December 2016 I woke to find a sudden pain like my eye was swollen and later that day I went to my optometrist. At that time I was told I had a stye and got drops and told to use hot compresses. Four days later it was a fun blown stye/chalazion!! I was given a steroid shot and a eye patch that is a compress by an ophthalmologist in Florida on vacation. Fast forward a week or two and my dermatologist took a biopsy! That's right! It was drained a bit on my top right lid. Then I had medication and compresses again. It looked BAD. I then on the same day decided an oclioplasric surgeon would be best. I got in on a whim and had 3 injections inside the top lid!!!! Them told to do compresses. 2 months later and and other visit. One more injections was put in and other day I was told in the middle of February if it was not gone prepare for surgery!!!!! I watched videos and knew the surgery might be pretty invasive since I would be put to sleep....
Well Jan 31st I read up and found this site. THANK you everyone before me for your post. I followed suit and bought apple cider vinegar with the "mother". I put it on with a cotton ball for five minutes and had a tablespoon in 8 0z of water. In before bed I did another cotton swab of apple cider vinegar for 5 minutes and then I warm eyepatch.
AMAZING RESULTS in the FIRST few hours. I woke up in the middle of the night and looked in the mirror. I could not believe my I almost look like my other eye. It is been about 2 months and I've been suffering with this inflamed redness with a chalazion bump in the middle. I'm going to keep this up for as long as possible and pray that this means it will be completely gone very soon period 4 on the outside it already looks amazing. Thank you again everyone for your post and I'm so grateful I found this site. But most of all I am grateful that I tried the natural approach using apple cider vinegar. ONLY A FEW HOURS AND SO FAR SO AMAZING!!
I tried to post before and afters. You're only allowed me to pull up one. I have no problem sharing if anyone needs to see my pictures. It looks almost a hundred percent better this morning!
Did you say put the Castor oil on the inside of the eyelid?
Salt Water Rinse
What kind of salt did you use? I have some Himalayan Pink Salt. Do you think this will work? I had a large chalazion removed surgically removed about 6 weeks ago and it has grown back quite large again.
Salt Water Rinse
I tried this and it worked! I had a chalazion for 2 months on my upper lid it was so big I couldn't open my eye properly and my vision was blurry I tried everything else-castor oil, epson salt, vitamine a, cod oil, flax oil, coconut oil, apple cider vinegar warm water+massage every 2 hours etc,,, . Its really with a strong solution of seasalt water mix (1 teaspoon per cup) that it became all red near the lid (inside) and suddenly decreased in size dramatically.
I already had a chalazion removed on my other eye lid and was so scared!! Not anymore!!! Good luck everyone!
Castor Oil
I also find the same thing! ( it gets bigger with the warm compresses). I have it since almost 2 months, it was large as a pea and my vision was blurry. It has decreased significantly in size when I did a full week of the following treatments: 3 eyewash/day with sea salt water mix, warm compresses every 2 hours for at least 10-15 min and massages, castor oil poutice once a day and applied apple cider vinegar 3 times a day . Then the holidays kicked in and I stopped the salted water wash. It hasnt decreased since then, not sure if this isvrelated but I am starting again today.
Activated Charcoal
I've had a few chalazion in my right eye for quite some time now, over a year. I've tried everything; apple cider vinegar, epsom salt, hot compresses, steam facials, etc. One day, I found a post (on here, actually) about activated charcoal. I've heard a lot of great things about its benefits, so I decided to try it. I mixed about 3 tablespoons of activated charcoal, 2 tablespoons of flaxseed (ground), and added about a half cup of water. I let the mixture sit for about 15-20 minutes to thicken. It should have the consistency of a paste. I got a paper towel, put a spoonful of the mixture on it, folded it over to enclose the mixture, and placed it over my eye. I also put a sandwich bag over the towel to prevent the mixture from drying, and wrapped gauze around my head to keep it in place. I slept about 7 hours with it on my eye, and when I woke up, I noticed my bottom eyelid got bigger, and when I pulled down my eyelid, I noticed whitehead-like spots. I decided to continue the treatment, and I've been doing it for 2 days now. So far, a few of the chalazion (chalazia?) have popped on their own. I'm going to keep doing this every night before bed & hope they're all gone within the next few days.
By the way, I found all needed items on Amazon. Activated Charcoal powder, ground flaxseed. IMPORTANT: Do not mix activated Charcoal with anything metal. The Charcoal will pull the the impurities from the metal.
