Natural Remedies for Bone Spurs: Ginger, Turmeric, ACV & Castor Oil

| Modified on Dec 16, 2023
Posted by Suzi (Belize) on 11/18/2014

Editor's Choice Has anyone ever heard of using Knox gelatin to get rid of bone spurs? My mother used it several times and once I had them and it worked. I don't remember the amount though.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Karen (California) on 07/19/2016

Editor's Choice I have tried soaking an ace bandage in apple cider vinegar for a bone spur. Put in plastic bag overnight and my foot by next morning my area that was very swollen had almost gone down to normal. I was diagnosed with bone heel spur and calcification and Dr.wanted to do surgery and sever my tendon. No way. PLEASE try the vinegar and overnight and maybe a few times. It works. Believe me.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by JO ANN (CLEARWATER, FLORIDA) on 07/23/2005

Editor's Choice I have been very sick for 14 years, with arthritis and severe bone spurs. Last month a lady heard about my sickness and gave me this recipe. 1-64 oz.pure apple juice, 1-64 oz.pure grape juice. 1 cup apple cider vinegar. Mix well, place in your refrigerator, drink 1/3 cup of mixture 3 times a day. I was also told to take 250 mg. Magnesium oxide ,(this promotes bone and muscle health, and 250 mg.super b-complex. Take as instructed on bottle.

Good luck!

Castor Oil
Posted by Janet (Lagrange, Ky) on 08/03/2018

I used castor oil on my feet at night to get rid of bone spurs on the bottom of my feet. After showering I rubbed a generous amount of castor oil on my feet put on socks and slept with them on all night for about 1 month. The bone spurs are gone and my feet feel so much better. I recommend that to anyone with aching feet. It works.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Karlenn (Idaho Falls, Id) on 07/21/2014

I had to hop on here and let you know that ACV has helped my bone spur (maybe even eliminated it?) pain 100%. I had plantar fasciitis for a year, which then created a bone spur. Through physical therapy, I feel that the fasciitis is finally gone, but the spur remained and caused a new, different kind of pain. I'm a ballet teacher and really didn't want to have surgery, because it would put me out of commission for two months. In desperation, I did a google search, found this website, and, nervous about drinking ACV, applied it topically.

I have one of those foot braces that keeps your foot flexed while you sleep, which turned out to be perfect. I would soak a washcloth in ACV, ring it out, and wrap it around the base of my heel. Then I tied a grocery bag around it (it reeks. You gotta contain the smell...)Then put my foot brace over the top of the bag. Then tied a handkerchief over the outside of the heel to keep it pressed right against the skin all night. The next morning, I could walk with zero pain. It got sore as the day progressed, but not nearly as bad as usual. I've been doing it for a week now and it has been amazing. I can dance and jump and turn with my students again. So grateful for this site and the reviews people have given. Now I have a pulled tendon on my other foot and found that ACV works for that, too. Thank goodness for ACV.

Castor Oil
Posted by Gary (Kitchener On) on 01/29/2022


The best results to remove Bone Spurs

is Castor Oil .. put Oil on a small cloth and cover with plastic and apply heating pad for 1-2 hours, a few days of doing this it should be gone.

It is a Blessing Oil..check it out


Castor Oil
Posted by Angelwing (Australia) on 11/14/2017

My Mum and aunt have both successfully got rid of bone spurs on their feet using castor oil. I've also started using it on a Haglund's deformity on my heel and it is shrinking.

Posted by Raindear (Pahrump, Nv) on 01/17/2021

Editor's Choice About a month ago I closed my right hand into a fist and saw I had a lump the size of a pea on my index finger knuckle. My husband suggested it might be a bone spur. I started putting DMSO on it. I used the DMSO about four times over a week or 10 days. I noticed that the lump was shrinking about 4 days into the treatment. It is now almost gone. I am so excited that I just had to share.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Clatterbuck (Beltsville, Md) on 07/02/2016

I have a bone spur and walking had become really painful, especially when I woke up in the morning. I tried vinegar and it worked.

I soaked a washcloth in apple cider vinegar, wrapped it around my heel and put my foot in a gallon sized food storage bag. My husband thought I was crazy. I kept the bag and washcloth on my foot for about two hours (while I watched TV) for three evenings. My foot feels so much better. It's not perfect, but so much better. I can walk again without pain. I don't know how it works, but it does. I am going to keep using it until there is absolutely no discomfort at all.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Lisa (Texas) on 03/17/2015

Editor's Choice For bone spurs, try taking 1 1/2 tablespoons of food grade Diatomaceous Earth every morning and late afternoon. DE boosts your energy levels and can keep some people awake when you should be sleeping.

