle remedy! . In one week of three topical applications (one before bedtime), my eyes looked and felt perfect. Thank God! , and thanks to the guy from Lebanon. It was your tip I followed.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Shelby (Indiana, Pa) on 02/14/2016

Editor's Choice This post is long overdue, but I wanted to write it in case someone out there gets into the same situation as I did.

Back in June I woke up to find a swollen upper eyelid. I've had styes in the past, so I knew immediately to start warm compressing. After a few days though, I noticed it wasn't going down at all and was actually feeling "harder". I went to the doctor as I had to go anyway for work. She told me of course to continue warm compressing and that it was just a sty. However, come the beginning of AUGUST and it was still wasn't gone. I went to my ophthalmologist, and they told me that two months was definitely too long. This wasn't a sty, it was a chalazion.

One way to tell the difference is that chalazion generally aren't sensitive to touch like a sty. Another way is that stys often have what looks like a white head, chalazions are red lumps. Chalazions are clogged glands while stys are infections of the glands. Anyway, I was heading back to college in a few weeks so I wanted this taken care of immediately. My options were to see if it would go away on its own, or surgery as topical ointments do not work for chalazions. I decided to get surgery. The surgery wasn't a big deal. It was very quick. However my eye was swollen and bruised for about a week..... And my chalazion was still there. Yes it was a little smaller, but it was still there and I was not happy. When I got my checkup the doctor told me to give it more time.

I went back to college and did my research and on this site is where I found that apple cider vinegar can help. So naturally, I bought some ACV with the mother (Definitely get with the mother). Twice a day I would apply some on a cotton ball and dab my chalazion. At night I would even hold it against my chalazion for five minutes. It didn't burn too much and by a few days later, I noticed my eyelid would have white and yellow crust when waking up... Which meant it was draining! It was noticeably smaller as well!

Anyway, in September I had to go back to the ophthalmologist for my second check up. At this point, I had a large hard white dot on my chalazion which meant it had formed a head. It was only a few days later when the white head finally fell off! I barely had a lump anymore but I continued with the ACV to make sure it was completely gone. My eyelid finally became flat and it still is! Overall, ACV with the mother was my savior to getting rid of this chalazion.

For anyone who gets chalazions or stys, I suggest purchasing regular old eye drops and using them regularly as a preventative. They will balance your eyes PH and keep glands clean and flowing.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Charcoal Poultice
Posted by Doctor Mom (California) on 01/18/2016

My daughter plays basketball (17 yrs old)... and during a game she got poked in the eye, probably by a nasty sweaty dirty finger. The next day she woke up and her whole upper eyelid was swollen. We immediately put warm compresses all day. Her eye was swollen for about 2 days. Once the swelling went down, it left a huge lump on her eye... I would say almost the size of a dime on her upper eyelid, but the lump was huge. I sent her to the doctor 2 days later just to make sure there was nothing else going on.

Waste of time and money...all doctor said was it was a stye and put warm compress. So we kept with the warm compress for two days..but not only did we NOT see a difference, she has sensitive skin and the skin on her eyelid was so dry and red that if we continued to do warm compresses, the skin on her lid probably would've came off. I tried to set an appt with an optomologist, but the appt was scheduled for a month out... UGH!!!

Remember my daughter is 17. She's a senior in high school... and she has her first school dance in 3 weeks. We couldn't wait for the doctor appt in 4 weeks and I had a feeling the doctor was going to say "Warm Compress".. So I googled home remedies for Stye.. came across some guy that said Salt water flush all day, as salty as you can take it. Okay.. it's worth a shot. And my daughter was willing to do anything at this point. She was so embarrassed having it there. (Estimating it's about Day 6 since the poke in the eye)

Did the salt water flush for a couple days (yes, it stings), but it didn't make enough of a difference for me to feel like this was the right solution... Googled again.. I don't know how I came across Chalazion, but I was convinced that's what she had because the back of her eyelid did not have a 'sore' like a stye (you know how a cold sore has the white sore.. well this did not have it.. you can see where there may have been a sore, but there wasn't one now (kinda looked like a scar under the eyelid).. So I was thinking it was a stye that healed wrong and the skin under he eyelid healed with the lump still there...

