Health Benefits

Alkalizing Antioxidant Chlorophyll Cancer Treatment

| Modified on Jan 25, 2025
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Alkalize, Antioxidant, Chlorophyll Protocol
Posted by P. Raghavan (Virudhunagar, Tn, India) on 01/16/2017

Editor's Choice

Protocol To Control / Cure Cancer

I am suggesting a protocol to control/cure cancer. This is basically based on treatments suggested by Dr. Coldwell to cancer patients and also on research papers available on the net about cancer treatment. In my opinion, this protocol will control many types of cancer and it may cure some types of cancer. It is as follows:


Once the body becomes alkaline, cancer cell multiplications will come to complete stop. Cancer cells cannot survive in oxygenated cellular environment. The four minerals " calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium " in proper proportion are needed to make the body alkaline. The body can absorb calcium and magnesium only when the vitamin D level in the blood is normal. If there is a deficiency of vitamin D in the blood, one may have to take one capsule of probiotic L. Reuteri per day to correct this problem. About 85 % of the population do not have L. Reuteri in their digestive system even though L. Reuteri is in the breast milk. If L. Reuteri is not available, one may take vitamin D3 Supplements.

An easy way to determine whether the body is alkaline or acidic is by measuring ph level of the urine in the morning:

1) If the urine ph level is from 6 to 7, the body is alkaline.

2) If the urine ph level is less than 5.5, the body is acidic.

All one need for this determination is a digital ph meter which are available online for about us dollar 20 in There is no need to buy expensive ph meter for this purpose.

Some food items which are highly alkaline are : Lemon juice, Apple cider vinegar, Watermelon juice, Baking soda, etc. To make body alkaline, one can make a drink by mixing 2 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and lemon juice from one lemon in a glass of water. This drink has to taken 2 to 3 times a day so that the urine ph level is maintained at 6.8 plus or minus 0.2. At this level, cancer cell multiplication will come to complete stop.


Most free radicals are coming from oxygen atoms and are called reactive oxygen. The damages to cells caused by free radicals, especially the damage to DNA, may play a role in the development of cancer and other health conditions. There are three vitamin-based antioxidants:

1) Vitamin C

2) Vitamin E

3) Beta-carotene ( Vitamin A )

One may take 500 mg Vitamin C tablets for about three times a day to neutralize free radicals.


Chlorophyll will help in the synthesis and repair of cells in the body. Chlorophyll plays an important role in this protocol. A glass of chlorophyll-rich green drink can be made by using chlorophyll-rich foods like spinach, cilantro, parsley, kale, etc. You may add turmeric and a pinch of sea salt to this drink. This drink has to taken for three times a day.

The protocol has to be followed for about 10 to 16 weeks. If there is no improvements at the end of 10 th week, one may discontinue this protocol. You can try this protocol under the guidance of your doctor.

Best Wishes,

P. Raghavan.

Alkalize, Antioxidant, Chlorophyll Protocol
Posted by P. Raghavan (Virudhunagar, Tn, India) on 06/02/2017


The four main alkaline minerals are : calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium. The recommended daily allowance for these minerals are given below:

1) Calcium = 1000 mg per day.

2) Magnesium = 350 mg per day.

3) Potassium = 4700 mg per day.

4) Sodium = 2300 mg per day.

The following five highly alkalizing items that are easily available are:

1) Lemon juice.

2) Apple cider vinegar.

3) Baking soda.

4) Water melon juice.

5) Blackstrap molasses.

There is a video available in the net titled " How to make baking soda molasses cancer protocol solutions " by Vernon Johnston. In this video, he explains how he cured his stage 4 prostate cancer by taking baking soda and molasses solution. Also, there are a number of articles in the net as well as in EC explaining how some people cured cancer using either baking soda and molasses or baking soda and maple syrup. I am suggesting a new improved protocol that will incorporate antioxidant and chlorophyll to the baking soda and molasses protocol. For this new protocol, one has to buy the following two separate instruments:

1) Pocket pH meter to determine how much alkaline our body is.

2) Pocket ORP ( Oxidation Reduction Potential ) meter to measure antioxidant capability of our body.

These two meters are available online and the total cost will be about US$ 100.

This new protocol is based on the following three basic principles:

1) Cancer can not survive in an oxygenated alkaline cellular environment. Once the body is sufficiently alkaline, cancer cell multiplication will stop completely.

