Natural Remedies for Plantar Warts (Verrucas)

Banana Peel

11 User Reviews
5 star (11) 

Posted by Joanne (Philadelphia, PA) on 06/18/2008

I can't believe this! My son had an incredibly large plantar wart on the side of his big toe for YEARS. It was huge, hideous, and ugly. It hurt him a lot when he wore skates to play ice hockey, and no amount of padding helped. Duct tape didn't work to get rid of it, visits to a podiatrist didn't work to get rid of it, Compound W didn't work to get rid of it. I told him about the banana peel cure and he looked at me like I was crazy, but reluctantly agreed to try it.

The wart died in FOUR days! He just took a fresh piece of peel and kept that one piece on for four days straight, not understanding that it was to be changed every day. When he took the peel off, the wart was pitch black. He scraped the black stuff off, washed the area, and let it air out. He told me, I think the wart is dead, and I way, it can't have worked that quickly...put another banana peel on it. He said no...let's wait a couple of days - this wart is dead. I said ok, and promptly forgot all about it. After about a week, I remembered, and said, hey...let's see the wart. He showed me his feet, and I couldn't remember which foot the wart was on...both big toes were the same! The wart had totally disappeared. He was SO happy. And so was I. Thank you so much!


5 User Reviews
5 star (4) 
1 star (1) 

Posted by DL (NC) on 10/23/2022

Add Ted's borax remedy to the list as a permanent cure for a stubborn small plantar wart! I used the popular banana peel cure a number of times over the years and it works immediately at shrinking it. I almost went away each time I used a banana peel for a few days, but only to grow back a month or two later... It was not very big, just a tiny bump on the bottom center of my foot. Well I just realized that, along with borax totally curing my trigger finger and arthritis, my plantar wart is also gone! Not sure how long it took as I wasn't monitoring my foot.. guessing a month or two.

1/4 teaspoon of borax in 1 liter of water, sipped throughout the day. Read the borax page for more details if you don't know about this protocol.

Posted by Karen (Devon, England) on 07/30/2021

My 10 year old daughter has had verrucas on her feet for at least 2-3 years which just kept spreading.

I tried all the usual over the counter remedies but nothing helped. In fact, they were making her feet sore.

I then read about the benefits of borax here at Earth Clinic, so I decided to try it.

I made my daughter a foot bath with 1/4 cup of borax dissolved in some boiling water in a washing up bowl, then topped up with cold water until it was cool enough to put her feet in it. So the water was warm but not too hot. She soaked her feet for 30-40 minutes. I did this every evening for a week.

After a few days I could already see an improvement. Her feet were no longer sore. The verrucas had stopped spreading and the smaller ones were starting to reduce. After a week I just did a maintenance foot bath once or twice a week. After a month the verrucas have all gone and the holes left are healing.

My daughter is so grateful. Her feet are the best I've seen them in ages.

I have also had a couple of borax foot baths myself as I have had a fungal toenail for over 10 years. Sure enough it's on the mend now.

Thank you Earth Clinic!

Replied by Dragon2
(Ottawa, Ontario Canada)

I concur with what you are saying. In 1970 when I was 16 I had plantar warts and I basically did what you did. Instead of using borax, I used boric acid. Both comes from the same compound. I soaked my foot in boric and then applied a compress made with boric acid. I do not know what was the ratio I use. I just did it. So yes borax and boric is effective in removing plantar warts

Posted by Thais B (EC's YouTube Channel) on 06/11/2017

OMG Please let me tell you guys my daughter had a planters wart that I tried everything to help her finally a day before she had doctor's appointment I read a man's post online stating a remedy his grandmother had to just submerge wart in dry borax for about hour and the next morning I literally peeled off the wart never to return again!!!!!

Replied by Susan

Nope, not for me. I tried this the other day on a plantar wart on the bottom of my foot... a bit of borax powder and sealed with a bandaid so none would leak out. It did not fall off. In fact, nothing happened.

The banana peel method taping method is much more effective and fast. The only issue I have is that the bp taping method doesn't get to the core, so it grows back within a few months.

Castor Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Virginia (Cushing, OK) on 01/29/2008

A foot doctor said to put cold-pressed castor oil on a large wart on my sons' toe then put a sock on his foot nightly til the wart goes away. Amazing but it did within a week.

