Probiotics, D-Mannose
To all fighting C Diff... My mother in law is in a care facility where C-diff runs wild. After 4-5 rounds of it and all the antibiotics, I took matters in my own hands. After a lot of rerearching and talks with health pros, I tried out the Probiotics and added also some D-Mannose powder. As explained to me the D-Mannose is a type of sugar and it lines the bladder walls so the "bad guys" bacteria can't hold on. So with a regimine of Probiotics and D-mannose, along with lots of water, she has been C-diff free for over 5 years now. It's worth the effort. Good luck to all.
Probiotics, Oregano Oil
On April 2, 2013 I took a taxi to the nearest ER to find out why I was having non-stop bouts of diarrhea with a scorching fever. Later the next day, I received a call from the attending ER Doctor informing me that I had c-diff! I had never heard of this infection; but with intesnse research I found out that the on-set of this attack is usually brought on by heavy doses of antibiotics--2 weeks prior I had a dental procedure that required 8 consecutive days of an intense antibiotic dosage.
I went through 2 weeks of sheer hell--which included lots of blood and pus in my stool.
I went on a full attack on April 4th--using a standard probiotic (10 Billion cultures) and rapidly increased it to 50 billion and subsequent other products that I learned of from people on this forum (and my dogged research) I am happpy to report that on Saturday, April 20th, the bleeding, loose stools, painful gut and incessant bathroom visits STOPPED.
I feel absolutely great and I want to share some of my protocol so that someone else might not have to suffer months, even years on ened.
I started with Digestive enzymes before every meal and heavy doses of probiotics and then added [probiotics] before breakfast. I also took on e saccromycess bilourdii capsule midday--sometimes on an empty stomach and sometimes with food. I wanted to try different approches in order to monitor my body's reaction.
I think what brought about the quickest relief is that I ingested Oil of Oregano and drank Kefir several times a day. More importantly, I refused to go along with my Doctor's suggestion to start a Rx of Flagl to purge the infection--this makes no sense, and unfortunately Western medicine is pretty much lost inmy opinion. It was completely counter-intuitive to put more antibiotics in my body... They do more harm than good!
I am continuing with taking 4 drops of oil of oregano on an empty stomach--once in the morning and an hour before dinner. I drink 2-3 glasses of Kefir; yogurt (try to avoid the sugary kind); before dinner.
What brand name of digestive enzymes did you take, as well as type of probiotics (brand name)?
(Florence, Sc)
How do I take the oil of oregano for c-diff ?
I've been dealing with c-diff too and finally tried oregano oil drops. The first day they made things worse but now they're helping. I take 6 drops with water 3 times a day, super strength from North American Herb and Spice. Of course taking the probiotics and sac.
C-Diff cured with Raspberry
My dad had been on PPI's and ended up with diarrhea for a number of years. He tried probiotics. He took whole bottles a day of acidophilus and other specialised probiotics. He took antibiotics - different courses of different kinds including a regime of 3 at the same time. (he is a doctor and tried the latest antibiotic treatments).
One day he asked me if I knew of anything that might help his bacterial infection. He believed Proton Pump Inhibitor use was the cause of years of this.
I told him to try raspberries. I remembered listening to an interview of a pig farmer who reduced the mortality of their piglets to almost zero with apple and raspberry cordial. It was 1% real raspberry. I told him it could be cooked or frozen raspberry, it just needed to have real raspberries in it. He changed their strawberry jam to raspberry jam with breakfast and his problem went away. It can be raspberries in any form as long as they are real raspberries.
Raw Milk
I know of someone who drank raw milk and never got c-diff again.She had it off and on for about two years. She was put on antibiotics for almost a year and basically destroyed her immune system. She still drinks raw milk.
Raw Milk Kefir Fast
I cured c diff by going on a raw milk kefir fast. It works every time. The probiotics in kefir way outnumber any probiotic you can buy. It overcomes the c diff and wipes it out.