Apple Cider Vinegar
I have had success with ACV and warm compresses for chalazion. (I began using castor oil but had no success.) At first I diluted the ACV with water because some on this site said that the ACV would burn, but I had no success until I used the ACV full strength. I would apply the ACV with a cotton swab/Q-tip, being careful to not let it drip into my eye. I would apply it several times a day, always with a clean cotton swab. I also used warm compresses five or six times, each morning. Eventually, I stopped using the ACV and applied warm compresses occasionally. I began using full strength ACV about four to five weeks ago. The chalazion is almost gone.
I was also drinking ACV in a glass of water each day, so I do not know if that may have been a factor as well.
Hi, my daughter is turning 5 next month and has been having a chalazion on her left upper eyelid. It's been about 3 months now. First, it was the size of a pimple and her paediatrician said to just leave it. Then after 2 months it looked swollen so we took her to a paediatric opthomologist who recommended surgery. Took her to 3 other opthomologist who said you just leave it and they gave us antibiotic drops. It's grown since then! I'm doing hot compress, washing her eyelid with baby shampoo and just started using Epsom salt in warm water. It looks like it's about to pop. Will try ACV tomorrow. I really don't want to put her through surgery!
Apple Cider Vinegar
I wanted to post to give a thumbs up for apple cider vinegar with the "mother" to treat chalazia. My first chalazion was on my right upper lid and was there for the better part of a year. I halfheartedly tried a variety of home remedies to get rid of it when it first cropped up, but since it wasn't all that visible and I work from home so have no need to get dolled up very often, I ultimately gave up and just left it alone. One morning it was just not there anymore, which I was very happy about.
A few months later, however, another chalazion appeared, this time on the lower lid of my left eye. This one was quite visible, and not in a good way. I tried the warm compresses, etc., but nothing was happening, so I made an appt with an ophthalmologist to get confirmation it was a chalazion and to see what he suggested. He suggested warm compresses using a hard-boiled egg wrapped in a damp facecloth. The egg sort of fits nicely into the eye socket and maybe touches more of the eye or something. I made a follow-up appt for 2 wks later, and went home to start the egg compresses. Meanwhile, the doc was going to get an authorization from my insurance to lance the thing if I had no luck with the egg.
So I did the egg compress quite diligently 3-6 times a day - so diligently that I created a little burn on my face below the chalazion. Sigh. I wasn't seeing much progress, so as my follow-up appt got closer and I knew I'd be getting the thing lanced, I decided as a last resort to try apple cider vinegar on the inside of my eyelid, knowing it would burn (I've gotten ACV in my eye before by mistake), but figuring it wouldn't be any worse than a needle.
So for a few days, before I did the egg compress, I poured a tiny bit of ACV in the bottle cap and dipped a Q-tip in it, then pulled my lower lid away from my eyeball, and dabbed the Q-tip with the ACV on the inside of the lid, then waited for the burning to subside. Then I did it again if I felt brave. I also swiped the Q-tip over the bump as well. Then I'd do the warm egg compress for several minutes, and roll the egg over the chalazion in sort of a massaging motion.
A couple days of that routine, and my left eye started producing yellow gunk, which I assumed was the oil finally being released from the chalazion, and the bump started to shrink. It's not all the way gone yet, but I feel good enough about the progress I'm making that I'm going to cancel my follow-up appt and continue the ACV and egg compresses until the chalazion is completely flat.
I'm hoping the skin over the chalazion will return to it's normal color and texture at some point, because right now it's rather discolored and puffy. (And not in a good way! )
Hi so I had a chalazion and it was there for about 2 weeks because as soon as I got it I started doing warm compresses and prior to this particular chalazion I had 2 different styes within a month that went away within like A week and had a little pimple head so they could pop easily. But with the chalazion that I just had I was frustrated because it wouldn't seem to get any better :( and the only thing that truly worked was castor oil!! And I'm so happy I found that it works good because with out it I would feel very insecure because of this huge bump on my eye.
So to all those who want to get rid of a chalazion listen to these steps!
Okay so first you're gonna want to get epsom salt, chamomile lavender tea (or green tea), then you're gonna want to buy 100% castor oil (I purchased mine off of iherb.com)
Now, you're gonna want to bring water to a boil in a pan and pour epsom salt in it (stir to dissolve) then get your tea bag and put it in there.
Next grab your tea bag out of the water and put it close to ur eye and open ur eye and let the steam get into your eyelid pores, then once cooled down make it a compress and hold on eyelid till cold (repeat process) and then put Castor oil all over the bump and on eyelashes.
