Genital Warts
Health Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar for Genital Warts

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rayn (Worcester, MA) on 09/16/2008


3 days have passed. What started out as a couple of warts actually turned out to be 8 at the base of my shaft and one half way up.

The other became noticeable due to the ACV contacting them. Because the 8 were in a cluster I had to treat them as a group and use a whole cotton ball. I used a piece of cotton ball on the lone one.

I would have to say that this works because I just took a shower and admittedly scrubbed thr area and the reddish brownish scabs came off exposing raw flesh. I poured hydrogen peroxide on them and toweled off. Now I am treating the skin with A&D ointment to get rid of the burned skin.

I do have 2 spots that are white bumps so I don't now how these will look in a day or 2 but I'm giving my skin a break before any more treatments. I have also started to drink ACV by adding it to my water bottle so that I get a little all day long.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Liz (Cleveland, Ohio) on 09/15/2008

I used the ACV treat GW over a year ago. I have not had any return since treatment. I used the ACV topically to treat the warts that I could see but I was worried about the warts that I could not see. I started drinking 1oz of ACV, three times a day as I had read that this would eliminate any warts that could not be seen. Sure enough, after 2 days of drinking the ACV, I started noticing little bumps on my labia were flaking off. When I went to see my Gyno she was amazed that I had managed to get rid of my warts using ACV. I kept drinking the ACV for a few months after all the warts had disappeared as I read that this would kill the actual virus that was in the tissue causing the warts. The ACV also has other great health benefits. I am happy to say that I have not had an outbreak since I used the ACV.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Will (Chicago, Illinois) on 09/08/2008

I have had HPV for 4 years and I've tried everthing under the stars to eliminate it. I've tried all of the following and most I have done in combination: Aldera cream, condoylx, compound w, freezing myself with compound w, freezing at the dr's office, and some super acid once (ouch). Not one of the above was the answer. This hpv has taken a huge toll on me over the last 4 years and I haven't ever been able to get back on track. Praying and worrying haven't helped at all either. I started ACV three days ago. This was my strategy, although they're not all gone yet, it is sure promising. Take the bulb of a q-tip and soak it ACV, then put that in the center of a band aid. I try to get the band so it's less sticky, so I put it up against a bath towel a few times. The ACV burns/itches a little but not very much compared to freezing them yourself. I leave the soaked cotton tip against the area of concern for about 3 hours. The warts will turn white and macerated. I didn't think the next part would come true but today the little ones started turning black!! Seriously, this is no joke and I hope right now you're smiling and feeling a sense of purity again. I had warts in places I didn't even know. Once I heal completely from the latest self freeze I plan on soaking an entire gauze and doing it to my entire penis. This posting and all the information gained here was a true blessing and I'm not religious. Good luck and trust me, I'm a pessimist and this really honestly works!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Crystal (Denver, Colorado) on 09/03/2008

ACV!!! I'm back to give u my update w/ ACV. Guess what ~ It truly works!! After sleeping w/ acv on me for the 2nd nite in a row - the following evening I applied it once again the same way w/ tape & cotton balls. I left it on me for about 5 hours & then took it off. Well, i went out of town & didn't use it for 4 days. while being gone for the 2nd day - i finally looked & they were all gone except 2!! YES> so excited. I think skipping a few days actually helped even more. I don't know but all but 2 are gone. I treated them again for about 3 hrs today & I'm sure they will be gone by tomorrow. This stuff works. Good luck 2 All.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Pod (Melbourne, Australia) on 08/31/2008

A few days ago I discovered your website. I have been suffering with internal and external anal warts that return after surgery or freezing. I tried ACV and it removed them within 3 days. I applied ACV onto tissues and applied directly to the warts and area that they were located. Despite the pain, I have to say this is the best and quickest method I have ever tried.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Crystal (Denver , Colorado ) on 08/28/2008

