Back Pain
Natural Remedies

Top Natural Back Pain Remedies for Holistic Relief

Low Back Pain and Spondylitis
Posted by Lady_m (S.f. Bay Area, California, Usa) on 05/01/2010

I just wanted to reiterate that chronic severe low back pain could be related to a VERY RARE but serious disease (Ankylosing Spondylitis, which I have) and should be x-rayed for signs of sacroiliitis.

I had plantar fasciitis for years and then developed spondylitis. THESE 2 AILMENTS ARE NOT MEDICALLY RELATED. PLEASE DON'T WORRY YOURSELVES TOO MUCH.

Low Back Pain and Spondylitis
Posted by Dana (Cabarlah, Qld.) on 05/07/2022

Have you researched the No Low carb. diet for AS; Facebook group.

Posted by Phil (Dearing, Ga/usa) on 03/26/2010

Hi Deirdre!

I just wanted to mention Asparagus Exstract...

I'm not trying to promote a product, but the asparagus exstract is alot cheaper than buying fresh asparagus. The one I found is also Organic and each pack is the equal to a half pound of asparagus.

Google Aaparagus extract. The one I speak of comes from Dr. Chi.

Asparagus is suppose to be a natural kidney cleanser. so a couple packs of this in water a day, should help.I have tried this myself and it does seem when I drank it. My urine is a little more cloudy at first and you can smell the asparagus in it.....

It also stays around alot longer than fresh asparagus. You don't have to worry about it rotting or not being able to get your hands on fresh asparagus.

By the way, any luck using that Grapefruit Seed Exstract for the nails???

Oh and cranberry juice is very good for the kidneys, although it is very hard to find pure cranberry juice. My wife recently had a urineary tract infection and the cranberry juice I purchased said 100% juice ( Only to find out it had apple and pear added ) Seem to help alot.

I guess one shoe does not fit all, but we never know if it is right for us until we try it.

I have found one company that has the Asparagus exstract cheaper than anyone else and she will send you a free magazine on natural remedy protocols. It has lots of great stuff in it.

Yes, of course this lady sales products to people, but you could take her information and your own natural remedies from the place of your choice.

So in other words, you are not under any obligation to purchase any thing, just because you get a free magazine.

I hope this helps!

Thank you,

Posted by Deirdre (Atlanta, Ga, Usa) on 03/31/2010

Dear Phil and Lisa,

Thank you so much for your great feedback on kidney cleansing.

Phil, I had already emailed myself a note from one of your previous posts to get some asparagus extract the next time I need to order supplements. Sounds great! Oh, I will send in another post shortly with an update about GSE for nail fungus.

Lisa, I got your ingredients yesterday at the grocery store and made a large juice of asparagus, parsley, celery and an apple. It was delicious! Very energizing, you are right about that. I made a second juice in the evening of my typical green lemonade ingredients... apple, ginger, kale, romaine, lemon. The juicing appears to have a very potent cleansing effect today if you know what I mean! The glowing effect the juice has on my skin is amazing.

Now that the weather is warming up here in GA, I am much more inclined to juice. My body simply rejects it in the cold winter months.

Many thanks again to both of you!


Posted by Janice (Coloma, Mi) on 03/31/2010

Lisa, what type of juicer do you use? I purchased a juicer from a friend and my husband and I have been juicing every morning, but my juicer doesn't do leafy greens like parsley.

Posted by Janice (Coloma, Mi) on 04/01/2010

Thanks Lisa and Deirdre. I bought an Acme for $50 bucks from a friend. I wasn't sure how often I would use it and didn't want to spend a lot of money. It's been a really great machine. It has a really strong motor and it's all stainless steel. I have used it almost every day since I've gotten it. I'll be sure to try rolling up the leafy greens and see if that works. I hope so. Thanks again.

Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 04/05/2010

I bought an Oscar last December after doing quite a bit of research. It works very well and as it is a masticating juicer the juices are "alive", have a great color and taste even after a few hours in the fridge just the machine has a quite a problem because when you juice fruit and vegetables with much juice it goes right into the place where the auger fits into the motor, not good if you ask me and a bother to clean. Other than that if we are at home we drink juices every day!

Posted by Bustherh (Auburn, Maine, Usa) on 05/08/2012

I don't own a juicer but I have been doing the green smoothie thing with a fairly cheap blender that I had owned for years and forgotten about. Do you guys think that a smoothie is just as beneficial as juice? I started feeling great after just a few days. I started because of severe sciatica and desperation to be rid of the pain. After about 6 weeks of more than a quart every morning I think I have cured every little ailment that I had except the sciatica.

