Natural Allergy Relief: Top 13 Home Remedies

Black Seed Oil
Posted by Bonnie (Ravenna, Ohio) on 07/04/2009

I have used the ACV for my asthma---it worked OK--but it's set off by my allergies-I researched the black seed oil--bought the oil----oh my gosh, it did the trick--I put a tsp. in my juice before bed and slept like a baby--put a tsp in my morning coffee-and found my nose not stuffy--enjoying the day--now I'm even putting a little with shea butter and using it as a face cream---my face looks to smooth-and it's helping my allergies at the same time. Bonnie

EC: Proper plant name is Nigella sativa. More information here:

Black Seed Oil
Posted by Bridget (White Springs, FL) on 11/07/2008

Pure Black Seed Oil: I have suffered with allergies and asthma for years. It developed in my adult years. Have taken just about everything for both. They just seem to get worse and the meds work less and less. I tried this out of desperation. Guess what.... I don't take any meds for allergies or asthma anymore. Haven't had to in over 6 months. It is good for several things. It's an ancient remedy from Egypt. The liquid taste horrible. Get the black seed oil soft gels so you don't have to put up with the taste.
