Colloidal Silver for stubborn styes/chalazion
My naturopath told us to do colloidal silver sprayed directly on to the eye 5 times a day for months. We also avoided eggs. And it treated the most gross looking stubborn stye I have ever seen. It did take a while, but this was a stye we had been battling for almost a year. Silver worked when nothing else did (so many different remedies mentioned tried). Now if we see one cropping up, we just do the silver sprays and it is gone by the next day or even as early as 1/2 day later. The most important part of it is that it really has to be 4-5 sprays/day. And the avoidance of eggs may be a crucial element as well.
Fish Liver Oil, Vitamins
Hi Maria,
Thank you for your message. Was your Chalazion large? Mine is a size of a lentil. How long did it take to go? How much Vit A did you take?
Castor Oil
Castor oil is typically applied over the chalazion. If the oil is pure it should not feel painfull if it gets into the eye. I have used it on a chalazion that was several years old and the chalazion shrunk quickly. The oil never bothered my eye.
Castor Oil
hi, please assist, how did you apply this castor oil to help with your chazalion? On top of the eyelid or under the eyelid? I'm desperately needing to remove a chazalion under my eyelid, tried everything including spending so much money with the eye doctors, it is still there 9 months later and not popping at all and irritating me a lot, I will like to try this castor oil, how do I use it?
Warm Compresses, Massaging
Dear Christa, my son used to get these chalazions one after another, initially what I researched said to give him raisins and apply colloidal silver. So nutritionally something is lacking causing a deficiency and to apply assistance topically. He gets them less frequently now but says the silver stings. Last chazalion I used baking soda paste, mixed with water, it was soothing so he was able to leave it on half hour, and it acted as a poultice drawing the pus out. I only did this twice, morning and night, and there was significant improvement. For you, since you are having good results from castor oil, I would apply a thick layer to the eyelid when I went to bed, so that as you sleep you have constant action of the castor oil, as it is a very slow absorption. I have done this myself, as it helps me go to sleep, if you are using organic cold pressed hexane free it is not an issue if it goes in the eyes. Best to you
Warm Compresses, Massaging
I am suffering from a chalazion for about a month now. It started as a stye which got healed with meds but the chalazion remained. It is inside my left lower lid. I have tried homeopathy but it doesn't seem to be making much of a difference. Have gone to the eye doctor but he only gave me antibiotic drops and ointment which stopped the infection but didn't reduce the chalazion.
I have been doing warm compresses with salt. The chalazion gets small after the compresses but returns to its original size within a few minutes of the compresses. I have read about sea salt compresses and just started with. Not sure if it would help! Also started applying organic hexane free castor oil on the skin outside of the chalazion and light massages.
My chalazion keeps changing shape and consistency. Sometimes it's soft and sometimes it gets a little hard. But when I massage it with castor oil it's size decreases considerably for an instant and almost becomes flat but gets back its shape soon.
Has anyone else experienced this? I need some help please.
I would try cold pressed hexane free castor oil. It seems like it would be safer than antibiotic and steroid drops. Coconut oil is also gentle and healing.
Castor Oil
Hello! I have a 9 month old with a chalazion.. it's been about 3 months now and it's not going away after antibiotic drops, ointment and then a antibiotic/steriod ointment.
We are waiting to see a specialist but it's going to take 4 months (only 1 in town). I started to try ACV and I'm noticing a lot more white oil stuff coming out.. but his eye is still chronically red/inflamed. So the ACV is an astringent but what can I do for the inflammation? Castor oil?
Castor Oil
Do we need to apply castor oil on the inner side of the eyelid?
Castor Oil
Hi Carlita,
Thanks for your reply. I have this Chalazion in both my eyes since 8 months. Will the Similsan Pink Eye help for this kind of Chalazion?
Thanks again.
Castor Oil
You might also try a homeopathic eye infection remedy called Similsan Pink Eye or Stye Eye Relief. Any of them that have 12X sulfur as an active ingredient. Apparently mites hate sulfur.
Good luck!!
Castor Oil
I have chalazion in both my eyes. Can you please let me know how did you apply the castor oil.
Thank you.
Castor Oil
Castor oil has healed the chalazion on my eyelid. Cheap big box store brand of castor oil. Nothing special. Labled for internal use. Thank you Earthclinic!
