Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Parasite Treatment and Prevention

Hibiscus Flower Tea
Posted by Joel (Philadelphia, PA) on 09/15/2021 16 posts

Traveled to Africa and got some type of infection that matched the symptoms of one type of schistosomiasis which causes painful bloody urination (blood mainly at the end) along with fevers intermittently.

Tried papaya seeds but no help. Tried vitamin C, vinegar, garlic, Immune Defense pills with black seed oil, beta glucans, zinc, and various other herbs I can't recall but nothing helped.

Finally, I read a study showing that hibiscus and tamarind had very high antiparasite activity, especially for schistosomiasis. Now it makes sense why people here drink so much hibiscus juice. So I started drinking only hibiscus tea, nothing else, and from the first drink, I felt much better. I added some tamarind sometimes which may have helped but the hibiscus was the main thing. I drank that exclusively for two weeks or so and was cured. Tastes good as well, with a bit of stevia and something sour like lemon or tamarind.

I used red flowers.

Papaya Seeds
Posted by Teena (Melbourne, Australia) on 10/23/2018 233 posts

When first I read of papaya seeds for parasites, I swallowed them whole, from one whole fruit, to no effect. I also ate the flesh. Well actually my BM was easier, but I could see many of those large round seeds clearly. More recently I purchased another papaya, this time I crunched up the seeds from the whole fruit (bitter, and very peppery) and I did notice my stool had a fleshy thing attached. I was surprised at this because I had been taking a parasite guard liquid extract of wormwood, cloves, black walnut. With no sighting. I will now be making my own papaya seed tincture with Apple Cider Vinegar as I know this works for me. I have digestion issues, I believe my stomach was not able to open up the whole seeds. If digestion is optimal, then may be able to swallow whole and get benefit. A note, when I was taking the wormwood mix the instructions said to take three times a day, I sometimes also put this in enteric coated capsules for direct intestinal impact. I did not get the results I saw with the one concentrated dose of papaya, and I was not expecting any because of the wormwood. Also, I should have started with a teaspoon of seeds and built up slowly, but because I had been following anti candida diet of no sugar, fruit or carbs, I believed my parasites starved and weakened, and envisioned no herx, or healing crisis, nor was there one.

Posted by Evelyn (Lizella, Ga) on 03/21/2012

If you are a person with parasites just apply a little turpentine to your navel and the parasites will disapper in your stool. They are clear.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Deb (Battle Creek) on 05/08/2016 12 posts

My Great Aunts and Grandmother took ACV 2 tablespoons in the morning, one lived until 94 years old and the other 106- no dementia and they got around fine. Enough said.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Robert (Martinez, Calif) on 03/19/2008

I treated candida with Monarda tea & frequency generator backed with infrared:ranges from 2.5-12.o cps.The person was medically confirmed to have extensive candida overgrowth.They were medically confirmed to be free of infection the next day.Regarding parasites: I occasionally use diatomaceous earth powder 1 tbsp. which acts as fine razor like blades & shreds the buggers. It will not harm the host. blessings.

Cod Liver Oil
Posted by Divine Light (Waterville, Maine) on 01/10/2016

Dear Readers

To kill parasites, I went to health food store & purchased Cod Liver Oil Capsules. I took them out of the bottle & put them into a freezer bag & threw them into freezer. It takes them about a week or so to freeze. Then I took 2 capsules a day. Taking the capsules this way prevents bowel disruptions. What actually happens is the frozen cod liver oil capsules do not unthaw until they hit the small intestines where most parasites hide. I did this for a couple of weeks just to make sure I got them all.

Coconut Oil, Coconut Water
Posted by Myway (Delaware, Usa) on 03/13/2015

Time to get with the Food Grade Diatomaceous earth program (DE). If there are parasites in your body, they don't stand a chance with DE. You just have to taper into the program starting with 1/2 tsp a day for a couple days then work your way up to a tablespoon in the AM on an empty stomach in 8 oz of water. This is how I take it. There is a thread on this site discussing this wonderful basic but effective treatment. You can purchase it on Amazon. Just type in food grade diatomaceous earth. If you have parasites, this will work....MyWay, :D

Coconut Oil
Posted by Kat (NC, US) on 08/27/2014

Right now, I am doing no other detox for parasites except that I take 1 or 2 TBS. of organic coconut oil nearly every day (that I can remember to do it). The parasites hate that caprylic acid and they begin to vacate the premises!