Can you elaborate on the dairy kefir fast? Was that ALL you had and for how many days? Some 'fasts' are broader. I really need to get this ibs-d thing under control and I already take dairy kefir daily. I don't think I have c diff, probably a fungus like candida, but it's so much worse now than 2 months ago. I'm ready to try turpentine, but have to plan on having several days off when I can stay close to the restroom.
Searching for help for a friend, I stumbled on a website dedicated to helping people with C. diff that was created by two brothers for their beloved mother:
It appears to be full of helpful information, including:
I hope this helps someone out there! Both in cure and prevention...
Saccharomyces Boulardii
C-Diff. I am in the Primary Infection
As of February 15,2017 ER hospital Visit, 600MG IV Clindamycin, + 300 mg every 8 hours, the very next morning I had morning Diarrhea typical of a C-diff infection. Everyone who takes Clindamycin, will get C-diff within ten days, with very insignificant 1 out of 250 prescribed. did not. [webMed 2016 clindamycin reviews by patients.]
On the third day I researched SACCHAROMYCES BOULARDII which prevents second infection stages of treatment.
Next I got Florastor Max with Saccharomyces boulardii lyo CNCM I-745. BioCodex France. I took too boxes in 10 hr period, woke up the next morning with a normal bowel movement. Today is March 23,2017 and I have not had another case of Diarrhea.
March 9th,
I have a very fresh stool sample I took right at the ER. Tested by the PCR method. PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) Your stool sample degrades to Untestable in 4 hrs or less. Then the way you handle it will adversely affect the results. So get it done right at the hospital so they can run it upstairs to the lab. Timing for all your C-diff feces testing is crucial to your life, which you will get back. That very day my fece sample came back with C-diff B-Toxin. That means it's Virulent, and a killer. 30 days to sudden toxic death syndrome. Only with B-toxin.
Next step treatment, Vancomycin. A nuke for the second stage of C-diff Treatment. I have it right here on my desk and decided not to take it.
I found another study that said 5 % to 25% of every one who did not enter their second stage treatment, but instead worked night and day at replenishing their friendly intestinal flora, the only way to keep C-diff Bacterium safely at bay, they were later tested, and found to have neutralized the C-diff toxin producing mode.
[Never take Flagil. It's not an antibiotic. It's a deadly poison only used to kill deadly amobias that you ate out in the jungle or drank the water from the river, or you got Giradia from a Spiffy up scale restaurant that got into your water via an Ice machine which hadn't been cleaned. Yes, amoebas can grow in a commercial restaurant setting Ice Machine. I never since then Giardia and Flagyl ever allow a server to give me water or anything else with ice in it or as a base for like your shrimp. Period.]
About research. If you didn't it's not to late, but Ya gotta note, if you had. what would you have missed out on with your C-diff. Huh So if you research Vancomycin, you will find it is like Aspirin. It is an Ototoxic drug. This means that you must get a Base line hearing test before you take it, and then the hospital can monitor your hearing to see if Vancomycin is adversely affecting it.
You get tinnitus with vancomycin, then you go completely irreversibly deaf. Period. It's always something. If I have to, I will take it, however not until mid April after my hospital gives me my base line hearing test we just scheduled. With monitoring, you can prevent total deafness. without, you lost your hearing forever. Take flagyl then. You research that and you will find it never works, not even the third time around. It gives you skin cancer, and destroys the visual purple of the eye. I know, I had to take 10 days of it.
So now I have nothing else to tell you, except go purchase Perisept 62. 4 fluid OZ to one gallon of water.
Read the instructions first. then make it stronger so you can wash all your clothes in the machine.
The guys and girls who sell it to you are well informed about it. I just finished washing all my black clothes in it, my black interior in my car, my lap top, my Led screen 39 inch Viso, no worries mate. the stuff just goes on, it must be moist for 2 minutes, and then so, it kills all the C-diff highly contagious bacterium.
You in third stage you will have to spray everything down with that, or continue to be RE-INFECTED.
Right now clostridium difficile is living for up to 90 days on everything you touched, Everything, plus it loves the washer and dryer. You are prime time to purchase and use Perisept 62.
Only that name is EPA rated to kill C-diff in two minutes. 2, not one, not 1 and 1 half minutes but 2.