I've had cataract surgery September 2017. Can I use organic apple cider vinegar on a chalazion inside my lower eyelid?
Apple Cider Vinegar
You put the apple cider vinegar on the inside of the lid, not just on top?
Apple Cider Vinegar
Thank you for your post. I was just wondering how you are getting on. I had a chalazion the size of a pea last September. It kept growing, so I opted for surgery. It's been nearly six months and my eyelids still a bit swollen. How did it take your eyelid heal after the first surgery? Did it ever go back to normal?
Sorry to disturb you. Look forward to hearing from you.
Regards, Simone
Apple Cider Vinegar
Hi Jamie,
Thank you for the wonderful post and the information you have provided regarding Chalazion. I developed my Chalazion almost 7 months ago in my left eye. I got another chalazion in my left eye 6 weeks ago.
I purchased silicea 6c Borion & calc fluor 6x Hylands and have been taking religiously since last 5 days. I have noticed some improvement in my chalazion (size getting smaller). I will continue taking it and will report back.
I am wondering should I take Birion calc flour 6c or continue with Hylands calc fluor 6x (i am taking 4 tablets). Please help.
Thanks again.
Hi Jamie,
Thank you for the wonderful post and the information you have provided regarding Chalazion. I developed my Chalazion almost 7 months ago in my left eye. I got another chalazion in my left eye 6 weeks ago.
I purchased silicea 6c Borion & calc fluor 6x Hylands and have been taking religiously since last 5 days. I have noticed some improvement in my chalazion (size getting smaller). I will continue taking it and will report back.
I am wondering should I take Birion calc flour 6c or continue with Hylands calc fluor 6x (i am taking 4 tablets). Please help.
Thanks again.
Homeopathy (silicea & calc fluor.) for hardened, large, pea-size, long standing Chalazion
My son developed a Chalazion on his right eye (upper lid) around 10 months ago. I was very ill and depleted of all energy to function normally at the time and couldn't do much research on how to help him. I was not happy with the options typically used to "heal" these relentless chalazion: surgery, steroids, antibiotics. Once I was feeling much better a few months later I could dive into research what he needed. I found several natural remedies and most of them seemed far fetched to try on my then 3 year old son. Him putting a warm/hot wet cloth on his eye was not gonna happen especially in the recommended 4-6 times a day at 10-20 minutes each time, eye drops, etc.
In my research it seemed that getting a long standing chalazion that had hardened to soften up was the key to getting it to drain and heal was the ticket. I was researching homeopathy options since I have seen it work for so many other things in our family. After countless hours and 5 or 6 months of researching when I had time I narrowed it down to two remedies I was going to try. Silicea 6c and Calc Fluor. 6c, a dose of each (2 globules of each kind in the mouth at the same time). Silicea brings things out of the body so I was hoping it would bring the pus to the surface.The Calc. Flur has been used for long standing, hardened chalazions.
I would give him a dose morning, noon and evening. The chalazion went thru many phases of me wondering if it was getting better/smaller or not. I took photos almost every day but it was hard to compare the shape/size of it with photos taken from different angles/lighting, etc. Plus, he is 3 so getting him to stand still is challenging for a closeup of his eye. So, some days it would look shiny/red/irritated/angry and other days the redness was gone and it looked smaller. Also, the chalazion shape was changing. So, it went from "oh it looks better" to "oh, I'm not sure if it is improving" but kept going anyway.
After about 10 days from starting the remedies it started looking like a pus pocket was forming on the lower left side of the chalazion. I figured this was a good sign especially if at some point we could get it to open up and massage the junk out. The pus area kept getting bigger and now the chalazion had morphed into a rounded point on that left side where the pus pocket was. If we pressed on the chalazion it was no longer hard and it seemed like it wanted to burst and I thought eventually it would but it never did. We just kept going with the remedies. Around or just before 2 weeks after starting the remedies we could definitely tell it was getting smaller. Today marks the evening of the 16th day of using these 2 remedies and we noticed after his bath that the curve of his upper eye lid was no longer deformed, AT ALL. The chalazion had gotten so big before these remedies that it deformed the contour of his upper eye lid. Instead of it being a typical, natural arch it had a big undulating curve in it. You couldn't see his whole eye because of the deformity. BUT no more.
