Genital Warts
Health Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar for Genital Warts

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Anon (Sydney, Australia) on 02/21/2009

Genital Warts/Apple Cider Vinegar:

First, thanks to everyone for sharing their stories and tips. Like others here, I've had great success with Apple Cider Vinegar. I'm female, and there are already plenty of helpful posts here about what to do, so I won't repeat them. I just wanted to add one tip that I've stumbled across. Guys, this may be too much info for you -- sorry. Or, maybe there are parts of the male body that this applies to, too...?

Anyway: For warts inside or around your vagina, it can be difficult or impossible to apply a bandaid/etc along the lines suggested by some posts - they're too hard to reach and/or the surrounding skin is too moist. But it seems that, for the cure to work, it's important to have the vinegar on there for a while. For these areas, I've used a mixture of vinegar and salicylic acid ointment, which you can buy at the chemist/pharmacist. Salicylic acid is also an old-fashioned "keratolytic" - ie, a cure for warts (how this virus has expanded my medical vocabulary...). It has a texture similar to vaseline, so it clings to the skin. I mixed some apple cider vingar and a few drops of tea-tree oil with it and used a q-tip/cottonbud to "paint" some warts inside my vagina. I did this three or four times a day, and the warts flared white, then quite quickly began to disintegrate.

So, keep this in mind if you have hard-to-reach warts and are wary of the tampon approach. One note: the Salicyclic acid I bought had a strength of 2%. I think you can buy ointments with much higher acid content, but I'd be wary of these. Too much Salicyclic acid can be unhealthy, and as you'll be inserting it internally, where it can be absorbed by your bloodstream, I think it's probably safest to stick to a low strength, especially as the vinegar will be doing the real anti-wart work for you.

Good luck, everyone!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Thomas (Oslo, Norway) on 02/20/2009

I have GW in and around my anus. I have tried the ACV on the external warts, but I don't know how to treat the internal ones. I have tried pushing in a cotton ball soaked in ACV and leaving it in, but I am not sure how safe this is. I am also not sure how to monitor the progress as it is very difficult to get a "good look

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Teru (Paris, France) on 02/21/2009

I also ask the same questions some time ago and never got an answer. Maybe we could ask Ted if he has some solutions for internal anal warts.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Thomas (Oslo, Norway) on 02/21/2009

Thank you Teru! I have had GW before and got them removed surgically three years ago. I have been fine until last Tuesday when I noticed the bastards were back. I am on my fourth day with the ACV. So far it is just getting really sensitive and sore. Between the treatments I have rubbed Wheat Germ Oil on the area, because it is rich on vitamin E. I also started taking the homeopathic remedy Thuja D6 today -- I am really hoping to avoid surgery this time.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Teru (Paris, France) on 02/22/2009

Hello Thomas, i also did take out the wart twice surgically but i am again,trying to avoid that. So how did you put the ACV inside? Please come back to tell if this time worked or not. GOOD LUCK and health!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Beckii (out there , PA) on 02/19/2009

I have had GW for over 10 years, I only had one out break when i was 17, and haven't had one since, until last week! I thought they were gone for good, then i came across this website, and began using apple cider vinager for two days, I thought I only had one small wart but come to find out there were much more. Now they have doubled in size and are very pink. Im hope that this works. So far, the only result I have is that they have gotten bigger. I used a regular size cotton ball with ACV, applied it for one hour last night, three hours so far today (when i get home i will sleep with it) and I am praying that they fall off by next week. I have started taking Womans one a day, Vitamin E pills, garlic pills 4 times a day and ACV pills twice a day. I hope to build up my metabolizim in hopes these annoying things go away!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mike (Greer Sc) on 10/05/2015

I have had GW's for 4 yrs. now, and I have tried everything to get rid of them (Freezing, laser burning, topical immune cream, ACV, etc.). All of these got rid of the warts that were there but nothing got them to stay away. About every 2 months they come back. I also read about pumping up your immune system by taking supplements on here: (1000 mg of vitamin c, 1000 I.U. Of vitamin E, 25,000 I.U. of vitamin A (as beta carotene), 50 mg of zinc, 500 mg of lysine, an Echinacea and Golden Seal complex pill, a One-a-day multivitamin, and Garlic Supplement pills (2 at a time)) Which I have done for 2 and 1/2 months and they still keep coming back around the 2 month period. Everything I read says it takes about 2 yrs. for your body to adjust and keep out breaks away but I am at 4 yrs. and still getting them. Anyone else been like this and have found something to keep the outbreaks away? Any help would be appreciated. I am losing my mind over this.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Stephen (New York) on 10/05/2015

Hi , Drink Calcium bentonite clay. 2 oz. in morning and 2 0z. at nite. Also take bitter melon pills everyday . Stay away from suger and high arginine foods . ex: peas, garbonzo beans , pistachio nuts. Eat more extra virgin coconut oil .

