Lichen Sclerosus
Natural Remedies

Lichen Sclerosus Remedies

Borax, Black Walnut
Posted by Sowingbird (USA) on 07/02/2023

Hi, I have been dealing with Lichen sclerosis since 2015. after trying many things as it continued to get worse and having things fuse from it, I went before the Lord and asked what it is and to please heal me. I was told it was parasitic. I then ordered turpentine, but I could only do that once. The itching was so intense that I wasn't able to sleep.

I came to this site and started reading about borax and then started doing it. I was still having itching at night, and I remembered black walnut was good for fungus and ringworms etc. I had bought some with wormwood and cloves in it for our fur baby, so I started putting it directly on the area after cleansing with borax. The itching stopped.

After two and a half months, the scales are coming off and it is helping with the fusing of skin. If in the fungus family or parasitic family which a fungus is a parasite the black walnut and borax is killing it.

Every day it is improving more and more. Lichen Sclerosis looks so much like tinea versicolor. I use the black walnut in the morning and at night. I rinse a couple of times a day with borax water and then I also mix black walnut with castor oil to help it stay in place. I take 1/8 of borax in a quart of water a day. I am a very thankful child of my Father. Praying this helps many.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Pyper (FL) on 04/01/2023

What's helped me with symptoms of painful inflammation (flare ups) to vaginal tissue:

My personal routine:

1) taking estradiol (inside my vagina -insert) 3x week, as well as spreading a small amount around the tissues on the outside of my vagina - this has made a huge difference. On the off days when I don't use the product - I can feel a big difference and I have more symptoms.

2) The ONLY thing I've found for pain relief and itch relief (so far) Is Aloe Vera gel with lidocaine (like the kind you put on for sunburned skin). It soothes and takes away the itch - and it's wonderful.

3) Not sure if It makes a real difference - but I also started drinking 1 T of Apple Cider vinegar (with the Mother) well diluted with 8 oz of water (I mix a one squirt of Sturr sugar free water drops flavoring with it and a little sea salt) I have this every morning. Sometimes I make up another drink like this in the evening.

4) Sitz bath with warm water (1-2x day) with baking soda added (1 Tbsp) If doing this 1x day - I do it in the evening before bed, dry gently, and apply a skin barrier like either A & D ointment, or Desitin and gently rub those in, then add some of the Aloe Vera with lidocaine. IF it's on a day that I'm supposed to use the Estradiol, I skip the skin barrier and gently rub the Estradiol into the vaginal area - then add the aloe vera afterwards.

5) Supplements I'm currently taking:

4 drops of iodine daily mixed in my morning coffee (Lugol's 2% iodine) Daily

Women's over 55 multi-vitamins (daily) by "New Chapter"

Garden of Life women's 40 billion probiotic to promote vaginal health, immune health, digestive balance (daily)

Vitamin C (1600 MG) (Daily)

Vitamin D (3 per day = 30,000 IU) yes, this may seem like a high amount -BUT my Dr. had me on a prescription before of 50,000 - so I'm not worried about using 30,000. each capsule is 10,000 (250 mcg)

Vitamin B12 (shots from Dr. - every month because my body does not absorb B-12 the way it should)

Methyl Folate daily (1,000 mcg) (this is Vit B-9)

"Doctor's Best" High Absorption CoQ10 with BioPerine

"Doctor's Best" Vitamin K2 MK-7 with MenaQ7

5) DIET - I think this is HUGELY important. I keep a detailed daily journal of everything I eat and drink to help identify possible things that might cause a flare up of symptoms. I use a free program called Carbmanager - there is another free program called Cronometer which is very good. Both are free - but you can also get premium, which will give you access to more features if you want. I have been working with an Elimination diet - and then adding foods back in one at a time to see if I get any flare ups.

What I currently eat:

Beef, chicken, liver (1x week only) eggs, - have added back in: Salmon, other fish, shrimp, smoked oysters (canned) fish roe, Mackerel, Bacon, sausage (I mix in my own spices to fresh ground pork)

FRUITS: ONLY berries because they are lowest in natural sugar (blue berries, black berries, raspberries) I only eat fruit occasionally - 1-2x week and not many. I also will occasionally squeeze a lemon and add a little juice to a drink for extra vit. C

VEGETABLES: I haven't added them back in yet. But the plan is to add low oxalate, low carb vegetables like broccolli, cauliflower, celery, garlic - hoping to add back tomatoes - but will keep them to small amounts because tomatoes have a lot of natural sugar - so do onions.

