Health Benefits

Unlocking the Health Secrets of Turpentine: Natural Remedy Powerhouse

Posted by Amrit (TX) on 04/23/2021

Just started taking the turpentine with castor oil last week for arthritis. Starting slowly with 2 doses a week. I'll be up to 10 drops this weekend. Noticing a difference with energy already. The side effects have been minor. The hardest day was day 1 with 3 drops of turpentine in 1 tsp of castor oil with nausea for hours - drank lots of water which, helped. 2nd day was much smoother - I was nauseous for only 15 min. and felt great the rest of the day - doses always make me thirsty so I drink LOTS of water on the day of and for the next day or two after a dose.

I have a question though, for Bill: would you please recommend a brand or two of organic, cold pressed castor oil?

I have searched for "organic cold pressed castor oil for internal use" on both Amazon and eBay and the only organic, cold pressed castor oil I can find is for skin, eyelashes and hair. Having a hard time finding castor oil on the internet for internal use that's organic and cold pressed. Some organic, cold pressed castor oils clearly state "for external use only" - the one's that don't, show no indication for internal use, leaving me guessing. Also, many organic, cold pressed castor oils on the internet do not show ingredients so, I could be getting a product that is not pure castor oil. I originally purchased the HUMCO castor oil at our local grocery store before starting the turpentine treatment - it is cold pressed, no hexanes but, not organic. However, it's the only castor oil I can find that clearly indicates on the bottle it is intended for internal use.

Posted by Nona D. (London, UK) on 04/20/2021

Thank you so much. You have answered many of my questions regarding my son's health concerns, who is autistic. Thank you again.

Tooth Abscess
Posted by Missmommamimi (Santa Barbara, California ) on 04/03/2021

I can tell you for a fact Turpentine works for a tooth abscess. I had a huge blister on side of the gum where the abscess was and so much pain and soreness. I'd take the turpentine and hold it in the mouth directly where the infected tooth was for up until I couldn't stand it any longer snd spit it out. It needs to be undilute 100% pure pine gum spirits of turpentine (Diamond G Forests has the BEST in my opinion).

Also if you can start using chlorine dioxide solution as s mouth was and add w few drops of DMSO right before you're going to use it because DMSO deactivates the Chlorine Dioxide within hours of mixing the two. If you're only using the Turpentine I'd say continue to use it until the infection is gone but shouldn't take long.

You should see some improvement within a few days but I'd use it multiple times. But it's also crucial to ensure there's no food stuck between or in a crack of a tooth. A Waterpik on semi low or higher if it doesn't cause too much pain in your mouth really really helps.

Posted by Matthew (Apache Junction, Arizona) on 03/30/2021

Turpentine - Proceed With Caution

Ingesting gum spirits of turpentine induces leukocytosis: A proliferation of white blood cells. More specifically, Polymorphonuclear Leukocytosis. These leukocytes include the white blood cells that have a strange-shaped nucleus: Basophils, Eosinophils, and Neutrophils, and probably Mast Cells and Macrophages.

The practice of ingesting turpentine prior to cold and flu season is to activate the immune system to clean out your body of cellular debris, toxins, and other harmful material. Accumulation of these toxins is what causes you to become sick. As well as a poor diet, deficient in vitamins and minerals. From my experience, I think that it works.

I started taking turpentine in March 2020 because of Covid-19. I started with 10 drops of turpentine on sugar. (I used a plastic disposable pipette as the dropper). The next day I had 15 drops on sugar. Three days later I had 20 drops on sugar. I slowly worked my way up to a teaspoon (80 drops) by May. I limited my intake of turpentine to once a week.

CAUTION. Taking too much turpentine too frequently will over sensitize the immune system so that you can have a serious allergic reaction to common things. I found that out one afternoon after having a teaspoon of turpentine in the morning, and later, in the afternoon, I ate about 30 pistachios. My throat swelled up within 15 minutes. I had a hard time swallowing. I could no longer breathe through my nose. My nose wasn't stuffed up. No, my soft palate and nasopharynx had swelled up. The swelling took over 24 hours to subside. That really scared me. In the past, I could eat a thousand pistachios without a problem. My immune system was over active. Be careful.

I now take turpentine about every two to four weeks: 30 drops on sugar.

