Side Effects from Common Home Remedies

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Jen (Tampa Area, Fl, Us) on 05/24/2012

This question is directed to Ted, please. Help! I did not know hydrogen peroxide 3% could damage tissue. For 3-4 years I poured about 8 oz. Hydrogen peroxide daily directly on the same spot on my scalp, thinking I was helping it. It only got worse. My scalp seems to have slowly dissolved from the inside. (The pain has been immeasurable for the past several years and I have been on several prescription painkillers for this with almost no pain relief. ) It feels like it dissolved the skeletal muscle under the skin, which has been fraying, stripping and snapping and pulling apart. It spread first to the muscles in my face and neck then damages the skin over them. My muscles working downwards from there on the body have been affected in sequence. Recognized diseases and conditions have been ruled out. I can't get any doctor to investigate the peroxide issue. Please give me suggestions of what I might do to find answers and suggestions for treatment. I desperately need your help. Thank you. Jen

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses, Baking Soda
Posted by Joan (Nassau, Bahamas) on 05/10/2012

I have being taking 1 tablespoon blackstrap molasses and 1/2 teaspoon baking soda in 6-8 oz glass of water and alternating the same using Apple Cider Vinegar and baking soda soda 1 -2 x per day for the past week and woke up one morning noticing my feet looked slightly swollen but wasnt quite sure, but 3 days after they are now more noticable. What is the reason for this? I started taking these hoping to reduce fibroids. Can you tell me what is wrong, I shall stop taking them after today.

Posted by Rk (London, Uk) on 04/28/2012


I used DMSO 1 tablespoon per day and after day 2 or 3, I believe that I was getting a rapid pulse (heartbeat for 4-6 hours) and also some stomach pain and an irritated bowel.

Is this normal, did others get this? I used the DMSO treatment for a skin condition (SC). It worked very very well.

I found that 1/2 teaspoon (large teaspoon) or 1 teaspoon per day were effective dosages. Any answers please?

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Zed (New Haven, Ct Usa) on 02/12/2012

Zed from New Haven CT writes: I have suffered from hypertension for over 10 years and take a combination of Atenolol 50 mg and Amlodipine Besylate 5 mg once daily. This combination keeps my blood pressure at or below 120/80. However, I would love to one day find a natural (non-drug) remedy and get off the medications.

I had read about, and tried, ACV by itself but it did not reduce my blood pressure. After reading several posts about using ACV plus baking soda for high blood pressure, I decided to give it a try while monitoring my BP closely. Of course, I continued to take my medication!

I took 2 tbsp of ACV plus 1/2 tsp aluminum-free baking soda 3 times a day for three days and my blood pressure spiked as high as 136/104. Of course I stopped the remedy. It took a few days, but my BP came down, though it is still higher than it was before taking the ACV baking soda. I just checked it at 9:43pm and it was 132/92.

I thought I'd post this and ask Ted or anyone else for suggestions. I have not given up but I am cautious.

Perhaps I did something wrong. I used Eden Organic ACV (Naturally Fermented, Unpasteurized, Raw) and Bob's Red Mill Premium Aluminum Free Baking Soda.

Your feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Georgie (Rapid City, Sd) on 01/25/2012

I started gargling with 3% hydrogen peroxide and have been having a real flare-up of acid reflux. A couple of days after stopping the hydrogen peroxide, the acid reflux went away. Then I started ingesting food grade hydrogen peroxide and the acid reflux has returned. Has anyone else experienced this?

Colon Hydrotherapy
Posted by Bp In La (Los Angeles, California, United States) on 01/20/2012

Recently, I did a clay colon cleanse that recommended a follow-up colon hydrotherapy session. Toward the end of the hydrotherapy session, I had intense pain in my upper left abdominal area, as if there was a blockage of some kind, and once the clay was past that area the pain subsided.

I want to know if anyone has had the same experience during a hydrotherapy session and what it might be and what can be done? I have not had any professional diagnosis. I am thinking it may be either some kind of polyp, parasite or tumor. Thank you.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Therapy
Posted by Jason (Witham, Essex, England) on 01/12/2012

Hi, I inhaled some hydrogen peroxide 3% from the chemist using a nasal spray into my mouth 4 days ago. I did about 4 pumps 4 times about every 2 hours.

Since then I have a burning sensation in my chest, is this normal or should I seek medical advice?


Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Simon (Nazeing, Essex) on 01/12/2012

Hi, was hoping to get some advice from Ted on hydrogen peroxide. I am taking 3 drops twice a day for over a week, but still feel awfully ill. Have had a relapse on ME and have nausea, brain fog, digestive disturbance, etc. Should I continue with the HP? Any help would be so appreciated. Thank you, Simon

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Hirize (Nashville, Tennessee, Usa) on 12/17/2011

Is it possible for anyone to have an allergic reaction to hydrogen peroxide??? My wife has been having sinus problems and congestion for some time. I read that a mixture of. 45 of 1% mixture in a cool mist vaporizer would help clear up these type of problems. However on the second night we used it she began coughing and wheezing immediately when she walked into the bedroom where the vaporizer was running after having had it on for about an hour as if she was having an allergic reaction to it. It took about two hours to recover from it. Has anyone ever heard of any person having an allergic reaction to peroxide??? If not, what could have caused this reaction??? Any help would be appreciated.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Sheila (San Diego, Ca) on 07/16/2012

Could your wife's body have an acidic pH level? H2O2 measures as an acid and I wondered if maybe the H2O2 sent her 'over the edge' with acidity. Imbalancing her, thus a reaction. It's a consideration that might be worth looking into: acidosis. The body's blood pH is important, and sometimes overlooked.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by El (Cairns, Australia) on 12/14/2011


I have been taking only a couple of drops of 3% food grade peroxide on my tongue for about 2 weeks. I have noticed my vision is slightly blurry. Is this normal?

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Francisca (Zug, Zug, Switzerland) on 12/15/2011

My husband who is a chemist says that HP is highly oxydizing and can give you cancer! He hates the thought of me using it for anything at all! I only use a few drops in my water pik when I want to give my teeth a good clean but even that he is against. He says that it can give me cancer!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Tamis (Paris, France) on 12/16/2011

Hi El,

I've been taking 25 drops of food grade H2O2 twice a day for the last three weeks and have not experienced this effect. I doubt it is related.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Maria (Gippsland, Australia) on 01/08/2012

Hi El from Cairns, It sounds like you need to increase your antioxidants. It is always best to increase your antioxidants when taking H2O2. All the best.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Billie (Melbourne, Australia) on 12/10/2011

Hi everyone,

I'm hoping someone can help me figure out why I have started reacting to the blackstrap molasses. I read about it last year and started to take it in a glass of warm water with ACV and manuka honey, it was great for about 3-4 months, I felt fantastic I pulled out about 20 grey hairs that had colour at the root... Life was wonderful ;-)

Then I started to react to it, my knuckles on the left index finger first get inflamed then the right, then the next finger and so on till all the joints on my fingers are inflamed and burning then they become so bad they crack open and weep... I stopped taking it and they got better... I tried it again last week and within 2 days I has the allergy started on the left finger.

I don't eat vegemite either anymore as I have the same above reaction.. I tried it again 1 month ago just a tiny it on my bread... The next day I woke up itching my finger which had become inflamed..

I'm allergic to GLUTEN and LACTOSE and I haven't ingested anything containing these for 12 yrs now ( I got diagnosed at 22)... My symptoms for these started when I was 18, 3 years after I had my tonsils removed, previously I had lived on penicilon and antibiotics ( I feel like the poison in my body from the food I ate came out through my tonsils and then after they were removed they came out in other ways). the symptoms were the same on the fingers, but I also suffered from hives and boils on the face and neck, asthma, eczema on my eyelids..

Has anyone got any thoughts why I'm reacting to BSM now?

I would really love to be able to take it again..

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Dud (From The Woods Of, Wv, Usa) on 12/11/2011

Billie from Melbourne, Australia;

Maybe you bought some new blackstrap molasses, and the new B.S.M. was grown with pesticides, which are now poisoning you.... try switching brands.... try to go organic, if you can find it.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Jen (Bozeman, Mt, Us) on 12/12/2011

Hi Billie, It is possible that you are having symptoms of copper toxicity or less likely copper deficiency. If you are taking copper supplements or eating a lot of foods that contain copper (meats, nuts, seeds, eggs, poultry, and grains) then when you take the blackstrap molasses which contains about 26% of your daily intake of copper per two tablespoons then you may be getting too much. Some plumbing also may contain copper pipes which makes your water contain copper as well. If you cook with copper pans that will affect your copper intake too. If you go to this website it explains things a little clearer.