Anyway I wasn't going to give up, next home remedy I found and decided to try.. Apple Cider Vinegar. I added a tablespoon of ACV to every 1 cup of warm water. I took a Qtip, dip it in the solution and applied it to the back of her lid where the sore probably was. (Stings more than the salt water flush) We had regular Hines apple cider vinegar.. used that for one day, but the next day I decided to get 'Braggs ACV with the mother'... used that for two days, just in the evening (since she had school). I still was not happy with the results.. the lump was going down a bit but at a snails pace. I was thinking maybe because we were only applying it in the evening.. so for the next two days.. morning and evening.. but still not happy with results...

On to the next remedy.. Activated Charcoal.. I found some pills called Charco Caps at Walgreens (came in bottle $22 for 100 pills) opened the pills up to get the charcoal. I made a poultice out of it.. (1 spoonful of active charcoal, equivalent to about 8-10 capsules, mixed with a spoonful of flaxseed meal (bought at grocery store) and added water.. you can also google how to make charcoal poultice) I put the mixture on a band aid and she left it on overnight.

Next day, I can see a difference, not huge, but more than the other two remedies after the first use... did it again the next day.. slight difference again.. I decided I would apply apple cider vinegar before I put the poultice (this time I did not add water to the ACV).. Next morning... I finally started to become convinced something was working... (I think about 7-8 days had passed since the initial salt water flush). So next morning, we applied ACV in the morning before school and applied ACV in the evening before the charcoal poultice overnight.. At this point.. not only did it go down about half the size, but the white sore in the back appeared.. Ok now, I'm really convinced it was working... since the white sore was there, we decided to add the salt water flush back to the evening routine (it's about a week and a half now since the initial salt water flush).. so we did salt water flush, ACV, poultice for a couple days.. it now looks like a small stye... we're going to keep with the same routine until its gone.. I think after about 1 more week it'll be fully gone!

I hope this helps someone else out there! It didn't work overnight, but it's definitely working. Keep in mind we had to work around our busy schedules (on top of trying each remedy separately). If you start right off the bat with the combo remedy of flush, ACV, and poultice and treat more than once a day... I think it would work even faster!

Good Luck!

Castor Oil
Posted by Steve (San Diego, Ca) on 01/13/2016

Chalazion treatment:

ACV did not work (made things worse). Switched to castor oil and compresses - this cleared everything in two days.

Cheers, Steve

Warm Compresses, Massaging
Posted by Steve (San Diego, Ca) on 01/13/2016

Re your comment about "being too late" when treating a long-term chalazion: I had one for about four months and didn't do anything about it until another occurrence started forming over the existing one. I started with ACV and compresses but the lid swelled and got MUCH worse.

I switched to castor oil and compress, and within two days the new bump was gone, and now another day later the old bump is 90% gone as well.

Castor oil will be my primary treatment if I ever get another one of these buggers.

Regards, Steve

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tierra (Houston, Tx) on 11/21/2015

So how exactly to I apply the apple cider vinegar.....on the outside lid of the chalazion or inside lid with the q-tip?

Frankincense Oil
Posted by Anna (Nz) on 11/14/2015

I've been using frankincense for the past week but nothing has changed. I found this site two weeks ago when a chalazion arrived on my eyelid. I've tried the hot compress with hot eggs and frankincense but it hasn't gone away. Anyone else has anymore suggestions??

Activated Charcoal
Posted by Krystal (Modesto) on 10/07/2015

You can get the charcoal pills from any drug store like walmart, walgreens, riteaid or cvs. Ask for some help finding them.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jessica (Oldsmar) on 10/05/2015

Apple cider vinegar works!! My five year old son has been dealing with a chalazion for over a year with no help from compresses or medicine. We started applying a sterile gauze pad dunked into a 1/2 Apple Cider Vinegar (with the mother) and 1/2 hot water mix twice a day and changes were instant! It has been about three weeks now and every day it gets a little flatter and less swollen. Thank you to everyone who posted their success stories. Our little guy has finally gotten some relief! :)

Discover Your Food Sensitivities
Posted by Juliemarie (Virginia) on 10/05/2015

It's me again: something I forgot to add in my post above about food sensitivities, is that it often takes several days for a chalazion to emerge after eating a trigger food, so don't just look at what you ate the day before. Once you already have the chalazion, eating the trigger foods will worsen the problem, which is why time of day matters, once you have the problem. But when it first shows up, it might be something you ate in the middle of last week, so look carefully at your overall diet, rather than just the meal from the day before. Some trigger foods go to work faster than others: eggs will cause them for me within about two days. Other foods have a longer lag time. Hope this is helpful!

