Hidradenitis Suppurativa
Health Benefits

Turmeric for HS (Hidradenitis Suppurativa)

Posted by Christy (Sydney, Australia) on 10/29/2008

Like most people on this forum, I have had the boils/lesions for over 10 years. They were originally located on my left groin, but now they have arrived on the right hand side as well.

After years of doing the rounds of the doctors - like so many people here - and trying many courses of anti-biotics (no, they don't work) I was referred to a gynaecologist by my GP. Big mistake! This isn't a "female" disorder, it's a skin disorder!

Anyway, I had surgery in July '08 to remove the lesions from both sides, and because they didn't realise I had HS, they only cut out the smallest amount and, yes, it returned - worse even - on both sides.

I have since found another surgeon who wants the infection to go away before he operates so he put me on a double-dose of strong anti-biotics. They aren't really working either and I've been on them for six weeks! So does that mean if the infections never goes away and he never is able to operate I'll be stuck with this forever? That is a terrifying thought. :(

On reading that some people have had luck with turmeric I ran out and got a jar of capsules. $60! A small price to pay if they work. Also, after hearing people recommend tea tree oil, I have bought some tea tree oil gel and hopefully that will improve things as well.

I hope and pray we all can resolve this horrible condition once and for all.

Posted by Michelle (Port-of-Spain, Trinidad) on 10/27/2008

Please I would like suggestions on how to take Tumeric, Apple Cider Vinegar and Tea Tree Oil. I am suffering from H.S. and have been in a tremendous amount of pain as all sufferring from it will know. Please help me!

Posted by Melissa (Jacksonville, Florida) on 10/16/2008

Turmeric cure for Hidradenitis suppurative: I have been taking 3 tsps of Turmeric in water 3 times a day for 29 days now. I have had Hydradenitis Suppurativa for many years. I had 2 cysts on my bottom for many months that would always be there but would flair up often. a month ago 1 of them was the size of a baseball and the other a golf ball. In much pain for a long time, i found this site. Thank God! Anyway, I have been drinking Turmeric for a month now and they are almost gone completely (except the scarring and bruising). 1 is completly flat and I can feel No bump and the other is the size of a pea now. I was wondering How Long Should I take this...Can I take it forever? Should I? Is it ok for me? Thanx in advance 4 advice.

Posted by Melissa (Jacksonville, Florida) on 10/13/2008

I have been taking 3 tsps of Turmeric in water 3 times a day for 29 days now. I have had Hydradenitis Suppurativa for many years. I had 2 cysts on my bottom for many months that would always be there but would flair up often. a month ago 1 of them was the size of a baseball and the other a golf ball. In much pain for a long time, i found this site. Thank God! Anyway, I have been drinking Turmeric for a month now and they are almost gone completely (except the scarring and bruising). 1 is completly flat and I can feel No bump and the other is the size of a pea now. I was wondering How Long Should I take this...Can I take it forever? Should I? Is it ok for me? Thanx in advance 4 advice


Posted by Janet (Weyburn, Canada) on 10/10/2008

Tumeric for Hidradenitis suppurativia: 1/4 tsp. of tumeric taking in foods or i cup of boiling water with a little honey will shrink the lesions..and take the pain away...

Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 10/07/2008 495 posts

I also wonder if a saturated solution of ACV and epsom salts wouldn't dry your messy pustules up if swabbed with it 3 or 4 times per day. It sure dried up those deep pus filled pockets my daughter got just above her hairline at the back of her head when she was about 7 or 8 years old. I just used q tips and swabbed them out with it about 4 times a day.

I found the below information on Yahoo Answers re Vicadin... This should make everyone aware of it being a narcotic derivative and therefore addicting.

"Whats the difference between oxycodone, vicadin, heroine, and morphine?