What I no longer eat: Sugar in any form (watch out for "hidden" sugars - food manufacturers like to add in sugar using different names) It's safest to look at the carb counts to find sugar content of foods - even in vegetables & fruits. No processed foods (if a food has multiple ingredients - stay away from it) No gluten, no grains.

FLARE ups from food: Anything with sugar, grains, peanuts, rice, flours, WINE - my most recent flare up came after drinking a glass of dry red wine - within 2 hrs, I had a big flare up of pain, and itching - same thing happened with natural "organic" Peanut Butter.

I'd really like to encourage everyone to keep a Diary to note any foods that do cause them to flare up. It's been very helpful.

Change Toilet Paper
Posted by ORH (TEN MILE, TN) on 01/03/2022

PAM,,,,,,,, ORH here and as a hunter, you improvise when in the woods. A year or so ago my plumber neighbor told me about the TUSHY and we installed on each commode. That will solve your problem. Greatest thing since the whistle. ====ORH====

Baking Soda and Borax Bath
Posted by Aloha Granny (Wailuku Hawaii) on 07/01/2020

Healing Lichen Sclerosis:

1/2 cup baking soda, 1/2 cup 21 mule team borax in my bath water every other day works for me.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Robin (MI) on 04/25/2023

It is not a meat free diet but a plant free diet. If it grows on a plant, I don't eat it and if it grows on a tree, I don't eat it. Seafood is good, wild caught fish and all kinds of meat is good. Carnivore diet was a big learning curve for me. The LS disappeared within 3 days of starting. Eating organ meats is where a lot of the minerals and vitamins are. Beef liver, heart etc. I learned that ruminants are the best for me. Single stomach animals not so good and can't explain but did not feel the greatest after eating chicken or pork. I lost 50 lbs. in about 6 months without trying to lose weight. I feel the best I've felt in many years. This is not for everyone. We are all so different and some can handle the toxins plants produce better than others. I have an allergy to dairy which causes my nose to run. I have learned alot about myself and what my body can and does tolerate by eating this way. Best to You!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Pyper (FL) on 04/01/2023

Robin, I've also been eating Carnivore and I can attest 100% that it does work. IF I go off though (like I did 3 days ago and had 2 glasses of dry red wine - I had an almost immediate terrible reaction, and became inflamed, in pain, and horrible itching. Many people with various autoimmune problems have tried Carnivore and had a lot of success. Basically, you are eating whole, one ingredient foods with none of the garbage that is put into processed foods. There are lots of support/community groups for those who wish to eat Carnivore - there are also three main types of Carnivore. 1) Carnivore where people try to eat as close to zero total carbs per day. 2) Ketovore - this is kind of a combination of the ketogenic diet with Carnivore (keeping carbs under 10 total carbs per day and eating whole foods) - it's more lenient than Carnivore. 3) The Lion Diet (also zero carb) but more strict. Lion Diet is nothing but water, and ruminant meats such as Beef, Bison, Lamb, Goat. I follow Carnivore. I DO allow spices (unless they have sugar/gluton/corn/rice in them) I make my own spice mixes whenever I can if I can't find what I want pre-made. I also discovered from my last flare up - I can NEVER have wine, peanut butter (even sugar-free organic) - and whey protein powder is still in question. Also, after my last flare up- in an effort to quickly calm things down, I fasted for 24 hrs (water only) I would like to incorporate longer fasts into this way of eating too - as occasional fasting can bring a lot of healing according to the research I've done. If anyone wants to try this food protocol - I would suggest using a food diary so that you can list any reactions if you have them.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Liam (Co Durham) on 03/12/2024

Cite any long term studies on carnivore please, or even the one you're talking about, I know that they don't exist and that some carnivore websites actually take the testimonies from raw-vegans and use them as their own.