Stick to small doses for detoxing. If you're trying to flush out parasites or destroy Candida albicans, one teaspoon is the most you should take. Be sure that you are having normal bowel movements before taking so much turpentine. I would like to copy and paste my entire Turpentine Diary here, but it would take too much editing.

For the record, I used "Klean Strip" pure gum spirits of turpentine. You can buy the more expensive brand if you want. Don't buy odorless turpentine. That stuff is mineral spirits, not turpentine. Good luck.

Lyme Disease
Posted by Caleb (SE Tennessee ) on 02/21/2021

In response to Emma's post from 2015:

Posted by Emma (Wa, Usa) on 01/05/2015: "Hello everyone, I'm new to this site (and turpentine) and I decided to join because this looks like a good place for valid information regarding turpentine usage. I know that turpentine is xenobiotic and I am on a couple of Rx meds. Does anyone know what the timing/spacing should be? I have lyme and co-infections and would like to know if anyone is using turpentine for the same reason, and if successes/failures can be shared. I appreciate any input."

I have lyme and confections as well. Ever since I started turpentine a month I've felt better than I have in 10 years. Haven't been retested to know any specifics or test data, but I do know how I feel....and that is night and day better. I am doing a few other things as well like coffee enemas and epsom salt baths, but I really noticed the difference when I started turpentine.

White Tongue, Seborrheic Dermatitis
Posted by ORH (TEN MILE, TN) on 12/19/2020

VICKY, ORH here, I too am an admirer of Dr. Daniels, and have followed her since she began her transition from an allopathic doctor to an integrative doctor. She learned about natural cures from her patients who were reared by poor farm parents who had to use what was available and passed this knowledge down. My dad would be 106 and he related to me how his family used turpentine, kerosene, sassafras root, honey and such for their ails. You know that they took Dr Daniels medical license for using these products and she is now in Panama. The problem is that her practice is pro-trade as Slave Medical Cures and that is a misnomer, just like the term, Soul Food, is a misnomer. All Southern poor people used the same cures and ate the same food. History tends to get revised over time.

ATS ====ORH====

White Tongue, Seborrheic Dermatitis
Posted by Vicky (NSW Australia) on 12/17/2020

I don't know anything about your ailment- but if I were you- I'd look up the doctor 'Jennifer Daniels' in regards to turpentine...she says take it with sugar. Everyone I've ever read of who has had success has taken it with sugar- because its the SUGAR that the parasites are drawn to to eat and they get the turpentine WITH it and it kills them. They don't come for olive oil. ALL sicknesses are parasites whether or not anyone wants to believe they have parasites- I can tell you right now that everyone in the world has them- to one degree or another.- whether microbes, bacteria or any other name- they are all parasites and parasites love sugar they can't resist it. They smell the turpentine before you even get it past your lips and they steer clear- they're not stupid...but when sugar is taken with it they KNOW its laced with turpentine but they STILL can't resist and it does kill them. These things are what Jennifer Daniels has said in her interviews and pod casts.

Inhaling Turpentine Vapors
Posted by Katzie (Calgary ) on 10/08/2020

I just heard that in the Merck Manual from I think 1898 (?) had Turpentine listed as a treatment for over 50 different conditions!

Posted by Katzie (Calgary ) on 10/08/2020

Adrian, I'm sorry you experienced all that.

While reading your post I knew that you'd have a bad experience with Turpentine while reading and winced in advance. I'll tell you why: it was the rate you were taking it and that you were having 3x poops a day - and that's not good. Generally speaking, people with a healthy gut biome average only 1 nice firm perfectly formed one per day. Your body was already under stress! As soon as you were sick that first time, I would've backed off and kept the dose low - and steady.

But it was all too much and too fast. I don't know how you're doing now, but I hope you kept at it and found relief.

Red Pine Needle Oil
Posted by Violetta (Modena-italy) on 09/19/2020

Ho fatto undigiuno a secco di3 giorni, poi la pausa di 2 gg, e poi 6giorni, di r, Filonov..

Purtroppo, mi ha esplosa la candia in piena forza, e fungo (aspergillus fumigatus) sulle unghe delle mani peggiorato terribilmente..

E pure io mi sono preparata per questo digiuno molto bene, ho fatto lavaggi del fegato(dr.Moritz-lavaggio epatico)..Ho manngiato giudto ..

Non capisco perche ho avuto questa reazione debilitantw..Qualcno mi puo spegare???