Also STAY AWAY FROM APPLE CIDER VINEGAR. it will only make things worse. :) also it's good to sleep with a cotton ball dipped in castor oil taped to ur eye! Take my advice and get rid of this problem!
Hi Steve-- did you use wet or dry compresses? I'm going into day 2 of using this and praying it works! Whenever I do a wet compress I find that the bump gets bigger.
Coconut Oil
I suffer from recurring chalazion's as well. I will try this & hope this works. I've already had one surgically removed on my lower eyelid & had another one on my upper eyelid where the Dr injected with steroids NEVER AGAIN!! The chalazion has come back. 😲😲
Multiple Remedies
Multiple Remedies
SOMEONE PLEASE HELP, I have 2 chalazions and nothing works. I don't know what to do. I have 2 chalazions, one on my upper eye lid and one on my lower eye lid, I have tried everything. I have tried camomile tea, hot compress, face steaming, apple cider vinegar, charcoal poultice, hot warm baths for 10 minutes, acne cream, eye drops, and surgery. nothing seems to be working, I am 15 years old and this really ruins my self confidence I hate going out in public or even talking to some of my best friends. Both are very large, noticeable and red, probably the size of a little chickpea plus swelling and redness which makes it look worse. I will try anything please someone help me.
Hi Jessica! I just purchased some ACV with mother. How many minutes did you hold the pad against it? Only to the outside or did you allow some ACV to go into the eye?
It took 3 weeks for you to start seeing it was working?
How many weeks for it to disappear completely? Have any returned and if do, did you repeat this and what were the results?
Thank you for your help.
Castor Oil
Starting my castor oil treatment today. I have had this chalazion for about a month and it has grown to a noticeable size on my upper lid. I now have another one on my lower lid that is much smaller. I have applied directly on the affected area under the lid. I felt the lower lid working almost immediately. I'll repost after a few days to give progress. Thanks to all for your help.
Chalazion Disappeared On Its Own
This also happened to me. I had a chalazion for a few months and then it disappeared. Now I have another one that's been here for a few months also so I'm hoping it'll do the same.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Just wondering but did you apply the ACV on the outside of the eyelid or the inside? When you apply the ACV, do you wash it off after a certain time? leave it on?
Warm Compress, Baby Wash
First, I would like to say sorry to all those that are struggling with a chalazion. Not only are they very concerning, but it may sometimes take a toll on your self esteem. I hope this works for you as it did for me.
I had a chalazion for about 4 months the size of a pea. Sometimes it would go down - sometimes it would get bigger... All in all it just wasn't going away like I thought it would with just warm compresses and salt water rinses.
I looked up a few home remedies I was comfortable with trying. The best thing that worked for me were these steps
1. Warm compresses 2 times a day (heated uncooked rice in clean socks, with a little bit of water for moisture. Microwave for 15-20 seconds, leave rice sock on my eye for 10-15 minutes.)
2. After warm compress I gently wash both eyes using my pinky using a baby body wash (the yellowish/orange bottle) make sure to wash with very warm water and massage throughout.
This made my chalazion go away within weeks. Along with discontinued use of smoking cigarettes and cutting down on dairy. Who knows what truly causes a chalazion, each individual is different but when you're down and out there's nothing that you won't try, so please give this a try.
Update: two months later my chalazion came back. Because I went back into my bad habits (ie: sleeping late, smoking cigarettes, and consuming large amounts of dairy) my chalazion is now the same size as it was before it completely flattened drained and went away. I am currently following the same routine as I mentioned up there ^^ but using apple cider vinegar "with mother" - and my chalazion has already came to a white head! its only been 2 days... With being a white head now i think it is on its way to draining with just another couple of weeks with warm compresses with rice sock and baby shampoo + no dairy and cigarettes.
I hope this works for anyone out there suffering from this terrible chalazion business. Stay strong and don't give up trying to rid yourself of the chalazion. Surgery should be your absolute last option.
Hot Compress
I know you will think I'm totally nuts, but this thing drove me nuts. A few weeks ago my adult daughter said she saw "this white thing" on my upper left eyelash line. I must admit when there is something to pick, that's what I do, I'm sorry, but it's the truth. I used a times 10 magnifying mirror and sure enough it looked like a hard white pimple. I did scratch it out. No problems until the next day, there were several tinier ones nearby and I just went for them. 2 days later the right eye. As of today, none are seen, yes the eyelid is red and a bit tender but no more white hard bumps. When I got to them though they weren't easy to get out. They sort of had a bit of whitish "line" coming out. OK so I'm crazy, but I did get them all out, no surgeries. I did try the warm compresses though, didn't do a thing.
