Natural Cures for Atrial Fibrillation

Posted by Joan (South Riding, US) on 10/09/2014

Over the years, I have found that coffee (more specifically, caffeine) causes me to have irregular heartbeats. Now, every cup of coffee contains a bit of organic Blackstrap Molasses. No longer do I experience heart beats that feel like my heart is flopping around. No longer do I get that shortness of breath feeling. In fact, all I have to do, if I haven't had BSM in a while and experience an irregular heartbeat, is dip my finger into BSM and the irregularity subsides.

Posted by Xylnx (Smithtown, Ny) on 02/29/2012

I have atrial fribrillation for 10 years and have tried virtually all health foods. Molasses (3 tbl/day) appears to have a major difference so far but I will have to wait a couple more months to be sure. It has also lowered my pulse.