Castor Oil + Oregano Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Mishi (Roseville, CA) on 05/31/2020

I have plantar fasciitis on the left foot, so when I got an uncomfortable bump on my right foot it made it that much harder to walk! I believe it's a plantar wart because of the black dot in the center. After consulting Earth Clinic, I mixed castor oil and oregano oil and put it on my foot covered in a band aid and after two days and an Epsom salts soak it's already gone!


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Lisa (Blackie, Alberta ) on 01/19/2009

for the wart that is so resistant my nautropath told me if you see 1 outside there are thousands inside. when my daughter was having plantar warts and ones on her fingers he recommended liquid cholorphyll. 4x a day a table spoon . within 4 days it was totally freaky, her toe seemed to have 100's of warts just under the skin they came thru with no pain, some blistering of skin the big wart turned black fell off a few days later.

Cinnamon Oil

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Anita (Corpus Christi, Tx) on 01/31/2018 3 posts

I had a blister on my toe that, after it popped, allowed the Plantar Wart virus to set up. I had never had a Plantar Wart before and I tried every natural way to rid myself of it for a year. I read that certain essential oils would kill the virus and tried several different oils in several different ways to no avail. What finally worked was cassia (cinnamon) oil.

I took most of the cotton off of a cotton swab and kept it, a pocket knife and the cassia oil next to my shower. After a bath or shower I would scrape as much of the plantar wart off of my skin as I could. Not cutting, just scraping! The wart virus seems to protect itself with the mound of dead skin it piles on top of itself (my theory). After scraping any dead skin I could off, I would then put just enough cassia oil on the cotton swab to cover the wart (because cassia oil can irritate your skin) and I would PUSH the swab and cassia oil down on the wart kind of hard for a minute. I did this every day for two weeks and the wart got smaller and smaller until it was gone. My toe is completely normal again.

Remember, the key to most of the remedies on Earth Clinic is to be consistent! If you are going to do it, give it time to work. Don't do something one day and then say it doesn't work! You have to give your body the stuff it needs and the time to heal! Godspeed!

Cinnamon Oil
Posted by Karen (Shingle Springs, California, USA) on 03/01/2013

Greetings, EC folks!

After going barefoot in the garden one summer, I developed a terrible case of mosaic warts on the soles of both my feet. Foolishly, I tried cutting them out with manicuring scissors, only to have them spread. I tried banana peel, wart pads, and anything else I could think of or find on Earth Clinic, to no avail. The warts were so painful I could barely walk! My soles were a mess, and it was spreading to my fingers! Out of desperation, I began applying Cinnamon Oil, no bandage, and clean socks. The healing was miraculous! It took a few weeks, but my soles totally healed. And now, if I spot a wart, I use cinnamon oil on it right away. I also wear shoes in the garden now.

Thank you, EC family! I have no health insurance, I rely on you all to help me stay healthy. Blessings!

Clove Oil, DMSO, Garlic, Colloidal Silver

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Wart Go Away (Greenville, Sc) on 12/12/2016

My boyfriend had a nasty plantar wart on the bottom of his foot for MONTHS. I urged him gently to go to the derm to get it frozen off, because it freaky hurt him and his job requires standing all day. His mom, a RN and strong believer in natural homeopathic remedies gave him clove oil, DMSO, and garlic to use. He'd tape the garlic sliver on the way during the day for a few hours, let it be, then apply DMSO and clove oil a couple times during the afternoon and evening before bed. The wart turned black, then about a week and a half after consistent use, it fell out! It left a hole in his foot from where it fell out, so we used colloidal silver to help in skin repair. It's been a week and his foot is almost perfect!

So now I'm using DMSO with tea tree oil to get rid of two warts on the same finger. I'm on day two of two applications under a bandaid and they're already drying out. I've had luck with just tea tree oil in the past with ridding a wart on my knee, but it took a couple months. So I hope the dmso will make it go away faster!