Okay let me break this down for you so you know your narcotics and can eduacate people like I do as a pain management counselor all opiates and opiods come from the opium poppy and chemical derivites of opiums first and foremost their is morphine, what they call the gold standard in pain management. then there is codeine another drug based on opium yet totally different from morphine both are naturally occuring and can by made without synthesizing the opium. Morphine is stronger than codiene. Heroine is a synthetic bastardized version of morphine that is much stronger and much more addictive. It is made in a lab using the raw opium or morphine as a base product for production. Generally it kills by being mixed with products like baby powder lactose, and powdered sugar then being watered down boiled in a teaspoon and injected in a nasty condemned building somewhere. Heroine is approximately 16 times stronger than pharmaceutical grade Morphine, depending on how it is cut. Oxycodone is the generic name for the drug in Percocet or Percodan. Hydrocodone is the generic form of the drug found in Vicodin, Lortab, Norco and Lorcet. Both are sythetic derivitives of the cedeine molecule however "oxy" is almost always stronger than "hydro" in any situation. As for this situation oxycodone is a schedule II narcotic where as hydrocodone is a schedule III narcotic. Different fines, jail time for possesion distribution etc and the government sees oxy as as higher potential for abuse, where as Xanax,(alprazolam) a schedule !V sleep and anxiety aid, is the most addictive drug known to man, so don't get hung up on the scheduling difference, Just some medical "red tape".

So to wrap this all up heroin, which isn't pure and very scary, and not approved by any body and may be cut with rat poisin, is the strongest, however medically there is a drug called fentanyl that is much stronger that is readily available. Morphine is the most trusted and most used by all doctors world wide for pain management. there is codeine a naturally occuring derivitive of opium and if you sythesize the chemical you get the drugs oxycocone and hydrocodone in which oxycodone is stronger and more addictive. I hope this clears thing up a little bit and know you can be the expert they turnto when this question comes up in the crowd. I apologize for any spelling or grammar mistakes, spell check seems to be down."

Posted by Kreda (Aurora, Colorado) on 10/06/2008

I've been suffering from Hidradenitis since I was 18 (1994). But was diagnosed in 2005. It seems that I have tried everything and nothing has worked. So now, I'm taking vicadin every 4-6 hours. I've been hearing a lot about this turmeric which is making me go buy it like right now. My doctor has prescribed Cholestryamine Resin Powder that's supposed to help clear this up, but the results have been really slow. You know when you're dealing with something like this, it seems that you're never getting better. My boils burst and do not heal. They are open sores that just continue to leak pus. I will give this turmeric a shot and will advise on the status of these sores. I really appreciate being able to come to a site and be encouraged. When I was first diagnosed, I would go to sites and just get depressed because I could not find anything that would help. Whoever created this site...THANK YOU!!!

Posted by Tempest (Tel Aviv, Israel) on 10/05/2008

Absolutely amazing! I started getting HS symptoms when I was 11, when it was ALL OVER my body and spent the next 12+ years jumping from doctor to doctor, diagnosis to theory, hormone supplements to diets, allergy tests to (five years on) antibiotics before I said to myself 'bad skin is not worth all this.' I have had to just put up with it for the last few years and it has seemed to be confined to certain areas (buttox, face, underarms) but a month ago it came back so viciously that I turned to the internet for help.

I found this site and the Tumeric/anti-bacterial soap solution and it worked like nothing else has! I was so amazed - I have been adding the tumeric to my cup of tea every morning, minus the milk, plus a teaspoon of sugar for taste, and it ever tastes great! (just don't chew on the powder at the bottom). It even got rid of one that has been plaguing my chin for over 3 months now (and has left a huge scar). I couldn't believe how quickly it dried up!

Thank you so much!

One question though; how long do I have to take it for? Is this a lifetime thing? Is this an everyday thing? Won't my body become used to it eventually (like so many remedies before)?

