Mole Remedies

Herbal Creams
Posted by Jj (London, Uk) on 09/06/2009


Mole Removal with Herbal Creams:

Would just like to advise anybody using a herbal cream to remove moles, that whilst they work very effectively at removal, in my experience they eventually (a couple of months after removal) leave a white scar which will never re-pigment. If this is preferable to the mole, then great, but please bear this is mind and maybe experiment on a less visible mole before trying on your face etc.

PS if anyone knows of a way to repigment a white scar, please advise (long shot I know).

Bloodroot Paste
Posted by Lisa (Mabou, Nova Scotia) on 07/31/2009

Bloodroot, grown often as an ornamental in gardens has proven to be an amazing remedy for the removal of facial moles!!! I had on, dark brown mole on my chin that grew darker and larger over the years. I stumbled upon this remedy and decided to try it. Absolutely amazing! The pulverized root mixed with a little cayenne pepper and a drop of grapefuit seed extract was applied to the lightly scratched surface of the mole. This was covered with a bandaid and left overnight. In the morning I applied a hot compress for 1 minute. Then the bandaid was removed. A scab had formed over the surface of the mole. I applied an antibiotic ointment over this. It is important to let the scab fall of in it's own time! After three (!) days the scab fell off and my mole I had lived with for 15 years is COMPLETELY gone!!!

Bloodroot Paste
Posted by Nogluten4me (Mckinney, Texas) on 08/21/2009

the regular bloodroot paste that is red destroyed my friends skin. We are not allowed to give out brand names but it works - paste was what worked better. All natural and only 20 minute application was all I needed.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Adam (Fairfield, California) on 06/30/2009

how loong did it take you to see results when you apilied the hydrogen peroxide on the mole.. or do u need to scrape off the surface of the skin covering the mole..please reply back soon thank you

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by John (Calgary) on 08/19/2013

You apply it 6 times per day?!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Matt (Chicago, Il) on 02/20/2010

People use 40% hydrogen peroxide in their hair? I couldn't think of a better way to get dandruff. But hey. i'll give this a shot when I get the change to order, thanks for the info. My skin is sensitive too, but the HP is simple. Perhaps if I used 90% fuel grade.... hmmmm....

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Mike (Santa Cruz, Ca) on 08/10/2012

HP 40 Volume isn't 40% hydrogen peroxide, it's 12%. Not sure why they call it 40 Volume. And yes it's strong stuff. I'm experimenting with it on a mole and a couple cherry angioma and will post results later.

Posted by Roland (Tuaran, Sabah, Malaysia) on 10/08/2008

Hello I like to say how glad I am to find this website,it rocks. anyhow I always never been a big fan of medical treatments from doctors anyhow. I have had multiple failures on their treatments and now I have become a lab rat for my projects at home which i wont state to you now on the results until I see positive results... But I will say I have used many treatments through Earth Clinic and had no failures on remedies yet to date, my new project is ridding moles on my side chest under my arm, if it is successful i will tell you all later time, i only started to try and rid it with only garlic clove and boy it stings, but i will live through it all. also like to say my father in-law has a bad case of gout on his feet and fingers and i called him and told him I want to try something on it that is natural as I see him not getting any results on modern medicines. ok thats all for now, oh one more thing my secret project becomes a success i will sheare it with you all for free, i hate the sites you read for a cure and at the end it say $19.99 for this book of home remedies why? i got it free here ok thats all for now peace

Posted by Ana (Chicago, IL) on 02/15/2009

Hi everyone, I have problems with several moles on my body that has hindered me from having confidence in myself for over 22 years =// --especially being a young woman and seeing your friends enjoy summer and me being in the shade dressed for winter......Mom, have you had any problems with regrowth in your moles?? I have 5 I want to attempt to get rid of, I have wanted to go to the dermatologist but it's so costly and I don't want to be under a laser. I have two on my waistline, one fairly large (approx. 1cm in diameter and another that is about 4mm slightly raised about 2mm) and 2 more on my arm similar in size to the smaller (3-4mm slightly raised about 2mm) -- I just wanted to know if you've had any problems with regrowth...please let me know thanks so much! I'm glad I found out there were alternatives that I could try versus spending hundreds on getting them removed...stuff that I have at home!!! Who knew?? It's would've made a big dent in my wallet --it's so hard being a student because I don't have much extra cash laying around...thanks again!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by RB (Somewhere in Europe) on 02/20/2022 84 posts

"I make sure that the surface of the mole was smooth by filing it down with a nail file."