Coconut Oil

3 User Reviews
5 star (2) 
4 star (1) 

Posted by Cheek (USA) on 05/14/2019

Just came from the Coconut Oil central Site and thought I'd relay an experience I had when I broke my foot. I only have a shower so I washed my foot with coconut oil until I was able to get in the shower without my cast and all of my plantar warts on that foot went away. OLD warts, like I'd had them for 40 years - since I was pregnant with my daughter. I thought the cast had cut off their air supply but now I understand it was the coconut oil that I didn't even use everyday. I only washed that foot every few days until I was able to get in the shower without my cast.

That was something like 3 years ago and no the warts are back so I'm going to be washing my feet everyday with coconut oil and do nothing else to see what happens.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Brownandgreen72 (Anywhere, Usa) on 04/12/2013

I also was using Coconut oil on my plantar wart, and it helped make it smaller. Before that I used the tea tree oil and duct tape method. This helped remove some of the skin above the wart. After the coconut oil the wart rose to the surface. I left the tape off and applied nothing topically because it hurt. Bad mistake. Airing it out caused the wart to get bigger. It also inflammed the surrounding area. Now I am trying the ACV on cotton with duct tape on top. I'll update later.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Ashley (Baltimore, MD) on 05/10/2007

Virgin coconut oil cured my plantar warts. I had some plantar warts on my foot for about a year, then I started rubbing coconut oil on my feet to help soften the skin and make walking more comfortable. After about 2 months of this, I was just starting to think of going to the doctor to have them removed (with much dread) when I noticed that the warts had shrunk. Then about 1-2 weeks later, the dead skin just peeled off like a callous, revealing soft healthy skin underneath. It wasn't an overnight cure, but the time was a small price to pay for not having them dug out! I know they were warts because they had the little black spots in them, they hurt or bled if scraped, and a couple of small ones had appeared elsewhere on my foot. I also use coconut oil in food preparation on a regular basis, as well as topically on all areas of the skin.

Colloidal Silver

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by MichiganMan777 (Michigan) on 05/11/2021

Colloidal Silver KILLS Plantar Wart..6 months later and it has NOT come back.

I had a plantar wart for 5+ years. Tried many over the counter and home remedy solutions. Wart still remained. Came to the point where I couldn't take a step without severe pain.. I went on like that for about a month and finally one day I said in my head "ok, I need guidance to rid myself of this pain..Like a gift from the creator, my request was granted and I was giving the direction to obtain Colloidal silver ..

  • Scrape off the extra skin that formed over the wart and then place 4 drops of the colloidal silver on a band aid that is placed on the wart.
  • Keep the band aid for 2 days and on the 2nd night replace it with another band aid with 4 more drops of colloidal silver..
  • Repeat this process until wart is dead and shriveled and then pull the dead wart out,
  • Put 4 more drops of CS on another band aid and cover up the hole.

Do this until the hole is healed.. This WORKED and has not come back.. I'm excited to share and give others relief ..Have a nice day...

Dr. Christopher's Ointment

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 05/15/2024 473 posts

Accidentally Eliminated Plantar Warts

I know that sounds good, but I was letting them come back so I could continue experimenting on them, so...

How did it happen? Apparently, by playing with Dr. Christopher's bone, flesh and cartilage formula. Or whatever it's called now...Complete...Bone and Tissue. Or Tissue and bone, one or the other. I've been putting ointment everywhere, all day long, for about 3 days. And I mean, like, "Oh! Is that a dry spot? I'm gonna massage a bunch of ointment into that! ".

It's day 4 and I've used almost half a 4 oz jar already, ROFL!

The body just eats that stuff UP! I wondered where the beeswax in the ointment went but, apparently, unfiltered beeswax has all of the properties of honey so...that would explain that. The body wouldn't take it if it didn't need it so I'm just going to keep using it until it quits sucking it in. See what happens.

I'm going to melt some, add a little castor oil and apply it to the scalp - see if it takes it all in.

Fascinating stuff! Same herbs as his anti-pla9ue/immune herbs but in equal measure (except for 1, which is double) of 4 oz to ^7 power decoctions. topped off with enough honey, garlic juice and ACV to bring it all up to a whole gallon of the stuff so...guess what I'm gonna do NEXT! ROFL!