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Chelsey (Somewhere, Minnesota) on 02/17/2009

I just had to drop a line to say that this really works! I was horrified about 2 weeks ago to see what I thought were GW down there, but I figured I'd give it a few days to see if it went away on it's own. When it didn't, I knew for sure that I had GW, and was mortified at the idea of going to my school's health clinic and being lectured on what a terrible person I was. So instead I got online and began researching. I came upon this website on Sunday, and later that night I decided, what the heck, I'll try it. I went to the store and got store brand apple cider vinegar and marched back home. I put it onto a bunch of toilet paper and then bandaged it to my vagina, and hopped into bed to give it the night to work. I woke up about 3 hours into the night because of the burning, and got up and took it off. I looked down there with a handheld mirror and saw all the white spots. I washed it, and went back to bed. The next day, when I got home for school, I did another hour. Today, I woke up to some bleeding, and upon inspection, the two biggest warts are now gone, all that's left is a raw area that I've been applying vitamin e to. I've still got a few areas that I'm working on, but I can't believe that in two days, I already got these results! It's amazing!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Megan (Denver, Colorado, USA) on 02/16/2009

After reading all the positive comments about ACV I decided to give it a shot myself. I don't have any external warts but there are clusters of them on the inside of my vaginal walls, and at the opening of my vagina as well. Two days ago was my first treatment, I soaked a cosmetic cotton pad in apple cider vinegar and applied directly to the warts cluster. It hurt like nothing I've ever experienced before in my life. It literally felt like acid to open wound contact. I could not take it for more than 2-3 minutes, it was agonizing. I was disappointed and felt hopeless. Well after taking another look at those disgusting things today it gave me motivation to give it another try, knowing how much it hurt but I cannot live with those disgusting warts anymore. So I took the advice of my husband and took 800mg of Tylenol 15 mins before the treatment. I soaked a small piece of cotton pad in ACV and applied it to the opening of my vagina. I took another small piece of cotton and pressed it on top of the soaked one. I then taped it with medical tape. I am going to leave it on overnight and see if there's any change. ( I have to note I saw no change from the first treatment, i guess I didn't leave it on long enough). Just wanted to help those of you who have internal vaginal warts like me and cannot bare the pain. Tylenol made a big big difference, I only felt slight stinging for the first half an hour, it's been on for 5 hours now and I cannot even feel it's there. I will repeat the process again tomorrow, and hopefully in a week or two I will be back here with good news. Good luck everyone.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Megan (Denver, Co) on 02/23/2009

Ok so I've been using ACV for the past week, I did it for 2 days in a row then I took a break for one day and then I did it again for 2 days. First 2 days I kept it on overnight, then I kept it on for 3 hours, and then for about 6 hours. My results so far are positive and I am being optimistic. I've been treating 3 spots and today 2/23 I am seeing warts turn black in 2 areas, and the ones at the opening of my vagina are not turning black but they are getting smaller, as if they are melting. I've noticed slight bleeding when I wipe the area with paper. My husband works in the medical field and is highly skeptical of any natural remedies and I can't wait to tell him the good news when he comes back from work! He is a bit impatient because we haven't had sex in like 10 days. Today I am going to try soaking tampon in deluted acv and sticking it inside because even though I can't see if there are any on the inside, there is a possibility that there might be and I want to make sure they are gone, so I will be working on my inter-vaginal ones now that I know the acv is working.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by A (Somewhere, USA) on 02/16/2009

I just found out I have some of these nasty things. I was and still am completely devastated. I have never fooled around, only have had three boyfriends my entire life (third one I ended up marrying and am still married to), and made them get tests because I was so scared to get anything. Well, it happened anyway. I still don't know how. Anyway, I saw this website and did what everyone has indicated. I am completely raw and keep finding more, which is horrifying! I haven't noticed any black spots, but have had them turn white. I am SO afraid they're inside too. Most everyone on this site has said they only had a few. I have quite a lot. I have an annual pap and nothing ever showed. I am still in disbelief. However, no one has reported if their GW came back after using acv. I would like to hear back from those who used this method a while ago. Will someone please respond who have tried this in the past. Thanks.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bobby (Fort Lauderdale , FL) on 02/08/2009