I also give a tsp. or so to my 35 lb. dog and have done so since I got him 10 months ago. At his recent vet visit, he did not have worms. He loves coconut oil!

Papaya Seeds
Posted by Lotusborn (Pahoa, Hi, Usa) on 08/27/2011

Papaya Seeds for parasites. I have had long standing problems with parasites, some of them pinworms, others never identified but caused a terrible rash around butt and vagina and of course sleepless nights.

A simple and inexpensive cure: I blended 1 cup of papaya seeds with 2 small bananas (it just have to be edible as the seeds are like pepper) and ate the whole thing. I lay there and could feel how it became quiet in there. This might be too strong for some but I was desperate. So, one might want to start with a lower dose as recommended but that is not how I personally operate.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Cindy (Woodland, PA) on 02/24/2009

I have been taking coconut oil for the last 2 weeks 1 teaspoon every morning and also cooking with it. Today, (this may sound gross)I had a pain in my back just around the rectum and after using the toilet I looked and found a dead worm in the toilet. YUK! I can't believe that came from me. So it must be killing off the parasites I have. Hopefully it gets them all.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Art (California ) on 05/08/2017 2154 posts

In reply to Ashley (Bexhill, East Sussex),

Common things used to treat parasites are silver nanoparticles, diatomaceous earth and serrapeptase which have a fairly good safety profile for most people. There are others, but these three are fairly common and easy to get.I can't really phathom how some one goes 60 years without even attempting to treat a parasite like this. In any case she should discuss these three supplements with her doctor to see which ones, if any, the doctor would recommend for her Toxoplasmosis.

Given the length of this parasite infection, she may likely have some severe die off symptoms once she decideds to start killing it, so her doctor's supervision is a must!


Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 07/28/2022

I've been told that soldiers in Special Forces will take a bath using 1-4 tablespoons 20 mules borax to rid their bodies of parasites after a long recon in jungles. They say you can use a black UV-light and see the parasites in the bath water.

Hulda Clark's Theory
Posted by ORH (Ten Mile, TN) on 10/24/2020

HI U OLE PATOOTS, ORH here, and have read most of Hulda Cark's books where she says that all disease comes from parasites, and understand that the big deal with Dr Jennifer Daniels found that turpentine and sugar killed her patients' parasites and they got well.

So here is my thought....... what if before we do anything, we kill our parasites. If you read Hulda Clark's books, that is what she says. Go after your parasites first. So my question is why so little discussion of this subject? We get a hot button subject like Red Light and all go ape. When was the last time someone posted on parasites? Yeah, I've had mites and that was a chore. But I'm taking about those parasites that you have no clue and keep you sick. The worst one is probably candida. If you follow EC, it all about the hot button issues. Maybe that is needed. Worked a Vet today at the farm and he did well. He was a diver in Desert Storm and experienced an under water explosion and messed up his brain, so he gets confused. We all fat and happy because some folks keep us safe and few appreciate what they go through. We worried if Red Light will cause our wrinkles to go away. These vets just trying to put food on the table, with this mental condition. Sent me to school today. Made me think. Hope you think too.


Apple Cider Vinegar, Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Lisa B. (Anchorage, Ak) on 09/27/2013

I started using the apple cider vinegar and honey for stones. I was shocked when I use it with my lugols I have so much more movements and its full of flukes and rice looking stuff. So I know without a doubt it does something to the parasites. I had no clue I had parasites and was using it for something completely different.

So I am not sure if the lugols and the vinegar and honey is the trick for me or if its one or the other. I take one drop of lugols in about quarter cup water. about an hour later I take a tablespoon each of apple cider vinegar and honey in about half a cup of hot water to melt the honey.