The arch of his eyelid looked completely normal. When he woke up on the 17th day it had shrunk so much while he slept. It was maybe 15% of it's original size. Sidenote: In the mornings I would notice the biggest change in the chalazion....Some days when I would think it looked way better in the morning by evening it would like angry. I guess my advice would be to keep going with the remedies. I will report back in a week or so with the final results.
The silica 6c and the calc fluor 6c by borion you can purchase on amazon.com or probably any online homeopathic shop.
Also, these are the other homeopathic remedies we tried that didn't work:
- Staphisagria
- Plantanus Occ.
We also tried adding flax seed oil to his diet
If my son was older I would have also would have tried the following as well....
-the charcoal/flax meal poltice pouch. using charcoal since it is a drawing agent just makes sense.
-diy eye drops with distilled water and a little manuka honey....the honey burns and I wasn't sure how many weeks I would have to use it and on a 3 year old seemed like a major challenge. I just didn't want to put him thru that. So, we didn't go that route but I would of definitely done it on myself or if he were older. Or even the optimal manuka honey eye drops.
This is very long winded but I am hope that the details will help someone.
Best of luck,
Please be very careful with applying castor oil on the eyeball directly, I've read of corneal abrasion due to castor oil.
Colloidal Silver
Hi there, Can you tell me if the colloidal silver drops burn? Thinking of trying them on my son's chalazion. Also, what brand did you use? Thanks so much for your help.
Apple Cider Vinegar, Boiled Egg Compress
Apple Cider Vinegar and hard boiled egg compress is working! Yay for home remedies and great people like all of you who share information to help others!
This is a before/week later picture of my 4 year old son's eye after he had a sty and then got pink eye on top of it! In 2 days it had swelled up to the big bump “chalazion” on top picture! I found this site and began using the hard boiled egg (wrapped in paper towel) compress for 10 mins. About 2-5 times a day and then carefully rubbing ACV on it with a q-tip and letting it air dry. I'm so amazed and plan to post another picture once it's completely healed!
Thank you everyone who has posted, it truly means so much that we don't have to have it lanced or worse!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Did the skin where the chalazion was clear up? Did redness fade?
Apple Cider Vinegar
I have had a small chalazion on my upper right eyelid for almost 4 months. It formed after a stye I had there did not drain properly. I recently made an appointment to have it surgically removed. While searching the Internet for more info on the surgical procedure I will be undergoing, I came across your website and thought I'd give some of these natural remedies a try while waiting for surgery . Last night and this morning I dabbed/massaged a qtip saturated with " straight" Apple Cider Vinegar with " the mother" --not diluted with water. Then with a fresh q tip I massaged some coconut oil on the site to soothe it and further address the inflammation of the chalazion. I left the coconut oil on for about 15 minutes then wiped off with a warm to hot damp wash cloth. Then I used a hot compress for about 5 minutes on the area pressing down where the chalazion is. I truly cannot believe it! The chalazion has shrunk dramatically!! I can barely see or feel it. This is just after two treatments. I am going to continue doing this three times a day. I'm hoping to cancel surgery if this great result continues. Thank you so much for your website!
Apple Cider Vinegar, Hot Compress
Tom - Yes, I mix warm water and organic ACV, about 1 to 1 ratio. You can use a cotton ball to apply it, just leave the cotton ball on eyelid for about a 5 minutes, 2-3 times a day followed by boiling water on washcloth hot compresses. It's tough to say how long it will take to open, mine was large and seemed ready to open up and did after several treatments. Good luck.
Apple Cider Vinegar, Hot Compress
Thanks Marc for sharing this.
I have this bad Chalazion since last 4 months on both of my eyes. Lower eyelid Chalazion on right side and upper eyelid Chalazion on right side. It is embarrassing and look like a Zoombie many times.
I will try as you have mentioned with ACV. Do you apply ACV/Hot water combo by rubbing it on the eyelid? How many days it took for the Chalazion to open up and drain? How many times in a day did you try this method.
Really appreciate for sharing your story. I will try it tonight and share my results in couple of days.