Question to EVERYONE: Why it is necessary to file down a mole? The issue is, the more (intentional) damage you cause, the more time your skin will need before it can heal.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Peter (Cedar Rapids) on 08/26/2013

I have a mole on my back, should I pore some of the hydrogen peroxide in my bath tub and have it soak it and how many days should I do that so it can disappear for good?

Posted by Timothy (Karachi, Sindh) on 08/03/2012

I applied garlic for 3 to 4 days and peeled it off in the end... The skin under the mole is puffed and red... Wht should I do?

Scratch and Apply Salt
Posted by Sonnie (LAGOS, NIGERIA) on 05/12/2008

MOLE REMEDY: I had moles scattered all over my body (up to my face). They first start out like tiny specks and begin to expand over time. Some were as big as maize seeds. The remedy was to scratch the surface with a sharp object and apply salt (regular kitchen salt). You begin to see results after two days and whatever scars appear initially fizzle out over time. I may not know if it worked for me because am black.

Bloodroot Paste
Posted by Donna (Washington, DC) on 05/09/2008


I used the bloodroot salve almost three weeks ago. I only used a little bit on four small moles, probably the size of a pin head and covered the area with a bandaid. The next morning I had redenss and swelling under my eyes and scabs where the moles were. It looked like I was in a fight! I called the company and was very frustrated. The guy told me that the reaction was normal, and that it would heal. Within the next two days the scab came off of one which is healed, but light in color. On the left side of my face was the bigger mole. It was a little bigger than a pin head, but once the mole fell off the area was bigger.That area has also healed, but is white in color with some darkness around the circled area. Once again I contacted the company and the guy stated that the skin would repigment over time. The problem that I am experiencing now is on my left cheek where I removed three small moles. My excema has flared up, which is making my skin look terrible. I am trying to be patient with this process but it is very frustating. I would not advise using the cream on your face.

Bloodroot Paste
Posted by Peggy (Gulf Breeze, FL) on 04/17/2008

About a year ago, I decided to use bloodroot to remove a pencil- eraser-sized mole on the left side of my chin close to the jaw line just below my mouth. I chose the bloodroot/DMSO combination since I understood that the DMSO would speed the process through the skin. I have to say that I was not prepared for what happened. Once I had started the process, though, there was no turning back. I covered just the mole with the bloodroot paste and kept it covered. I reapplied the paste for about a week. First, the mole turned a cheesy looking white. Then, it scabbed over and had a white ring completely around the edge of it. By this time, the whole thing was about the size of a dime. My jaw swelled up and there were shooting pains in it that kept me from sleeping. This really scared me and I contacted someone for advice. I was advised after about six days of applying the salve to stop applying it, just keep the scab area covered,swab around the OUTSIDE of it with peroxide and it would loosen and fall off. This seemed to take a little longer than I anticipated, but when I added a little warm compress, it truly did pop right out. You certainly don't want to rush this - it has to fall out on its own. The back of the "mole" was grayish and smoothe with little dots on it that I assume were the tiny blood vessels that had supplied blood to it. The spot where the mole had been looked like I had taken a paper punch and punched out a circle of skin. I thought I was in for a bad scar, but I started putting vitamin E on it and organic coconut oil. It's been a year now and the spot is not very noticable to anyone but me, and that's because I know its there. I continue to keep it oiled and also use anti-scar products just for good measure. The faint of heart should NOT use bloodroot, especially on their face. Using it on a floppy mole in some inconspicious place covered by clothing would probably be a lot less scary. My mole was fairly large and well anchored, and on my face - not the floppy kind on a stalk. I do think it is amazing stuff, BUT extreme care needs to be taken when using it.

The String Method
Posted by Sally (Warsaw, Poland) on 11/19/2011

I've actually used the string method succesfully on my arm, but in a slightly modified way.