Ho vissuto un peggiormente totale, non ho perso il peso!!!

Google Translate:

I did a dry fast of 3 days, then the break of 2 days, and then 6 days, by r, Filonov .. Unfortunately, the candida exploded in full force, and the fungus (aspergillus fumigatus) on my hand nails got terribly worse. And yet I prepared myself for this fast very well, I did liver washes (Dr. Moritz-liver wash) .. I ate Giudto .. I don't understand why I had this debilitating reaction ..

Can anyone explain to me ??? I have experienced a total worst, I have not lost the weight !!!

Turpentine Contraindications
Posted by Anna (Id) on 09/01/2020


My father in law has mesothelioma and is treating it naturally (without chemo). He recently had a bout with candida and did turpentine and it helped him immensely. Now he has a blood clot in his jugular and the Dr.put him on Xarelto. His candida has gotten worse since he had stopped it for a while and he wants to do the turpentine again. Does anyone know if that would hurt him? We can't find that answer anywhere.

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Toni (West Plains ) on 08/23/2020

I am a home visiting nurse and have talked to dozens of 90+ year olds over the years who remember getting turpentine 1-2 times a year as a child with a sugar cube. I have no hesitation (and have taken the Diamond brand) without problem.

Posted by Carolyn (Tx) on 07/03/2020

This video is no longer available. The YouTube account was terminated.

Posted by Carolyn (Tx) on 06/19/2020

I have been grinding what I would guess to be 2 or 3 Tbs pumpkin seeds and adding it to juice with clarkia. It measures 1/4 cup. Also take 1 cap mimosa pudica. Will add drop of turpentine tonight and up the pumpkin seed and see what happens.

Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 06/11/2020

Research copper. Zinc lowers copper and copper lowers zinc so stay aware. Zinc is for colds and viruses and taste and smell. Copper is for hair color and parasites. I take both with a good mineral balance.

Posted by Alan (Mexico) on 06/11/2020

Pumpkin seeds, as much as you can, minimum 4 tablesponsfull.

Posted by Carolyn (Tx) on 06/11/2020

I realize the above post is 4 yrs old, but after losing almost 40 lbs in the past year, I'm thinking I have a tapeworm. Hubby is the same. Have done a couple of cleanses, but still losing. I got the turps, but seeing your post about adult tapeworm infection makes me wonder how to go about it. Dr, of course, wants to test for cancer, etc. before looking at parasites. Is there a different protocol for adult tapeworm?

Turpentine Bath
Posted by Buck (Atlanta, Georgia) on 12/29/2018

Dandruff is your body getting rid of excess toxins through the scalp and fungal growth. Avoid drinking tap water, washing with hot water, using shampoos. My remedy is sweat 20 minutes in sauna per day and wash with ACV water solution followed by castle soap.

Posted by Anna W. (Yosemite) on 12/02/2018


I began assembling Bill Thompson's Anti Candida protocols in Aug of this year, and approached it very cautiously. I have had Candida since infancy and am so awed and impressed by Bill's cogent and practical approach to addressing the problem.

I have been adding his remedies slowly, and am able to tolerate 70% of his suggested remedies about 3-4 days a week, on average.

When I first began taking turpentine in September, I had a severe reaction to just one drop (albeit on an empty stomach in VCO). Headache, brain-fog, exhaustion were the main issues.

I only took it once, but the side effects lasted for 10 days, and then I discovered that I had a serious bone infection around implants and needed surgery which I underwent, complete with a course of antibiotics - which surprisingly, did eliminate the worst of the infection.

However, I am very concerned about the infection returning, so I read a post somewhere that turpentine was effective in getting rid of the need for a root canal, so I began oil pulling with VCO and 1 drop of DMSO and 1 drop of turpentine this week. It feels like the infected area in my mouth and jaw are fizzing - in a good way. I followed up on the oil pulling with a DMSO/Turp 1:1 drop mouth wash and as long as I drink 2-4 liters of water a day, I can live with the slight headache and discomfort. I am also alkalizing 3 times a day - 1/4 tsp basking soda with 6-8 drops of iodine in a half a glass of water.

So, in sum, yes, awful side effects when I started, but with the increased supplements, Milk Thistle and Iodine, I seem to be tolerating the turpentine better now - and the effects are awesome. I am so grateful to Earth Clinic and all who share on here.

