Health Benefits

ACV for Hemorrhoids: Effective, Natural Relief

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Carmen (Arkansas) on 06/04/2015

Wow, I love this website. I've been following the Gerson Institute's initiative for curing cancer with Coffee enema's for Hyperthyroidism and a potentially cancerous thyroid/Goiter. I've been practicing this for over a year and found this site doing research on why my 'roids are so angry with me. Thought it might be inserting the enema tip. I've tried Witch hazel, which does stop the bleeding immediately but the problem persists and I sweat bullets worrying about the damned things starting to bleed un-announced! Especially in public, ugghh!!!

Years ago, my research on health tonics lead me to drinking ACV daily but I never enjoyed it, ..eventually stopped. But I, just 2 days ago read many of the testimonials on this site and decided to try it again. I doused cotton pats with it and kept them in the fridge. The first time I held one with my buttocks (love that word..but-tocks! Funny) against the roids, it stung like crazy for about 15 minutes, but subsided and I kept it there all night. Next a.m. swelling gone down greatly but was sore I felt from the acidic personality of the vinegar. (I use only organic ACV for good measure. Also a part of the Gerson's is organics).

It's working in that the pain from the roids is gone and I've had no blood streaking since I started. There seems to be thicker skin down there or something. Seemed like I could think about touching a roid and it'd break out singing opera and gushing bloody tears. But now, I can wipe and everything with no pain or tears. I've also started garlic, canned garlic in oil is good, and Im taking Horse chestnut tincture because I'd already ordered it before finding this website.

Thank you so much. I've suffered for quite a while and it has begun getting worse lately. But now I feel there is hope that me and my great down under will get along.

A sidenote...when I've washed my hair the last 2 days, I've found less in the tub afterward. Make sense? I read years ago that ACV used to be given to cows to encourage birthing and hormonal health. Seems ridiculous a farmer could make enough of the stuff or afford to buy enough to feed such a large animal, but only I wonder about these things it appears. So, wonder if the ACV is propping up the few hormones I may have left or turning the clock back a bit for this 60 year old. Either way, I endorse the use of ACV and will continue using it likely for the rest of my life, such is my excitement for blessed relief.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Harry O (South Florida ) on 05/24/2015

ACV for Hemmorhoids really works. I've been to 3 different doctors and countless percription ointments and nothing seemed to work I've even has rubber band ligation done on two veins 10 days ago Thinking that that procedure would cure me boy was I was wrong another grape popped out this morning and it was more painful then ever. So I end up finding this page through a google search and ran to the store to buy ACV rushed home soaks two cotton swabs in the ACV and shoved it up you know what and laid on my stomach for 15 mins and just left the ACV just seep in and my goodness it has done 1000x more than anything that and doctor or ointment has ever done. I suffered for 2 years because of these grapes popping out and I think my problem might be solved because of ACV so sick how 3 different doctors not one of them ever mentioned anything about ACV. I guess they where only interested in me coming back and them making more money. Very sad that I've lost faith in these doctors and realized that there just selfish greedy people. Take it from me 43 yr old white male in decent shape saturate those cotton balls and you'll be like wow wow wow.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kmo (Usa) on 05/08/2015

I have tried the garlic clove suppository. It worked for a couple of days. They are back. I'm trying the ACV now. Seems to be helping. I want to give the garlic another go. It may take more than one time.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tiernimarie (Minneapolis, Minnesota ) on 05/02/2015

Just tried this natural remedy because I read all the testimonies if applying ACV to hemorrhoids. I used a cotton ball and applied the vinegar right to the hemorrhoids. I HAD SUCH EXCRUCIATING PAIN!!! I just vomited it hurt so bad. I know others are swearing by it, maybe I have severe hemorrhoids. I know they've been there for years. But I don't think I can stand this treatment. Anyone else experience this SEVERE pain??!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Vanessa (Gainesville, Florida) on 04/29/2015

Hey everyone so I never really noticed my internal hemorrhoids until they recently became external. I am only 22 but I distinctly remember not eating well (skipping meals and not drinking water) for final exams and this is what resulted. Apple Cider Vinegar is great at shrinking the blood supply to the hemorrhoids in order for them to go away and I have also used it for some skin tags I got back there. VERY effective. I will let you know how well it works for my NEW external Hems :(

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Neil (Port Elizabeth, South Africa) on 03/03/2015