My mole was a medium brown color, raised, and circular. It had been there unchanged for years, so I knew it was safe to remove. I cleaned the area well and I tied a string around it - no knots or anything, so I could tighten it at will. I tied it around tightly and watched tv, and I would tighten the string every few minutes. After about two hours the mole was very pale, and the string was pulled so tightly the mole had turned into a perfect spherish bubble above the string. I took a sharp knife that I sterilized earlier, and while pulling the string and mole upwards, I placed the blade under the string and I cut the mole off. I cleaned the wound and waited for it to stop bleeding, and covered it with a bandaid. For the next few days I cleaned the wound and put Neosporin on it. Now, half a year later, I have a tiny scar. It's a barely visible brown ring where the edges of the mole were (it turned out that I didn't grab enough of the mole with the string), with a very small brown dot in the center (the root). The mole so far isn't growing back and I'm really happy with the results.

This method is really risky and you can really harm yourself, so I advise choosing a more safer method to remove your moles.

Bloodroot Paste
Posted by Maily (Melbourne, Australia) on 03/17/2008

Is cancema and blood root the same thing? I put some cancema on a tiny mole I had on my shoulder - a tiny bit three days in a row. The area around the mole went quite red about 1cm immediately around the mole it was raised up a bit and creamish colour. I covered it with a bandaid each day as it took weeks to heal, but when the scab finally came off the mole had gone. It has slowly healed and now I'm putting a little lavender essential oil on it each day and the scar is disappearing quite noticeably. I am a real fan of this website....thank you.

Posted by Aaron (Raleigh, North Carolina) on 01/21/2008

I tried to remove my moles with garlic. I would smash some garlic to a mush, then rub it on to the mole, put a bandaid on it and change it a few times a day. I tried this on 4 different moles because I thought it was working, different results on all of them. One was only a tiny spot to begin with and has grown into a full on mole after treatment. another one actually did completely flake off, this was a flat but pretty large one, but then slowly the pigment started to come back and now it's not as bad but there's still a large frecklish thing there, and the last two didnt really make a difference, the only thing in common for all of them is that the started to itch like crazy, like the most terrible feeling ever I would wake up at all hours of the night just dying to scratch and then all around the area that I applied it too would be a huge pink splotch and even some blistering, on my one big mole the skin would actualy get all crusty and dried and i would get all excited,but as soon as it would flake off there was just fresh lively mole underneath. I would NOY recomend the gralic at all, it literally burns your skin, the itching is the worst part but then the pain after and the pink rings that hand around after are the worst. I'm going to try the ACV I still want a natural remedy, but even if this might work for some people, the side affects are not worth it unless you have REALLY tough skin!

Horse Tail Hair
Posted by Tyler (Abingdon, Virginia, Usa) on 02/03/2013

Did you just tie the horse hair around the mole, that's all?! How long did you leave it on? overnight? Thanks, your feedback is valued!!

Bloodroot Paste
Posted by Cheryl (Pensacola, Florida) on 10/18/2007

I used bloodroot paste on a large mole on the back of my neck. It took several weeks because of the size, but it worked wonderfully. I got the idea from my brother in-law who has used it repeatedly on several facial moles. He has had no problems.

Posted by Dave (Ottawa, Canada) on 05/26/2007

I have had flat moles on my upper body all of my life. I've had some removed by doctors and always was left with scaring. I decided to try my luck with garlic on two moles. I cut two thin slices the shape of the moles and taped them on top of the moles using midical tape. I changes the garlic twice a day for three days. On the third day the moles puffed up like a blister. It's worked, and now I'm doing the rest! Who knew something as cheap as garlic would be a cure.

Posted by Phil (Toronto, Ontario) on 04/06/2007

Ok well i resently got my hair cut for a hockey tournament, in the form of a mohawk, just for laughs. Afterwards i discovered a large mole on the back of my head, about a 1/4 of an inch in diameter. This mole was in plain site and because i attend high school i felt it necessarie to remove it as soon as possible if possible. I used the garlic remedy, taped small amount of garlic to the mole on my head. after two days of sleeping with it and keeping it on during the day i eventualy lost hope and thought maybe since this mole was there since i was a baby it could not be cured. so on the third day i stoped taping the garlic then after my shower i realised it had just fallen off. WOW like i mean wow this realy does work!!!!!!!!! Be careful cause the garlic left quite a burn on my head.

