Colloidal Silver KILLS Plantar Wart..6 months later and it has NOT come back.
I had a plantar wart for 5+ years. Tried many over the counter and home remedy solutions. Wart still remained. Came to the point where I couldn't take a step without severe pain.. I went on like that for about a month and finally one day I said in my head "ok, I need guidance to rid myself of this pain..Like a gift from the creator, my request was granted and I was giving the direction to obtain Colloidal silver ..
- Scrape off the extra skin that formed over the wart and then place 4 drops of the colloidal silver on a band aid that is placed on the wart.
- Keep the band aid for 2 days and on the 2nd night replace it with another band aid with 4 more drops of colloidal silver..
- Repeat this process until wart is dead and shriveled and then pull the dead wart out,
- Put 4 more drops of CS on another band aid and cover up the hole.
Do this until the hole is healed.. This WORKED and has not come back.. I'm excited to share and give others relief ..Have a nice day...