I'm a 39 year old male and a few days ago I discovered a hemorrhoid and freaked out thinking that it might be a cancerous tumor. After a bit of googling I realized that it was more than likely a hemorrhoid. I thought perhaps that if I just left it alone it would go away of it's own accord but it became more and more uncomfortable to sit down for long periods of time. Back to google again where I found your website and after reading a couple of the reviews I tried the apple cider vinegar treatment. I dabbed a bit of the ACV on the affected area using a folded tissue and within an hour the swelling had reduced substantially. I plan to carry on using the ACV until the hemorrhoid has totally disappeared. I'm so grateful that I discovered your website. My brother suffers from hemorrhoids and has already undergone two painful surgeries to have them removed, will definitely mention this treatment the next time I see him.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rich (Atlanta) on 03/02/2015

I had HFH (Hemorroid-From-Hell). It was the size of a large grape. I tried all the over the counter stuff but nothing worked. Then I tried the ACV and within a few days it went half down in size. I then started getting some bleeding, so I stopped the ACV for a few days and used Prep-H. Once the bleeding stopped I went back on the ACV until it disappeared. From beginning to end of using the ACV it took about 3 weeks to go from the painful large grape size to nothing. I have made the long term adjustments to hopefully prevent this from happenings again. High fiber and low dairy and meat.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Drew (Grand Rapids, Michigan) on 02/23/2015

To Emily: to me, it sounds as though you may have an anal fissure. I needed surgery when it started to feel like sitting on a cactus and have bowel movements that felt like glass shards. Not pleasant and I feel for you. If you don't get checked out and leave an anal fissure unaddressed, I believe it can exacerbate and turn into an abcess ,which a much worse thing...

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cari (Lake Almanor, Ca) on 02/20/2015

I'm just sorry I never knew about this before. I have external hemorrhoids and they are so much better. Thank you for telling your story. Cari

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Emily (Usa) on 02/18/2015


I suffer from hemorrhoids. They are internal, but when they flare up I can feel them. In the past I have used ACV effectively by mixing with a lil honey and water and usually within one dose they are gone. This time they have decided to stick around, and its becoming unbearably painful. It feels like razor blades or broken glass when I go to the bathroom. My anus is raw and sore and I have a lil bit of a rash. I'm also having a burning sensation. I use aloe baby wipes when I go to the bathroom to help keep that area clean plus it feels better then TP. Any suggestion on helping with the burning sensation? I'm desperate!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Aida (Woodbridge, NJ) on 01/30/2015

Followed your advice for apple cider vinegar for hemorroids and it was the best cure, they are gone! I did go to the Dr. and he gave me Miralax, but after reading about it I did not take it. From now on I'm a great believer in natural remedies! Thank you so much!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tider (Huntsville, Alabama) on 01/18/2015

ACV for Hemmorhoids really works. I put the ACV in a baggie with cotton makeup removing pads & keep in the fridge. It does burn at first but breathe deeply & know relief is on the way.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jonestx (Waco, Tx) on 01/13/2015

All I have to say is I am SOOOOOO glad I thought about ACV and stumbled across this site!! I went to see the Dr last week and was going to do banding and ended up almost passing out lol so they scheduled me to go to a clinic where they would put me under anesthesia to do it.. Called me back the next day to tell me that they wouldn't do that procedure at the center and so the Dr changed the procedure for a Hemmorhoidectomy...since the clinic would do this.. I was livid to say the least! I started using ACV late yesterday and can already tell a difference, thank God!!

Thank you everyone for your posts and being open about it even though this is a awkward thing to talk about, lol. It has been reassuring and also enlightening. I wish you all the best, and I am going to now stock up on ACV for everything!!! =)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Liz (Boston, Ma) on 11/26/2014

Gabby, have you tried sitz baths?

I never, in my wildest imagination, thought that something as simple as soaking in warm water a few times a day would heal hemorrhoids, but somehow, it does!

You can pick up a sitz bath at any pharmacy store for under $15.00. You put it on the toilet (after lifting the lid) then fill it with nice, warm water and sit/soak for 15-20 minutes a few times a day. You can do it as often as you like--the more, the better. You'll find that you want to do it often because the warm water itself is very soothing.

You could also put about 1/4 cup of Witch Hazel in the water for additional benefits, but you'll be pleasantly surprised at how just the warm water soaks alone will help you.

Hope you'll give it a try. Feel better!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Gabby (Alberta/canada) on 11/25/2014

I tried ACV too after reading all the testimonies here but after two days applying ACV it gets worse and more swollen. It didn't work miracles on me. The lump swelled up it almost cover my bottom hole. It makes me worried more. :-(

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Timh (KY) on 11/25/2014 2063 posts

The best remedy I have found for hemorrhoids is Magnet Therapy. Usually the stronger the magnet the better the results. A magnet bed pad should bring immediate relief. Sleep on the pad at night, and sit on the pad during the day (like say while watching tv).