If you wipe it off, or it dries before that time. You wasted your time, your money and your peace of mind.
Saccharomyces Boulardii
C. difficile (antibiotic-induced very severe diarrhea) often can be controlled by taking Saccharomyces boulardii a probiotic that displaces the C. difficile bug and reflorates intestines with its beneficial yeast which will survive better than beneficial bacteria probiotics in a gut overwhelmed by C. difficile.
I wonder if Ted could weigh in on this. People are saying that yogurt is a good way to go when I've heard from nutritionists that yogurt is usually loaded with sugar which is never good, it is a milk product and for C Dif you are always advised NOT to use any dairy products for a while. Also I doubt that yogurt has the levels or variety of pro-biotics needed to actually help with C Dif. Also, I notice that just today someone wrote a frightening warning about C-Dif here with NO suggestions on how to help. Personally, I'm not happy that I just left my mothers hospital room who is frightenly ill with C-Dif, I come to this site for answers and I get more fear. I will contact a nutritionist on Monday about this and if he enlightens me anymore, I will add some HELPful tips about C Dif according to what he has to say. On my own I have read about Colustrum supplements, and (believe it or not) Fecal transplants. I am sure each case is different so I'll mention that my mother was on anti biotics for a urinary tract infection she got a week after having a hystorectomy. I will add more information on Monday night if our nutritionist can enlighten me.
Nutrition is such a complex subject. I too am confused adout the sugar content in a lot of supposedly "healthy foodstuff". My daughter, now 4, was diagnosed with a small rectum and lazy bowel within 8 weeks of birth. We were told that the only way forward for her was an operation and meantime laxatives. After consultations with nutritionists and other medical reps we chose to give her a prune juice and water mix instead of an unnatural laxative knowing that this could affect her front baby teeth. When introducing solids we were also very careful not to give her anything that could constipate her. This included plenty of fruit and natural plain yoghurt products which for flavour I added the fruit. She has had so little in the form of shop bought sweets that she thinks wet raw carrot and turnips are desserts. And the good part far no operation needed.
When I brought her to the dentist recently he told me that she needs 4 filling on each of her back teeth so I explained about the prune juice. He told me that this would only affect her front teeth not the back ones and that she was getting too many sweets. When I explained that there was no way that this could be the problem and told him about her treats of yoghurt, carrots and fruits. He told me that these are all high sugar even though it is natural sugar and it is these healthy treats that are probobly causing her the problem. I am in a bit too much of a temper at the moment to fully research this but from what little I have gathered most of our foods turn to sugars apart from meats and she is a bit young for an atkins diet.
Conflicting advice is coming at us from all sides. My husband has been diagnosed with a hereditary heart defect and the specialist gave him a special diet. When we rang the nutritionist at the hospital about another issue I mentioned this diet and she said no way would it be beneficial and gave us totally conflicting advice.
I do my own research on the subject whenever I can but there is such a large amount of information on the web that there are too many sites to trawl through.
O.k. now I'll get off the proverbial pedastal..........
Hi Patti, Since we know that C dif often starts after antibiotics, it would seem to be a result of the good guys getting killed off in the intestines,letting the bad guys take over and create havoc. If this is truly the cause then the cure should be in killing off the bad guys and replenishing the good guys.
Please read recent posting in EC on maple syrup/baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) cure for cancer (can also click on link to article in IMVA (International Medical Veritas Assn. by Dr. Sircus) where this information came from in which he states that he preferred black strap molasses instead of maple syrup because you don't have to boil it). The explanation of how it cures cancer is to saturate the sugar that the mold thrives on with the baking soda which kills it, so the unsuspecting mold (probable candida) gobbles up the sugar, not suspecting that it is poisoned and is killed off, and the cancer goes away on its own. Probably the slaughter of the bad guys gives the body time to replenish the good guys, bringing the system back into balance and good health.