2) Free radicals inside the body need to be neutralized by antioxidants since free radicals can damage DNA of normal cells and convert them into new cancer cells. Once the body has sufficient antioxidant capability, generation of new cancer cell will stop.

3) Chlorophyll is necessary to increase oxygen supply to all cells and it will also try to convert cancer cells into normal cells.

This protocol is to be followed for 16 weeks and it is as follows:

Take one cup of chlorophyll-rich food such as parsley, cilantro, spinach, wheatgrass, etc. Add one cup of drinking water. Extract green juice using a blender. Add lemon juice from one lemon and a pinch of sea salt. Then add one teaspoon of baking soda and one teaspoon of molasses to the green drink. stir well and drink it either one half hour before meal or two hours after meal. This drink has to taken twice a day. Also, take a 500 mg vitamin C tablet thrice a day. Since vitamin C is antioxidant, it will try to neutralize free radicals. Follow the above protocol for the first week.

From 2nd week to 16th week, we have to adjust the dosages of baking soda and vitamin C as follows:

1) Adjust the baking soda dosage so that the pH value of morning urine is in the range of 6.8 to 7.2. If one increases the baking soda dosage, PH value will go up. Opposite will happen if the dosage is decreased.

2) Adjust vitamin C dosage such that the morning urine ORP value is in the range of -175 mV to -300 mV (millivolt). If one increases vitamin C dosage, the absolute value of ORP will go up.

At the end of 10th week, find out whether the total volume of cancer cells in the body is increasing or decreasing by scan or other methods. If it is increasing, this protocol is not working for the particular person. If it is decreasing very slowly, one may take more chlorophyll-rich foods. At the end of 16th week, if there are no cancer cells in the body, you are cured and you have to follow maintenance protocol. If there are some cancer cells in the body, you may continue the above protocol for another 8 weeks.

In the maintenance protocol, you may take the drink once a day and the number of 500 mg vitamin C tablets should be adjusted to keep the following values:

1) The morning urine pH value should be in the range of 6.5 and 7.0.

2) The morning urine ORP value should be in the range of -120 mV and -300 mV.

I believe this protocol will try to cure many types of cancer. It is advisable to follow this protocol under the guidance of your doctor.

Best wishes

P. Raghavan.

Alkalize, Antioxidant, Chlorophyll Protocol
Posted by P. Raghavan (Virudhunagar, Tn, India) on 02/02/2017

Re: Alkalizing, Antioxidants and Chlorophyll for Cancer.

Alkalizing one's body is very critical for the treatment of any type of cancer. Ted mentioned six alkalizing formulas in EC. One can use anyone of these formulas to alkalize the body. Ted's favourite alkalizing formula uses Baking soda and Lemon. It is as follows: Squeeze one whole lemon. Add baking soda to the lemon juice slowly bit by bit until fizz stops. Then add water to one half glass. This has to be taken once in the morning and once before bedtime on an empty stomach.

There is anther formula mentioned in EC for Liver Cancer treatment. It is as follows: Take one cup of hot water. Add 1 tablespoon of Blackstrap molasses. Then add 1 tablespoon of baking soda. Stir and drink 3 times a day. I believe it has to be taken 30 minutes before meal or 2 hours after meal.

One can try these formulas for about 3 days per formula and select a formula that is most effective for you. The goal is to bring the pH level of morning urine in the range of 6.6 to 7.0. The people with cancer should avoid or reduce the consumption of highly acidic foods like : Artificial sweeteners, Red meat, Carbonated soft drink, Alcohol, White sugar, White flour, etc. They should also drink plenty of water since drinking water contains alkalizing minerals (calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium). There is an article available in the net titled " The Indisputable Connection : Your pH level and Cancer Risk ".

Regarding Vitamin D, there is a list of diseases associated with Vitamin D deficiency:

1) Osteoporosis

2) 17 varieties of Cancer (including breast, prostate and colon cancer).

3) Heart disease.

4) Autoimmune diseases.

5) Asthma,

6) Crohn's disease,

7) Rheumatoid arthritis,

8) Rickets,

9) Bacterial vaginosis,

10) Multiple sclerosis, etc.

