Side Effects from Common Home Remedies

Oil Pulling
Posted by Jivana (Scottsdale, AZ) on 12/02/2007

I have been oil pulling for 3 days now, with sesame oil, and feel very nauseated, and headachey. Wondering if this is related...typical...just detox?

Oil Pulling
Posted by Maria (Courtenay , BC) on 10/14/2007

Hi I've started OP 6 days ago and am pulling twice a day with sesame seed oil. I just lost a filling in my tooth 5 days into the oilpulling. I was not familiar with your site and just discovered it today. And there is the evidence with amalgam fillings. I had no idea. I do have some more fillings, but would hate to stop OP as I have noticed a difference in my energy level, my mood seems to be more consistent and steady and my feeling achy in my body, is starting to diminish. My mouth feels cleaner, my tongue looks pinker, my teeth look whiter and stronger. My gums are not as sensitive. I think I just convinced myself, that I will keep on with the OP as I really like the way it makes me feel. I think the visit to the dentist will be unavoidable, but perhaps a blessing to replace amalgam fillings anyways. Thank you for such a wonderful and informative site.Keep up the good deed. Maria

Oil Pulling
Posted by Ileana (Toronto, Canada) on 10/01/2007

I have a question. I have been using oil pulling for 4 days by now. I haven't seen any significant change (I suffered from acid reflux at night, the naturist says that I have to cleanse my liver) However, during the pulling a lot of mucus come out and after spitting out I feel like throwing out and my nose starts running . What does it mean? Also, Can I do this forever and ever or I should stop when I feel better?

Oil Pulling
Posted by Subashini (Kuwait, Kuwait) on 09/27/2007

hi, i tried oil pulling with sesame oil.i have done it for nearly 10 months not even 1 day left out.still my irregular period problem has not solved...only good thing is tartar in teeth's have disappeared... generally i do not get bad breath..after started doing oil pulling i am getting it now.once i leave oil pulling again the plaque formation started in my teeth....if i stop oilpulling bad breath stopped... i am highly optimistic much i can convenince myself to continue it,,,,it is not working well.... Also by searching the cold pressed sunflower oil...i am tired too much...normal sunflower oil within one day bad breath starting....i don't know why...whom to get guidence from which website we do interaction with experts... is only giving fewer information.... please advise me if i am wrong...i strictly follow the instruction how to do oil pulling even though it happends to me like this...

Oil Pulling
Posted by Francine (Playa Del Rey, CA) on 09/14/2007

I started oil pulling almost 4 weeks ago, I started seeing results of hair softening, teeth and gum health improving, but I after 2 days of the pulling my lungs started filling with mucus and turned into full blown bronchitis, this has gone on for 3 1/2 weeks now and finally I stopped the pulling, the mucus seems less. I started with coconut oil, switched to sesame and then to sunflower (which seemed to be the worst) as far as mucus escalation. The mucus never turned green but it continued to get worse and I was so lethargic I had to stop the pulling. Any advise? I liked the other benefits and my husband is having success.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Robin (Charlotte, NC)

I recently started oil pulling and have noticed an abnormal amount of sweating. Could this be a result of the oil pulling and is there anything I can do to reduce this?

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