Posted by Linda (York County, Southern Maine) on 05/09/2012

Hi Bustherh~I haven't tried juicing or green smoothies, but it sounds like you're onto a good thing if you're feeling good!!! Re: your sciatica pain, perhaps some time spent on an inversion board would help? I have spinal stenosis and hop on my board for just a few minutes, as often as I feel the need, and my discomfort becomes less.... I think I paid around $120 which is at the bottom of the scale of what I could have paid. Stay well ~ Linda

Posted by Kara (Vancouver, Wa) on 05/14/2012

I take candied ginger for sciatica, worked quickly too! I was amazed.

Posted by Mark Dewitt (Cincinnati, Oh) on 01/07/2010

I had severe back pain years ago. When standing up from a seated position, I could only do so very gingerly. If I were walking my back would give out and I would go down on my knees.

Part of my job is interviewing authors when they are in town for a radio station and pod casts.

One day there was a book that came in the mail that was called Your Bodies Many Cries For Water written by Dr Batmanglelde. His book was a lifesaver for my back and he has an interesting story.

I increased my water intake and this worked a miracle on my back. It is not an instant cure like many on this web site but this really works.

Be sure to take your 8 glasses of water or more for great results

General Feedback
Posted by Andi (St. Paul, Mn) on 08/26/2009

Dear April, I suggest you look into non-surgical spinal decompression. My Chiropractor does it in her office. I've never had it done, but I know she has been able to help others a lot. It may not work for what you have, but it would sure be worth checking to see if someone in your area does the treatment. Good Luck!

Posted by Vicky (Manila, Philippines) on 07/16/2009

Hi there, I just want to share that since I was born I can immediately had back pain because of my poor immune system but I naturally gained my full strenght when I became an athlete...But when I stop playing because of my work in office, no exercise, everyday is the thing that I must face and accept the pain in my back before I go to sleep. For now, even the weather is cold here and even I don't have time to go to gym, one thing effective that I usually do is when I get sweat.. It's true! Perspiration is the best remedy and cure for back pain because backpains maybe due to over fatigue at work, weather and that at times the pain will almost come accross the stomach that you'll feel that you want to vomit...the only thing you can do aside from massage is perspiration...drinking tea will also help.

Posted by Meena (Fremont, Ca, Usa) on 09/25/2010

Hello Ted
I have a chronic low back pain and fibroid problem also. Yesterday I discovered this site and bought and started ACV baking soda first time and wondering can I start taking Magnesium also for my low back pain which I have it from last 3 years as I am scheduled to get the epidural shot on oct 15th2010. I have already tried this shot, acupuncture, physical therapy, chiropractor but nothing helped. So please advice it I want to start magnesium as I read you should avoid baking soda so can I take it after 2-3 hours of taking ACV baking soda. Thank you, Meena

Posted by Gabriela (Tola, Nicaragua) on 09/27/2010

Did you try Neural Therapy for managing the pain?

Posted by Dg (Rosemead, Ca, Usa) on 01/28/2011

Hi Ted, I've been having a lower back pain for over a year now, usually in the past when I had lower back pain, it goes away in a few days or so, not this time, I've tried almost everything from this site, BSM, ACV, resveratrol, resveratrol helps for the first week, then it came back, I'm trying hyaluronic acid as I'm typing this, it's been exactly a week today, I'm going to keep continue for another week or two, in the mean time, I also saw your other article that the most important is magnesium chloride, then I see it again in this article, so I suppose I should do both ?? in this article you mentioned the dilution which is 60 - 80 % MC and 20 - 40% distilled water, 5 - 10 drops depending on your weight, you didn't mention how many times per day you need to take 5 - 10 drops ?? is it 2 or 3 times ?? please advise, I'm much better now after the hyaluronic acid, but I still feel the discomfort in my lower back around morning time and when I sit down, I almost didn't feel any pain when I walk or work or even lift some heavy things.

Thank you Ted, greatly appreciate your article about hyaluronic acid and this article about magnesium chloride, I believe these will help me getting back in shape.

I appreciate some reader's inputs, but before Anyone Replies and suggesting me something, please keep in mind, I've tried almost EVERYTHING, from heat pack, ice pack, tons of chiropractors visits, inversion table, lumbar support, etc.