If there is a deficiency of Vitamin D, the body can not absorb calcium properly. Calcium deficiency will affect alkalization process. If a person with Vitamin D deficiency consumes more calcium, excess calcium may be deposited in the arteries, kidney and other parts of the body. Vitamin D deficiency can be corrected by one of the following two or both:

1) Take Vitamin D3 supplements - 4000 IU daily.

2) Take one L. Reuteri capsule per day.

The probiotic (Friendly) bacteria ' L. Reuteri ' will increase Vitamin D level by 25.5 % in a 9-week time. Also, L. Reuteri will synthesize Vitamin B12 thereby correcting Vitamin B12 deficiency. About 85 % of the population do not have L. Reuteri in their digestive system even though it is available in the breast milk of some people.

Once L. Reuteri colonises the digestive system, Vitamin D deficiency will be corrected. It is a semi-permanent solution for Vitamin D deficiency. This is due to the fact that Vitamin D deficiency will not occur as long as L. Reuteri is in the digestive system. There is an article available in the net titled " Top 13 Scientific Health Benefits of L. Reuteri" .

According to the Mayo Clinic, enlarged red blood cells is a non-specific medical condition that has a number of different causes. Among the most common causes are Vitamin B12 deficiency, folate deficiency, alcoholism, hypothyroidism and liver disease. But according to many research papers, it is most often due to Vitamin B12 and folate deficiencies. Enlarged red blood cells can be determined by measuring its mean corpuscular volume (MCV). Enlarged blood cells will not deliver oxygen efficiently to all cells in the body. Oxygen delivery is very important for any cancer treatment. Since L. Reuteri is important for the alkalization of the body and also for oxygen delivery to cells in the body, it appears that the deficiency of L. Reuteri is one of the risk factors associated with cancer.

Best wishes,

P. Raghavan.

Alkalize, Antioxidant, Chlorophyll Protocol
Posted by P. Raghavan (Virudhunagar, Tn, India) on 02/02/2018


According to an article available in the net titled "Cancer Prevention" by W.H.O., "Between 30-50 % of all cancer cases are preventable. Prevention offers the most long-term cost-effective strategy." Tobacco, physical inactivity, dietary factors, obesity, overweight, alcohol, infectious agents, environmental pollution, occupational carcinogens and radiation will increase risk of cancer. Even if one avoids all those risk factors, there is a chance one may get cancer.

Researchers proved that excess free radicals over a prolonged period of time could trigger chronic diseases such as cancer, strokes, heart diseases, etc. Unfortunately there is no way one can avoid free radicals, but there is a lot one can do to reduce the numbers produced in the body, and to ensure that the maximum of those produced are neutralized. Antioxidants are necessary to neutralize free radicals. The body makes some of the antioxidants that it uses to neutralize free radicals. These antioxidants are called endogenous antioxidants. The endogenous antioxidants include : alpha lipoic acid, CoQ10, superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase. However, the body relies on external (exogenous) sources primarily the diet, to obtain the rest of the antioxidants it needs. These exogenous antioxidants are commonly called dietary antioxidants. Fruits, vegetables and whole grains are rich sources of dietary antioxidants. If one takes more dietary antioxidants than necessary, extra dietary antioxidants will be released in the urine by the body. In this case, the urine will be antioxidant-rich. If the morning urine antioxidant level is at least 100 milliVolt (ORP level in the range of - 100 to - 300 mV), there is a very low probability of free radicals creating cancer cells. If the body is sufficiently alkaline, cancer cell, if any, will not multiply significantly. This basically implies that the morning urine pH level should be in the range of 6.5 to 7.0. There is a very low probability of getting cancer for a person if the following two conditions are satisfied:

1) Morning urine ORP level after one hour needs to be in the range of - 100 to - 300 mV.

2) Morning urine pH level needs to be in the range of 6.5 to 7.0.