Where to Buy: New Zealand
Posted by Sidney (Northland New Zealand) on 11/01/2018

Hi there.. Does anyone from New Zealand know where to purchase 100% pure pine gum turpentine from? Researched for hours on the benefits from this substance and also Bill's post as well. Bunnings sells Gum Diggers turpentine the clear liquid.. read it on here some person from Aussie was trying it...

Posted by Kay (Hibbetts, Ohio) on 08/31/2018

I am not aware of any negative reaction when taking turpentine and over-the-counter pain relievers. Please tell me where I can find more information about this topic. Thank you to all who share their insights and experiences on Earth Clinic.

Posted by Rachel (Michigan) on 08/15/2018

I feel like I'm having similar problems. My stomach feels much better. My eyes feel much better. But my left lung is very sore and I feel like there is an alien in there. When you say you expelled a tape worm, do you mean that you coughed it up? or did you poop it out?

Any advice you may to have is appreciated.

EC: The latter, for sure.

Best Type of Turpentine
Posted by Marisa (On) on 08/03/2018

I'm in Canada and would also like to know this. I ordered the Blue Arrow one to see if that is good quality.

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Tlf (Georgia) on 07/29/2018

You are all fools!! Taking turpentine in any amount will end up killing you all! My God, really??? My nephew took it for a few days and it nearly cost him his life!!! I am a nurse, and if you take this crap you can be assured you will end up with kidney failure, if you don't die from a horrendous bleeding stomach ulcer first!!

EC: Perhaps, before insulting everyone who has successfully taken turpentine worldwide safely over the years, including some of Earth Clinic's top health contributors, you could instead provide important additional information such as what brand he took, how much he took in each dose, how he took it, and the state of his health before trying turpentine. That would be so much more helpful to all of us than name calling. Thank you.

Posted by Geegee (Chattanooga ) on 07/23/2018

I also did the four-day turpentine Castrol oil regimen. I was tired, tummy cramps, but by day four I no longer had fuzzy poop, a sign of Candida. I identified seven different kinds of parasites that I expel, yuck!

Posted by Darin (Indiana) on 07/06/2018

We had a milk cow when I was a teenager. We drank milk straight from the cow everyday. My whole family has been very healthy and have aged very well. My dad is 94 years old and still going strong. This has been one of most informative threads I have ever read. Thank you for some great information.

Posted by Hayes (Ga) on 07/02/2018

There are many youtube videos talking about how to use turpentine for parasites out there.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Hi Sea (United States) on 06/22/2018

Hi Ann! Sorry, I just see your message today. Anything I can help with? I'm on Round 3 now!

Posted by Alexander (Mi) on 06/10/2018

My girlfriend is desperately battling with parasites she acquired in Guatemala, she's tried all kinds of things the past 2 months, and she's going to do a turpentine cleanse, but will this kill the eggs of the parasites as well?

Where to Buy: New Zealand
Posted by Steve (Brampton, Ontario - Canada) on 05/13/2018


This is product of Australia's company here in Canada, and the product name is "Bio-Option, Pure Turpentine and can be found in any Home-Depot store. Price is around $11.00 Canadian dollars. Excellent quality - pure 100%. I try myself with excellent results.

Where to Buy: New Zealand
Posted by Anon (Canada) on 05/13/2018

Hi Martha - Have you tried art supply stores for pure gum turpentine? It would be more expensive but I imagine it would be a higher quality than the what you get in hardware stores.

Here is an example (you may want to call them to see if it is pure gum turpentine with no additives):


If not, they may know a source for New Zealanders. Good luck!

Where to Buy: New Zealand
Posted by Martha (South Taranaki) on 05/11/2018

Hi, I used Turps before and loved it. I was kind and gave it to people that needed it and now I can't find any more. I am in New Zealand and got mine from a supplier in Canada. Seems I can not find this supplier anymore. I am gutted. I got some turps from another place in NZ but it is in a metal bottle but it does not smell the same than the first. Do you know where I can get some, many companies do not want to ship to NZ. Any advice will help where I can find some of the good stuff please. Kind Regards Martha

Posted by Fred R (US) on 05/02/2018

I did four straight days of 100% pure gum spirits of turpentine. Ten drops first day, fifteen second day, twenty third day. Each dose in a teaspoon of pure cane sugar.
Fourth day I took one teaspoon in two tablespoons of castor oil. Everything taken on empty stomach, washed down with water, about a half liter.