The rapid way to replenish the good guys is probiotics, which can be expensive, but if you have the stamina to make your own cultured cabbage, it is supposed to replenish the good guys quickly. Recipes for this and for Asian Kimchi (another cultured dish) can be obtained on line. Just type in "cultured cabbage recipe" or "Kimchi recipe" in the search window. My son recently made his first batch of Kimchi using the recipe calling for Napa or chinese cabbage, green onions or scallions, ginger root which he loves and I found it better than the commercial brands that he shuns because of pork or shrimp, etc. in them.
I am now on my first batch of cultured cabbage. Sure glad that it calls for 4 ounces of it mixed with 4 ounces of water, because when you open the jar it smells somewhere between sauer kraut and flatus (anyone doesn't know what flatus is, the four letter equivalent begins with fa..). This definitely doesn't whet my taste buds, and one is instructed to drink it 2 or 3 times each day until ones feces no longer stinks and until it floats. By the time my cultured cabbage juice is used up, my son might have a partner in making Kimchi and using it as a side side with each meal instead of drinking the cultured cabbage (Kimchi is also a cultured dish).
Fortunately I have never had C dif, but this is the route I would probably take. In fact, I pulled up the cultured cabbage because I suspected that I might have a lesser problem secondary to many antibiotics during my hospitalization this past spring, despite the fact that my good and wise doctor gave me probiotics throughout the hospitalizition to prevent problems with killing out the good guys.
Yogurt, Ripe Bananas
To Beth from Bristoll 4/01/08:
Hello Beth, Welcome to the world of unwanted side effects (c diff in your case) from antibiotics. In most cases this is from killing off the good bacteria along with the bad. If so, the best treatment is to replace the good bacteria by eating lots of live YOGURT. Ripe bananas (the peels get brown speckles on them) should also help.
I also remember reading where someone wrote in to Earth Clinic, that they solved the diarrhea problem with 5-6 drops of iodine in a glass of water. I would try one or both instead of taking another antibiotic. Looking at the humorous side of the sitation, you can now respond to Kyra Jones, from Los Angeles 4/2/08, question: "What on earth are they doing for their $150,000 education"?
(Bristol, VA)
I was diagnosed with C-Diff on Feb.14,2008. I had initially gone to the Dr. with bad stomach pain & sore throat & was prescribed Omnicef. On day 10 I had bad diarrhea with blood. I went to the ER. A week later I got a call saying that I had C-Diff. I took 10 days of Flagyl which was one of the worst experiences ever. I still have upper abdominal pain from time to time. I want some relief.
(Lima, Oh)
I contacted c diff after being prescribed clindamycin for infection. I had 2 rounds of vancomycin, 2 rounds of flagil, took florastor, and culturett faithfully. I also started drinking Kefir. This started January 1, 2009 and I could not shake it. I wound up in the hospital in February. In April, my gastroendologist decided to do "bacterial" therapy. Another name is fecal transplant. My husband was the donor. Since I was 53, I needed a colonoscopy anyway, so my doctor did both at the same time. I have not had c diff since. Automatic cure after all these months. Now I am getting ready to face breast surgery and am loading up on florastor, kefir, and culturette. I hope it does not come back but if it does another bacteria therapy is in my future.
(Rives, Tn)
(Las Vegas, Nv)
To Dianne in Rives: A fecal transplant is also called a fecal enema, and normally a family member is the donor. You instantly have the benefit of healthy bacteria, flora, without introducing cultures to your system orally. I think you could find out how to do this yourself online... Everything is online.. That's how I found this thread! Fighting C-dif in my 88 yr old Dad, second bout in three weeks of Flagyl... If this doesn't cease, 6 to 10 diapers a day.. We won't mention sheets)here comes the enema!!
(Cookeville, Tn, Usa)
Regarding fighting clostridium difficile in your 88 year-old father - My mother had c. Diff. At 88 also (caught it in the hospital). The doctors were at a loss. A child's dose of bovine colostrum had her bowel movements back to normal within 24 hours. In 2 weeks she was back at home, and lived another year. Get bovine colostrum capsules at your local health food store.