These tests may be made at home for about 2 times in a month. You need a pocket ORP meter which will measure oxidant / antioxidant level of any liquid in milliVolt. If the ORP reading is negative for any liquid, it means the liquid is antioxidant-rich; otherwise, the liquid is oxidant-rich. You also need a pocket pH meter. Both are available online. If one or both conditions are not satisfied, the following methods can be used to improve them:

1) If the morning urine ORP level after one hour is not in the range of - 100 to - 300 mV, then the person has to consume more dietary antioxidants. The simplest way to achieve this is to drink antioxidant- rich orange / orange peel soaked drinking water which will have antioxidant level of about 400 milliVolt. This can be made as follows: Take one organic orange or its peel and cut them into small pieces. Put them in a blender with one cup of ordinary drinking water. Beat them in the blender so that particle size is very small. Then add 1/2 teaspoon of Himalayan salt or sea salt. Then add about 9 cups of ordinary drinking water. After about 8 to 14 hours of soaking, antioxidants in the orange peels will be released into the drinking water. The antioxidant level of drinking water will to about 400 milliVolt level (ORP level of about - 400 mV). This will definitely improve the morning urine ORP level. If one does want to consume orange / orange peel soaked drinking water, then the person can consume other antioxidant-rich foods like carrot juice, wheatgrass juice, goji berries, blueberries, blackberries, cranberries, grapes, etc. It is also necessary to reduce the consumption of high oxidant-rich foods like cola / soda and also drinking water with high positive ORP level (more than + 200 mV).

2) If a person wants to improve pH level of morning urine, the person can consume alkaline foods like lemon juice, watermelon, spinach juice, banana, wheatgrass juice, cucumbers, etc.

I believe this orange / orange peel soaked drinking water will play an important in cancer prevention and treatment. I hope the information provided here will be useful.

Best wishes.

P. Raghavan.

Alkalize, Antioxidant, Chlorophyll Protocol
Posted by P. Raghavan (Virudhunagar, Tn, India) on 12/11/2017


This protocol is based on the following two principles:

1) Cancer cannot survive in oxygenated alkaline cellular environment.

2) Excess free radicals over a prolonged period of time can cause cancer and they need to be neutralized.

This protocol calls for the following three steps:

1) Alkalize the body sufficiently so that cancer cell multiplication will come to complete stop.

2) Take sufficient antioxidants so that the body can neutralize most free radicals in the body. This will stop the generation of new cancer cells by free radicals.

3) Take sufficient chlorophyll so that the oxygen supply will increase to all cells in the body and chlorophyll will try to convert cancer cells into normal cells.


Lemon, watermelon, banana, spinach and wheatgrass juice are some of the alkaline foods. Lemon and watermelon are top two alkaline foods. pH value of watermelon juice is 8.8 which is very high. Wheatgrass juice and spinach juice are rich in chlorophyll also. One banana (118 gm weight) contains: 422 mg of potassium, 32 mg of magnesium, 6 mg of calcium and 1 mg of sodium. One cup of spinach contains: 839 mg of potassium, 156 mg of magnesium, 245 mg of calcium, 126 mg of sodium and 24 mg of chlorophyll. The recommended dosage of chlorophyll per day is about 200 mg for this protocol.


Antioxidants are necessary to neutralize free radicals and they can be: Vitamins C, E and A (Betacarotene), Selenium, Alpha lipoic acid, Cq10, Polyphenols, etc. Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) meter can measure oxidant/antioxidant level of any liquid in milliVolt (mV). If the ORP meter reading is positive for any liquid, it means the liquid is oxidant-rich. If it is negative, it means the liquid is antioxidant-rich. Suppose a liquid shows an ORP reading of - 150 mV, it means it is antioxidant-rich and its antioxidant level is 150 milliVolt.

The followings are the approximate ORP levels for various liquids:

1) Tap water : + 250 mV to + 400 mV.

2) Cola / Soda : + 400 mV to + 600 mV.

3) R.O. Water / Distilled water : - 10 mV to + 10 mV.

4) Green tea : - 120 mV to - 250 mV.

5) Mother's Milk : - 70 mV.

6) Carrot juice : - 170 mV.

7) Wheatgrass juice : - 120 mV.

8) Orange juice : - 150 mV.

9) Castor oil : - 200 mV.


Ordinary drinking water can be converted into antioxidant-rich drinking water. One of the methods is given below:

Orange peel and membranes contain antioxidants called citrus bioflavonoid. Citrus bioflavonoids belong to polyphenol group. Orange also contains vitamin C which is also an antioxidant. One organic orange is cut into small pieces and put them in a blender with one cup of water. Beat them in the blender so that particle size is reduced considerably. This will increase the contact area. Add about 9 cups of drinking water. Also, add about one-half teaspoon of himalayan salt or sea salt to the water in the evening. In the next day morning, the ORP level of drinking water is measured. It will be about - 400 mV. The goal is to bring ORP level of drinking water in the the range of - 120 mV to - 250 mV level similar to green tea by adding regular drinking water.

