Mole Remedies

Posted by Vinny (Sicklerville, NJ) on 01/13/2007

DMSO cures moles, put it on sparingly. i reccomend you read all about DMSO on the web first before you use it.

Posted by Anonymous (USA) on 12/25/2006

I had a small mole on my arm that the doctor wanted to cut off, it was turning a strange shape and was red in parts. I was booked for getting it cut off, but in the meantime had found that taping a slice of garlic to it can help. I taped it on and refreshed it a few times a day, within a few days the actual mole had lifted out and there was a hole there where the problem part of the mole was!) i showed the doctor and he was surprised but there was no need to remove it.

Posted by Dee (Randburg, South Africa) on 03/09/2009


Some people rarely understand WHY it is important to get moles looked at. Your mole was becoming red and sore before you applied anything to it, the reason the doctors do an "excesion" of that mole is to send it in for testing, to see if it is cancerous 99% of the time it is, if it has started bleeding or changing on its own. Yes you dropped the mole off - but only on the surface. IT IS VERY DANGEROUS to mess with ones that have begun to change and not get it sent in for testing. Malignant melanoma is a highly deadly cancer. Doing what you did you risk the chance of it going into stage 3-4 without even knowing, to which the survival rate at most is 5 years.

WARNING TO ALL - if your mole has begun to change, dont mess with it, i know it leaves a small scar if they cut it off, but its important it gets looked at.

Cold Sore Medicine
Posted by John (Terre Haute, IN) on 09/27/2006

For a cyst, I used cold sore medicine and it cleared right up. It was on the back of my ear and had been bothering me for years. Almost completely gone now after one night

Posted by Susan (Lubbock, TX) on 04/21/2006

I am in the process of removing a mole on my arm. I know it is working because it stings. It actually blistered up and broke. Now the skin in drying up. I am sure it will remove this lifetime ugly mole. Yeh!

Posted by T.S (United Kingdom)

Not being confident about wearing a swimsuit because of a number of moles on my back I am so happy that I stumbled across this quick and effective remedy to curing moles. It works. I was a bit sceptical but after treating a mole on my back and finding out for myself that it does work I will be tackling the others too. Next summer I will be able to wear a swimsuit with confidence.

The String Method
Posted by Lisa (In, USA) on 07/17/2015

I have removed three moles with the thread method. I used a sterilized piece of thread, you can only use this method with mushroom shaped moles (smaller base, with like a muffin top) and you have to tie the string (or hair) around the base pretty tight, but not tight enough to break the skin. Swab it with alcohol every day until it falls off (about 5 days.)

Garlic, Apple Cider Vinegar, Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Nature Boy (Illinois, US) on 03/12/2015


Hi, I used garlic on one of my facial moles, however I only had temporary relief. I left a piece of garlic overnight on my mole using a band aid, the skin peeled off after two days. Initially it seemed like the mole was gone because the skin around the mole was raw and pink, however the mole reappeared in a few days. I feel that the size of the mole has reduced but cannot be sure since the area around the mole is still red. I had used tea tree oil earlier and the same thing happened.

Has someone else faced similar situations, should I try using ACV or garlic again? I'm pretty skeptical because every time I try a remedy it leaves the skin around the mole red and attracts more attention than the mole itself. Thanks in advance.

Vitamin E
Posted by Bamagal74 (Centreville, Alabama) on 06/16/2014

Moles: I applied Vitamin E (I used the capsules, broke them and applied) and kept covered for a little over a week. The mole is gone!! I was hoping it would have been more healed by my trip, but it did that the day AFTER I returned home. Just my luck. lol After 2 weeks it is still healing but much better. With make up it's barely noticeable. I am now trying it on another mole, but I will do it less aggressively.

Posted by P (India) on 04/27/2015

I used garlic paste on a pimple yesterday and have suffered a burn. Could you please tell me if you used Bepanthen first aid cream or Bepanthen diaper rash cream? Thank you.

Posted by Rahan Nanda (Delhi) on 06/27/2015

This method leaves a spot over moles.

Posted by Bonjit (India, Assam) on 11/07/2015

I used a garlic for a week to remove my flat face mole but it left a black burning mark. What should I used to remove it?

Malt Vinegar, Vitamin C Powder
Posted by Sally (Birmingham, Uk) on 06/22/2012

Hi, I have recently applied malt vineger and vitamin c powder to 4 moles on my face and 1 on my arm. I followed what I needed to do correctly, using a sterilized needle to scratch the moles and file. Then applied the vinegar and vitamin c powder. After scratching them with the needle and file, it stung a bit then I put a band aid over them and went to sleep.

I did scratch quite a lot of the moles off in the first day but this was every couple of hours. Some times they would bleed only slightly, and majority only dead skin tissue of the moles would come off.

They have gone flat and turned into scabs, it's just making me feel a bit sick all day. And the treatment area is flat brown or black however it has gotten slightly bigger. But I assume this is part of the healing process. Some of the surrounding skin healing too. Is this normal?