Unbelievable results. I first noticed a growth around my shaft about June 2006 and since then, have had 5 more pop up around the region. I always read that they would 'eventually go away' and that they were not a serious health concern, but still was bothered by the fact that they were there. I read up on Earthclinic, and decided to try the ACV method to treat the warts. I did a test run on the smallest wart, taping the head of a cotton swab soaked in ACV over it overnight. I woke up to find the wart white in color. Went to work, repeated the process before bed and found the wart nearly black the following morning. Went to work again, followed the same procedure, and when I awoke and showered the following morning, what was left of the wart fell off in the shower. I followed suit with the rest of them, and am now wart free. I would like to THANK and PRAISE whoever discovered this.

P.S.: I found that using the adhesive part of a 'bandage'(aid) worked much better than tape.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lina (Brooklyn, New York) on 02/01/2009

Hi everyone,

I have a very important question: I apply ACV on the clustered small wart on the cervix and it causes the wart to bleed. Does this happen to anyone? I read that few people experience the wart to turn white black and fall off. Mine they bleed immediately after i rub ACV on and of course, they hurt like hell, i clean the area with Peroxide and use large First Aid pads to secure the area to avoid any spread. I want to know if anyone experience bleeding.

Of course the area get very swollen, gosh I can't believe what I'm going through, and I continue to clean it twice a day and change the aid pads. It bleeds for 2 days and then I start to add diluted Oregano Oil to the area and air myself cause it hurts like hell. The whole process takes 5-7 days and the wart is gone, but they reappear!!!!

I know i'm not alone, I'll continue to search for a cure becaues i believe there is many out there!!!! We can do it, i'll share any information i could find. Also read about Castor Oil i heard it works, I use it every day. Good luck everyone.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bill (Philadelphia, Pa) on 01/30/2009

I've read about ACV for a long time and tried it a few times and must say it works. I'll caution you that a lot of this is speculation, but comprehensive info is hard to find on the internet since dr's seem content to charge for zapping and frying the nation's genitals.

First off, I became aware I had GW cause I spotted a pretty prominent one (almost the size of a pea) between my scrotum and thigh. Tried Aldara... nothing, so I actually just cut it off with sharp scissors.. it ain't been back... lol.. I started wondering if I had others I couldn't see though, so tried the ACV to see if anything turned white. I did find another flatish wart in almost the same place on the opposite side of my scrotum, a handful of real small ones on my shaft, and two nearly microscopic ones on the head of my penis... but the kicker is that almost the entirety of my scrotum (at least the spongy sort of adjustable tissue that expands and contracts in different temperatures) turned bright white.

I couldn't find any good way to tape anything to them, so I just took to dipping the entirety of my junk in a cup of acv for 30-45 minutes a night. First night, no probs.. 2nd, mild stinging.. 3rd.. stinging.. 4th.. STINGING.. 5th.. stinging so bad that I was sweating and begging god to make the clock move faster. The results though, were awesome. One of the larger warts is gone. The other is half its original size. The ones on the shaft and head developed black heads that fell off. I think they may need another go of the acv in a few days, but they're almost gone.. but again, the scrotum. I found dozens, probably hundreds of little warts I couldn't have otherwise detected. More wash off every morning, and for the first time in three years my scrotum doesn't itch and burn. The skin is going back to a beige color after 3 years of always looking red.

I'm 35 and had a lot of sex 12-15 years ago (before hpv was on the radar) so these are probably mostly all very old and established warts. It wasn't until a much more recent encounter that I developed the two I was able to notice, and they died quick. I don't kid myself. There are probably some I've missed and some stubborn ones, but what a dramatic difference. I plan to let all the scabs fall off in their own time, take a few days, and go back at it again.. The kind of tissue they're growing on seems to make a significant difference in how easy they are to kill. Scrotum and foreskin = easy. Tip of penis or urethra = stubborn. Take the pain, take the time to do it right, and take the embarassing step of telling your gf so she can take care of herself too, or you'll just get it right back again. Do yourself first, and then explain you've discovered a little problem you both share, but that you have a real good treatment too!