If you start out making 100 mistakes and you take away 50 of those mistakes your results will improve in the short term. That doesn't mean you are doing something right, it's just means you are doing less wrong.

Keto and Carnivore are both highly restrictive diets which utilize fasting and calorie restriction, essentially people lose weight because they are starving themselves in the short term. This is why so many people fall off the diet. You can only starve yourself for so long before your body screams for sugar and since most people on these diets don't understand their natural diet they don't feed on fruits when the body cries for sugar, instead they go for cake and cookies. The other reason that people appear to lose weight is extreme dehydration. The dark circles and sunken face are another sign of the dehydration, as are the veins bulging from the skin. If you hit a certain point of dehydration your body can no longer create life saving edema so they lose water weight. Since most people on a SAD diet eat salt their bodies are full of edema water weight which sheds when they dehydrate their body on a high protein diet. As soon as they fall off the diet the weight comes back quickly because the body starts to hydrate again and needs to dilute all those acids. Usually they put even more weight back on then before they started the diet because they have put even more acids into the system that require even more dilution. You see this with every high protein diet. The person calorie restricts and dehydrates leading to short term weight loss, then they binge because you can't starve that long, then they regain all the weight plus some. The body has no choice but to respond this way because it was never designed to handle high protein.

You can look at the marketing or you can look at the science and how your cells function. Keto and carnivore diets have good marketing. The carnivore diet even takes testimonials of raw vegans from their own websites and posts them on the carnivore diet site as if these people ate meat to recover their health.

Looking at the science and you see the mortality rates for Keto, 54% increase in mortality in just one year on the diet with a pre existing condition and 25% increase in mortality for "healthy" population. Meaning better than half the people with chronic disease who try keto die within one year on the diet and one quarter of people without a chronic disease diagnosis also die. Those are not statistics I would want to play around with.

It's important we understand the difference between marketing/advertising and science.

As for the carnivore diet, I would not wish that on my worst enemy. I cannot even put into words adequately the pain that people suffer on that diet. I hear from people every day trying to recover their health and with the carnivore diet it's always the same, I felt great for the first 1-3 years, (usually 1 year) and then I felt like I was dying. The pain was everywhere in my body. You can see the disease in their swollen faces before the pain hits too. First they get the sunken face with dark under eyes, then they get the swollen face like Shaun Baker has now. That swelling is edema. The body uses edema to dilute acids. Acids damage the bodies cells so the body floods the area with water as a protective mechanism to deal with the excessive quantities of acids surrounding the cells. Some people get away with it longer than others because of their bodies ability to create more edema to dilute the acids. Others hit the pain very quickly. It depends how bad of shape their body was in to get started. This is why Carnivore heavily targets the very young with their marketing. They know that a young body can go much longer and create more edema then an older body.

As for why people “feel good” on keto and carnivore and why they have short term success you have two primary reasons.

1. Meat is a stimulant drug, so people eating meat are literally getting high, with the same damaging effects on the body as taking cocaine or any other drug which stimulates and damages the body.

2. Most people who fall for the keto or carnivore marketing are coming from eating a SAD diet which includes Meat, Dairy, Eggs, cooked foods, salt, refined sugar, processed foods, alcohol, food coloring and many other poisons. If you start out doing 100 things wrong and then you remove 50 of those wrong things your performance is going to improve in the short term. Disease is all about burden. The more you burden your cells the more disease conditions are created in your body. So if you are making a lot of mistakes and you cut down some of those mistakes you will see some short term improvement. But ultimately if you are not providing your body with the necessities of nutrition which your physiology demands (fruits and tender leafy greens) then ultimately your system will shut down.

Improved obesity- not got to ideal weight - any time you calorie restrict and starve the body some weight will come off. Any time you dehydrate the body you lose water weight.

Improve hypertension - lose some weight and some burden is lifted. Improved is not healed, it's just a better number where the disease still exists but the score is lower. That's not healing.