This antioxidant-rich drinking water is consumed during the day. This water should be stored in an air-tight non-metallic container since the antioxidants in the water may react with atmospheric oxygen and also, it can react with metals to degrade antioxidant level.

It appears that the antioxidants in the orange peel were released after about 8 to 14 hours of soaking in the the drinking water. The antioxidant level of this water is much greater than that of green tea. One can reduce the antioxidant level to a desired level by adding regular drinking water to the orange-soaked drinking water. I believe this orange-soaked drinking water will play an important role in this new protocol.

The flow of antioxidant in the body may be roughly explained as follows: Once the antioxidant-rich water reaches our digestive system, some significant portion of antioxidants will join the blood stream and they will reach all blood vessels in the body where they will try to neutralize free radicals. Finally, when the blood returns to kidney, residual antioxidants in the blood are released into the urine. If the urine is antioxidant-rich (ORP value negative), antioxidants in the urine will try to neutralize free radicals in the inner lining of urinary system (urine contact area). The residual antioxidants in the digestive system will flow through digestive track where the antioxidants will try to neutralize free radicals in the inner lining of digestive system and finally they will be excreted.

One can watch the following two videos regarding ORP level:

1) "Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) Testing"

2) " How to make Antioxidant-rich drinking water'.

According to an article available in the net titled "What are Bioflavonoids? " by F.M. Painter, bioflavonoids are are semi-essential nutrients and are useful in treatment and prevention of many health conditions. It also states that they have greater antioxidant effects than vitamins C, E, selenium and zinc.


1) Consume alkaline-rich foods like lemon, watermelon, bananas, spinach juice, wheatgrass juice, etc. as much as you can. Make sure you are taking about 200 mg of chlorophyll per day. If one can bring the pH level of morning urine in the range of 6.8 to 7.2, there is no need to take baking soda-molasses solution; otherwise, mix 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda and 1 teaspoon of molasses in warm water; drink this twice a day 30 minutes before meal. Adjust the dosage of baking soda so as to bring the morning urine pH level in the range of 6.8 t0 7.2.

2) Consume orange-soaked drinking water during the day. Also, take one 500 mg vitamin C tablet thrice a day. Adjust the ORP level of this water and vitamin C dosage so as to bring the ORP level of morning urine after one hour to about - 175 mV.

I hope the information provides here will be useful. This is a 16-week protocol.

Best wishes.

P. Raghavan.

Alkalize, Antioxidant, Chlorophyll Protocol
Posted by P. Raghavan. (Virudhunagar, Tn, India) on 12/02/2018

Grape Seed and Green Drink for Cancer

This is a 16-week protocol. This protocol is based on the following two principles:

Excess free radicals can damage normal cells and may convert them into new cancer cells. Antioxidants are needed to neutralize free radicals in the body so that no new cancer cells will be created.

2 Existing cancer cells cannot survive in an oxygenated alkaline cellular environment.

For this protocol, one has to buy an Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) meter and a pH meter. The ORP meter measures oxidant/antioxidant level of any liquid in milliVolt(mV). If the reading is positive, the liquid is oxidant-rich. If it is negative, the liquid is antioxidant-rich. Both meters are available online. They are not expensive and simple to use. Just dip the meter in the collected urine up to the mark given in the meter and then switch on the meter.


The following are some of the antioxidants:

1 Grape seeds.

2 Turmeric with black pepper.

3 Berries.

4 Carrot juice.

5 Graviola leaves.

6 Vitamins A, C and E.

7 Selenium.

8 Alpha Lipoic Acid.

9 Melatonin, etc.

Regarding grape seeds for the treatment of the cancer, one may read the following articles available in the net:

1)”Anticancer Effects of Grape Seed Extract on Human Cancer: A Review”.

2) “Grape Seed Extract Effective in Colorectal Cancer Treatment”.

3) “Grape Seed Procyanidin Extract against Lung Cancer”.