Posted by Dorothy (Friedrichsdorf, Germany) on 01/29/2011

I also had a bout with severe back pain and nothing worked including many visits to the chiropractor. By chance I read the small print on my high blood pressure medicine which I had recently started taking and it says lower back pain could be a side effect caused by magnesium deficiency. Although I was taking magnesium which I had from the U. S. It was not being absorbed and fortunately I had a high quality one from Germany (effervescent) and after taking this for 2 days the back pain went away. I later learned from German pharmacists that with certain high blood pressure medicine (diuretics) one needs to take magnesium because the medication depletes the body's magnesium.

Posted by Joni (Madison, Wi.) on 06/27/2011


Posted by Garry (Los Angeles, California) on 09/19/2011

The magnesium from Germany is most likely Magnesium Citrate powder, one of the major products in Europe its called "d-i-a-s-p-o-r-a-l" just remove the hyphens and do a internet search to get a better description of the product and its ingredient list.

Posted by Lonni (Utah) on 02/25/2016

Hi Ted,

The only kind of Magnesium Chloride I could find locally in stores was a bath salt in big flakes. I bought it but then decided it would be next to impossible to dose uniformly and accuately, unless you have some ideas. Should I return it and order online, or do I dare pop a couple flakes into distilled water and gulp? Thanks, Lonni

Heel Lifts
Posted by Jasonmchicago (Chicago, Il Usa) on 11/22/2011

My body has been totally out of balance. I went to a Neuromuscular Osteopath and they noticed my hips were off... Which I knew but never mentioned anything about leg length. I had broken my leg over a decade ago and I kept saying that my legs don't feel the same size throughout the years. I thought it was all in my head and becuase I didn't exercise or do the right PT to heal the muscles/liagments/tendons. I told people here and there but never go a real "test" to what was going on. Anyway I had lower back pain for years, couldn't sleep well, and had knee pain. I just felt like a marionette doll!!! Shoulder pain, neck pain, back pain, facial pain, everything was out of whack.

Anyway I read Earthclinic all the time and said maybe it is REAL. I saw the heel lift comment and ordered one immediately. Actually I ordered two version waiting to get them in the mail. Then I thought I'd just use what I have around the house. So I got a couple of kitchen sponges put them in my shoes and BOOM! By the next days things settled down a little. I cannot wait until I get my heel lifts.... I think they will really help realign things along with yoga, etc. Geez!!!! To think that ALL THESE years I had been walking weird and things were so bad for no reason.

Thank you for all the folks who post on this site.

QUESTION: What is the best doctor to get an official diagnosis so I know how many mm my legs are off and that can help me monitor the realignment of things? Osteopath? Chiro? MD? I hate the endless search for "specialist" who don't know much about anything! :)

Best, JMC

Heel Lifts
Posted by Jeff (Nashville, Tn) on 11/23/2011

Jason, Look for a "Nucca" chiroprator in your area. They focus on your your head/neck Atlas. The first check they do is a leg length check. Google this and it will make sense. It worked for me!

Posted by Paul mcloughlin (Ballycastle ) on 08/08/2023

Surely he means 20 seconds on left knee

Posted by Jodi (North Fork, California USA) on 12/07/2008

My husband has been having upper back and shoulder pain so bad that he can't sleep at night. He's tried all kinds of pain killers without any effect. Last night I put some DMSO on his back and his skin blistered up and his pain doubled. Can anyone tell me what we did wrong? I used a roll-on applicator that the DMSO came in and didn't put much on at all. I did, however, buy it at a feed store. Did I buy the wrong type?

Posted by Rex (Laffayette, La) on 02/26/2011

Sounds like he has sulphur allergies. DMSO is Dimethyl sulfoxide; so every absorbed molecule carried a sulphur atom with it.

Posted by Yahnah (Somecity, USA) on 09/27/2008

I had a car wreck and the MRI showed 2 discs bulging. I was informed to have surgery for this. I decided to go natural. AND IT WORKED! My prayers were answered. I began to take Tumeric in capsules about 8 or 10 at a time at my worst. It took my pain away. Every time I hurt I took more. Then the pain left. I did not want to be on a perscription because of the side effects. You can also put a teaspoon of tumeric in tomato juice for a great snappy tom kind of drink and fast relief.

I had another MRI a few years later and no disc bulge could be detected! Sometimes when under stress I feel some discomfort and I immediately take tumeric again and it is gone! I hope this helps someone.

Posted by Debb (Douglasville, Ga) on 03/27/2014 5 posts

Thank you for the site, but I have for the last 5 yrs. suffered with back pain and have now for 3 days used, 800 mg. turmeric and concentrated chloroyphyll, and flaxseed, about every 5-6 hrs. I have to say the pain has lessened to almost not noticeable.. nothing like before rite from the start...

