For one who is forever telling people to hydrate, when I get busy, I don't. ROFL! I'm often dehydrated. Not to the critical degree that got me interested in hydration in the first place but the body DOES slap me upside the head to remind me. Whether with that "Oh no! " approach of indigestion or a headache or, duh, SNEEZING!
Address Dehydration
It all calmed down very quickly.
I recognise that I have been very dehydrated for a long time so have started implementing the Water Cures protocol as per their website. I do have the book ‘Your Body's Many Cries for Water' & must dig it out & read it again to remind myself.
I did go through a period of drinking 2-3 liters of water daily, some time ago, but was not taking any salt. It didn't seem to make much difference. I was also pretty low in Potassium back then, but now eat a mostly plant-based diet, with quite a bit of raw food so do get more potassium now.
The unrefined salt is needed to provide electrolytes & trace minerals so the body can use the water properly. So much improvement can be gained when the body is properly hydrated.
Address Dehydration
Address Dehydration
Having started drinking more water recently (mainly boiled tap water), the hay fever attacks HAVE reduced significantly. I wonder about that. If so, it's an easy way to feel more comfortable!
Address Dehydration
Address Dehydration
We've been doing this for 5 months, just a few pinches of sea salt each day and drinking half our body weight in ounces of water every day: neither of us had even a smidgen of allergies ALL the past 5 months since we started the water cure. NO allergies. All through Spring, Summer, and now early Fall. We've been outdoors all day long in hayfever season, with all the ragweed and both of us were fine. No snoring, our skin looks phenomenal (YAY) and our joints are as limber as they were in our 20's, no popping or creaking or crunching when stretching and moving. Even my neck is loose and moves in any position smoothly. Digestion is optimal. This water cure is my way of life now, FOR LIFE. Simple sea salt and water has done us both the WORLD of good! Super cheap (almost free) and extraordinarily effective. The only cure we need!
PS - he hasn't needed any of those expensive allergy meds he used to need daily! He no longer uses over the counter pain meds daily for headaches. It's wonderful!!!
Address Dehydration
Address Dehydration
I used the water cure successfully to rid myself of most allergy symptoms I even started having asthma symptoms which went away in two days of drinking sufficient water. You need 1/2 your weight in ounces of water and a little unrefined sea salt per day the pink Himalayan is great. You also need iodine, I used kelp and then later Lugol's solution. Magnesium, I use magnesium oil. The rest of what you need you will most likely get from your food. The water has made a huge difference for others who I have recommended it to.
One lady is off daily doses of Benadryl. Now she only takes it as needed. I am off of Zyrtec. I have stopped needing antibiotics 4 to 6 times a year! This has been a huge life change for me! I am about to turn 40 and I am so proud of taking control of my own health!