Thank you,
Apple Cider Vinegar, Hot Compress
Yes, I continue to get styes, but have been able to knock them out quickly with this treatment. One doc told me styes are always at the base of eyelashes. A chalazion will start as a stye-looking lump on the edges of eyelids (the parts that touch when you blink) then eventually move to inside the eyelid. Causes for getting them are thought to be hygiene, dandruff, dusty environments, stress, and heredity.
Apple Cider Vinegar
I know it's late but if you still have photos I would love to see them. I have had surgery and it came back not even two weeks later. I also have Blepharitis and I'm so self conscious about my chalaxion :( I just don't know what to do anymore..
Salt Water Rinse
How hard was yours? I've had a second one after I removed first by surgery. And it's hard like a pea. Trying out sea salt water. Since three days. No difference
Multiple Remedies
Thank you for your advice. May I ask why we should stay away from electronic devises?
Apple Cider Vinegar, Hot Compress
Have you continued to get styes with the current routine your using? I have had two styes and one Chalazion or stye. It seemed to go down quickly so I'm not sure if it is a Chalazion, I've had it for about 3 weeks but it's not at all the size it started off as. I'm scared I will continue to get them.
Epsom Salt, Tea, Castor Oil
Have your styes continued to recur using this remedy? My symptoms are almost exactly the same. Two styes, now one stye or Chalazion under the lid.
Apple Cider Vinegar, Hot Compress
40 Yr old male, had styes and chalazion off an on for 11 months. Lower eyelid.
Had chalazion lanced by an eye doc - it was a horrible experience and very painful despite the local anesthesia, plus it came back. Tried antibiotics including doxycycline and tobradex ointment for a month. Visited doctor 4 times, spent around $800 on this annoying condition. It would seemingly go away and keep coming back. I also was not religious about my treatment depending on the size of the lump. It kept getting worse and became huge (size of a gumball) and very red. Had a head like a pimple on inside of eyelid. The lump was very firm and seemed to not want to open up. Considered surgery. I was miserable and didn't want to go out if I didn't have to. The 2nd doc I visited said it was solid like butter and heat would make it liquid to drain out. He steered me away from a lancing and surgery.
Also tried dry warm compresses with a gel mask, hundreds of times. I tried tea bags with parsley, vitamin A, castor oil, colloidal silver, straight ACV, coconut oil, etc. Here's what finally worked for mine:
Was washing eyelids with baby shampoo 2 times a day or before any treatment, using colloidal silver (Sovereign Silver) drops, 2-3 drops directly into eye 2-3x per day for 4 days. Took multi vitamins. Drank ACV everyday (maybe a teaspoon). Used castor oil on lump topically. Was researching and found this site.
Went back to ACV, but this time warmed up some water, mixed in 1/2 ACV. Put a cotton ball into the ACV and soaked eyelid for 5-10 minutes.
Did some get inside eyelid? - Yes. Could feel the ACV working. Boiled water. Dip clean washcloth into the hot water and did a hot compress with this by getting it close to the lump but not touching until it was just hot enough to touch to eyelid. It was HOT. Re-heated the cloth when it cooled. Massaged on eye for 5-10 minutes and it finally opened up the chalazion from the inside of my eyelid. Kept massaging/milking the drainage out until I could not see any more coming out. A lot of yellow-ish oil/discharge came out. Kept using heat to try to keep the contents liquid. Flushed eye with warm water. Put in a few drops of the colloidal silver. Lump is not gone and is still somewhat red but looks way better and reduced the following day.
Mine may have been a combination of remedies, but I think the ACV followed by HOT WET compress did the trick. Will continue the 1/2 ACV with warm water soak, then hot compresses. Using coconut oil to help the skin on eyelid heal. That was a terrific feeling after this many months of enduring this embarrassing lump. So to those of you who are about to give up, use ACV soaks and go hotter with the compress! Moist heat seemed better then dry heat. It should open on its own without help of a doctor (they don't make money by recommending ACV). Thanks to all who posted their remedies on here, you helped me out.
My son was told to put warm wash clothes on his eyes to clear up the chalazion. This only made the problem worse because as it turns out he is allergic to nickel that was in the water at our old apartment. So we were making his allergy worse by putting the warm wash clothes on his eyes. By avoiding nickel as much as possible he hasn't had too many more chalazion.