Posted by Sandy From Atlanta (Ga, USA) on 03/27/2014

Hi Debb,

How did you take the Flaxseed? Was it flaxseed oil, or what. I'm currently have a lot of pain in my knee and am looking for some help with it. I already take tumeric and it helps a lot with other aches and pains but not helping with my knee.

Posted by Debb (Douglasville, Ga) on 11/01/2015 5 posts

Gel caplets.

Posted by Chu (Edmond, Oklahoma) on 05/31/2008

i have found that sleeping with magnets applied to my back completely eliminates my back pain, i was having pain in my back for two weeks so i researched and read that magnets may help, it took about on week but the pain was completely gone, it came back once more after i strained my back again and the same remedy worked again, i was able to find a back magnet called norso on ebay for around $10.

Posted by Helen (Beirut, Lerbanon) on 04/02/2008

Thanks Joyce for your reply it was very helpful to me, now I know she can take around 600 mg daily(she's over weight) ,I read all the report of Dr. Blaylock ,and I believe in all what he said , and I think everybody must read it, here is the link

Posted by Joyce (Joeton, TN) on 04/03/2008

To Helen from Beirut,4/2/08:

Hello again Helen, I am concerned that you might have just skipped over an importance point in that interview with Dr. Blaylock. Please go back and read that again, taking special note of: "Now one of the things we are hearing a lot about is childhood obesity. One early observation with excitotoxicity is it makes animals grossly obese". We may be the higher order of animals but Dr. Blaylock tells us that we humans store much more of MSG & aspartame than other animals do. While Dr. Blaylock writes about the effects of these two on the brain, these 2 also cause a lot of other problems.

If you can find a copy of "The Carbohydrate Addict's Healthy Program" by Richard and Rachel Heller and Dr. Vagnini, it is an excellent source of what it does to other parts of the body. Fortunately the same major excitotoxins causing problems with the brain & central system are the same ones blamed for the problems mentioned in the above book. You can search Metabolic Syndrome X &/or Insulin Resistance and you can't help but realize that this is what the above book is about.

Since you said your daughter is overweight, I urge you to read up on this to keep your daughter from developing Diabetes Mellitus, type 2.

Clove Oil
Posted by Ted (Bangkok , Thailand) 391 posts

A viral caused back pain is started when the toxins they create are acid toxins which causes weakness and acidity which causes pain. Magnesium supplement is one addition that can help also, especially magnesium chloride, or magnesium gluconate, if you have trouble finding mag chloride.

Clove Oil
Posted by Maria (London) on 02/10/2022 9 posts

How much clove oil should I apply since this post is from 2007 and the DeAun is unlikely to reply?

Eliminate Dairy
Posted by Oly (London, United Kingdom) on 03/30/2010

I am a 53 years old woman I was diagnosed with lumber prolapse about two years ago and have been living with pain on my back as well sciatica pain down to my legs. I came to this site in my quest for cure or management. Please can anyone tell me what I can do to get rid of this pain. I have spent money visiting chiropractors, chinese acunpuncture and massage, several heat pads and regular pain killers which does not have effect. Please help god bless you


Eliminate Dairy
Posted by Phil (Dearing, Ga) on 03/31/2010

Hello Oly, You stated you have seen chiropractors for your condition. Well in my opinion there is only one type of chiropractor that actually works... The practice you will be looking for is called the GONSTEAD.

Ask your chiropractor what method he or she uses. Find one that does the Gonstead method. The older the chiropractor usally the better.

You can research it yourself using Google, But there is a big difference in the Gonstead method and other chiropractor treatments. If a Gonstead practicing chiropractor can't fix you, then it may be DDD.

There is also some stuff on here already under the Ailments section but one thing that comes to mind is magnesium. I believe Ted, somewhere on here recommended magnesium for back related issues. The key in the magnesium seems to be its ability to make the muscles stregthen add hold the bones in thier proper places.

Stretches and stregthen the Ab muscle will also help.

My chiropractor told me the Key to a healthy back, Is a strong core ( Midsection of a person )

Ab muscles equals strong back.

I hope you DO NOT have degenerative disc disease, because my mother had sciatica problems and found out she had DDD. She had to have surgery and has never fully recovered. Her bones never fused back together. It has been two years now.

Turmeric, Glucosamine, Green Tea
Posted by Larry (Austin, Texas, USA) on 04/05/2009

You may want to consider using honey instead of sugar. Just a thought.

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