Taken from the website:

1. Bones and connective tissue. Copper is required to fix calcium in the bones and to build and repair all connective tissue. This includes the tendons, ligaments, skin, hair, nails, arteries, veins and a few other tissues.

Imbalances can contribute to osteoporosis, bone spurs, and almost all conditions of the skin, hair and nails. Others symptoms related to connective tissue include most cardiovascular problems, tendon and ligament conditions, scoliosis, and other skeletal and structural imbalances as well.

-Imbalances can refer to copper deficiency or toxicity. You can look at the nutrients in Black Strap molassas and if you are taking additional supplements that contain the same nutrients then that is probably where your problem stems from. More is not always better especially when talking about vitamins and minerals.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Billie (Melbourne, Australia) on 12/12/2011

Thanks for your replies guys..
The one I've got is the melrose blue label organic one.. How do I find out about my copper levels? ask for a blood test?

I'm taking a few supplements now and I just checked the only one with copper is a calcium/vit D one which has 1mg.. but I started this one a few months after I had the first signs..

Um...we have since moved house from the first signs.. But it also did it at this new house.. No copper pots.. No red meat... Mostly chicken and seafood..

I'm thinking im more likely to be copper deficient? I seem to be getting lots of new grey hairs recently..My iron levels are really low too..

It's so bizarre... I want to take it again for the high iron and copper... My hair is falling out and going grey.. Mind you I have just had a baby so it's shedding normally from that... I wasn't pregnant at the time of taking it.. it was a few months before and after.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Jen (Bozeman, Mt, Us) on 12/13/2011

Hi Billie, You can get your copper and other minerals tested best with a hair analysis. There are many websites you can go to that have great labs who will send you a kit, test it, and send you the results. It would be really good to get for you.

I don't think copper deficiency would be causing the problems though you may very well be deficient but as the problem arose when you took the BSM then I think it has to be an overload of some kind. It could be iron too as iron affects the skin and joints at toxic levels. Some people have a rare metabolic disease that causes iron toxicity with minimal amounts of iron. A hair analysis will give you your iron levels too. Good luck. Black strap molassas is so good for you that I can understand why you are concerned about not being able to take it. I hope you find your answers.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 12/13/2011

It sounds like you may need magnesium supplemented. The molasses has twice as much calcium as magnesium (you need it to be the other way around). If you are calcium deficient, the body will pull calcium from your bones (which is what causes arthritis). Maybe that is the pain you are experiencing. If you supplement with extra magnesium I am sure you will find the pain goes away.

Gray hair is caused by a copper deficiency.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by G (Anon, Ny) on 12/13/2011

Jen from Bozeman, Mt (or anyone else)... "blackstrap molasses which contains about 26% of your daily intake of copper per two tablespoons"... What brand(s) of blackstrap molasses has copper in it? I only found one with copper listed as an ingredient on the earthclinic list (8%)... Not available locally for me. Thanks in advance.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Jen (Bozeman, Mt, Us) on 12/14/2011

Unfortunately most minerals are not listed as ingredients on any labels. Copper is in all organic black strap molasses. You will find that the only minerals that usually appear on food labels of any kind are iron, potassium(sometimes), sodium, and calcium. Copper isn't required to be listed. Sometimes you can google the brand you have and find copper listed as a nutrient, not an ingredient.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 12/14/2011

I do not agree this is copper toxicity. Gray hair is a sign of copper deficiency. It sounds like a Google Joel Wallach who wrote the book "Rare Earths". He is also on youtube. He started out as a Vet and got into medicine because he realised animals got treated with minerals when sick and not humans. All we get offered is tablets. His book is very informative. Many people these days are copper deficient and that is why we are going gray earlier and earlier.

An imbalance of calcium/magnesium will cause osteoporosis and arthritis/bone spurs. As a new mum the baby has probably taken a lot of calcium out of your body and that could be why you are having pain in your fingers. You need to take twice as much magnesium as calcium. Most foods have fortified calcium but no magnesium.