Warm Compresses, Massaging
Posted by Claudia (Massapequa Park) on 09/29/2015

i wanted to ask how many times you applied the vingear and if you did any warm compresses before? Ive been dealing with this problem for 2 months. It's depressing. Thanks.

Discover Your Food Sensitivities
Posted by Juliemarie (Front Royal, Virginia) on 09/23/2015

Editor's Choice I read all the posts about remedies for a chalazion, such as apple cider vinegar, castor oil, etc., and all of these are great, but I'd like to offer you a way to keep from getting them in the first place. I discovered that there is a compelling link between foods you are sensitive to and the development of a chalazion on your eye. For me, it is eggs, dairy, and anything with sulfites in it, like white wine. You will want to experiment until you find your trigger foods. I learned this concept from a total stranger, who saw me putting expensive eye drops in my eye in a public restroom, and saw my chalazion. Happily for me, she was not shy, and she approached me and asked, "Do you eat eggs?" Imagine my surprise and confusion. She told me that she recognized both the eye drops I was using and the chalazion I was treating. She said she used to get them all the time, until she learned that she was allergic to eggs. I quit eating eggs and the problem went away.

Pay attention to what time of day the problem is worse or gets better. I saw one post where the contributor noted that theirs was worst in the morning. Mine was always better in the morning, and deteriorated after breakfast: of course, since I was usually eating eggs or cereal with milk, and I have learned that both eggs and milk are triggers. The person who wrote that theirs was worst in the morning is probably eating the offending food at dinnertime or later, causing the inflammation to increase overnight.

You will want to do some careful detective work, because you can't assume that a trigger food will give you a chalazion every time: if I eat one egg by itself, I am usually still ok. What happens is that your trigger foods will prompt a chalazion to set in if you either eat the food several days in a row -- or if you are run down or stressed at the time you partake of the food. Or if you eat multiple trigger foods at the same meal. (An egg quiche washed down with white wine would give me one for sure! )

So continue with all the great ACV, castor oil, etc. that are suggested on this blog -- but try to find why you are prone to them in the first place. Food sensitivities can cause a broad array of weird health issues.

Warm regards from the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, JulieMarie

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ms B (London) on 09/14/2015

Der Doug,

Brilliant info and very funny too. Thank you, I am another fool who tried to pop one last year- surgery ensued, scary, but I was very impressed with the surgeon. Over very fast and healed swiftly although it has taken over a year for the lump on my outer eye to go down. I see another one forming, I'm gunna try ACV>

Frankincense Oil
Posted by Priscilla (Sabah) on 09/04/2015

Can I apply frankincense oil straight away to my daughter's inside eyelid aged 2yrs?

EC: Essential Oils are never to be used in the eyes.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Alison (Naples, Fl) on 08/29/2015

Before I went to bed, I put coconut oil(virgin, cold pressed, found in most grocery stores) on a piece of gauze bandage, then used medical tape to secure it to my eye. I also taped a cotton ball over the gauze bandage, so it would push the bandage into my eye socket so the coconut oil was kept against my eye. In the morning I could see drainage on the gauze. I repeated this for 2 nights and my chalazion was gone.

I have had chalazions many times. They usually take weeks or months to heal. I have had one surgically removed.

I will never do hot compresses again, the coconut oil is the answer.

I hope this helps many people avoid the embarrassment of chalazions.

Castor Oil
Posted by Anshul (Amritsar, Punjab, India) on 08/23/2015

Do I also need to do warm compresses? Plsz share ur experience.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Msviss (Ireland) on 08/22/2015

Thanks for this valuable info...I'm a big believer in natural remedies but I was at a loss with this one as this is my first....chazie thing. I thought it was a stye at first, but soon realized it wasn't. I've only had it for 3 days but am travelling home to Canada for three weeks in a weeks time and don't want to see friends and family that I haven't seen in so long with my 'Quasimodo' eye. Will try ACV first thing. Thanks for sharing.