Replied by Cindy
(Illinois, USA)
473 posts

They're still gone so I guess I can't experiment on them any more. Of course, there's no REASON to now but, still, after 40 years of experimenting...oh well! NOW I can stand on my tiptoes! Which I haven't been able to do for decades! Which is pretty cool! Being able to reach top shelfs and whatnot, without the step stool!! Walking on concrete, BAREFOOT! Also pretty cool...oh well, I'll sacrifice the experimentation. It's worth it...and I can continue experimenting with the individual herbs - maybe figure out which one or which combination did the deed...I'm thinking it might be the comfrey rebuilding the tissue as the marshmallow root draws out the microbial "poison", as it does with gangrene.

Anyway, VERY exciting!

Replied by Cindy
(Illinois, USA)
473 posts

Nearly out of the complete tissue and bone ointment and just added my second large jar to my shopping cart.

Two things, aside from putting it on everything and the missing plantar warts: 1) I hopped out of bed this morning with zero creaks and no need to limber up (F/65) and 2) it appears to be "raising" every mole and dry patch I've put it on. As if it is drawing the whatever it is underneath thing to the surface. I fully expect them to start falling off with the second jar, even though that's not what it's intended for.

Also, I've been putting it on my feet and toes and it appears to be fixing - or, at least, changing - the hammer toes that developed and have been developing over the years due to my feet just trying to keep the weight off the plantar warts.

Something else, "brown spots" are also sort of coming to the surface where I've simply scraped a couple off, like a dry patch of skin, with a fingernail.

I've been using it over the liver AND on across the pancreas area, as well. Which is when I started hopping out of bed in the morning.

Apparently, and I didn't note where I read/heard it, but it was suspected by someone and referred to by Dr. Christopher that most people have pancreatic issues. It was probably in one of the articles or seminars where he's talking about clearing out the digestive tract or talking about the lower bowel formula. But could have been in one of the liver or kidney articles. It was just a passing comment he made that didn't really sink in until I put the ointment over the liver area and figured, why not just continue it across and cover the pancreas? So I did and have been.

I know the complete tissue and bone wasn't formulated for such things but I figured the liver and pancreas are made of tissue, right? So why not give them a little extra bit of the love! ROFL!

I don't pay much attention to my appearance except to assure I won't frighten anyone if I go out but I think I might look younger (yes, of COURSE I've been putting it on my face, due to a brown spot and a "something" bump and not wanting just greasy spots on my face, lol). At any rte, I don't look 65. Did I before? I don't actually know because, as I said, I don't pay much attention to such things. I'll ask the kid, next time I see her. I DO recall being shocked by the age on my face after I had the you-know-what bug but that was 3 years ago and after I'd slept for 3 days.

(Illinois, USA)
473 posts

I just realized another apparent effect of this ointment which is what seems like an exaggerated range of motion (ROM) in my shoulders and back.

I'm sure it's not actually exaggerated but I tend to check it as a "sign of aging", pretty regularly, and always wonder about it when I do, thinking I'll give it some thought and see if I can get some improvement but, of course, I promptly forget about it but, apparently, I accidentally already got the improvement so, SURPRISE! Not sure what that's about or where I put the ointment to bring it about since I basically have it all over but I haven't put much on my shoulders and none on my back...interesting...

I also have a rib that seems to be moving. Which is a bit uncomfortable. And weird.

I vaguely recall thinking I may have twisted or cracked that particular rib but that was months ago and I forgot all about it. It actually just felt like it was "out of place" but I have a high pain threshold so I'm not a very good judge of how "injured" I might be when I get myself banged up...unless I can't walk, like when I broke my foot, but it IS the same rib on the left side, right straight across from the liver and up a bit where I've been extending the application of the ointment on across to cover the pancreas area. At any rate, I don't think it's where it was an hour ago.

I wonder if it somehow facilitates/assists the fascia - as in it's ability to put things back where they belong, when it comes to broken bones...just one more interesting thing I guess. But it is a little sore so, you know what THAT means! More OINTMENT!

I may run out before I get my second jar!


Hi Cindy, I love Dr Christopher's formulas. Thanks for posting your experiences with the bone and tissue ointment “experiment.” I'm looking forward to what happens with the next large jar you go through :) keep us posted please!

