Natural Cures for Atrial Fibrillation

Posted by Darien (Boston, Ma) on 01/19/2016

Magnesium Chloride is the best and most absorbable form. I know I can't say brands here, but look for a liquid kind and take 2 teaspoons 3X a day in a glass of water. There are transdermal magnesium chloride brands also that you can just run on the skin.

Posted by Hwkmn05 (Nh, US) on 06/23/2014 109 posts

If I had one supplement to suggest someone with Atrial Fibrillation or any heart condition for that matter, Magnesium would be that. It took me 4 years to figure this out, but for some reason certain individuals deplete Mag levels in our bodies more than others. Possibly stress , or diet, but there are days I can t keep enough in my system. Ive dealt with Tachycardia several times and a high dose (800-1200mg) of Mag and Hawthorne (2000mg), gets me in NSR. I have not used it yet to get me out of full AF, but I am more confident now than I have ever been on Meds. Hope to never take Meds again.

Posted by Linda (Washington) on 02/02/2014

A-Fib: Two years ago I started having problems with heart palpitations they got so severe at one point I was hospitalized. Thinking I was having a heart attack my Doctor set me up with the usual tests. Holter monitor, stress tests all of them. They decided in the end that it may be the beginning of A-Fib. Not ready to start me on all the meds since I was already taking high blood pressure medicine and a low dose aspirin and 1200 mgs. of calcium. I had been taking potassium as well but after blood work my doctor stopped them saying I didn't need them. The cardiologist decided to put me on toprol too. I didn't like the way they made me feel but, believing in Doctors as all knowledgeable I continued on. I kept having less severe attacks that I learned how to ease somewhat until they went away. I was trying to lose weight and I was on pretty much a starvation diet for a long time after having tried so many things and couldn't lose any weight. My Doctor was informed of this, he ignored it. My friend suggested I try some magnesium so to humor her I went to the grocery and bought a bottle of magnesium. Didn't seem to help much. But then last summer my sister introduced me to Calm and some literature by a naturopath. I read and then read everything I could find on the subject it explained so much about my symptoms and I was shocked so decided to search the internet and found Earth Clinic you are a life saver thank you so much for being here for us. I discovered due to my bad diet I had depleted my mineral stores and my heart was reacting to the loss of them. I started back on potassium and took the Calm magnesium every day in the high dose recommended. I read Dr. Carolyn Deans web page and stopped the calcium. Since that time I have not experienced another A-Fib attack or felt the least bit of a problem from my heart.

Sorry to be so long winded but, I wanted to be clear on what the cause was. That magnesium works wonders and to keep learning and to Thank all who send their information to Earth Clinic for the good of us all.
