The doctor went over options and recommended Aldara. I got it then read the side effects and realized it might mess up my immune system, which is already messed up from longterm Lyme. I decided to go back to the derm and ask about the other options.
Meantime, I got on Earthclinic and learned about using baking soda, coconut oil, and vitamin C, among other things.
I started using those 3 for a few days but after researching studies, switched to only C (ascorbic acid) powder. (Some people say L ascorbic is better. After researching it, I think it doesn't matter, though I am not sure.)
While waiting for the Dr.appointment, did the C for two weeks (including the few days of using the other things as well).
Every day, I am putting the C on as a paste (mixing it with water) and cover it with a Band-Aid to keep light from oxidizing it. keeping it on usually 12 hours but at least 4, as per a study I read.
(I think it is also OK to leave it uncovered and put it on 3x a day.)
Outdoors during the day, I cover it with a Band-Aid whether or not the C is on it.
The C made it sting and turn red; it would fade sometimes, then turn red again with more applications of the paste.
After about a week, it seemed to melt away; a small bit peeled off. Now the area is light pink and smoother, just a little texture, and It no longer turns red from the C, sometimes a little pinker.
When went back to the dermatologist, he asked if I used the Aldara. I said no, just C. He said my skin looks fine, keep using the C, and come back in three months. He said if it is malignant, it will double in thickness during that time. He said if it does not thicken then I am fine, no more to do.
I don't think he was implying it wasn't a cancer to begin with (I am quite sure it is, as I see the "fingers.")
One thing I learned from this is that I had to buy a new bottle of C. I have a really old bottle of it, probably oxidized. As soon as I bought the new bottle, a few days into this process, it had a much stronger effect.
Having studied more, I am concerned that ascorbic acid oxidizes quickly and I may need to replace the bottle every couple weeks, but so far, it seems to still be giving me a sting, and the lesion continues to look better. I'm going to try to find more info on this.
Will update this post after I go back to the dermatologist, or sooner if anything else of note happens.
From the studies it seems that usually the tumors fully go away but in some cases there is some residual cancer even after three months. But with the more "medical" treatments don't always get it all either. This is the main study I was going by. There are a few others online, wish there were more.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C
I had a very small spot on my nose that started to bleed and wouldn't heal so I'm pretty sure it was a basal cell. I read that some people cured there bcc with Vit C. First I tried Sodium Ascorbate paste made with water and that was going slowly. Finally I went from eating dairy everyday (lactovegetarian) to a vegan diet and tried Ascorbic Acid powder in a paste with Aloe gel. Ascorbic acid will sting unlike sodium ascorbate. The second application it started to bleed and scab, like a small dark purple scab. I think I applied it one more time after that, then I left it alone. A week later the spot is healed with no scar. For almost 3 months that spot had a mind of its own, turning red or bleeding. Now finally it looks like normal skin. Cool!