Posted by primrose76 (Sacramento, CA) on 09/28/2008

H.S. i have been using turmeric and im very thankful for this site because this is where i first got the idea of using turmeric a few months back. im clear right now and has been so ever since i started using turmeric. im drinking powder put in a soft rice wrapper (because i tried taking it with warm water and i could not stand it). also, the last time i had a boil i used crushed ginger with castor oil as instructed by one of the sufferer in this forum too and it does work. thanks so much! it changed my life too a lot. i was very depressed and this gave me real hope and a new light! goodluck to everyone!

Posted by Jennifer (Sacramento, California) on 09/22/2008

I don't normally take the time to post comments on web sites but I must share my results using Turmeric. I have suffered from Hidradenitis Suppurativa in the groin area for fifteen years. My doctors have tried everything from antibiodics to accutane to surgery and nothing has helped me (I've got the scars to prove it). Two weeks ago, one of my abcess' finally put me in the emergency room, where I had an allergic reaction to an antibiodic drip they gave me. That's when I decided to go off all of my medicine and do my own research on Hidradenitis Suppurativa. I came across this site, read all of the positive feedback about Turmeric from other Hidradenitis Suppurativa sufferers, and figured I've got nothing to lose. The day I started taking Turmeric I had two active abcess. One on my inner thigh that was open (you know, the kind you have to put a band aid on because it just leaks and leaks) and one on my inner buttock area that never drained. It just stayed large and turned purple and was very painful. Within two days the boil on my buttock went from purple to pink (that's never happened before) and receeded and within a week the open boil on my thigh was healed over. I have never had any of my abcess' heal this quickly. Even my husband said he couldn't believe how quickly I was healing. This weekend, I actually worked outside in the heat in jeans without having to wear band aids! Those of you who suffer from this disease know how horrifying that can be.

Posted by Teresa (Visalia, CA) on 09/21/2008

My son was diagnosed with HS last year. I just found this site and I went and bought some Tumeric pills, I sure hope they work like others are saying. I feel so bad for my son, I can't help this or make these painful boils go away. He's got ugly scars all over and he walks funny and hurts all the time, they seem to be getting worse. Please I hope someone has ideas. Thanks, Teresa

Posted by Joan (San Francisco, CA) on 09/01/2008

I am following up to confirm all who have been writing about boils and HS. I've had the affliction for almost 2 years in the groin region. After discovering this site, I swear by the Turmeric ____; washing the affected area twice daily with ___soap; using tea tree oil as an antiseptic and an ointment to soothe the skin after. When there is an attack, I take Alleve for the swelling/pain and use hot compresses (if necessary) to help w/ drainage. I am a very active person who is a spinning enthusiast so you can imagine how this was affecting me prior. I also use hypoallergenic bandaids to avoid irritation from the normal adhesive after draining. Although this is incurable, I can live a pretty normal life now. Good luck to all.

Posted by Alene (SLC, UT) on 09/01/2008

Thank you for this website! After years of suffering, I FINALLY know what to do to prevent/cure my HS. I cannot believe I went to doctors for YEARS, paid big bucks for useless antibiotics, paid out of pocket at times to have the darn things lanced...when all the while a spice from the grocery store was all I needed. I am soooo excited to have found this! It took just over one day of the turmeric-water remedy, and now...sweet relief!!! I feel like I have hope again. Traditional medicine's outlook on HS is so bleak (no idea what causes it, no known cure). But natural medicine saves the day. Yea!

Posted by Cara (Surrey, BC) on 08/29/2008

I came across this website while i was doing research for alternate remedies for my HS.. I had been in alot of pain and really didnt like being on antibotics (b.c they DONT work) Anyways.. I went to my local pharmacy which carries homopathic remedies and picked up turmeric. It is AMAZING the difference. My HS isnt completly gone but it might as well be for the difference it made. i do not get large painful cysts anymore, mostly just small acne like ones with minimal pain. If i do get a larger cyst they do not tract anymore and come to a head sooner so I can lance it with immediate releif. I have also been using a tea tree oil topically... THANK YOU for your site and your remedies.. I have been virtually pain free for a month, longer then i have ever been in almost 20 years