Salt Water Rinse
Posted by Rina (Miami) on 08/15/2015

I feel the need to tell everyone about a remedy that gets rid of chalazion or stye. Everything started a year ago when I sarted having a stye that turned into chalazion, I was desperate to find an answer other then surgery, so...long story sort I came across with a video on YouTube from a makeup artist guy who also suffered from this eye problems.

He used salt water to rinse his eye, when I first saw this video I was skeptical about doing it but anyway I did it just to see if it would work, well it did worked!!! I rinse my eye with clean previously boiled water that cool down to room temperature and added sea salt to a point that I could rinse with my eye and holding the water (open eye) for 5 seconds or so, I repeated the eye rinse 4 times a day, washing my eye before each rinse with baby shampoo.

Note: (I used one of those measure cups that comes with nightquil or liquid vitamins they have 2 tbspoons maximum capacity so I used that and cleaned it very good before each use and yes I rinse with the eye open, stings just a little but I'm telling you it was like a miracle, as soon as I felt one coming I inmediately did it and it would go in 2 days. Good luck everyone!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rich (Southern California) on 08/13/2015

Thank you for sharing treatment with ACV! I've been struggling with a huge chalazion in my lower eyelid for over 9 months ~ it was massive about the size of a quarter and hurt 24/7, like a roller-coaster up and down in size, then reduced down to the size of a dime and has stayed that way for the last 2 months ~ still an uncomfortable lump against my eye.

In addition to hot compresses I have made my own eye drops using distilled water diluting a few pinches of Himalyan Salt to create the perfect eye drops atleast 10 x per day. I don't want my left eye to feel neglected so I do it in both eyes to be fair and balanced ... I'm weird that way ... and the past week have also added a few drops of pharmaceutical grade DMSO to the eye drop solution AND a few drops of ACV! WOW! The results have been amazing! It burns a little at first, however, there is no damage whatsoever to the eye. Gunky stuff coming out and when I first wake up even more so. Drops go right in to cleanse that stuff out. I actually look forward to using them now ...yep, weird again ... :) It is something else to see how our bodies can heal. It is down to about the size of a small pea and will soon be down to a piece of rice. I am thinking I will continue to make this a ritual for maintenance and perhaps start drinking some as well. I know ... weird again ... but hey, who knows?

Thx again! I never knew about the many healing aspects of using ACV ~ pure liquid gold baby!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Hot Compress
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 08/10/2015

Cynthia, I can attest to the fact that castor oil does grow lashes, even in "empty spaces", not only lengthening existing lashes.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Hot Compress
Posted by Cynthia G. (Michigan) on 08/09/2015

Editor's Choice I was treated for Graves Eye Disease from 2006-2011 and had 21 eye surgeries through this ordeal.

I had 7 decompressions, muscle surgeries, eyelid stuff, retinal procedures and was warned that there was a good chance someday that the sebacious glands would plug up and I would have chalazians. I was treated throughout my eye disease at the VERY BEST EYE HOSPITAL, KELLOGG EYE CENTER, on Planet Earth. 4 years later I got my first chalazian and local doctors thought it was due mostly to all the build-up from scar tissue. So I tried heat compresses for months and one surgeon removed it by cutting through top of eye lid because my lids have been through too much and are brittle and cannot be flipped.

Then 4 stitches and cauterization later, I think all is well. Within 3 weeks I have 4-5 new bumps forming. So I go back and see another doctor and he suggests 4 shots to the eye that will infiltrate the bumps and tells me they will be forever banished in 30 days and NONE will return. I won't even BEGIN to try and explain how crazy painful this procedure was and now I know why FEW attempt this one but I was truly desperate. And I made a SERIOUS LAPSE IN JUDGMENT by not returning to the Kellogg Eye Center and Dr. Victor Elner.