(Illinois, USA)
473 posts

Just finished off the first jar of this amazing stuff. The plantar warts are definitely gone, the range of motion in my shoulders keeps surprising me and my toes are almost normal.

Just realized that the dry spots on my elbows are gone.

I haven't been using it as much but I noticed, just today, that the range of motion in my hips and knees has also improved so I'm going to add those areas, specifically, with my new jar.

ALSO, I'm going to add the vertebrae right at my "old lady hump" and see what happens there. I know my neck is "loose", which I hadn't realized it was stiff, so we'll see what happens with that area.

I think I'm going to get the liver and gall bladder formula, too, as the brown/liver spots seem to be intermittently multiplying. Some days they're light colored and some days they're darker - sometimes there's a lot and sometimes just the regular amount so, there's definitely activity there.

Also, my "awesome scar" is nearly gone! And IT had a FOLD in it! The fold is gone and the depth of the "valley" has filled in tremendously!

I also noticed that this bone, flesh and cartilage formula is nearly identical to the "anti-plague" formula, herb-wise, which is some seriously interesting food for thought. At any rate, some pretty serious damages are being reversed! Plus, I haven't had the plagues, so I guess that's working, ROFL!!

(Illinois, USA)
473 posts

One more thing - if a pet (or kid) gets a whiff of the ointment (although it doesn't seem to have much of an odor to me, even with my sensitive nose), if they need it, they may go out of their way to get at it. As in swiping the jar or licking it off of you. Which is fine as Christopher's formulas are all non-toxic, non-poisonous and non-habit forming. Fortunately, if a pet gets a hold of it, they won't eat any more than they need but that can mean a whole jar. Or two, if they can get at it.

(New York)

Hi Can you tell me more about Dr. Christopher's ointment and where I can get it? It sounds amazing..

Thanks, Maryanne

(Illinois, USA)
473 posts

Hi again Maryanne! Some serious rearranging going on in my left foot. Which is strange, because I would have called it my "good" foot. It IS the foot on which I jammed a toe back into the works but plain old castor oil pulled it back out and put everything back where it belonged in THAT case.

I've been thinking and wondering if the first stop on this train ride is the fascia. When it comes to bones. As in, feeding and freeing the fascia so that it can go where it's supposed to be and do its job of putting everything back where it belongs. I didn't even know until recently that it's the fascia that supports the weight of the body, not the skeleton. It dries out and adhesions develop and pretty soon, things get weird because it can't do what it was designed to do.

I wonder if the body restores the fascia FIRST, before it gets down and serious about rebuilding bones and things. Which is what I think is going on in my left foot...very interesting. I vaguely recall an injury to that foot but don't recall exactly what it was as my right foot got the worst of it at the time and, therefore, it got all of the attention due to a serious cut. Which, by the way, was perfectly closed with plain old hot water...I'd forgotten all about minute you could see inside and the next it was closed...a chef's trick...

I'm down to one little, muffled pop in my "bad" shoulder. No more crackling. That was a joint injury and torn rotator cuff.

I also have a small sore/active spot (when I press on it) adjacent to the "old lady hump" area on the same side.

I've never HAD so much fun for a measly $15!! It's like a roll-call of old forgotten injuries!

A couple of spots are taking less of it in, leaving some sticky spots on the surface, but the others are still soaking it up so...

(Illinois, USA)
473 posts

I got mine on amazon but several outfits have it. I've got everything I need, now, so I'm just going to make it myself.

I've spent today just marveling at how good my feet feel. That's what puts the good in the bad and the ugly! Makes it all worthwhile!

(Illinois, USA)
473 posts

I failed to mention what's going on with the scar, formerly known as "awesome".I had worked on it before, with plain castor oil and all it did was soften it a little bit but this ointment is totally is having a very different effect.

When I started, it felt like a rope under the outer layer of the skin. THEN, just a few days later, it was like a wire. NOW it's like little beads, which makes sense because if it's dissolving the scar tissue, it would still need to span the gap so I think it's doing just that in little tiny sections, creating the "bead" effect and the spaces between the beads are getting wider as the beads get smaller. It's really fascinating! Can't wait to hear about what sort of geometry is created with the resolution of the kid's big motorcycle tailpipe burn scar. Should be equally fascinating!

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