Apple Cider Vinegar
I usually don't post things on the internet, however this site saved me from my quite big chalazion on my upper eyelid. I had it for about two months and my husband insisted I get it operated, I made my doctors appointment, and because it was three weeks away I wanted to try some home remedies to avoid the operation. I started with warm compresses, then read posts on this site and included ACV...little in a cup with warm water and on the eyelid with a cotton-ball and made sure just a little got in my eye, but very little, cause it hurts! First nothing, my skin on the eyelid just got burned, and got swollen pretty bed...so I said this doesn't work and stopped the compressing and just put in a few drops of physiological solution every few hours. Two days later I was sleeping and as I woke up, I could hardly open my eye. I rushed into the bathroom and see that my chalazion was finally unblocked...so I continued compressing, ACV and phys. solution...it has not been a full week and it is almost gone completely, and it was really big. So I gladly cancelled my doctors appointment. So I don't know exactly what really made my chalazion disappear, maybe a combination of the three "remedies", but it got better really fast when I started with ACV, and I was not really constant with it, maybe one or two times a day for about ten minutes, I also put some ACV directly on the chalazion with a q-tip.
Don't over do it, because it will burn your skin.
So this is my story and I hope it will help somebody else, but just a warning, when you attack your chalazion stay home, because when it prepares to open up, you look like somebody punched you in the eye...at least me, my eyelid was really swollen and red...so it was a good thing I didn't plan any outings ;)
Good luck!
I have to second the apple cider vinegar it actually worked. I'm based in London so I was lucky enough to get the organic Apple Cider Vinegar with the mother in a local pharmacy. I would wash my whole face and use a little baby shampoo to clean my eyes massaging it with a cotton bud too. I would then boil the kettle and let it cool a little then use a face towel edge to apply it to the Chalazion. The water was very very hot which is what is needed. I then used a cotton bud to dip it into the vinegar and rub it around my chalazion and on my lash line making sure I didn't get any in my eye. I repeated this about three times a day. I continued this for about three days the chalazion finally came to a head and I was able to pop it a little pus came out along with blood and water. I made sure I cleaned it immediately with salt and hot water. Since then it has gone so small and no longer looks like a pea under my eye!! Antibiotics Eye drops did not work; they only made the chalazion bigger and warm water didn't really work as well as the really hot water. In addition, for two days I mixed the ACV with water and drank some which I think may have helped. P.s before this routine I'd had the chalazion my eye for just under 4 months. Hope this helps.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Dear Nisa,
Apple cider vinegar would be too strong straight into the eye. But very diluted, you can use it topically on your eye.
Use 1 teaspoon of raw and organic apple cider vinegar in 1 cup of pure water. Soak a cotton ball with the solution and wipe across your eye a few times a day. A bit of the apple cider vinegar/water solution will end up in your eye. Even a little bit can heal.
~Mama to Many~
Apple Cider Vinegar
Is it safe to put Apple Cider Vinegar inside the eyelid? The white head is inside my eyelid, instead of outside. So I'm wondering if it's safe?
Apple Cider Vinegar
How long did you leave the compress on your eye for?? I just did with a cotton pad, without the rag, for 5 min and when I go to look in the mirror the whole area that was touched by the cotton pad is red. It doesn't hurt or anything, but I was wondering if this was normal. Thank you
Multiple Remedies
Hi, The Following 7 days Plan Worked out for me and cured my chalazions
-Don't use any Electronic devices like Mobile, TV, pC etc for at least 7 days.
-Have a good sleep at least 9 hours a day for 7 days
- Wash your face frequently with water. Mandatory before You sleep. For some people warm water will not work so try cool water. For me cool water works.
-Don't touch your eyes
-Each Night apply a head ache balm to head for at least 7 days. In My case Axe Oil Worked out for me.
Follow all this for at least 7 days & you will see great results!
FORGET HOT WATER ON A RAG!! It doesn't work! I promised myself that if I was to ever find out how to get rid of chalazions without getting them cut out I would share it with everyone because I know how much it sucks having them especially going and getting them cut out 4 times. For two years I have been looking for answers and it wasn't until I actually met someone who used to get them.
Very simple. Get a sock and put a handful of rice in it, tie it in a knot at the top and put it in the microwave for 20 seconds, let it cool off and apply if on the chalazion. The heat lasts way longer than hot water on a rag.