Needless to say, 3 weeks after this last procedure, 3 more cysts appeared and rapidly enlarged. The doxycycline I had been on was doing nothing for me but giving me a constant and consistent yeast infection. I couldn't win. In fact, I felt like I was totally losing ground. So I got on the net and found Earth Clinic and in 12 hours my eye life began to change.

I read about the white tea bag compresses and the ACV applications to the affected eyelid and whammo....when I woke up in the morning my bumps were reduced in size noticeably and apoeared to be coming to a head. Now within 2 days we were able to express the bumps and I have not stopped with the vinegar as I believe it will keep the sebacious glands from hooefully clogging.

I also took someone's advice on Earth Clinic to use baby tearless shampoo to wash eyes. Great idea and I use nothing else.

And I top my regimen off with frankincense or purified castor oil to keep my lids smooth and soft. It has been only 2 full weeks and my affected eye looks so normal it is unreal. Everyday it looks healthier.

The last procedure, the one with the 4 shots to the lid, was traumatizing, and the combination I guess is what has caused me to lose roughly 25 or so eyelashes from the outside upper lid corner. Ugh! I am now hoping time and essential oils will encourage new growth. It has been approximately 3 months.

And I also drink 2-3 ounces of ACV a day and have done this for years. But it was the q-tip and ACV applied directly to the lid that started my turn-a-round. I must comment on how EASY hot compresses are with tea bags. They hold the heat better than anything plus to warm up you just drop back into your hot cup of tea. Chamomile tea works well, too. Have to wonder if the properties of tea are also miracle workers :-) I did both initially.

Any tips on lash growth? One thing at a time.......thank you! Cynthia

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dbug (Berkeley, Ca) on 08/05/2015

Editor's Choice I have struggled with Styes and Chalazions on and off for about 9 years. Since the first one, they've occurred about a dozen times. Not bad, you might think, but half of them lasted longer than a month, and 2 of them lasted nearly a year. The last big one I needed surgery to get rid of it, and even after that was done... it still took months for it to finally go away.

So, you know my history. And during those trials, I tried a LOT. Epsom salt. Warm compresses. Hot compresses. Antibiotics. Colloidal silver. Bentonite clay. Cleanses. Homeopathics. Crazy tinctures. Oh, man, you name it, I tried it. I got so frustrated with the ol' "Quasimodo Eye" that I once tried to "pop" the Chalazion. WARNING: DO NOT EVER DO THIS! Take it from an idiot who got impatient and did that. There is nothing to drain. Chalazions don't work like that. I did that, and it went from awful to out-of-this-world bad. Like, a cross between a horror film and a comedy because it was so unbelievable. (That's when the doctor ordered the surgery.)

So. Here I am. It's been about 3.5 years since that awful occurrence and I live in fear of it happening again. I am careful and wash my eyelids like I'm OCD. And that helps. But, they STILL happen.

Yada yada yada. So 3 weeks ago, I woke up to the familiar horror of a sty. Not the worst I've seen, but oh sweet clowns of destiny, I felt a wave of panic knowing how these things can make a sudden turn for the worst.

Desperate, I spent hours online looking for more possible cures. I found the Apple Cider Vinegar cure here at Earth Clinic. And I didn't have anything to loose, so I tried it.

And this WORKED. Here's what I'd do:

1. It was always worst in the morning. So I'd take a hot shower, and run that hot water over my eye until the hot water tank ran out. Other times in the day, I'd do a hot compress. Always with hot water, as the moisture seems to help in a way that a dry compress doesn't.

2. Next, I'd soak a cotton make-up pad thingy... they're like a cotton ball that has been run over by a steamroller... I'd dab or soak it in ACV. Then I'd close my "Quasimodo Eye" (Lefty) and just land that right on top of my eyelid, holding the thing in place for about 2-5 minutes.

3. I'd repeat those basic steps about 3-6 times a day. Before each application of the ACV, I'd wash my eyelids with just a little bit of soap. But I wouldn't wash them after the ACV application.

Every time I'd do this treatment, within about an hour or two the swelling went down to almost nothing. It came and went like this for a few days. After the third day, my eye suddenly started... well... it's like a lot of mucus started to come out of my eye. Like, crazy amounts. After that, the swelling was almost un-noticeable. And I kept doing the treatments for another 4 or 5 days.