The recommended dosage for grape seed is about 200 mg per Kg of body weight per day. Consumption of large amount of antioxidants is neither necessary nor desirable for cancer treatment. One has to adjust the dosage of antioxidants such that the antioxidant level of morning urine after one hour is in the range of –100 milliVolt to – 140 milliVolt. If the antioxidant level of morning urine is very high ( -140mV to -300mV), one has to reduce the intake of antioxidants. If the antioxidant level of morning urine is very low (-0 mV to -100 mV), one has to increase the intake of antioxidants. Our body releases excess antioxidants in the urine. Even after taking sufficient antioxidants, the morning ORP level after one hour is either positive or low negative, then it is possible for a particular food/medicine consumed may create excessive amount of free radicals inside our body. To identify this, one can stop taking suspected food/medicine for one or two days. Then measure the antioxidant level of morning urine after one hour. If there is a considerable improvement in the antioxidant level, problem food/medicine is identified. One can apply antioxidant –rich castor oil in the painful area just before going to bed or first thing in the morning.

One has to avoid oxidant-rich items like 1) carbonated drink 2) Alcohol 3) Red meat 4) Shellfish 5) Oxidant-rich drinking water with high ORP level (+ 100 mV to + 300 mV), etc.


To alkalize the body, alkalizing minerals like magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium, etc are needed. Some alkalizing items are given below:

1) Green drink. It can be made from spinach, parsley, broccoli, wheatgrass, cilantro, kale, etc.

2) Baking soda and maple syrup.

3) Lemon juice and/or baking soda,

4) Sprouts,

5) Cucumber,

6 Watermelon.

One has to consume two cups of green drink per day (one cup in the morning and one cup in the evening). The aim is to bring morning urine pH level in the range of 6.8 to 7.0. If the morning urine pH level is below 6.8, one may take other alkalizing items given above. But the best choice is baking soda and maple syrup. One can watch video titled “How might baking soda boost cancer therapy? ”

Once the body is sufficiently alkaline, cancer cell multiplication will come to complete stop. If the morning urine pH level is below 5.5, the body is considered acidic. If the body is acidic, cancer cell multiplication will increase.


Green drinks are rich in chlorophyll. Chlorophyll will increase hemoglobin level in the blood. Hemoglobin will increase oxygen supply to all cells in the body including cancer cells. If one has Vitamin D deficiency, it will affect mineral absorption in the body. Therefore, Vitamin D deficiency needs to be corrected by sun-bathing and taking vitamin D3 supplements.


Recently, I came to know three ladies about 60 years who were suffering from Stage 3 Stomach Cancer. First lady was given chemotherapy and radiation treatment. But there was no improvement and doctors gave her about 6 month time to live. She stopped chemotherapy and radiation therapy. She switched to graviola leaves and green drink treatment on the advice of some tribals from the state of Karnataka. But there was no improvement. Two of her brothers are medical doctors. They went through internet and recommended to her grape seeds and green drink. For grape seeds, she started taking dark raisins with multiple seeds in small quantities throughout the day like a snack. She took 2 cups of green drinks a day (one in the morning and one in the evening). She made good progress and is living more than two and half years.

The second lady consumed 6 graviola leaves per day and two green drinks per day. She cut 6 greviola leaves into small pieces and boiled them in 2 cups of water. Then she strained the water and consumed the water throughout the day. It worked very good for her. She is living more than 3 years and she is going great.

Chemotherapy and radiation therapy was given to the third lady. There was no progress. She lived for about 8 months and she is no more.


1) Take antioxidant –rich grape seeds or dark raisins with multiple seeds throughout the day.

One may also take one half teaspoon of turmeric with small quantity of black pepper one hour before going to bed. But dosage of grape seed/dark raisins with multiple seeds and turmeric should be adjusted so that the antioxidant level of morning urine after one hour should be in the range of – 100 milliVolt to – 140 milliVolt.

2) Alkalize the body by consuming 2 cups of green drinks (one cup in the morning and another cup in the evening). If the morning urine pH level is less than 6.8, then take baking soda and maple syrup. If maple syrup is not available, one can use molasses or honey in place of maple syrup. Adjust the dosage of baking soda so that the morning urine pH level is in the range of 6.8 to 7.0. Also, correct vitamin D deficiency if it is there.

3) Recent research has suggested that probiotics may be able to stop tumour growth since 80 percent of our immunity is provided by probiotic microbes in our digestive system.


1) The same protocol can be used for cancer prevention. For prevention, one can take dark raisins with multiple seeds as a snack. Adjust the dosage of raisins so that the morning urine antioxidant level is in the range of – 100 mV and – 300 mV.