Improved diabetes - this one is so ridiculous. If you are not eating sugar in the moment you will not have blood sugar spikes. But diabetes is a fat issue, it's never been a sugar issue. Fat blocks the absorption of sugar into the cell. When the body has excess fat coating the cells the cells are unable to push sugar into the cells so the sugar remains in the bloodstream. If you eat a keto or carnivore diet you are putting more fat in and making the situation far worse long term but you are hiding the damage being done short term because you are not putting in the warning indicator, the sugar. As soon as a person comes off the unsustainable carnivore diet and binges on sugar their diabetes shows that it was never gone in the first place.

Improved gastro symptoms- most gastro symptoms are a result of mixing foods which constipate and digest very slowly with natural foods which digest at normal speeds. If you put fruit into a system that is constipated from cooked foods and proteins then the sugars will ferment. If you remove the constipating and dehydrating substances from the diet then fruits digest as designed and there is no fermentation. If you put in only meat the body becomes highly constipated, hence the reason keto and carnivore diet followers poison their body with coffee, because coffee creates diarrhea as the body tries to rapidly flush out the poison, further dehydrating the body.

Improved psychiatric symptoms- most mental health issues are digestive issues. See above. Less digestive distress leads to less mental symptoms due to not combining foods which digest at different speeds. Lauren Whiteman

LS Connection to Lyme Disease
Posted by Lisa (New York ) on 08/19/2018

My acupuncturist has seen a connection between Lichens Sclerosus and latent undiagnosed Lyme disease.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Cherry Blossom (Tel Aviv) on 05/26/2018

I have had LS for about 2 years. Applying apple cider vinegar locally provided a little relief, but not much. Lately, I tried two remedies that I found helpful, but aloe vera proved to be both a more effective and much easier to use.

I started doing sitz baths in water + bicarbonate of soda (baking soda). I basically put a laundry basket in my bathtub, added a few tablespoons of baking soda and just enough water to cover the affected part, and sat in it once a day for about 5 minutes. I must have looked like an idiot, but there was no one there to see it. :) It did relieve much of the itching.

Later I tried fresh aloe vera. It also relieved the itching, but felt milder and was less time consuming. Now I am using a gel I purchased from iherb that is 100% aloe vera. It's much easier to use since I don't have to cut up the fresh aloe each time. It also seems to be more effective - maybe because I'm putting it on more regularly.

So far it's not a cure, but does make the condition much, much more manageable.

Aloe Vera, Dietary Changes
Posted by Rene (Bulgaria) on 05/12/2018

Hello ladies! I am 34 years old and have been diagnosed with lichen sclerosus after visiting 3 dermatologists, 5 ginecologists and 7 patologies to read my biopsy (having 2 disputed diagnoses).. I have white patches on my vulva and sclerosus on my clit. I also have white patches on the inner side ot my cheeks, but they are not yet confirmed. Have any of you been diagnosed with lichen on both in the mouth and the vulva?

I have started applying 99% aloe vera creem twice a day on my genital area, I went on a no gluten and no sugar diet and I also take homeopathy. With these 3 I hardly have itching (stress is definately a trigger), one of the white patches is done, but my clit is still in pain, while having sex.

Have any of you treated the atrophy successfully and with what? I plan to take castor oil and start vitamin B, D and A.

Thank you for all the good advices given on this portal. In my country the treatment is with steroid creams or surgery :( I am really sorry to read so many women are suffering from this disease and I hope you all fine your best treatment!

Manuka Honey
Posted by Luckylucy (Nh) on 08/04/2017

I have had LS for many years and tried Protopic, steroids and none of that really helped. Seroviral HGH made it fade quite a bit. I recently tried sandlewood oil and royal jelly which faded it about 80 percent.

I have for 3 days been using manuka honey and am trying 10+ umf on one side of my chest and 18+ on the other side to see if one works better. LS is now 95 percent flat and nearly all the white is gone. I am keeping my fingers crossed that this finally does the trick. None of the doctors have been particularly useful over the years in finding a useful remedy (but at least they could diagnose it) not even those at the best Boston hospitals... Does it seem that they have far more interest in Lyme disease than helping us women with this sometimes embarrassing ailment?

Castor Oil
Posted by Cheryl (Tennessee) on 05/06/2017

Castor oil is the best remedy for taking away my LS itching. I apply in the morning when I am itchy ..... and it is gone all day long excellent remedy and works for me ..