Apple Cider Vinegar
I am in Toronto and I buy apple cider vinegar from the health food stores. Here's a couple of options: Healthy Planet, The Big Carrot.
Allergy Drops
Hi, I just wanted to clarify for people regarding warm compresses. They are actually made by taking some rice (or oats) and placing them in a clean cotton sock or enclosing in clean cotton material. Place that in the microwave for 1 & 1/2 to 2 minutes. This type of warm compress holds the heat and a little moisture. These should be applied to the eye for 10-15 minutes at a time.
Warming up a washcloth every few minutes doesn't work the same way as doing this. Before we had microwaves, people used hot water bottles to apply warm compresses.
Apple Cider Vinegar
I had a chalazion and I had surgery for it. After few months I got another chalazion in the same eye, but I do not want to go for any surgery now. I read about ACV and I started fermenting my eye with it and also drank it once a day. The chalazion has minimized a lot but when I stop using ACV fermentation it pops up again. What should I do to remove it permanently but not surgecally.
Epsom Salt
September 2017 ......I've had a Chalazion in each eye for the past 5 months! I'm a 50 yr old night shift worker going through the menopause and have suffered with dry eyes for the past year or so. I've stopped wearing contact lenses due to dry eyes and constant styes and now Chalazions. After the doctor telling me that the NHS refuse to operate now due to cutbacks and finding out that privately it would cost in excess of £500 for each eye with no guarantee that it would be successful or that it wouldn't return, I decided to persevere in treating this myself. I searched the internet for hours and tried a whole load of remedies. After trying pretty much everything over the space of 3 weeks nothing seemed to be shrinking the Chalazions.
The regular salt water eye washes did get rid of all redness and inflammation. The Chalazions being so hard and stubborn after having them for 5 months have taken a lot of patience and determination to get rid but I'm almost there now.
First I washed my eyes 4 times a day with baby shampoo. I got 2 socks and filled them with rice to about the size of a golf ball and tied a knot in them and microwaved for about a minute. I soaked 2 large make up remover pads in Epsom salts and boiled water 50/50. I placed the soaked pads on each eye and then held the heated rice socks on my eyes being careful not to burn eyelids. I did this for half an hour, 4 to 5 times a day. Time consuming but it works! Having the constant heat there shrinks and softens the hard Chalazions. Gently massage after for about a minute each time.
I have been doing this repeatly for about 3 days now and my Chalazions have shrunk to about one fifth in size to what they were and are almost gone. I shall continue to do this until they have totally disappeared. I reckon 2 more days of this treatment should do the trick. I wish Doctors would give this advice to sufferers because this remedy really works, which is why I'm sharing this. I don't wish these awful unsightly things on anyone. Good luck and please just persevere as I have. I promise it really does work.
Coconut Oil
Manuka Honey
Bob W. This happened to me. I was not astute enough to realize it.
I went in to renew. Put my face in position. I could not see the screen. I repositioned my face several times. They passed me. But I have no idea what I read. I do not think anything. The tester was abrupt.
Took the drivers portion and passed. Went home and began having problems. Eyes were goopy. Strange breakouts. Feeling off for quite awhile. Eyebrow bumps.
I knew there was a problem with the viewer but did not realize it was an ongoing thing until I read your post. It all makes sense now. This eye and nasal sores, mostly inside nose keeps reoccurring. Whatever was on that thing blinded me somewhat for a short time. Who knows what I picked up.
Thanks for posting.
Manuka Honey
I went to the DMV recently to renew my drivers licence. It was a hot summer day in the late afternoon. The DMV was packed with sweaty people waiting for their numbers to be called. My number was finally called. I stepped up to the machine to have my eyes tested. The machine was filthy with the residual sweat and oil from hundreds of people putting their faces into the machine. I looked for a tissue or some sort of alcohol wipe of some sort but there was nothing to clean off this equipment in sight. The best I could do is wipe it down with my bare hand. I pressed my face into the machine, got my test and proceeded to have my new photo taken and left. I got in the car and used a hand sanitizer to wash my hands. The next morning I woke up with two different infections, one in each eye. I had a bump under my lower left eye lid like a small round ball, which I assumed was a chalazion, and in the right eye on the lower lid itself was a sty.
