Health Benefits

Mistletoe Cancer Treatment

| Modified on Jan 25, 2025
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1 User Review

Posted by Henry (Cambridge, Ma) on 02/17/2014

Has anyone explored the use of mistletoe injections for cancer? It appears to be widely used in Europe. Here's the NIH Cancer Institute web page: and

Replied by Chris
(Bay Area, Ca)


I am 3 years in remission from stage IV melanoma and had a very positive experience with Mistletoe. After my last surgery I began to suspect conventional medicine was not going to help me live a long and healthy life.

So I started on an alternative path. Early in my research I learned about Mistletoe and found a local doctor who taught me how to self-inject, sub-cutaneously, 3x/week. I did this for the first year and half of my journey while I learned everything else I needed to do (detox, change lifestyle, eat clean, exercise, etc.).

Prior to this regimen I did NOT like hypodermic needles, even fainting once in a doctors office. But after the first month or so, it became easier to do. While I don't believe Mistletoe can cure my cancer, the benefit it provided was temporarily activating my weakened immune system while I learned how to build my immune system naturally (see above).

I will be happy to go on, but this will be enough for now. If you or anyone else responds to this thread, I can answer additional questions.

Mistletoe is not available in the US; I had to contact a pharmacy in Canada who sent it to me. I think it was $1,000 for a 3 month supply. During these past 3 years I have done alot of other alternative treatments, and today I am optimistic I will be on this earth for another 20 years at least (I am 58 y.o. male now).

Knowing what I know today, it is a crime that so many people (including my dad) die from cancer. Damn Big Pharma!

Good luck and take care. Chris