My bone spur is gone from my right heel, and the neuropathy, which developed after having a bone spur surgically removed from my left foot, is completely gone.

The arthritis in my ankles and wrist has subsided, as well.

I bought mine from a Farm Store and paid $20 for a 10 pound bag, which should last me 8 months. Good Luck...

Plumbing Washer
Posted by Ross (New York, US) on 09/05/2014

Editor's Choice Heel spurs are the easiest to remove and I mean remove. No operation needed. Just get a plumbing washer that fits comfortable, tape it to your heal exactly centered to the bone spur with duct tape.

Pain will be gone, and you will feel just a mild discomfort. After about two weeks (the more you walk or run the faster the results) you will see a white spot in the middle of the washer. Walk another couple of days just to be sure, then remove the washer, get a good sterilized needle, go into the white spot (you will hardly feel anything) about half inch and come out. Now squeeze the entire heel moving toward the center of the white spot and out comes the calcium that was misdirected because you did not take enough magnesium and vitamin K.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) 391 posts

Bone spurs are caused by ineffective calcium metabolism or excess calcium. What you need to do is find some food rich with silica, such as horsetail, or get some chemical alternative such sodium metasilicate.

Secondly, you need boron supplements to allow proper calcium bone metabolism.

Thirdly, proper bone metabolism also depends on proper levels of potassium which is found in bananas and electrolyte drinks. Magnesium is abundant in leafy dark green vegetables that is taken or eaten in raw. Take also sunflower seeds (salted or unsalted) as they are rich in magnesium.

DMSO helps with absorption, but don't forget that a 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt per liter of water will also be helpful with the bone conditions. Dosages of magnesium in form of magnesium chloride is about 500-1000 mg/day. Boron is best at about 5-10 mg/day. Silica supplements is about 100 mg/day. Most people in U.S. are actually silica and boron deficiency. Israel's drinking water is high in boron which is why they have relatively low in bone spurs compared with U.S. I suspect that excess calcium and excess fluoride is a major culprit in bone spurs - everyone with bone spurs seems to use fluoride toothpaste and seems to interfere with calcium metabolism. This happens in plants also, which is why pesticides must be low in fluoride for it stunts plant growth as well.

Castor Oil
Posted by Helen (Mn) on 09/15/2015

About 10 yrs ago, I had plantar fasciitis. I used the castor oil massage followed at bedtime by a saturated cotton ball directly over the site, covered by piece of plastic bag, a not too tight ace wrap, and a sock. I wore Haflinger brand wool clogs (excellent arch support) any time I was not wearing shoes. I took turmeric daily, 1/2 tsp beaten into an egg. fried "scrambled" fashion until just done (turmeric breaks down under excessive heat. Absorbed better with a fatty carrier.) Not bad. In a week the pain was greatly reduced. Over time, all pain was gone. After about a year, I could not detect the place where the bone spur had formed on my heel.

I now go bare foot again and the problem has not recurred.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Maral (Peoria, Il) on 07/21/2010

Apple cider vinegar DOES work for heel spurs. You don't drink it. Before you go to bed wet a cotton ball with ACV and rub it over your entire foot and let it dry. My chiropractor gave me this remedy. I could not even put my foot down on the floor in the morning without excruciating pain. The first morning after using it I could not only step down on my foot but I could walk across the floor. There was still some pain- comparable to the pain/discomfort you have at the end of the day after walking on it. Believe me- THIS WORKS!!!

Posted by Chopper (Columbus, Ohio/usa) on 12/26/2012

Editor's Choice I worked in a health food store and the herbalist there always suggested enzymes for bone spurs, catch is you have to have a powerful protolectic type and you have to take 2-3 on and EMPTY stomach so they work thru-out your system and not on your food but you have to take 12-16 a day for a month or two and it will dissolve the spur where ever it is. Several customers came back in and said within a week they had relief from pain.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Alice (Greer, Sc) on 08/15/2015

How do I use this for bone spurs in my shoulder?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mama to Many (TN) on 04/08/2021

Dear Sandy,

A neighbor introduced me to a salve that I have been using for everything! It has comfrey root in it, which I think it why it is so helpful. I have been using it on my hip bones when my bursitis flares up. I used it on my son's knee that he injured falling out of a tree, and on my toe that I dislocated. It has been helpful for all.

Have you ever tried the borax protocol?

And, of course there is always castor oil to massage into the feet and knees at bedtime.

Epsom salt baths at the end of the day might also be helpful and a nice reward for your walking and gardening.

Do you have good shoes? A supportive comfortable shoe is important.

I hope you will find one or more of these helpful! Keep me posted!

~Mama to Many~

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