I didn't want to go to the doctor knowing that all they'd do is prescribe antibiotics, which I didn't want to take if I didn't have to. I proceeded with warm compresses 4x a day. At night and in the morning I applied Active Manuka Honey (15+) directly into both eyes with a Q-tip. I knew Manuka Honey had properties to kill the MRSA virus so figured it must have natural properties in line with antibiotics. The Manuka Honey stings and causes your eyes to water quite a bit for about 3-5min but it goes away completely after that. Also, it's not the big sticky mess you'd imagine with putting honey in your eye. At night I leave the full strength Manuka in my eyes all night long. In the morning I leave it in only while eating breakfast, but combine it with the warm compress.
I've seen increadable results, the sty went away almost immediately. The chalazion takes longer to go away. It has reduced tremendously down to the size of a small buckshot bb. The initial chalazion was even distorting my vision by the pressue it was giving to the eye itself. That has reversed. I occassionally get dry eye and they are sensitive to artifical fragrances, particularly the noxious gas given off by the ubiquitous dryer sheets people use. The Manuka Honey treatment seems to have soothed my eyes and they feel well moistened and healthier.
You can purchase Manuka Honey online or at Whole Foods. The key is to find one which has a higher "UMF rating" of 15+ or higher. Manuka Honey comes from New Zealand and is honey derived from bees that pollinate the manuka (tea tree) bush.
This is true for me currently! Could you please provide me with an update of your situation? I'm hesitant to use more ACV because it's definitely working but it also looks like my eyelid may be burned.
Colloidal Silver
I developed a chalazion on my lower left eyelid. I initially tried using ACV but was really irritating my eye. I decided to give Colloidal Silver drops a try. I put in 2 drops 3-4 times a day and started to see relief and reduced inflammation right away. I'm on day 5 now and it is almost completely gone!! I should be all good within the next couple days.
My chalazion was about a week old when I knew my eye was a problem on November 7,2016. I remember because I visited a friend that day and it was embarrassing. It was under my left top eyelid near the corner like Rebecca's above photo. I had swelling and redness, but never any pain. I came to this site for information and tried castor oil for about a week with no success. It was about another week after trying the ACV that I went full strength ACV, so by early December I saw improvement and then posted my success on December 22 or 23. Don't forget the hot compresses. I believe they were equally important. I did hot tap water on a wash cloth five or six times every morning. My results were not as quick as Rebecca's, but there was gradual improvement. I would give yourself a month of ACV and compresses. If it's not showing improvement, I would increase the number of times you apply the ACV during the day. I have no way of knowing, but I think that the ACV killed the bacteria? (So many people who posted on here about chalazions have had surgery and antibiotics with no results. I'm afraid of doctors anyway.)
Apple Cider Vinegar
Thanks for the reply! How long did you have the chalazion before you started this method? I have had for quite some time now, over a year, despite doc visits, antibiotics, etc. I am going to continue with ACV for a couple of more weeks, hopefully I see some results!
Activated Charcoal
Hi there, how was the progress on this? When you say popped on their own, did you see them drain out themselves in the morning?
Apple Cider Vinegar
The improvement was gradual and steady, but I was using warm compresses (hot tap water on a washcloth) as well as the ACV described above. My chalazion has been gone for some time now. If I touch the outside area of my eyelid, sometimes I think I can feel a very, very tiny bump, the size of a pinhead perhaps, but it has never swelled again. I would not hesitate to use the ACV full strength and warm compresses again. I would like to add, that it is my chalazion was caused by using old mascara, the kind in a tube with a brush. I knew better than to use old mascara as bacteria will build up in it.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Hey I just wanted to know your progress. I started using ACV on my chalazion for a good week or two and although initially I saw some improvement, I haven't seen much after that and it feels like the swelling in the morning has grown. This makes me not want to continue with it. Did you have a similar experience? I see that you took it for a few weeks, did you see a steady improvement?
Castor Oil
I just found this site today. Dealing with a chalazion under my upper eyelid and six weeks ago the doctor gave me a steroid shot. It hurt and just made a big white dot on my eyelid next to the lump. The white spot is still there and so is the lump! When I returned to the doctor she clearly wanted me to get the surgery, but after reading others' experiences, I don't want to do it. I just bought castor oil and ACV. I am going to start with castor oil tonight first and try it for a few days. If that doesn't work, I'll try the ACV. Does Castor Oil need to be diluted at all or just use it straight?