**Are u looking 4 a CURE?? ACV is def the answer. I read all the comments on acv & tried it 2 days ago. I wanted to be able to help someone w/ my experience & how it worked 4 me. I found out i had HPV a few weeks ago & i was disgusted. I had also just lost my medical Insurance. ha, i was terrified that it was gonna spread everywhere if i didn't get to a obgyn FAST! I was desperate 4 a cure. I decided 2 try acv. Its day 2 for me using it. I was scared at 1st because the warts are in places that seem hard to treat w/ out burning. Mine are located around my vaginal opening. On day 1 - I used cotton balls soaked in acv & i used a guaze tape instead of bandaids. it took alot of tape to get it right. I layed the cotton across the infected area & taped it up. It stung pretty good which i was glad of because I knew it must be working. I went to bed with it on all nite. I woke up & they had turned white & I knew then that it was working. They were all pretty small but a couple were kinda larger than the rest. On night 2 - I applied it again the same way. It stung even worse which was okay for me cuz i was expecting that. I woke up & took it off - I was kinda dissapointed that they hadn't turned black like others have reported but were still white. But then -oh yes- i noticed that some of the larger ones had literally fallen off. I was amazed.Afterwards, I sprayed aloe vera on myself to ease the burning sensation which works great. So 2day, my plans are to treat the remaining ones w/ a q-tip throughout the rest of the day. I'm determinded 2 get rid of these sick things. I will keep you all posted on my results. I'm hoping after tonight - I will be wart free. But to others who are desperate 4 a cure - girls- this is the way. I promise. I was skeptical at 1st but it seems 2 be working. I'm writing this so i can share my results with others who are not sure what to do about this. I know who scared you are and embarrassed. I won't even have sex w/ my husband due to that. Its disgusting & I wanna help someone like this site helped me. everyone's comments helped me make it through this. Thank you all for sharing experience w/ me. Now - I'm giving back as well. If anyone is scared - please try this. It works. Good luck to you all. Questions are welcomed. I want to be able to help anyone I can by simply sharing my treatment's with ACV. Good Luck - It truly works***

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jacob (NY, NY) on 08/28/2008

Well what can i say, acv really works!! 98% of them are gone. I have like 4 tiny pin tip ones left and they are really hard to get . wrapping my guy with the whole gauze bandage is a great method but unless i keep half a woodie, the bandage moves, so it's a bit frustrating. i mean who can keep wood with major construction going on down there. maybe i should pop a bottle of viagra and see if that works. anyways it's been 10 days and i am very pleased with the results. i got some tea tree oil and that is very soothing. i haven't been consistent with the wrap, because of the tenderness but using a q-tip soaked here and there for 20 min. at a time. i think the wrap is the way to go but you really have to give yourself some time to heal between treatments. i will post again in a week and give my final results. thanks to everyone and keep frying those little buggers!!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dave (Anaheim, California) on 08/26/2008

Most of the wart is black now... I didnt wrap it today.. I'm just letting it chill and dry out. Might put a wrap on it tonight.

Note that this is a single fairly large wart.. probably about an 1"8th of an inch across. There is one more small one on the other side of the shaft that I will take care of after this one and I expect the small one to take less time than this one.. but I think it's working! WOO!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Chaz (Chiang Mai, Thailand) on 08/25/2008

Apple Cider Vinegar treating genital warts

This site and your postings have been great!

I must have got infected with genital warts (hpv)by the ex-gf about 2 years ago. After a rather scary mis-diagnosis (herpes) at hospital(!), I consulted a general practitioner doctor to double check and he said it was hpv. He confirmed with a biopsy sample after burning off the warts. After a recurrence I used Podofilin, but they came back, so tried Aldara (Imiquimod) but that was expensive, caused irritation and didn't work. I then tried some oil I bought over the internet from a company in USA. The oil did get rid of some warts, but not all. Then I found this site ...

Early this month (Aug 08)I used ACV on specific warts on my shaft using cotton balls and bandaids and they seem to have gone. But something didn't look right on the head. So then I did the full gauze bandage wrap and plastic covering method too. I was amazed at all the tiny little dark spots that appeared in different places after 4 days. ( I used a magnifying lens to get a good look). That was 4 days ago and now the dark scabs are healing. Will keep you posted on results. For me, 4 days consectively of applying ACV is probaby the limit.
Thanks to all.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by John (Auckland, New Zealand) on 08/22/2008

Apple cider vinegar is awesome - caught genital warts from my ex wife? and have been suffering from it now for close to 4 years, just one close to the base of my unit. Then it spread to the foreskin :(... I think because of my poor diet and a lot of stress. Started searching on the net and found earthclinic, as the last thing I would ever do is front up to a doctor. But anyway - ACV used was the normal supermarket varity, bought some hydrogen peroxide 20vol and went to work. With a bit of trouble - used small bits of cotton cloth soaked with the vinegar and let the foreskin hold it in place with a bit of tape overnight. True to form the warts went white, next night warts went yellow/grey with no stinging, I should have just kept up with that another night... and then I decided to use the peroxide to clean the area - what a shock. When using peroxide I think you should use a diluted version of it. The stuff I used had pretty spectatular effects the warts fizzed and bubbled where the warts were wow!!. a couple of hours later I ended up with burns over the areas where Id used the peroxide. I spent the next couple of days in a bit... alot of pain. But overall it was well worth all the effort and pain. I now have healing - peeling bits with a few dimples where the warts were. Well happy... I still have one to treat but will hold back on the peroxide I think. Thanks Earthclinic!...

