I took my cat stewy into the vet after a night of him crying and saw blood in his pee in odd spots in the house. They looked at him gave him antibiotics and said he prob has a uti. I could not afford them to do more tests. It was nearly 200 dollars for that visit. Now we got home and a week later he was peeing blood again. So I tried apple cider vinegar and in a week he was better again.
This morning crying non stop and he peed blood again. I had been putting it in his food switched over a week ago to wet food and pouring a tablespoon in his food and they eat it all always. I have tried to do a syringe and put it in his mouth and he spits it out and drools all over his face. I can not afford to take him back to the vet. Any suggestions to fix him would be greatly appreciated.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Ok so I've been a huge fan of ACV and always have been. It's worked in the past to cure UTI for my cat and possible crystals (struvites). A few days ago my cat who is prone to blocking due to struvites crystals was going to the little too often and just a few drops. I started mixing ACV with his food and cranberry pill I get at vet with water and can food only. I stopped all dry Food. I kept an eye on him all day and the drops of urine stopped. I knew he was completely blocked. I gently palpated his bladder and it was clearly hard. IF NO urine passes at all, within 24-48h your cat can die. I waited a bit longer and kept giving him ACV with his food mixed with water ( half a cap full, he ate it ) he would try to pee in other places but nothing. It was a Sunday and only the vet hospital was open. At 11:30 pm I said that's it, I'm taking him. His urethra was bruised and pulsating, non stop liking. They inserted a catheter and were able to push stone back in bladder ( that's good ) she emptied a good amount of his bladder. We did X-rays saw 1 stone. Did urine test to see which stone (struvites dissolve with acid and special urinary food those form from having not enough acid in food ) ( oxalates stones require surgery, those form from high acid level in food) thankfully it was again struvites. Got can food to stay on for 1 or 2 months ( royal canin urinary s/o. Meds and took my cat back home ALIVE!!! He could have died it was a matter of time. Here's my advice, if he doesn't pass urine and clearly in pain don't wait. It would have been cheaper at my vet but all in all worth every penny and cheaper than expected. Most vets let you pay gradually. STOP FEEDING YOUR CAT dry food!!! Get canned food ( if you can good quality no fillers grain free ) look for coupons online, call the company ask for coupons to try food! Always mix food with water, cats don't drink enough which is one of the main causes of bladder stones. Never leave food out, free feeding is a no no. Invest in cranberry pills. My vet charges me 8$ for 30 day supply. You don't know if your cat has oxalate stones, if it does than giving him more acid will make it WORSE. Please, know your cat's condition before finding a cure. ACV is amazing for UTI make sure you maintain ACV once a week when cat is cured as it is usually chronic But if it doesn't improve his UTI go to the vet. If cat cannot pee an X-ray around where I live can be 50$ a urine test 25-60$ Know his condition before treating it, many symptoms are the same. Prevention is key, no dry food only wet or raw food even better mixed with a lot of water. I'm so grateful I took my baby to the emergency.
Apple Cider Vinegar
My cat Charlie is 6 years old and weighs about 17 pounds, he had a blockage a month ago. I took him to the vet and he stayed there for 3 days. After returning home with all the medicine he didn't get better, I took him back and he stayed another 4 days but he still had trouble!
One night when he was blocking again I found this site thank god, I gave him 1/4 teaspoon with water and it worked but two days later the same thing happend. I increased the dosage to 1/2 teaspoon and 2 1/2 teaspoon water and gave it to him and he peed a lot again. I gave him this formula twice a day but he can't pee again!!!!
Please help, I don't know what do do. I don't want him to suffer!
It's been a month since he first got sick! Taking him to the vet didn't help, I took him 3 times already!
Apple Cider Vinegar
My male tabby is running to his litter box constantly with very little output. [few days] I started him on organic ACV yesterday.. 3 times and once today, so far. I have a baby medicine dropper that holds 5ml. I use a bit less than 1/2 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar and the other 1/2 tsp is filtered water. Getting this down a 25 lb cat by yourself is almost impossible so he only gets perhaps half of it. He wheezes afterward [he has asthma that nothing helps] and then he foams at the mouth for a minute. He will not eat canned food and I am at my wits' end trying to figure out if his Blue Buffalo dry food is hurting him now. I can't afford vet fees and don't trust their treatment for this anyway. [from reading other posts] Did anyone find that it took a long time for the ACV to work? There is a tiny bit of urine [which takes forever] in his litter when he goes. Any other ideas? or just wait and give it time... I'll keep trying to get Apple Cider Vinegar down him 3 times in a 24 hour period. [maybe it's too strong]I wish he would eat canned food.. And no, he won't eat tuna, or fish [people food].. no people food at all...
Apple Cider Vinegar
Cystitis fixed, other probs
I have a male short haired cat of around 3 years old who is getting over suffering from cystitis. I want to thank you guys for the advice about using the acv. It did the trick, but now he is defecating far from the box. I keep the box immaculate and he shares the box with a 2-3yo female. The feces looks the same exact color as the acv. He doesn't do it all the time though. I am confused. Anyone help?