Afib and Oat Bran: My Doc suggested a diet and exercise to reduce my cholesterol (239) but I've been doing that for years with little success. I've also had my heart skipping a beat about once or twice per minute (for years).
So, I read where an 8 week diet of a half cup of oat bran each day would lower my cholesterol. I started Feb. 21st and the amazing thing to me is that my heart palpitations stopped on the 22nd and I've not had ONE skip and it's only a few days away from being a month. I feel so much better, so much more energy.
My wife has been making delicious oat bran muffins, pancakes, and also just hot cereal with blueberries, so we haven't had problems sticking with thie diet. I will have my cholesterol checked again after another month but sure don't plan to abandon this diet if things continue as they are now.