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 11/24/2014

Hi Melvin (New York) ----

Couple of days ago I took the time to read on EC remedies for hemorrhoids. There are several pages full of good remedial options.

While I know myself how uncomfortable and painful this condition is, don't misunderstand me if I say that a small number of fellow sufferers had such incredible humour that I laughed really hard for a while, and others did too. This is also a remedy, which helps to keep on the path of recovery.

So peruse what is available. My try is four to six peppercorns morn and night for a few days. One has to start somewhere and try what works.

Namaste, Om

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Melvin (New York) on 11/24/2014


My original hemorrhoid problem started when I was constipated pretty bad, and work I couldn't hold off from going to the bathroom, and just pushed out the hardened stool, that felt like a tear in my ass. This was just under 3 months ago.

Using all kinds of OTC creams didn't do much help, since I was applying them outer area. Finally I started using suppositories, which helped but didn't fully fix the issue.

Then I started using undiluted Apple Cider Vinegar by pouring it on the witch hazel hemorrhoid wipes, and it did work initially. I would sleep with the wipe tucked between my cheeks, I did this for 3 days or so, until I dropped the ball on my fiber intake and ate out two days in a row, consumed alcohol and lowered my water intake. This caused my stool to harden up a little, and the next bowl movement I had was a bad experience, I had blood in my stool, and the passage of the stool felt like I was passing glass. Since then I have lost my progress, and now my ass is on fire for the last 24 hours, I started using apple cider again the same way I have been using but this time it has been really stinging a lot more, and I have to wake up in the middle of the night to change the wipe because I find traces of blood. Mind you the traces of blood are from going to the bathroom before bedtime, and applying Apple Cider Vinegar on the wipe and leaving it in place.

Now I also started swallowing a teaspoon of vinegar followed by drink a glass of water twice a day.

I am also back on my fiber intake, and drinking water.

Any idea how long will it be before I get out of the woods? Any other suggestions are appreciated...


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Michael (Florida) on 10/20/2014

ACV for hemorrhoids...amazing. I'm a 57 yo healthy male. I suffer from internal and external. Tried numerous other methods over the last 8 years. Flare ups are kept mostly in check, but if my diet sways, or I overexert myself, I'm miserable for days on end, starting from discomfort felt in my anus. Not to mention, it's so embarrassing. I started treating with ACV yesterday after reading numerous posts on here and different treatment methods. The change has been incredible. Yes, is stings, but it doesn't last long and not as severe as the piles. I read about numerous people using cotton balls, but I will say, my method is pretty simple and not messy. I have a small narrow jar (from sesame seeds/spice) with ACV/Water 2:1 ratio mix that I keep next to the toilet, fold over 3 sheets of TP, place on top of the open jar, flip to soak, then place that up directly on the area, tuck up in gently and lean on one cheek for a few minutes to soak in. Remove that one and do once again. All flush-able. I'm doing that after every bowel movement and a couple other times during the day. The swelling has gone way down, the pain is gone and hardly any bleeding now. Keep in mind, I had a steady stream of blood come out for days while trying to go poo from the internal roids and external were bleeding also. I'm truly amazed. Not something fun to talk about, but why isn't this more widely know??? Please try ACV, you won't be disappointed.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ella (Hastings, East Sussex) on 10/07/2014

Apple Cider worked first time. I have been trying tea tree oil, garlic, honey and witch hazel to no avail. Yesterday morning my potruding pile became quite raw and sensitive. I put some apple cider vinegar on cotton wool and left it between the cheeks. It was hurtful at first but over the next 24 hours the pile has reduced and is not raw anymore. Magic! Thank you all for your time to let me know how this works.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ben (Papamoa, New Zealand) on 09/10/2014

The apple cider vinegar for hemmorhoids worked perfectly. I'm 15 and had exams the next day so I needed a quick fix. I left a peice of toilet paper by the area and left it for 30 mins ( forgot about it) stung abit but decreased in size half way did it few hours later then again in the morning and had no irritation.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kat (NC, US) on 08/27/2014

I have suffered on and off with hemorrhoids that bleed. Not all the time, but when they do, I immediately apply ACV neat (no dilution) on a tissue and let it stay for a few minutes and no more bleeding! No stinging either! Thank you EC and to all of you for your contributions!

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