I had luck by drinking wheatgrass juice and my hair did start to return to go back to its natural colour. Also chlorella and spirulina are great to take. They are super foods and have the right nutrients in the proper ratios.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Faith (Forest Park, Ohio) on 12/27/2011

Copper and ZINC have to be supplemented together... One pushes the other OUT of the body. Zinc is needed for stomach health, etc. , so if you were using a lot of copper, you could have developed a ZINC deficiency. COPPER is also HARD on the adrenals, and the adrenals are responsible for your immune system. This happened to me because I was already ZINC deficient when I started the BSM. In addition, BSM is high in potassium, and that can push more sodium out of the body, causing a sodium imbalance. The ADRENALS need lots of NATURAL sodium, you can get this from KELP.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Henry (Mississauga, On, Canada) on 03/01/2012

I am severely copper toxic, and I have grey hair. In fact, I started getting gray hair around the time that my copper symptoms became a problem. At that time, my hair test from DDI showed high copper (red), 200 , which is extremely high.

A few years later, I did another hair test and it was normal but I was even worse off. The copper had accumulated in the organs and zinc had cleared free copper. This reduced the uptake by hair follicles.

I am still struggling with getting copper out after 10 years but am finally getting better.

There are over 300 known mutations of the ATP7B gene that cause people to accumulate copper in their organs. Most of these were found recently because genomic sequencing is becoming cheaper and there's obviously more to be found. It's not as "rare" as doctors think.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Tristan (Brisbane, Australia) on 12/07/2011

Does anyone else get dry eyes from brushing with GSE (Grapefruit Seed Extract). Please let me know. Thanks. Tristan.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Tristan (Brisbane, Qld, Australia) on 12/06/2011


Hi, I've been brushing with GSE, and it's great. But I get dry eyes when I do; I stop and my dry eyes get better. Has anyone else had this happen, also? I really would like to continue brushing with GSE.


Black Pepper
Posted by Katie (Indianapolis, Indiana, Usa) on 11/30/2011

I know of someone who has an 11 yr old girl who lives with them and she requires this child to ingest 3 to 4 heaping teaspoons of ground black pepper each day, I am thinking that this cannot be healthy, but the individual says it is a home remedy for a constant cough ( child sounds like they have croup ) Any posts or ideas of what actions if any I should take toward the child in questions health. I have thought of calling Child Protective Services, but am unable to find ANY internet info on that amount of black pepper ingestation.

Black Pepper
Posted by Elsaeasterly (Elsewhere, Ca, Usa) on 11/30/2011

Check out this link:

Black Pepper
Posted by Laura (Queens, Ny) on 11/30/2011

Hi Katie: What kind of a person would do this to a child? I can barely tolerate a pinch of blackpepper without choking much less four teaspoons. Someone needs to help this child. Just my take.

Black Pepper
Posted by Karen (Southport, Ct) on 11/30/2011

3-4 teaspoons is absolutely excessive and sounds like torture to me. Only 1/16th teaspoon would be the maximum amount I'd use on a child. There are plenty of other inexpensive home remedies for children with coughs! Doesn't sound good.

Black Pepper
Posted by Maria (Gippsland, Australia) on 12/01/2011

Hi Katie, There is a remedy using black pepper for dry coughs, I don't know anyone who has used it though. BUT it is not in that amount, it is "chew 2-3 black peppercorns" and I would think that it was for an adult. I did a search and found it as one of many things for dry cough on the following site:

Plus even if you did the above you would think that it would be for a few days only. I would also think that it would surely cause more coughing for the child to be getting that amount. I believe no child should be made to take 3-4 teaspoons of pepper it also gives home remedies a bad name and yes it does make you wonder if there is more abuse going on. Have you asked where they got their info from, for this so called remedy, because they may be misinformed, but surely common sense should prevail. If they are doing it out of genuine ignorance then they would be open to other suggestions and to hearing that that is an excessive amout of pepper. All the best.

Sodium Nitrite
Posted by Peter (Lynnfield, Ma) on 11/13/2011

Do not take sodium nitrite. it can kill you at it almost did me!

My mom has end stage renal disease with high bp and is diabetic. i came across this article and i took a very small dose 2mg of sodium nitrite to try it out before giving it to my mother. i took it at 4:30 am and i became delusional and psychotic in 1 hour time. my wife called 911 and in the emergency they administered methylene blue and this saved my life.

The doctor said that the sodium nitrite caused methemoglobenemia and my oxygen saturation was only 50% even with using a oxygen concentrator. i would have been dead in 3 hours or definitely brain dead if not for the emergency doctor. i am an educated guy. i am a dentist but still i got taken into this nonsense. it was also a very embarrassing situation. i hope this ted would try his remedies on himself before he posts these poisons as remedies as cures.

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