On the third day, I had no sugar cravings, whatsoever. I always eat something sweet, several times, during the day. So, had nothing sweet day three and four.

Two to three hours after the turpentine/castor oil dose, I took an intense poo poo. Really cleaned me out. Felt a little tired afterwords, for a couple of hours, then felt great rest of the day. When you do the turpentine/castor oil dose, you want to have a bathroom available about two hours later.

I'm doing this protocol to rid myself of excess yeast, candida, mold, fungus from my body. I want to get my blood pressure down, the natural way, and hope this regimen helps do so.

Posted by Eve (Nv) on 05/01/2018 22 posts

Hi, thanks for your post on Turpentine and the coffee enemas; I'm having pretty good luck with 1/4 tsp of Turp for my parasites and hope I can increase that amount higher soon. I have a blocked Sigmoid colon and the blockage is fairly close to my rectum so the enemas don't work, although when I first started them some parasites were in the near end of my colon and saw those but I have used several rounds of Balck Walnut and its partner and have pretty much cleaned my intestines; I have read that you should not use Black Walnut, etc more than 3 times a year. I was full of the worms that I have gone over that recommended time. When You speak of the worms you feel in your butt I have been awakening many times at night and could hardly close my mouth due to the swelling inside my cheeks of those blasted things and also in the area, your tonsils are located. I would take Oregano oil, diluted and put 1 drop in a Dollar Tree nasal spray bottle and fill it with water to the top of the bottle and irrigate my nasal passages, got quick relief and I also use 3% HP, undiluted and rinse my mouth and gargle with it, that also seems to kill them off if in my throat. What I have noticed in using the Turp first thing in the AM that I am able to cough up a bunch of stuff. I seem to have more problems now with my lungs and sinus/head but hope that the Turp will kill them off. I also use Cloves Bud oil and take 10 drops., undiluted with 3 drops of undiluted Neem oil, that also, I'm told and read, will kill the eggs. I have to be careful of the Cloves because of a Stint I had when suffered a heart attack back in Dec 2014. Hope you have wonderful success with your protocol and appreciate your suggestions.

Posted by Kelly (Ohio) on 04/27/2018

Hi, When I took the turpentine I passed a large roundworm in my stool a couple days later, which was great. started doing coffee enemas, which were recommended by Drn years ago. The black coffee enemas are to clean the buildup from the colon, and are great to help restore health, but when I took the enema, I felt a sudden almost electric shock in my stomach, and a few minutes later I felt a parasite (s) quickly moving around in the flesh of my right butt cheek! I smashed them physically, and have found others in other body locations since then. So I believe the coffee turpentine combo chased these from my intestinal tract and into my body to escape. Your knee and hip pain could be the same. The pain could be caused by parasites that were living in your colon, and they've now moved to a new location to escape the turpentine. If I were you, I'd continue taking the turpentine, and hopefully it will eventually get them.

Posted by Jessie (La) on 04/28/2018

Be careful, there are two types of turpentine: Medicinal and the type in a Hardware Store. Use only the medicinal for health, the other is toxic to you if used internally.

Posted by Kelly (Ohio) on 04/27/2018

Hi, I have systemic candida, and I discovered years ago, from a group of independent doctors online, that MSM, (methylsulfonylmethane) a natural and harmless substance, is effective to control candida, and you can eat what you want. Start with a teaspoon a day, of pure MSM powder, and gradually work up to a TBS or two a day. This, (and God) has kept me alive for twenty years. Expect die off symptoms. At the first sign of headache, immediately take a couple ibuprofen. This should stop the headache. If you don't catch it fast enough though, the headache cannot be stopped. I wish you the best of health!

Best Type of Turpentine
Posted by Eve (Nv) on 04/21/2018

DiamondG is the best and only company I would trust my body to. I can't take huge amounts of anything because of other medical problems so I take 1/4 teaspoon of Turpentine once a day and rub it on the bottoms of my feet, that is where you absorb more of anything plus your stomach and chest. Good luck

Comparison of Turpentine Brands
Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 04/13/2018

Several years ago I purchased some of the Diamond G Turpentine. I love it! It does not smell like a chemical, but like fresh pine. I love it! I have used it medicinally here and there.

