Posted by Stephanie (Charlotte, NC) on 02/05/2009
Probiotics works for allergies. I am a lot better now. This is what I do. I take 3 cloves of garlic a day- diced up and eaten on sprouted wheat toast with cream cheese. Yummy! Really! I take 1 Kyodophilus probiotic and 2 fish oil pills and drink a small glass of strawberry kefir. I drink a lot of water throughout the day with a little of the kefir mixed in to give it flavor and get more good bacteria because kefir is full of beneficial bacteria. This works for me and also my teenage son takes 2 kyodophilus + 2 fish oils + a little kefir everyday and he is doing great!!! YEAH! p.s. we really try to stay away from sugary starchy foods. Also, we have tried many kinds of probiotics, but this is the best we've ever tried.