I would do this about 4 times a day and between those times, I would massage the chalazion. I had two on my eyelid and one coming on the bottom. Because of the rice in a sock, I no longer have them and life is turning around for the better!
Hope this helps anyone.
Coconut Oil
Coconut Oil
My four year old hated warm compresses, so I tried massaging coconut oil into his eyelids (eyelash zone) after wiping with a damp cloth, morning and at night before bed time- just a quick 3-4 second massage to get it into the eyelid and inner eyelid area. Coconut oil does not irritate eyes.
It took some time for the chalazion to eventually burst and go away, but he has not had a recurring one since (it's been 6 months), and he was having them all the time (sometimes one in each eye). I think this is the way to manage someone (especially a child) who has recurring chalazion problems.
How many times a day do you apply the charcoal/ water mix onto your chalazion?
Misdiagnosis of Chalazion
I just wanted to caution everyone here to please get your eye examined by an ophthalmologist. I have what I thought was a chalazion as it had been previously diagnosed. After trying all the home remedies I could find I went to see a specialist. I just found out that I very likely have a malignant tumor. I am having it biopsied on Thursday. The sad thing is that this type of tumor mimics a chalazion and is often misdiagnosed. Please don't take chances with your eyes.
Give it Time to Heal Itself
Hello, this is an update to my post from earlier today, I thought it to be more helpful if I include the time frames.
Another very important cure to mention is time, about 9 months to 12 months. I felt hopeless for so long, I visited this site multiple times and tried all the remedies with minimal results, sometimes making the problem worse.
After months of self-treatment, friends and family were pressuring me to see a doctor. I wanted several opinions so I saw multiple doctors, and every one of them told me hot compress, antibiotics and surgery. Hot compress made it swell up and turn very red. Antibiotics just made me sick with no effect. Oral Amoxicillin, then Doxycycline, creams with Erythromycin and several eye drops including Azasite, some $300 eye drops they really try to sell you on. It got so red and inflamed I agreed to have it drained. Again my eye turned purple and swelled for a few days only to return to the red and puffy chalazion from before.
Finally I decided to try the last thing I hadn't, which was nothing. All I did was clean the outside when I took a shower but other than that I didn't touch it. And, wallah! About 3 months of letting it be it went away on its own.
My doctors told me I absolutely needed surgery again and that going away on it's own would be a 1 in a million chance! Apparently they haven't learned about the power of self healing, or they just really wanted my money.
I believe our bodies have an amazing ability to heal themselves if we provide it the right food and exercise.
I can't say how much it sped up recovery time but I've also been vegan for the last 7 months and feel incredible! It's pretty cool stuff I highly recommend looking into it!
Give it Time to Heal Itself
Finally My Chalazion Cured Itself!!
Another very important cure to mention is time, about 9 months to 12 months. I felt hopeless for so long, I visited this site multiple times and tried all the remedies with minimal results, sometimes making the problem worse.
After months of self-treatment, friends and family were pressuring me to see a doctor. I wanted several opinions so I saw multiple doctors, and every one of them told me hot compress, antibiotics and surgery. Hot compress made it swell up and turn very red. Antibiotics just made me sick with no effect. Oral Amoxicillin, then Doxycycline, creams with Erythromycin and several eye drops including Azasite, some $300 eye drops they really try to sell you on. It got so red and inflamed I agreed to have it drained. Again my eye turned purple and swelled for a few days only to return to the red and puffy chalazion from before.
Then these doctors told me I absolutely needed surgery again and that going away on it's own would be a 1 in a million chance! BS! They were just salesmen in white coats, I can't trust em!
I believe our bodies have an amazing ability to heal themselves if we provide it the right food and exercise.
I can't say how much it sped up recovery time but I've also been vegan for the last 7 months and feel incredible! It's pretty cool stuff I highly recommend looking into it!
Age 22
6'3” 175lbs
Cure: Time, 9 months not visible, 12 months completely gone
Hi! I'm going to try the Castor Oil way with heat. How often should I apply Castor Oil? Thanks
Castor Oil
On the outside and be consistent using castor oil and warm presses. I found my diet was the reason.