If you can see one, you have 5. If you can see two or three, you have dozens. If a careful examination shows 5 or 6, you're loaded with em. It's like spotting a flea on a dog. I say drown as broad an area as you can for as many days as you can stand the pain. Then spot treat for a couple more days.. then take a break for a week and go back at it to make sure they're all gone. Don't forget the insides of your things and the mysterious nacha/taint!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bob (Baltimore, MD) on 01/30/2009

Have GW going on 12 years now. Done the whole dermatology routine from burning to freezing to Aldara/etc. Nothing seems to work - freezing is only temporary. So now I'm trying other cures and gave ACV a try. Now, my GW are in the groin area / top of the shaft and can't really be counted. They are more like three separate pinkish masses. Anyhow, I soaked some cotton balls with ACV and applied to the affected areas and taped them overnight. No burning. Nothing. In the morning, I shower and then apply Vitamin E which I keep on during the day. I've done this for five straight nights now. I actually switched the type of ACV after the second evening. Originally it was a generic supermarket brand. I then went to a health store and purchased the unfiltered, organic type.

I took some digital photos of the area and looked at them on the computer screen. Some minor irritation to the whole area. Definitely a bunch of tiny new ones have popped up. Roughly 5% of the area is turning black but that's about it. I didn't expect a miracle cure but I was certainly hoping for better results considering all the stories I've read. I plan to take the weekend off and then begin again - this time mixing the ACV with crushed aspirin. Hopefully this will produce better results. On top of the ACV treatment, I've begun to take a one-a-day vitamin, Vitamin E (1200 I.U.) and Elderberry Extract (1500mg) to help fight the HPV. I realize this will take time but I would really like to see more improvement in combating the physical warts. Any advice would greatly be appreciated. Thank you.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bob (Baltimore, MD) on 02/07/2009

Week 2. I now realize this will not be the miracle, overnight sensation as some have experienced but I am cautiously optimistic. This week I made a paste of ACV and crushed Bayer aspirin. I applied the paste to the affected areas and then proceeded to repeat what I did in the first week (above). Yes, I feel the burn. The ACV/aspirin paste did sting for about an hour but after 5 nights, around 35% of the area is turning black and beginning to scab. I plan to see my dermatologist this week and he'll do another freeze session. After a week of letting that heal, I plan to go back to the ACV/aspirin paste. I will be back in a few weeks for a further update. Wish me luck....

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Julia (Dallas, TX) on 01/27/2009

I was just diagnosed with GW. I went to the dr. and she applied acid to it. Not much happened until I came to this website and read about ACV. Wow. Has that made a difference. I have been applying twice a day for 3 days. It is almost gone. Thank you!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Flustered But Hopeful (Podunk, Kansas) on 01/26/2009

i have been using ACV for a few days now. the first day i did a tampon soaked in full ACV and placed it in my vaginal canal i left it there for an hour. after removing it everything was white that i could see. i then repeated it again a few hours later this time leaving it in for 2hours and more whiteness appeared. i also have 4 warts on the entrance to my vagina and have been using a q-tip in acv applied to them as i am not wanting this area to be totally sore. other areas fromt he tampon around my vagina are sore/ raw from the ACV contact.. this was the first day...wednesday

now on thursday i tried the soaked tampon again and had it in there for 10-15 minutes as it hurt way bad i mean ouch! i was in pain so i took it out. i decided to take a break this day just spot treated with acv and tea tree oil to the outside ones that i have. the tea tree oil has seemed to make them bigger a little bloated as i think it is getting absorbed by the warts so i am sticking with this . i have heard that tea tree oil has removed warts for others.

friday i did a douche with ACV and this burnt too not as ad as the tampon was more bearable but boy did it make a mess. lol. i was still spot treating this i am assuming will take longer than the direct application but eventually i think will work it is in a hard place and i can't quite get and cotton ball or tape to stay put and they are very small the 4 of them. SOOOO....
on to saturday i did a spot treatment as much as possible kinda letting it rest but in the evening/night i started to get a itch in my vaginal opening. not sure if its cause it is cause the acv is dryingme out or what or from the burns that i have now. eaither way i can only feel relieved from it if i apply vitanmin E on the entrance and inside. when i did this it felt better .