Castor Oil
Hi Sabah,
Can you elaborate on the connection between your diet and the chalazion? Also, do you use the warm compresses before or after applying castor oil or at the same time (i.e. you dip the compresses in a mixture of castor oil and warm water)?
Hot Compress, Essential Oils
Hot Compresses for Chalazions
This works. I poured rice into a clean sock and microwaved it for 2 minutes. I wet a was rag and wrapped it around the sock and held it directly on my eye where the chalazion is for 10 minutes, twice a day. I coupled that with a tea tree oil, garlic oil, coconut oil and frankincense oil mixture, all combined on a clean q-tip. I applied that mixture directly to the chalazion and it has been reducing in size ever since I started the applications. I plan to continue this until the chalazion has completely disappeared. I will update my progress in a few weeks, hopefully shorter depending on healing time. Good luck everyone! Try something until it works.
Castor Oil, Epsom Salt, Chamomile Tea
All I can say is, I wish I could give all chalazion/stye sufferers one big, tear-ridden hug. I've been suffering with eye problems since 2014; I'm in my twenties and I'm a mascara wearer, been one for years. However, I've come to realize my methods of make-up removal were not up to par. It all started in my right eye, the feeling of a piece of sand stuck underneath my top lid. I see the white-head, and assume it's a pimple, and I go full force when I see a white-head. DO NOT EVER DO THIS. EVER! I made it worse, google image search a picture of a stye and I was probably the worst picture that comes up. However the actual stye went away within a few days with just mere warm compresses.
This was just merely the intro. Evidently I did not drain the stye properly, because it appeared to harden to a small lump under my eye. I'm a pretty aloof person in general, and I'm not one to zone in on micro imperfections on my face as well as others, but one day I noticed that my right lid was a bit..lumpier? Than the left. I realize it's still probably some puss. Fast forward to researching about ACV and coconut oil, I go full force. All I did was burn my lid because I stupidly used pure apple cider vinegar instead of diluted. Okay, I back off and dilute the vinegar. Nothing. Maybe the swelling went down for me, but swelling wasn't my problem as it was a small rice sized lumb is stuck under my damn lid! Nothing would make it budge. It's 2017 and I still have this small lump, but it's barely noticeable.
Enter my left eye. I've been blissfully accustomed to my left eye being the golden child, problem free. I get a stye of February this year. A pretty bad one. At this point I'm not panicking because styes actually go away fairly quickly for me. I even do a bit of ACV treatment with my newfound knowledge of it. (ACV works miraculously for STYES, but in my case, not for chalazions). It's draining, I had to call a few days off work but it's draining. I delight when I see the collection of pure white gunk collect in the corner of my eye (fellow stye/chalazion sufferers, you'll definitely know how great this feels). My eye seems back to normal!!! Except...it's just like my right eye, there's another small lump!! And I'll be damned if it's symmetrical with my right!!
I get depressed over this now and then. I wouldn't call myself a vain person but having eye problems like this is just embarassing, although nobody has ever pointed out they noticed it, except my boyfriend who was unfortunately my right hand man during my terrible stye flame up which everyone could notice (I tactfully stayed indoors).
Okay onto the treatment, sorry I just wanted to share my story with you guys and know that I'm with you totally, I know how frustrating it is to have something that will never go away, and surgery will never be an option for me. But..here's the light at the end of the tunnel. On a whim I bought castor oil. Yeah I've read such things about it helping eye problems, but the good stories seemed few and far between. It seemed the frontrunner of chalazion cures was still ACV, but that just doesn't do anything for me other than smell bad and burn my lid, even diluted. (and yes, I alternate warm compresses and cool ACV every so often, sometimes doing this multiple times a day for a week straight, nothing). But castor oil. I've read many techniques, so I kind of make my own routine to see how that will work. And by god..I think I got something going here. My lump under my left eye seems more "localized", meaning I could definitely isolate it and move it around other than it just being a swollen mass.