I developed a chalazion back in September 2015. After going to the doctor I then researched remedies on this site, while I awaited an appointment for the surgery... I tried the ACV but managed to burn my eyelid. Probably putting too much on too often in my haste to get rid of it. Anyway, the day of the surgery came round and I stupidly looked at the procedure on the Net... After then cancelling the surgery I kept up with cleaning my eye with just soap and water... I then tried just a dab of chamomile essential oil morning and evening. Within one week it was gone. This could of course be a complete coincidence, as these things do clear up themselves. I thought I would post this here just in case it is of any use to someone. I do understand how annoying they are, and I was becoming quite self conscious... All the best!
Apple Cider Vinegar
My story.
My eye was bothering me back in January and I did not know why. I never pulled my eyelid back to have a look until maybe 3-4 weeks in. That is when I saw it. It was about the size of a lentil at the time and I figured it would just go away on its own. It did not go away. So I started applying warm compresses once in a while but was lazy and did not do it often. Two weeks ago a few days before a trip to the UK it got bigger to about the size of pea and I started to worry. I looked around on the internet and found out what it was called and what caused it. Sadly, I also stumbled upon a youtube video of Chalazion surgery that freaked me out. I started using the warm compresses religiously with no effect.
While in the UK I did more research and happened upon this excellent site. Sadly, I could not find ACV with mother in the small town I was in and so I just used the filtered stuff. I honestly don't think it had much of an effect. I returned back to the states last Sunday and went straight to the health food store to buy ACV with the "mother". I also saw other remedies and my plan was to attack this little bugger from multiple angles
This was my strategy:
I drank 1 TBSP ACV diluted in 6-8 oz water each morning and evening
I heated a 1-1 ratio of ACV in the microwave (45-60 s) or used a hot kettle to mix with AVC. I also either used the hot kettle to heat a rag or wet a rag placed in coffee mug and also heated that in microwave. Just get them hot.
I dipped a cotton round in the mixture, gently closed my eye and rubbed across it 3 or 4 times to “clean it”. Then I dunked another one, placed over my eye and use the rag as a warm compress on top of it. I did this 3-4 times a day with the last one around 8p. I also used a clean cotton round to do the other eye just in case.
Before bed time I open an activated charcoal capsule and mixed with warm water to make a paste. I used a Q-tip to place the mixture on the Chalazion on the OUTSIDE of my eye and left it there for 30 minutes or so. I washed this off with baby shampoo. Hard to get off so be careful not to get in your eye. Then I applied castor oil to the Chalazion on the OUTSIDE of eye using a Q-tip. I put it on fairly thick and left it there to dry out overnight. Lady at drugstore must have thought I had some issues as charcoal and castor oil are often used for gastro problems. Next morning start again.
After just a day or so the swelling on the outside started to go down but I did not notice any change in size of the Chalazion itself
Thursday (only 4 days later) while in the airport working on my laptop my vision in that eye started to get blurry. Went to the mirror in he bathroom and saw white gunk in my eye and could see the Chalazion had a small head on it that was leaking. Gross, yes. But a relief that the method was working. I tried squeezing it softly but did not want to do it too much so I left it alone and throughout the flight I would dab eye occasionally with a clean cotton round (new one each time). Little by little more gunk was coming out.
The Chalazion is not gone yet but it is more than half the size it was and looks flatter than before. I am not giving up on the process as I want to make sure this completely goes away.
My takeaways that I hope helps other in the same boat I was in.
Be persistent and don't miss treatments.
Use as hot a compress and ACV mixture as you can stand. You don't want to burn your skin.
Try multiple remedies.
I was not a fan of putting ACV directly on the Chalazion with a Q-tip but when I wiped my eye or used the compress some ultimately made it in.
I think the ACV with mother is really necessary as I used the filtered version for 5 or 6 days with no effect.
Good luck
I had a ugly cyst under my lower eyelid..you bathe eye with salt and very warm water mixture as many times as you can..let swirl in eye about 60 seconds. Do it the next day too. You will see 24 hours your chalazion will virtually disappear. Mine burst and within a day or two has completely gone. It's the only thing that worked for me. Make sure water is not too hot only as warm as your eye can take. Salt and warm water ..a simple, effective, easy home remedy.
Hi there! I was wondering. Is there a specific brand or kind of castor oil you used for your eye?
Castor Oil
Dear Imram,
Either way would probably work. I have used castor oil on the eyelids and right on the eyeball. Right on the eyeball will cause some temporary blurriness though. (So, I just do that at night.)
~Mama to Many~
Castor Oil
I have the same bump in my upper eye lid for last 2 weeks.I had 2 operations as well but don't want to go for another surgery. I've read that castor oil really works I have never tried but want to try now.But confuse do I need to apply it out side the eye or directly inside the eye on the bump?