sunday this is day 5 and i did another tampon soaked in the ACV and left it there for 1 hour it burnt jsut like the first time once again everything turned white. i also did a hydrogen peroxide douche before this to clean out any material in there before the tampon no chunkies have been coming out but the last few days i have been having a discharge. not sure if it is the skin from the warts or not. but i did have to apply more vitimin E as i am itchy still. IS ANYONE HAVING THIS PROBLEM GIRLS!!! ITS DRIVING ME NUTS I HOPE THIS IS NOT GONNA LAST! the vitamin E really helps sooth it and when i felt around in my canal with a latex glove on i didn't feel as many warts in there so i think i am making progress. i will mention that i have had these internal warts for about 6 years and they have never spread. i do not have any on the outside of my crotch just the very opening.

i am hopeing that the tea tree oil and the vitimin E are adding to the wart removal process. i heard of other rmoving their warts with the TTO and someone said they removed their warts with the Vitimin E so im using them all just in case. i will take this proceedure lightly as i a do not want to hurt myself too bad. i do not like pain especially in this area!!! i will post later to update you all.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Flustered But Hopeful (Podunk, Kansas) on 02/02/2009

soooo i have been using vitimin e oil on my intrnal genital warts for a week and this is what is helping me!!!!!!!! i am so relieved. i just take a q-tip and apply to the area inside my vaginia and i can feel that they are almost gone. getting smoother everday. i read this in the warts section that many people cleared their regular warts or plantar warts in 2 weeks with vitamin E oil. so i thought maybe this is what would work for me and well it did!!!! i am so happy that this is working cause the ACV was not for me. thank you thank you so very much to earth clinic and everyone else on here.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mike (Southwest, Louisiana) on 01/26/2009

I noticed a couple of very small, flat white spots on the shaft of my penis a few months ago. I didn't think much of it until they persisted so I went to the dermatologist so that he could take a look at what I feared were GW's. He said that they didn't look like anything to be concerned about, so I was obviously very relieved. He also mentioned that a good way to test is to put white vinegar on any suspected spots and that they would turn white within a minute or two if they were indeed warts.

I sorta forgot about them until one day I noticed that I actually had white vinegar in the house so I decided to give it a try. To my horror the spots (and a couple of other spots) turned bright white after a few minutes. I obvioulsy panicked and made a Dr appointment to have them frozen off. I then started doing web research and found that freezing them might not be the best option. I then luckily found this website!

I did the spot treatment method in which I taped small, wart-sized pieces of cotton ball which were soaked in ACV to the warts. I pretty much left the soaked cotten pieces on 24/7 for three days. I would take them off to shower and rinse with hydrogen peroxide after the shower. They turned white after Day 1, grey by Day 2, and began falling off by Day 3. HOWEVER, leaving the soaked cotton on 24/7 was a mistake. It did get rid of the warts, BUT seriously burned a lot of skin around them as well. I began using vitamin E oil (by piercing the gelcaps with a pin) and all eventually healed up. This was about 2 months ago.

Earlier this week I noticed a few more spots so I decided to check with white vinegar again, and indeed several spots illuminated. I suspect that I missed a couple of small warts with my previous 'spot' treatment, and irritated or spread them through contact. This time I am using a somewhat broader method by using a swatch of paper towel soaked in ACV to cover a larger area (hoping that I don't miss any this time). I left the 1" x 1" swatch taped to the shaft of my penis yesterday (Day 1) for about 8 hours, and when I removed it there were several more spots that I had not noticed before which had turned white, and a few which had already turned black. After showering last night, I rinsed with HP and put vitamin E oil on overnight. Repeated the 1" x 1" swatch this morning (Day 2), and will keep you posted.

I have also been taking vitamins since I first noticed the warts a few months ago. I take a vitamin e, stress B complex (lots of B vitamins, folic acid, and vitamin C), and multivitamin daily. I'm hoping that is helping internally with the virus itself.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by hoping and waiting (Omaha, NE) on 01/25/2009

i tried the acv treatment. this is day 4. i have 2 warts next to my anus. i have tried the acv treatment for 3 days now. they have started turning white but i cannot do it today. it hurts to bad. im trying not to be overly aggressive. but i am a little discouraged. i want these suckers gone. i have not been diagnosed with hpv and i have never had an abnormal pap but my sister who used to work at a gyn said they were probably warts. my first one appeared 4 years ago about 3 inches from my anus. she used dental floss and tied that wart off. so much less painful than this acv treatment. it just fell off in 3 days. the 2 i have now are much larger than my 1st one 4 years ago. any advice? i want to keep using the acv. am i being impatient? 3 days about 2 hours a day and they are still here.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Julia (Dallas, TX) on 01/24/2009

What is the remedy using ACV to help get rid of genital warts? How much ACV? Do you dilute it with water?