About six to eight hours later I get crampy and go to restroom and I see the results.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Ben (Overland Park, KS) on 06/13/2013

I had an itchy butt for several weeks that was driving me crazy which I assume was pinworms. I took a spoonfull of diatomacious earth every morning in my smoothie for a week and it was cured! thanks earth clinic. L

Vitamin C for Rat Lungworm Disease
Posted by Leila (Hilo, Hi) on 10/29/2011

I would like to follow up that I am now 100% cured from this because of my intravenous vitamin C treatments! Thank you so much to Eileen, my naturopathic nurse and Dr. Jackie Hahn in Hilo, Hi. Good luck to any fellow sufferers, I hope you find this in time.

Symptoms of Rat Lung Worm Disease are a lot like migranes or shingles. If you're unsure, ask your doctor to check for parasites in your meninges. If he won't, a vitamin C IV never hurt anyone. Thanks.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Lalita (Bangkok, Thailand) on 05/15/2009

I recently dicovered i was riddled with parasites. They were in my stomach, intestines, blood even my lymph glands. I started taking colloidal silver 3 glasses a day a month ago. I now no longer have any parasites! Colloidal silver is also the only antibiotic known reportedly to kill all types of viruses, funguses and bacteria. The uses for Colloidal silver are endless!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Marianne (Miami, Fl) on 03/20/2009

I have dealt with parasites a large portion of my life. I am now fifty and for at least 30 years I remember having parasites. It has given me symptoms such as extreme itching of the body, headaches, night crawling, itching of the rectum, arthritis, flu like symptoms, allergies to foods and dust, etc..., a feeling of short circuit in the brain and so on.

I have tried many of the remedies mentioned above, except the zapper, and i want to share my experience that perhaps it will help someone. Dr.Hulda's remedy works, but be sure to buy more than one kit, because if you are very infested one kit may not make it and by the time you receive the next order the parasites have reproduced so fast that you will have to start all over again and wasted your time. Apple cider vinegar works only temporarily, when you take it, it produces a paralysis to the parasites so it will make you rest at night, but it will not get rid of parasites

FPP from freshwater organics does not work I took it for over 1 1/2 months

Garlic by itself does not work, I have taken up to 5 fresh cloves a day for up to a month and it does not work by itself,

Ginger by itself does not work, it does not work either as a combination with garlic, olive oil, orange juice, lemon juice and cayenne pepper which is a detox drink taken from Dr. Shultz book. This drink does not work for getting rid of parasites, but it is a great detoxifier otherwise, especially while your getting rid of parasites to remove all the toxins left over.

Vermix, a conventional medicine for parasitic treatment worked while on it, but as soon as I finished the medication they came back, so after a few weeks I tried again this time I bought 2 doses and did the cure for double the time, the parasites still came back at the end of the medicine.

What I have found to eliminate parasites is a totally organic diet, full of whole grains, beans, lots of vegetable, very little animal product. No dairies, no cooking with oils, no canned foods, no sugars, no refined products, no pork as you cannot kill the parasite found in pork, even by cooking the meat very well, no sodas, no alcohol...No products stored in plastics

In other words you need to eat alkaline, live foods, and very important water that has been filtered with a very good filter, the idea is to create a totally alkaline environment inside of you where parasite cannot live.

My education on this diet came from a book i read for the purpose of curing my husband of diabetes and it worked, it lowered his diabetes 10 to 20 points consistently every day until we took it from 330 to 120. This diet taught me that as long as your system is toxic and acidic it will cause an array of illnesses. Keeping a detoxified alkaline environment will keep most illnesses if not all at a distance.

The book i found to be helpful is Death To Diabetes, but even though it was written primarily for curing diabetes following the diet prescribed on it, is the most sensible thing for anyone tired of suffering with any ailment.

Hope this is helpful!

Posted by Antonia Blue Star (United States) on 03/23/2020

Turpentine 100% Pure Gum Spirits Organic Turpentine is an ageless remedy for ridding the body of parasites. There is no barrier in the body that turpentine cannot cross. Research the protocol on this site. Thank you.

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