(After a few days, the ACV seemed to burn a bit more... but no harm seemed to come from this.) It was probably 8 or 9 days when I just stopped using the ACV. 2 weeks later, there is the tiniest remnant of it, but only I can tell, and I will probably start a second round of treatments to vanquish whatever remains. But lemme just say that nothing I have tried thus far has gotten me results ANYTHING CLOSE to what ACV has done.

I know how awful these buggers can be, and I truly hope you are reading this post at some point in the future where a permanent, lasting cure has finally eliminated chalazions and styes from humanity's troubled past. BUT, if that ain't the case, and you gots one... fer the love of all that is good and tasty, try this!

Frankincense Oil
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 07/31/2015

Dear Dee,

When we are treating something serious or of a delicate nature and want to use a high quality essential oil, we use Mountain Rose Herbs or Heritage Essential Oils. Both companies use high quality oils and we have found them very effective. For "everyday" type use, though there are a number of oils that we have found to work just fine. We have been using Now oils for many years. I avoid oils sold through Multi-level Marketing companies though. Their oils end up being so expensive. I am not saying they aren't high quality or effective, but I don't think think it is necessary to buy super expensive oils.

I would get a high quality oil for use near the eye and be careful not to get it into the eye. (And if you do get it into the eye, flush with whole milk or olive or coconut oil.) Also, test an area of skin (perhaps the abdomen?) before using a new oil on a delicate area like near the eye to make sure there is no adverse reaction.

While the original poster used the oil straight on the chalazion, I would probably dilute it a bit with a carrier oil and see if that would be just as effective, and if not, then consider using it straight.

~Mama to Many~

Frankincense Oil
Posted by Dee (Mechanicsburg, Pa) on 07/30/2015

Just out of curiosity, what brand of frankincense did you use?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Stephanie (Long Valley, Nj) on 07/26/2015

Hi Timh and earth clinic,

I have all of the autoimmune disorders, sjogrens, lymes, etc... so I don't heal fast, but, I now have a giant pea size chalazion on my right, upper eyelid, for 2 weeks, and growing. 4 doctors later, and opthamalic antibiotics, and Tobradex, it is worse every day. They are doing the surgery on it tomorrow. I don't feel that I heal well enough to have surgery. I am desperate to find a natural remedy. If the chalazion shows improvement by tomorrow morning then I can cancel the surgery. I have tried natural stye drops by simil _ _ _ _, hot wet washcloths, ACV externally, I do take a tbsp internally 4 days/wk, tea bags, internal turmeric capsules 1daily, I dont have any jewelry so I can't rub gold on it, I have washed the lid with baby shampoo, massaged it, I tried ice, I have tried a warm hard boiled egg wrapped in a warm wet washcloth, I have put aloe on the lid, I am taking 500mg lysine, 2x/day. What can I do? it's so large that it even covers part of my eye and impairs my vision, plus the lump is so big that my eyelid skin is stretched out and sensitive and purplish. Please advise. Thank you soooooo much. Steph

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kimber (Vancouver) on 07/07/2015

Re: Chalzion - Apple Cider Vinegar worked for me too. I had a large chalizon on my lower eyelid. Went to the doctor he said that he did not think it would heal itself and refered me to an opthamologist for the minor surgery to lance it. I decided to try some naturopathic remedies. SO!!! Glad I did. I used the egg compress (see a post later on) for a few days with the castor oil and frankincense. This brought out a bigger white head on the chalizon but nothing else. After a few days of this I decided to try the ACV. I bought some with the mother from a health foods store and took a q-tip and dipped it in the ACV and then carefully wiped the q-tip over the head of the chalizon on the inside of my lower eye lid. I did this in the morning and then again at night. Shazam - the chalizon almost immediately started draining. When you think about it -it makes sense. The ACV is a natural acid - which had the power to break through the blockage. When I woke up this morning the size of the white head in my eyelid was about 1/3 the size of the day before. I did another q-tip swab of the ACV this morning and the egg compress afterward and almost immediately the chalizon continued to drain more (I can tell by the white gunk in my eye - which I wash out with a cotton pad and water). I am gently massaging the outside lump under my eye and as I do I can feel more liquid released in my eye. Don't know whether it is a combination of everything that worked - but I would say that the ACV and the egg compress are the key.