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jacob (NY, US) on 08/18/2008
★★★★★ 2. wow this stuff really works! In 24 hrs they have almost all turned black! but man does it sting...ouch. I ended up taking a large gauze bandage soaking it in acv and wrapping it around my whole member. i was shocked to see how many little ones there were. i had only noticed like 4 pinhead sized ones but there are like 13 little pintip ones too. well it's really working but man does it sting. i switched on/off dabbing with q-tip cause the areas around my guy are gettin sore. well looks promising and i'll keep posting till they are gone. i also did like 2 shots of acv, one in morning one in night...i figured what the hell, can't hurt. if that's what it does on the outside it must be like clorox through your veins on the inside. here's to frying those little buggers...cheers!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jacob (NY, US) on 08/17/2008

ACV - I had these like 7 yrs ago and got em froze off. Only to return..I read the posts figured what the hell. I taped 2 gauze pads soaked in AVC squeezed some out and folded in half. Wrapped around my little guy and taped them up tight. I put a little vaseline around the end near the tip so as not to irritate. I have been up for the last 2 hrs and feeling a bit skeptical. Went to take a look and change the bandage..Holy crap! they are already turning white. Same effect the freezing had w/o the pain! I am sure it will sting tomorrow, but I am going to leave them on all night and post again with my results! thanx everybody!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by James (Paris, France) on 08/14/2008


Well I am on my 4th day and last!

I am soooo thankful to everyone here for the advice, the ACV worked better than I could have ever imagined.

By day 2 of treatment the warts were black and by day 3 after taking a shower in the morning they were gone, except for one wart that was large and protruding out of my anus. However, that wart was much much smaller...on day 3 I started applying the ACV with a Q-tip right on that wart because my anus was too sore for the cotton ball...and as of tonight on day 4 I can't see anything!! It is gone...even the inside part is gone!

Just to make sure the whole area has been treated I reapplied the ACV with a cotton ball to the entire area for 10 minutes (enduring pretty strong burning!) It is my last treatment...and I couldn't be happier.

Instead of waiting for 3 weeks for an invasive procedure, some apple cider vinegar took my warts away in 3 days. Unbelievable. Granted, it was pretty painful vis-a-vis the stinging and burning....but what a small price to pay to get rid of your warts for super cheap and without invasion of privacy and in 3 days!

I will now apply emu oil and neosporin to the anal area and I'm sure in 3-4 days I will be back to normal!

Bon courage everyone!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Susanne (Chicago, IL) on 08/13/2008

After living with genital warts since last October (my doctor removed some in March, but they came back), I've been suffering the humiliation, etc., that everyone else speaks of. Two days ago I found this site (I didn't want to have to go spend money/pain at the doctor again). I tried the ACV (which I use for my hair to make it shiny and soft) and can't BELIEVE how amazing the cure is. It really illustrates the backwards health system when doctors don't suggest simple solutions, but expensive pharmaceutical options. I tried the cotton ball method and at first there was no sting, but on day two and three there is some-so it's a little more painful, but worth it. After the very first treatment some of the bigger warts dried off. I'm hoping they'll all be gone in a couple of days and then I'll try some healing ointment for the skin. Thanks so much to all the posters!

P.S. I'm drinking ACV for my cholesterol too, so I'll post in a couple months my findings. Seems like ACV is the cure for most things?
Good luck to all! And keep sharing your cures...I'm going to educate my doctors too!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by James (Paris, France) on 08/12/2008

Well I am trying to ACV for removal of anal warts--I was diagnosed with them recently (though it was obvious to me what they were). Because everything shuts down in France for the month of August, I couldn't get a laser removal appointment until 3 weeks from now! Forget it! I was not waiting that long to get these nasty things out of my a--!

I started the treatment yesterday and I have to say that I am pleasantly surprised! 4 of the warts are now black and crusty and they look like they are about to fall off! I have a bigger one that goes slightly into the anus and that one seems to be taking longer to burn off....but I will keep at it! This is definitely working. I hope a few more treatments will do they trick.

Warning: for me it did not sting too much yesterday on the first treatment, but today the pain has been actually pretty intense. I am bearing it because I am incredibly motivated to remove these gross things. Some people it stung less, for some more. Either way, it is worth it!

I will update in a few days!!

Thanks everybody for the great tips!