(Chandler, Arizona)
My 84 year old mother has had diarrhea for 3 months now. First month her gastroenterologist refused to think it could be C Diff despite fact she had been on 2 yrs of antibiotics for recurrent UTI's and most recently CIPRO and Levaquin (which I have since learned are notorious for causing C Diff. ) Ended up in hospital dehydrated and had colonscopy and sent home. 2 nights later fell while cleaning diarrhea and fractured her spine w/bone fragment wedged against spinal column and couldn't walk. Back in hospital, colonoscopy results came back with collageanous colitis in meantime. Had 7 hr neurosurgery for spine, a few days later diarrhea even worse and diagnosed C Diff. I think she had it all along although they said it didn't show up in colonscopy (is this possible?) Started her on Flagyl 4 days, then switch to Vancomyacin. Then her heart rate became irregular, fluid built up etc. Sent her to rehab and 4 days later she was VERY ill and back to hospital with infection in blood stream (doc said from all the diarrhea), heart attack, congestive heart failure, atrial fib, SVT, pneumonia... We almost lost her. Infectious disease doc was great (wish he'd been called in earlier)and he chose an antibiotic for the blood stream that wouldn't aggravate C Diff and wouldn't let them put her on any other antibiotics. Started her on Floraster and lactobacillius in hospital (at least they do that now). She got better, blood stream infection and C Diff both got better. Her heart functioning was 25%, and only 2 2wks earlier it was strong and fine. They did angiogram and found 95% blockage in LED artery and put in 2 stents. Doc told me that stress of being so sick and diarrhea so long can cause veins to restrict and plaque to be knocked off, blocking the arteries.
She is now out of hospital back in SNF for rehab, and diarrhea started getting worse again pretty quickly even tho on Vanco for 4 wks. Doc extended it 10 days more. Meanwhile - I expressed concern that she may have a UTI (with diarrhea in diapers and CNAs not making effort to get her to bathroom no wonder! ), and put her on Macrobid without telling me. Now I know and am torn - the UTI could make her very sick again, but so can the C Diff. He says Macrobid isn't one that causes C Diff like Levaquin does. So I compramised and said ok to 5 days of it. Making myself sick too worrying about this, managing it, advocating and researching. Are there any good antibiotics she could be on that won't make C Diff worse?
(Long Beach, Ca)
(Mansfield, Oh, Usa)
I had C-Diff early this year (January, 2011), after taking the antibiotic, Clyndamycin, for some supposed necessary dental surgery I was to have at Aspen Dental (which turned out to be totally unnecessary, per a true dental surgeon). Horrid, nasty disease, it was! I got so badly dehydrated that I had to have the emergency squad come get me. That's how I discovered that I had C-Diff. I was given Flagyl, which had no effect on it.
I have found several medical research team articles that document the use of what is called kefir for C-Diff (and other bugs like this). It works very well for getting rid of this superbug. The treatment they used is a type of yogurt, but the yogurt is not made with pasteurized milk. Kefir has been around for centuries. It originated in the Caucasean Mountains (research kefir for full history).
What I've read is that all of the test individuals recovered from C-Diff with no recurrence, using the kefir treatment. They stated that antibiotic treatments had little to no affect on the disease. Kefir is staggered througout the day with the antibiotic, as they gradually decrease the dosages of the antibiotic, finally replacing it totally with the kefir, which is taken every day for awhile.
Any good store that carries a wide variety of yogurts carries this probiotic liquid (I get mine at Kroger and Meijer). In Kroger, go to either the yogurt or the healthfood sections. Meijer - yogurt section. Look for a container shaped like a small milk bottle. It comes flavored or plain. I use a brand, raspberry flavor, which both stores carry where I live. (Google online for coupons, and for what this container looks like.)
I personally stopped the antibiotic (Flagyl) right away. Instead, I drank a 1/2 cup of kefir four times the first day, then went down to 1/4 cup four times a day for about a week. I mixed it with a little bit of filtered cold water from the fridge, which watered it down a bit and made it a little easier for me to drink (I'm a woos, even though the stuff tastes good right out of the bottle. ). I have since replaced the water with about six ounces of Meijer brand, "not from concentrate" orange juice. The drink tastes like an orange cream popsicle. Quite good, actually.