Egg Compress
Posted by Linda (Ireland) on 07/01/2015

Thanks so much for advice, egg compress and ACV worked wonders and my cyst has gone, so thrilled

Apple Cider Vinegar, Hot Compress
Posted by Jewels (Ny, Ny) on 06/24/2015

First off I would stop with the massaging. If you feel it will help I would do it after you've applied castor oil to the area. I had what I thought was a stye about a week and a half ago. After the first four or five days the swelling went down and the pain went away leaving me with the bump that I discovered is a chalazion. I immediately found natural remedy sites and all of them discuss the apple cider vinegar compresses. I am drinking it (1tbsp in 8 oz. of water) twice a day as well. Additionally after each compress I do which is about 3 times per day I don't necessarily wipe off the apple cider vinegar but I follow up with leaving a layer of castor oil on my lid. I tried some light massage tonight but the castor oil helps you not irritate the skin. The pea sized ball has gone down significantly since starting this regime which I have been doing for about 4-5 days. All the sites I have read over and over state to continue this until it's gone which has time frames that vary. I also have not been wearing any eye makeup at all during this process. Keep at it! It seems it works! Just don't massage your eye without the castor oil.

Boiled Egg
Posted by Thillai (Germany) on 06/18/2015


I had chalazion on my upper and lower lid of my eye. After the surgery has done 1 month later I can feel the bump on both the places. Can I follow this boiled egg treatment. If so how long and how many times a day. Thanks in advance.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Hot Compress
Posted by Joanna72 (Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire) on 06/13/2015


Hi, I am going through my first and hopefully last chalazion. It all started about 5 weeks ago when my left eyelid started to swell up. I didn't know what was causing it at first and because it wasn't painful I just ignored it thinking it was just an infection and that it would resolve by itself. About a week later though a small bump started to develop in the middle of my eyelid right on the lash line, which scared me at first as I had never seen something like it before and seeing a small lump on my eyelid made me think the worst to begin with. I then researched my symptoms online and what came back was a chalazion. What I had seemed to fit what I had read and seen on the web. I went to see my doctor and he thought it was a stye and prescribed me flucloxacillin for a week. It wasn't long after starting the antibiotics that I woke up one morning and had yellow crustiness on my upper and lower lashes along with white gunk in my eyes and lashes, not nice!

I started early on with just using hot compresses and massaging. After reading up on home remedies I then began using ACV as well as washing my eye out with saltwater. The pea sized lump I had on my lash line two weeks ago has now almost gone but my eyelid is still badly swollen and puffy looking. I have also damaged the top of my eyelid as I overdone it with the massaging and some skin has come off. Is it best for me to stop because of this? It's just I'm worried that the lump will get bigger again if I don't continue with the warm compresses.

Also, do you wash ACV off your eye immediately after applying it or do you just leave it on? No one's explained that yet.

Egg Compress
Posted by Kate (Philippines ) on 06/03/2015

How many days to remove it?

Posted by Angela (Uae) on 05/08/2015

If you are using Pulsatilla 200 and have never used it before you can take 3 doses 1/2 hour or one hour between each. 1 dose can be one pill if they are large or 2 if they are small. The quantity of pills is not the issue so much as the frequency of taking the pills. Why? because homeopathic remedies don't have any amount of the original substance, it is the energy of the substance that is curative.

It may be that the right remedy for you could be another one like staphisagria. I took pulsatilla about a week ago and no change. Went to see my homeopathic dr yesterday and he suggested staphisagria 200 and it has started to seep since last night.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Daniel (London) on 04/23/2015

Hi, can you pls elaborate in detail about how to apply ACV, like whether it should be applied on the outer side of eyelid or on the inner side, which will sting guessing from experience of the people here. Should it be mixed with hot water and then be used with cotton ball or it should be added to hot water soaked cotton ball?

Posted by Chanda (Germany) on 04/14/2015

hi I need some suggestion for using pulsatilla 200. how should I use it I want to know the dosage how many times per day and for how long. I am asking for eye problems like styes and chalazions.

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