Health Benefits

Blackstrap Molasses Cancer Treatment

| Modified on Jan 25, 2025
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Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Geraldine (Fort Lauderdale, Florida) on 03/11/2009

Yes, the exact measurments are MOST important, and I think this is why some people reporting to you of their problem with blackstrap molasses is that they use too much molasses and too little water. Blackstrap Molasses has CURED many cases of cancer, some of the "incurable" terminal cases.

In the book by Cyril Scott, "Crude Black Molasses" many cases of curing cancer are reported. All followed the exact manner of taking the molasses which is not recommended for anyone with diabetes. The method for curing cancer is one teaspoonful in a cup of hot water: then cold water should be added "so as to make two-thirds of a cupful." This to be taken at one's convenience at any time; persons with deicate stomachs should take a smaller dose of molasses more often throughout the day."

For severe cases such as for cancerous growth, molasses should be taken last thing at night and on rising as well as during the day."

Do not drink it too hot, and drink it lesisurely not in big gulps. It is more easily assimilated in hot water; (bladder troubles have occurred simply after drinking drafts of cold water when one is overheated.) As reported, even terminal cases after surgery for cancer have been cured by this method of
taking blackstrap molasses ( one teaspoon bsm, mixed with 1 cup hot water, then adding cold water making 2/3 a cup, drinking leisurely many times a day.)

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Bret (Phoenix, Arizona) on 06/10/2008

Black strap molasses has been in my pantry for last 15 years. I use it to sweeten almond milk along with some brown sugar and cinnamin. It has iron in it and is loaded with tons of potassium. Potassium helps with nerve transmission and is cytoplasmic buffer for most cells.

Cells with higher ph have higher oxygen. (Warburg/Brewer)

So by taking the molasses you will be increasing iron to help make hemoglobin and red blood cells. By taking potassium you will increase oxygen perfusion accross the cell membrane and into the cell.

If you do have cancer I would surely augment your molasses with several other oxygen donors. Remember though that CoQ10 is important part of oxygen metabolism and peroxide, mms, chlorophyll, dmso, increase oxygen but not its rate of consumption. That is controlled by CoQ10.

Don't forget that vitamn c is so very important. It's oxidation bi-products neutralize two cancer enzymes, it increases interferon production, it donates electrons to drive oxygen metabolism, it cause peroxidase reaction in cancer cells. 5,000 mg per day is minimum!!! Take with food.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Tammy (St. Louis, MO) on 09/21/2007

Hi. I have been diagnosed with Stage IV metatstatic breast cancer (spread to the bones). I have become anemic. Dr. said to take in more iron. I bought blackstrap molasses unsulphured. Took a tablespoon Tuesday evening, a tablespoon Wednesday morning. Noticed Wednesday afternoon I "had energy" & then realized that after a 4 block walk at a fast pace did not leave me winded and fatigue my legs (the Saturday before I became winded and fatigued after only 1 block). Went home from work, took another tablespoon, did heavy gardening until 10:00 that night. Was still feeling energized! Took the same amount of blackstrap Thurday and Friday (today). Here is the amazing part: when I am anemic, I get tinnitus - sound in my ears. It is a pulsating sound like I can hear my blood pulsating through my veins. The more anemic I am, the louder the tinnitus. I've been through this before. Took blood transfusions and the tinnitus went away. My last treatment regimen for the cancer worked (for awhile) and as I got better from the medication, my blood got better, and the tinnitus gradually went away. Now, since taking the blackstrap (starting three days ago), each night I notice the tinnitus is lessened. Last night it was BARELY audible and was not constant. I expect tonight it will not be there at all. (Night time is when I notice it when all is very quiet). I would bet were I to have my blood tested today, my red blood cell and platelet counts would be either normal or just about normal. OK, I am truly amazed. Is it the blackstrap? Ok, next thing to try: hydrogen peroxide. Then apple cider vinegar! God bless you all for sharing!