Not long ago I decided to use my turpentine to do some cleaning. I had some dust build up on some wood trim in my bathroom. The turpentine cleaned it beautifully and left a pleasant lingering pine scent.

I decided I should get some less expensive turpentine for cleaning. Yesterday I found 100% pure turpentine (Klean Strip) at the hardware store, so I purchased that. I expected it to smell as nice as the Diamond G. Wrong!

It smells like a chemical. I don't know if the processing or source of trees or something else is the cause of the great difference in smell between those two brands.

I may use the Klean Strip for cleaning. However, I would not use it medicinally. :(

And that is my 2 cents on those two turpentine brands.

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Sunnysky (Texas) on 04/05/2018

For the four days on, two days off regimen, what is your dosage of spirits of turpentine? (My apologies if I missed it! ) TIA!

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Penny (In) on 04/05/2018

I have never done the raw diet etc before using turpentine and have never experienced anything out of ordinary die off.

Posted by Liz (Lincolnshire Uk) on 03/27/2018

I have previously done the MMS and have now been doing turps/sugar on and off for a few weeks with many helpful outcomes which reverse if I stop. I have wondered about somehow combining the Turps & MMS and would be extremely happy to hear more about how you have faired on the turps in a.m. and MMS in the p.m. protocol you have been using please... How are you?

Posted by Cassy Farmer (Las Cruces, Nm) on 03/23/2018

Sun fruit Dan on YouTube says you can capsule it along with sugar to deliver to large intestine - I have also read you can encapsulate castor oil and then freeze it before consuming.

Scalp Infection
Posted by Mj (Washington, Mo) on 03/17/2018

Try using heated sea salt wrapped in a cloth that's bearable to the touch heat-wise. Heat the salt in a pot until it starts to crackle like rice crispies. Then wrap it in a towel and saturate it a bit with turpentine and hold it against the bump/abrasion. The salt will help to penetrate the abscess and it will draw whatever is in there out. Could be something from all the chemtrails they're spraying in the air, in your skin or a skin parasite. Either way, it's healing for the skin among many other things.

Red Pine Needle Oil
Posted by Bob Smith (Vancouver) on 03/16/2018

dry fasting cures everything, but it's tough to do. I'd fast and then after four days take some pine gum spirits for awhile. That and then smart diet choices.

Turpentine Bath
Posted by Wade (Tucson, Az) on 03/14/2018

To get rid of arthritis, try MMS.

Posted by Lisa (Penna) on 03/13/2018

I was wondering if you are still using turpentine or has the condition cleared up. What were the other side effects? Did you need to stay inside while you were actively using it in the beginning of treatment? Any snswers would be appreciated.

Posted by Sharon (Yuma, Az) on 03/13/2018

What brand of 100% gum turpentine do you use? Do you need to do a warm enema everyday? Thanks for your help.

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Dave (Canada) on 03/12/2018

What happened to the worms? If you had one worm you have hundreds.

Posted by Yorgos Yorkonopolis (California Usa) on 03/10/2018

I checked the Klean Strip version of turpentine and as I recall the ASTM D4236 I labeled on the packaging as well as it being 100% pure (Max VOC 100%). it should be the same as other brands.

Posted by Denise (Chehalis, Wa) on 03/05/2018

Don't use Klean-Strip. Check your local art supply store to find pure turpentine. It is more expensive but higher quality and taste pretty good with sugar. I use the brand GRUMBACHER. 1 teaspoon turpentine mixed with 1 teaspoon sugar. When taken right before meals, the turpentine is pushed down in to your small intestines by your food. If taken on an empty stomach the turpentine goes straight into your bloodstream which is okay for blood born diseases but does not do much for Candida issues.

General Feedback
Posted by Merrilee (Colfax, Ca) on 02/22/2018

Our former landlord had and accident out in the woods about two years ago and had a huge flap of skin cut away from his upper arm just above the elbow, and his wife, knowledgeable in natural remedies, "glued" it back on with Pine Pitch. We could not detect any scar where it was reportedly used. We have it in our family emergency care kit now.

Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 02/15/2018

I have been using some borax soap foot soaks since august . First a pinch in two gal once a week for an hour and now every other day. I have found some interest in copper and dreamed I was eating copper pennies by the handfuls. So I had read about copper pipes and had a couple pieces in the house and added them to my foot soaks....I also use a supplemental copper zinc formula but not daily. Read an interesting article by L .Wilson online about copper .Some have it stored but not available for body to use and it's considered toxic . Others are low and it causes all kinds of problems. Both conditions are deficient in the copper to help fight candida symptoms. He said chocolate cravings may be from low copper or unavailable copper . He mentioned vegans are imbalanced in this mineral. You can google copper and Dr. L Wilson and it's a long read with lots of candida insights. He also gives a lot of insights on how to get proper hair analysis to diagnose minerals . Not sure if my borax foot soaks with copper are helping but I seem to be more active lately and my attention span has improved. I wish you Well on your Journey. Love, Charity

Posted by Passenger On The Healing Train (Uk) on 02/14/2018

HI - just responding to the request for reactions to turps. I was really excited at the thought of this wonder cure and took turps + coconut oil + molasses when I was quite ill from Candida/flu/IBS/mystery gut changes* a couple of weeks ago. As I seemed to have nothing but turps burps as a consequence I thought I'd better be more exact and ordered some castor oil (the cheap stuff is unobtainable in pharmacies here, and I wasn't going to pay health shop prices, so I got it on ebay - organic and good). I've spent the last two weeks preparing- alkalising, using Ted's borax protocol, supplements (Vits C, B comp, K + acidophilus, + oregano oil + glutamine + lecithin + milk thistle + que pedra tea, gymnema sylvestre tea, chrysanthemum tea, + no sugar. I've also been trying borax and epsom salt baths, [I've listed this as some readers on EC seem to like detail - general diet is below**])

So this morning I took the turps, CO, BSMolasses combo and felt all excited about having BMs filled with pathogens/parasites but again nothing, no great expulsion. Did have a few waves of internal tension - quite severe at the peak. I guess this was the fungus 'panicking in fear of the turpentine'. I followed this with eating spirulina (I think it is the 'same' as chlorella for heavy metal attachment - could anyone clarify if this is so? Mine is in the form of a powder, l-eugh! ). I hope that I haven't just sent the fungus to the furthest corners of my bod...

My primary reaction, though is 'eurgh don't like the taste or texture of this combo', and I'd rather take it transdermally. After 3 hours the desired result - and a BM similar to the sort you get when you do a liver cleanse. I just had to be patient.

I have 3 Qs for EC readers - has anyone tried turpentine 'packs' - like castor oil packs? Perhaps with turps mixed in with the castor oil? How did they work out? Some people say 3 meals a day, others say 5 or 6. I'm a bit confused about what's best, and am trying to regularise my food intake and restrict it to a 'food window' (thanks EC) - so what is best 3 or 6?

Also - another question about hydration. I know we are supposed to drink 2L/8 glasses a day - but can this be in the form of herbal tea (can we count in our Bicarbonate of Soda + lemon + water here?) or does it have to be 2 L as well as herbal tea? Your help on this would be much appreciated. * I have IBS and occasional YIs. These have started to recur and so I think that Candida is the culprit. I also have spent a bit of time in 'exotic' locations, sometimes eating street food and probably picked up bugs, I know I had "India belly" in India, dysentery - possibly with amoebas, "Bangkok belly" in Thailand, "Egypt Belly" in Cairo, and "Beijing Belly" in China - so violent it produced a haemorrhoid! (Since healed, thankfully). I have used wormwood and balanced out naturally after the incidents but recently was struck down with the mystery gut thing which caused great fatigue.

This first happened about 2 months ago whereupon I stopped smoking (I had a 7-8 a day habit). A few weeks after this I had another mystery gut thing which even enemas couldn't shift, and I took this as a sign to make changes and immediately dropped coffee, alcohol, and steadily sugar. BMs have become increasingly the focus of my attention (! ) and I have been trying to regularise them. The loss of fruit from following the anti-Candida protocol (I'd normally eat 3 - 5 pieces a day) has reduced my fibre and I am experiencing being backed up quite frequently, in spite of eating much cabbage and greens. I am enjoying all the positive effects of making changes, particularly the development of a taste for savoury foods, and appreciation of those flavours, but having to crash with fatigue a couple of times most days. **I'm vegan, I eat tofu every other day and pulses on alternate days, fresh veg, cooked/steamed, and soups. Coconut/olive oil for frying. In stir fry I use ginger, garlic and fennel. Most meals are topped with 'Natch' (nutritious yeast - dried). I do have grains for breakfast, with chia/ flax seed/psyllium husk. Lately been mixing with spirulina, soy yoghurt and I eat a lot of nuts. I have gluten free bread (max 2 slices a day) and ryvita (ditto). Since giving up fruit, I've also upped the quantity of veg including cucumber and celery. I am a bit of a grazer and am trying to restrict my intake to set meal and snack times. I use a water filter and make teas from herbs: mint, sage and bay, and spices: fennel, turmeric, ginger, caraway, and add black pepper, cinnamon. In a day I am drinking 4 - 6 mugs of herbal tea, 1 mug golden milk, 2 - 3 mugs of dandelion coffee, 2 glasses alkalising water, 2 - 3 glasses water.