Within 24 hours, after taking 1/2 cup two times the first day, the severe diarrhea began to decrease. Within two days, it was gone. It's been seven months, and I have not had even a hint of a recurrence.
I still drink one or two servings of the 1/4 kefir to 3/4 orange juice or water, once or twice a month, just in case, because I have a history of intestinal problems since childhood. I have also started adding a 1/2 cup of cold water with 1/2 cup of aloe vera juice (buy at healthfood store), to keep my stomach and intestinal lining healthy (I extensively researched this). It knocks out any trace of heartburn, for some reason. I only use the aloe once in awhile when the heartburn rears its ugly head (after I slip and eat something with sugar in it).
(Lancaster, Pa)
Dear Readers, to all those who lives and bodies are upset and down from C-diff, this horrible destroying bacteria and to those who lost loved ones from it, I hope to let people know, please be your own advocate and question your doctors, they don't have the answers for severe cases . I read many stories to find comfort, DKH from High Point NC we needed to understand all this information about the way C-diff is handled and how deadly in some cases it could be. I didn't come across it till now. Your story really touched my heart, as it still aches over losing my brother. At 42 on February 20, 2010 Bob JR died from COMPLICATIONS of C-diff and the long lasting effects of the colon being destroyed. It is a long story of a single guy with a heart of gold, an ambulance driver and volunteer fireman to boot, there were missed signals and many hospital stays with diverticulitis issues and lots of antibiotics over the course of probably 3 to 4 years.
I live in PA the rest of my family in NY and the FEBRUARY 14, 2010 wedding of our nephew was a blessing to whole our family as my brother was dancing and smiling (we have lots of pictures) through his pain as he could not eat and had lost over 40pounds in the year. He was released from the hospital Jan 11, 2010 on antibiotics again only to return as we rushed him there Feb 17 where he died. This C-diff is a killer still. The doctor in the hospital said we have 5 cases and Bob's is the worst, besides doing emergency illiectomy surgery, as he was Sepsis and in shock when we brought him there. His ambulance friends went to a sister hospital in New york City to get an experimential medicine, it was given who knew if it would have work it was just to late. Why was he sent home in Jan. with a port of antibiotics, nursing care that didn't really know about how dangerous C-diff was, as we didn't either and given a letter that he could return to work just 10days before he died, yet the discharge doctors didn't even have the blood tests back yet. We have all the hospital records but according to New York State Law they, the doctors and the hospital were in their Jurisdiction of care and laws of care as three experts told our lawyer.... So to all..... OUR heallth care system is crumbling and we need to be proactive for ourselves, our children, grandchildren and loved ones that need a voice, be viligant.
I have friends and family in the medical field who are so fustrated by the politics and profits of "People Care" consumers not patients to some any more with human life on the line.. Doctors Nurses, Caretakers you went into this field because you care for others.. Please speak up. Knowledge is Power and the public needs to know what can we do to help ourselves against these killers.... Start a group...... Life is precious. Sepsis, C-diff and MRSAs- all of them killers and on my dad's Death certificate 1/09/2009 and my brothers 2/20/2010 as cause of death. In our hearts forever..... Thank you for listening and the good info. on what to do if someone else in our family gets C-diff.... I pray not.
(Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
Thank you Dolores from Lancaster for sharing your story about your brother and C-diff. I am so sorry for your loss.
You are right about needing to be proactive in our health by empowering ourselves and our families. As a former C-diff sufferer (1995 when I was given Biaxin and Cipro for walking pneumonia), one thing I strongly recommend for getting and staying healthy is taking a very high-quality probiotic daily - eating fermented food helps too.
Take care, Bess
(Miami, Fl)
I had cdiff last year after the first round of flagyl for 14 days it came back after 3 or 4 days, then I went on metrodinasol (vancocymin) for 14 days. Again I thought I was finally rid of this horrible thing, but it came back after 3 days again. My doctor, and I also did some research, put me on 21 days of flagyl and that is what finally did it. I also take an Activia yogurt everyday and 1 pill of saccaramyses Boulardi MOS and I have been free for the last 9 months. As a matter of fact my stomach has never been this good even before CDiff it must be the probiotics. I hope this helps.