I would also like to know how do you know what the root of the mole is supposed look like and how deep can they go so I know what to look for so I get the whole mole. So it doesn't grow back again. Other wise I've wasted my time on these moles

Plus if you don't get the root can the moles get bigger when growing back?

Oh yeah do I wait till the scabs drop off and repeat the process?

Thank you in advance.

Malt Vinegar, Vitamin C Powder
Posted by Danamarie (United States) on 02/02/2014

Moles do not have roots although warts may have them.

General Feedback
Posted by Alan (Falls Church, Virginia) on 04/23/2012

Hey guys, so I removed a pea sized mole around my face about a little over a month ago with garlic, and I was left with a red spot for a couple weeks, then it eventually faded a little and got darker. How can I speed up the healing process for it to dissappear completely? How long did it take for your redness to go away completly?

I went to a dermatologist to check out the hyperpigmentation, and he prescribed me a bleaching cream which is supposed to lighten up the mark. He said first it'll turn red, (which it has), then it will heal back to its normal pigment, so now it looks like how it was when I first removed the mole--bright red.

Much appreciated guys.

Posted by ***kp (San francisco, California) on 10/11/2011

I put a shred of garlic clove on my facial mole, it was really small but it was on the tip of my nose & I didnt like it. So yesterday is when I put the garlic and just now I removed the facial mole with a toothpick and I just picked it off. Yes it's kinda painful, but worth it! because it is now gone :)

Posted by Obeybunny (Santa Ana, California, United States Of America) on 06/29/2012


The garlic definitely removed my mole, but there's a grayish discoloration around where the mole was where the garlic pulp spilled over. I was too much of a wuss to peel off the mole once it was shriveled and scabbed, so it took about 10 days to get rid of.

But I still have that gray pigmentation in a big ugly circle. How do I get rid of it?

General Feedback
Posted by Littlestnoon`` (Mcgregor, South Africa) on 09/30/2011

I read the wonderful posts on getting rid of Moles - YAY! Funny enough, I remember as a kid my doctor used iodine to remove planters warts. I have decided to try ACV on my abundantant mole population. I do not know what I will do if it works. These moles have been a real source of angst to me my whole life. Never mind te danger of suntanning, etc. ANYWAY... I went to my chemist and was looking for vaseline, to reduce the chance of burning surrounding skin, when I thought about corn plasters! My moles are quite big but they fit perfectly into the hole of a corn plaster and the skin around it is safe. Also, it makes applying the ACV really easy. Although, I decided against covering with a plaster, you can and the corn plaster keeps the plaster off the mole so there is a bit of 'breathing space'! I'm only on my second morning, but I will def report any happy success. Thank you to everyone who contributes to this site. I'm five weeks since having a cancerous ovary removed and thanks to what I've read, am refusing a hysterectomy and will nurture remaining cancerous ovary and my body instead! THANKS EVERYONE!

Posted by Amy (Jhb) on 07/14/2018

Hi, I would like to know have u ever used it on the facial area?

Posted by RB (Somewhere in Europe) on 02/20/2022 84 posts

Amy, I don't know about Krane's experience. But, in my experience, iodine is not the best remedy, and it is especially not the best remedy for the facial area. I've had more success with 12% food-grade hydrogen peroxide.

Posted by Jeanne Y. (San Francico) on 05/09/2022

Hi, has anyone used iodine for mole removal? What brand and percentage did you use? What was your method? I am looking in to using the Iodine tincture. Thank you:)

Posted by Zsaqwe (Brownsville, Texas) on 10/08/2010

What does cell food contains? Is it the same as 35%food grade Peroxide? It looks like so much like the same thing.

Posted by Ann (Austin, Tx) on 10/14/2010

Where did you buy these supplements? I am covered on my face, and neck. Now, I'm getting them on my chest and back.

Posted by Suem (Worden, Il Usa) on 10/14/2010

Ann... I bought my bottle at my local health food store, but it can be purchased online. Amazon has the best price that I found. The sites where my moles were are scabbed over, but still healing nicely.

Posted by Ummi (Yanbou, Madina, Saudi Arabia) on 07/25/2010


Garlic worked but with side effects. I tried the garlic remedy for my facial moles and I did get rid of them in four days. The only problem is my moles were very small like pinhead sized so it was difficult to apply the garlic on just the moles without the surrounding skin. So I burnt my face badly and now have bean sized black scars on my face. I have tried vitamin e oil and cream to fade the scars without success. If anyone here knows how I can fade these black scars without bleaching my face (am african) I would really appreciate.

Posted by Donte (Hong Kong) on 07/02/2010

About 4 days ago I tried the garlic remedie, then every day I would apply garlic juice about 3 times a day. Then at night I would cut a piece of garlic and put it on the mole and cover it with a bandage then go to sleep. When I wake up I would peel it and repeat. And just a few hours ago I peeled a little skin off, and it was bleeding a lot. but surprisingly it doesn't hurt one bit. and when I press the spot of my mole it hurts a little. Please advise!! Thanks

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by M.s (Athens, Greece) on 05/10/2010


Hydrogen peroxide - I used it on a mole and it left a scar. I will how it goes.

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