Posted by Stefanie (Cape Girardeau, MO) on 08/29/2008

I just took the turcumin in a pill form I really hope it works.I have a boil in my groin area an it hurts like hell. I don't have the money to go to the doctor. I was diagnosed with hydrentitis suppurativa and that is worse than sirririsis i know i didn't spell that word right. But I always get boils down there and it is so aggravating and extrmely painful i sure hope the turmeric pills help me i can't walk normal an i have to work to pay my bills. I am only 24 yrs old. If anyone can read this please say a prayer to God for me that he heals my body. Thank you so much and God Bless everyone

Posted by Melonie (Atlanta, Georgia USA) on 07/19/2008

I have Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS). It is a pus-producing and debilitating skin condition that causes large infected boils on the neck, breasts, armpits, abdomen, buttocks and groin areas. They can grow together and also form a tunnel called a "sinus tract". It sounds like what some of you may have. I was self-diagnosed after doctors didn't know what is was & still didn't after informing them. Their treatment was years of antibiotics which didn't work, by-the-way because in most cases, the pus is sterile. I went online and searched for a Natural/Holistic treatment and found Turmeric. I took as directed ( 1 teaspoon in a cup of warm water 10-15 minutes before breakfast & dinner for 3 days). I felt results in hours - not days. I felt better overall. In 3 days all of my golf ball sized areas on my neck, breasts, underarms ans sinus tract disappeared, along with the terrible deep-purple scars that HS leaves. I went back to my dermatologist 6 months later and they could not believe I was the same person. I have told my HS Support Group Members about it and they, too, have been successful into putting their condition into remission. I have been in remission for 7 months now. For some reason, the capsules do not seem to have the same effects and affects as the powder in warm water, though.

Posted by Phil (Lynbrook, NY) on 07/12/2008

I just found this diagnosis-HS-. I have been using crushed ginger and castor oil compresses on the abscesses. If I get it right in the begining stage when it is only an itch, it does not come out at all. It helps in all the stages. The sun and the sea (it really helps to get in the ocean). I know to get sun on my inguinal nodes I have to go to the nude beach. But I have not needed to get one laced and drained since the middle of May. My goal is to be completely functional by fall. There is no normal in my life. There never has been. I am doing colonics, far infra-red sauna and much to improve digestion assimilation and elimination. Because the skin is just sending out an SOS from the inner organs. Phil

Posted by Binal (Edison, NJ) on 05/22/2008

Hidradenitis Suppurativa: Thanks to everyone for the Turmeric remedy. i tried that for just one week and everything started clear up. This really works! Thank you!

Posted by Nick (Vero Beach, Florida) on 05/16/2007

14 years of suffering over: I suffered from a very bad case of Hidradentits Supprativa, under both armpits and all over my buttocks. I have been in for surgery. It came back and i thought i was giong to have this with me the rest of me life. I would get flare up 2-3 andsometimes 4 times a year. Very very painful. When i get flare ups ther would grow sometimes the size of a orange. Nothing seemed to help. Until I fond this site. I am proof that Turmeric (1 teaspoon )in a glass of warm water is nasty. Not as nasty as having a zit the size of Texas under your underarm. In closing I want to Thank-You for providing this information.

Posted by Missie (Wichita, Kansas) on 07/19/2007

Since I was a teen, I've fought with boils. Then I was diagnosed with Hidradenitis Suppurativa about a year ago. My doctor simply gave me the diagnosis and left the room, giving me no information whatsoever. I resolved that I would find a way to at least ease living with this disease. I started looking around and that is when I came upon your site. I tried the turmeric cure and it works! I also had a bit of trouble with sores remaining after a boil would drain. I mixed a little turmeric with honey and applied it as a salve. It heals up in no time! Thanks to all of you, this site changed my life!

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