2) Take one cup of green drink per day so that the pH level of morning urine is in the range of 6.5 to 7.0. If needed. one may also take other alkalizing foods such as sprouts, cucumbers, watermelon or lemon juice to bring the morning urine pH level in the range of 6.5 to 7.0.

This kind of urine tests can be performed once a week. If the two conditions are satisfied, chances of getting cancer are extremely low.

Best Wishes.

P. Raghavan.

Alkalize, Antioxidant, Chlorophyll Protocol
Posted by P. Raghavan. (Virudhunagar, Tn, India) on 12/24/2018

Grape Seed / Raisins with Grape Seed and Green Drink for Cancer – UPDATE.

I came across two articles available in the internet with the following titles:

1) “Cancer-Fighting Broccoli”.

2) ”Does Broccoli Really Fight Cancer”?

Broccoli performs the following four functions:

1) Broccoli alkalizes the body.

2) Broccoli is rich in chlorophyll.

3) Broccoli is an oxygen-rich food and can increase blood oxygen level.

4) Sulforaphane in broccoli will help in the synthesis of glutathione, an endogenous antioxidant. Endogenous antioxidants are produced by the body.

Broccoli sprouts (5 days after seeding) are about 30 times more powerful than broccoli (100 days after seeding). In my opinion broccoli sprouts can be classified as one of the super foods to treat cancer since it performs the above four functions. Susan Jones, UK also confirms that broccoli sprouts work very good for cancer treatment in this website from her experience. It is advisable to take one cup of green drink extracted from broccoli sprouts. One can buy broccoli seeds to make broccoli sprouts either online or at walmart. Broccoli sprouts will produce very good results. There are two videos available that will explain the method to make broccoli sprouts from broccoli seeds:

1) “How to sprout broccoli seeds” by Dr. Douglas Won.

2) “How to grow broccoli sprouts as discussed by Dr. Rhonda Patrick”.

In my opinion, there is also a super herb to treat cancer. It is turmeric with black pepper. There are many articles available in the net regarding cancer and turmeric.

If a person can maintain morning urine pH level and morning urine antioxidant level as follows for about 8 weeks, one can expect very good results:

1) Morning urine pH level in the range of 6.8 to 7.0.

2) Antioxidant level of morning urine after one hour in the range of -100 milliVolt to - 140 milliVolt.

There is another article available in the net titled “Another blood pressure medication recalled”. According to this article, FDA is recalling blood pressure medicine VALSARTAN and other related medicines because of cancer risk. It appears that they may contain oxidant-rich chemicals which can produce large amount of free radicals. If a person takes medicines that can generate large amount of free radicals, it will be very difficult to increase antioxidant level of morning urine. I hope the information provided here will be useful.

Best wishes.

P. Raghavan

Alkalize, Antioxidant, Chlorophyll Protocol
Posted by P. Raghavan (Virudhunagar, Tn, India) on 06/04/2017

HI Robert Henry,

The ORP values are given in Earth Clinic under " Acidic pH remedies - Ted's Q&A ". It is in the 33rd question - " ORP of Urine Negative ". The pH value of morning urine can be measured immediately; but the ORP value of morning urine should be measured exactly after one hour. According to Ted, the best way to get ORP in negative is take Vitamin C + baking soda + magnesium citrate. When the body pH is increased, ORP value also improve automatically. That is why there is no need for any adjustment in the first week. In the second week, adjust the baking soda dosage to bring morning urine pH level to the desired value. Then adjust vitamin C dosage to bring the morning urine ORP level to the desired value.

Regarding pH value, one can read the article available in the net " The indisputable concern: your pH levels and cancer risk " in Natural Health 365.

Best wishes,

P. Raghavan.

Alkalize, Antioxidant, Chlorophyll Protocol
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile , Tn) on 06/02/2017

HI P. Raghavan ,,,,,,,,,, I think you are on to something good and have copied and filed your post. With my PSA going up I have to get more serious.

How did you get to the ORP values that you post? We used ORP in controlling the chlorine bleach stage in the paper industry. That is until Chlorine was outlawed by the FDA. We also used ClO2 and now that is the cat's meow as far as health is concerned.

I thank you for your post.


Alkalize, Antioxidant, Chlorophyll Protocol
Posted by beverly (Texas) on 02/05/2022

except for sarcoidosis...........I was told not to take vitamin d and to stay out of the sun............for the past 30 years.