Posted by Darren (Walhalla, SC) on 04/05/2007

Iodine helped get rid of moles but left pink spots how do I make the pink spots heal faster or blend in with the skin?

Posted by Vala (Redondo Beach, us) on 03/28/2007

Hello, i have been using iodine for about 2 weeks on my raised facial moles with not to much luck. Not sure why it's doesn't seem to be working. Can anyone help?

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Gabe (Los Angeles, California) on 05/18/2008

how often do you apply it in a day?

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by RB (Somewhere in Europe) on 02/20/2022 84 posts

Gabe, I don't know about John's experience. But, in my experience, I'm on day 7, and today I can tell for sure that I didn't cause any long-term damage when, on day one, I applied 12% food-grade peroxide, not once, but 6 times.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by John (Birmingham, AL) on 03/04/2007

In my previous email to you, I forgot to mention:

1. I stopped drinking tap water and started drinking purified water when I was doing my Hydrogen Peroxide therapy.

2. I tried applying the Raspberry Skin Cream well known to cure skin cancer to the cancerous growths on my face for weeks, but it didn't work for me - I noticed no difference. I have heard the Raspberry Skin Cream worked well for many people after about two weeks.

3. Also I forgot to mention when I started my Hydrogen Peroxide I also started using air purifier that is running 24/7 in my bedroom.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Kristie (Portland, Oregon) on 06/08/2009

Did you have to scratch/prick the mole before applying the hydrogen peroxide?

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Tony (Fort Worth, Texas) on 07/08/2009

Question: I've read and heard that Hydrogen Peroxide can cause scaring. Does anyone experience scaring that did not go away when using Hydrogen Peroxide to remove moles? Thanks

Posted by Lana (Applevalley, America) on 05/09/2008

what did you do to that burn you had from the garlic method?i have the same thing and i dont know what to do about it.

Posted by Pikaboo (Bakersfieds, California) on 08/15/2011

Wait, what if you fell down and scraped your mole off??

Posted by Sarah (Nc) on 03/21/2014


DO NOT USE DMSO!!!! There are laws in place that DMSO is not to be used for humans, and this is for a SEVERE HEALTH REASON!!! DMSO is designed to absorb into the skin extremely quickly, and ANYTHING on your skin surface will also be absorbed with it. Toxic substances, topical grade treatments, synthetic polymers that disrupt the function of your body, ANYTHING and EVERYTHING will be absorbed into your blood if you come in contact with DMSO. That flea and tick medicine you put on your dog? It will go into your system. That pesticide you sprayed the other day? Now in your system. That cleaner you used 30 minutes ago to disinfect the kitchen? INSIDE your body and causing harm!! Also, the isopropyl alcohol you just used to clean the mole area is toxic when entered in the blood stream, but DMSO will deliver it there! Also, any lotions/vaseline/waxes/silicone based products you used on the surrounding skin will ALSO be pulled into your blood stream and cause adverse effects. If the waxes from a lotion form a ball in your blood, it will cause clots, leading to DVT, heart attack, stroke, or kidney blockage. DVT is dreadfully painful, if untreated you can lose a limb. Kidney blockage will lead to a buildup of your own waste inside your body, leading to toxicity. Heart attack or stroke can be fatal, and the drugs used to break up blood clots will not work if your clot is a wax clot and not a blood clot!! DO NOT MESS AROUND WITH THIS DMSO!!!

Posted by Debbie (Georgia) on 01/09/2007

garlic - 1 clove a day for 2 weeks - have just switched to garlic tablets - one equate odorless per day. Hope these work as well as the real thing. My husband has been taking one clove of garlic a day for 2 weeks for bloodpressure. One side effect that we did not expect was his skin improvement. He had around 10 flat dark color moles on his back and one wart on his lower chest that he has had for many years. Two days ago I was scratching his back and noticed that the moles were flaking off. I began to brush them off and there appears to be healthy skin was underneath. His skin also appears pinker and healthier. He noticed that the mole on his lower chest is also gone. I have never heard of this side effect of garlic and I am amazed at the change in his skin. I just hope it is improving the inside as much as it has the outside.

Posted by Kyle (Watford) on 12/29/2006

Garlic made my skin mole smaller but red marks came up under it.

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