Now you know everything about me!

Turpentine Bath
Posted by Pri (Arizona ) on 02/11/2018

I believe the increase in flakes is the die off of your dandruff issue caused by fungus or other parasites. Keep up the baths and follow up with coconut or castor oil.

Posted by Kamil (Toronto ) on 02/03/2018

Does anyone know the protocol used for the mms and turpentine please?

Posted by Steve (Miami, Florida, Usa) on 01/16/2018

I'm taking Klean Strip 100% Pure Gum Spirits of Turpentine, boiling point between 315 and 350 degrees Fahrenheit (157 to 177 degrees Celsius). I purchased it at Home Depot, but I believe Walmart also carries it.

Posted by Bluebell (France) on 01/16/2018

Am on my second week of turpentine treatment. 4 days on then 2 consecutive days for a few weeks. Am tired, have stomach cramping and acid reflux. But have expelled some pin worms and various others. Still expelling.

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Geraldine (Brisbane) on 01/16/2018

Hi IM Trying, I'm not yet on the turpentine but have lots of experience with dealing with die-off and toxicity. I imagine the depression was caused by die-off. I experience this also when I have die-off or other toxicity as I have liver problems and don't produce my own glutathione or antioxidants (because of genetic mutations). I use Glutathione Formula or Liposomal Glutathione, Resveratrol, Extract of Bitter Melon, (all strong antioxidants that help deal with toxins) St Mary's Thistle, Vit C, and I always feel a thousand times better both emotionally and physically/mentally after taking these. I have very longterm CFS and am looking forward to trying the turpentine.....tho also a bit scared as my kidneys are so easily affected by a lot of things......

Turpentine in the Nose
Posted by Tanya (New York) on 01/12/2018

I'm interested in knowing how often you affectively used the turpentine in the nostrils?

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Margaret (Syracuse, New York) on 01/06/2018

I believe the reason white refined sugar is used is to prevent adding nutrients from other healthier types of sugar which feed the protozoans. We dont want to feed them, we want to slay them :-)

Turpentine Medicinal Uses
Posted by Debbie (Australia) on 01/04/2018

Hi Robert, I am having trouble finding a pure turpentine in Australia.You mentioned a town here still producing. Is there anyway for you to post this info? Thanks in advance ..

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Kyle (Park City, Utah) on 01/04/2018

i have been taking turpentine for candida, leaky gut, and more. my body reacts differently to medication then most. I have been sick for 6 year and have been to doctor after doctor. no one could figure it out. I was on some pretty damaging medication. Every time I take turpentine I end up having major urinary tract infection symptoms. Do you know what could be causing that?

Posted by Marsh57 (Denver, Co) on 12/28/2017

I get mine from Diamond G Forrest Products directly. The owners are terrific. I contracted a worm from sushi that caused a host of ailments. Naturopath ordered an in-depth blood test that found a type of trichonomis spiriruls. She ordered a different blood test to verify if it was dead or alive. By this time I had been taking turpentine for 3 months and knew it was dead (was feeling alive again). So yes, it kills it! Natoropath had never heard of turpentine for deworming but was impressed after reading about it. Start slow and use amount for your weight.

Posted by Tru (Georgia) on 12/27/2017

Do the worms come out dead or alive?

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Wandaim (Georgia) on 12/19/2017

I'm using coconut sugar and I'm not having nasty after taste either.

Red Pine Needle Oil
Posted by Giugi (Florida) on 12/19/2017

The right name of the pure gum turpentine you are referring to is not Diamond V but Diamond G (Georgia).

It's the best!

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