Note: I do want to focus on my right eye, but that is just a small piece of rice compared to my left. I apply castor oil, soak a warm paper towel in some epsom salts (that also has been working and encouraging little crusties in my eyes when I wake up in the morning which I take as a good sign) and lay that right on top of the castor oil so it kind of sticks. From what I've learned, when you read "warm compress", it does not have to be piping hot or even "hot as you can stand". Take it from me guys, all it does is burn your eyelid and make it red and even more unsightly. Definitely warm but not to the point of pain, it should feel soothing. I alternate between this and cool treatments of chamomile tea bags for just a few minutes. When I wake up in the morning, it feels a bit smaller and smaller. I know this is going to take a while but thats how long it needs, and folks, they do eventually go away. Some people have had theirs for years when one day it just goes. It's just unfortunate for those of us who have to be in the public and are always a bit weary of our eyes. However, I will never get surgery. There's no guarantee it will be removed, and I've read stories of scarring and sometimes styes/chalazions coming back for vengeance. I'm sure surgery has worked for some and I applaud them, however, I believe homeopathy is the way to go and everyone is different so we all just need to keep experimenting.
For me, castor oil, epsom salts, and chamomile tea all together have been showing some differences. You could even do these treatments before you have to be somewhere. Just remember, do not burn your eyelid because you could make it worse and who knows, you may just be dealing with an inflamed lid instead of something underneath and you wouldn't know it because you're burning it.
Sorry for the long post, just wanted to finally share my struggles. I can't wait for the day where they make a magic pill to cure these things. And yes I've tried staphysagria and it didn't do anything for me.
Hi, I have a chalazion inside my left eyelid... I would like to try the apple cider vinegar..is it a must to buy it "with mother"? Because it's hard to find in Toronto.... Thanks
Apple Cider Vinegar
When I placed the apple cider vinegar over my eyelid which was closed, for 5 minutes it did darken my eyelid. The coloration went away after several days. I've never put the apple cider vinegar directly on my chalazion. My eyelid was always closed and it was on a cotton ball over the eyelid for up to five minutes.
Pin Prick, Hydrogen Peroxide
I had to deal with a massive chalazion on my left eye through most of my high school years. I got surgery and it went away and although I thought it was cured and by washing my eyelids daily it would never come back as the doctor said boy was I wrong, it came back a week later, bigger and stronger. So what I did was pop it with a safety pin and put some hydrogen peroxide on it shortly after its been years now and its never came back since.
Salt Water Rinse
Does it work with iodized salt or only sea salt?
Apple Cider Vinegar
To Jasmine,
Now might be a good time to do a follow-up with a heated (but cooled down of course) good quality, Chamomile Tea bag on the affected eye. This nifty trick has given good results to eye problem sufferers in the past. Read more about assistance under the "Eyes" section on this Site.
Good luck with your progress. Eyes are precious!
Allergy Drops
Apple Cider Vinegar
I initially tried the Castor Oil treatment for my chalazion and it seemed to be working, however it was very slow. So, I switched over to the apple cidar vinegar and the results were amazing! My eye lid went from swollen like a black eye to a what looked like a pimple on my eye lid. To barely noticeable dark lid in 3 days. I took a q tip swab dipped into the Apple Cidar Vinegar and dadded my right eye lid lightly making sure not to get it in my eye and on top of the swollen bump, 3 times a day. I did not drink any of the vinegar, so I know it works with just direct application. I love Apple Cider Vinegar.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Don't put it on the chalazion...put it on top of your skin.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Be very careful with compresses of ACV. It could burn. Which is why you should add a tiny bit of water and alternate ACV and water compresses. Especially on thin skin, like the eye.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Anything coming out of the area? I'm doing exactly what you're doing and I don't notice anything coming out but I do notice I getting flatter people say that they notice it draining on the outside but I'm not seeing that and I'm kind of concerned that maybe what I'm doing isn't working???
Apple Cider Vinegar
Thanks. ACV with a mother at home for several other health benefits. But I have never imagined to use it on eye lid! I will definitely use it on my daughter eye and hopefully my daughter will get better. She has tried the warm and hot water too but didn't help her. The steroid eye ointment made it even worse! I am trying to avoid the operation on my daughter as it might alter her looks.
Fish Liver Oil, Vitamins
Took your recommendation. Taking these vitamins now along with Epsom salt compress.. need this gone, so frustrating.
Castor Oil
Was there a specific brand of castor oil that you used? Do I get it at the regular drugstore?