Zinc Oxide
Posted by Marion (Perth, Australia) on 02/01/2017

Zinc Cream for LS

Please try zinc cream and zinc baby powder for lichen sclerosis. It worked for me. I also use borax water for itchy eyes.

Ozonated Olive Oil
Posted by Gertie (Ontario) on 09/14/2015

Ozonated olive oil has reversed my LS symptoms. I applied it to the labia area and it unfused the labia. I have applied a small amount 3 times daily for three weeks now.

I bought a small jar from a British Columbia company and when you receive it, keep it stored in the fridge. It's okay to ship via unrefrigerated mail though. It looks like solid vaseline. Reasonably priced.

There are many topical uses for this product, from acne to cuts and bruises.

Coconut Oil, Homeopathy
Posted by Pan (Holland) on 05/28/2015

I read about a 60 year old woman, here on EarthClinic, who has been healed by UVB light treatment (eximer laser). Her symptoms have been completely reversed. I wish she could tell us who gave her the treatment. And how comes this is not world news?

I will ask (again) for some Dutch doctors here and will let you know. In the meantime I sit in the sun, in lotus... now and then.

Castor Oil
Posted by Janice (Arkansas, US) on 01/03/2015

AJ - your post is very encouraging and I'm going to try your treatment! I do have a question, though - how often do you apply the castor oil mixture? Daily? More often?

Thank you for sharing this!!!

Posted by Janice (Florida) on 09/24/2015

I have had LS for 4 years. The clobetasol worked for the itch but I still and very sensitive there and cannot have relations with my husband I'm afraid the skin is too thin and It may tear. This is a problem! I recently got a book the autoimmune solution by Dr. Amy Meyers and yes a change in diet which she goes over in detail. I started 16 days ago and have been caffeine, sugar, wheat, dairy, and gluten free ever since and I am losing weight, and strengthening my gut. I have hypothyroid and want OFF of the medicine which in 30 days she can have you well on your way The recipes are easy clean and so nourishing that I am NEVER hungry I recommend the auto immune paleo cookbook. Made several recipes and I LOVE it

Frankincense Oil
Posted by Gentlestrength (Globe, Az) on 01/27/2014

Frankincense Oil completely healed my painful LS very quickly! To think that I had suffered with this for over 4 years. At first I was embarrassed thinking that it was a painful VD but because of the itching thought it was a candida fungal problem. I tried EVERYTHING... with various results but it kept returning and was excruciatingly painful. Rosewater sprayed on the area would stop the itching though. Yes, I even tried Oregano oil diluted, white iodine with DMSO, baking soda baths. All would help for a day or so but would not heal it.

Then I read that this was a precancerous condition and very closely tied to emotional issues. So I immediately started using pure Frankincense oil and within two days could tell it was healing. No pain, no itching and the lesions were disappearing. I used two drops in the am and in the pm for three weeks. Now it is GONE! I'm so thankful for this healing and am staying off sugar and starting to eliminate wheat! I can sit without wincing and walk without that pain! Thank you EC for your awesome website to help us all!

Vitamin E, Lavender Oil
Posted by Freda (Lancaster, Tx) on 03/05/2016

I can't begin to thank you enough!!! I've had LS for 11 years and I can deal with the pain and bleeding and all that but the itching!!!!!!! The kind where you want to take a knife and cut it out or the relief from scratching is better than sex. Anyway, I was having one of those episodes last night... It is always at night... And so came searching once again and found this. I use essential oils and have a bottle of lavender mixed with cedarwood, mineral water and witch hazel that I use on my pillows and thought maybe this would work. I added a few more drops of lavender and many drops of frankincense and all I can say is I was in heaven from the instant relief! I usually have itching in the morning also right after my shower and I used the spray again and what joy! THANK YOU THANK THANK YOU

Vitamin E, Lavender Oil
Posted by Elyse (Ri) on 04/29/2016

Thanks for posting! How did you go about mixing these together?

Essiac Tea
Posted by Mk (Usa) on 11/26/2013

I started using Essiac Tonic a few days ago. My symptoms have gotten so much better already. I'm also taking/eating probiotics and taking slippery elm & marshmallow root to heal my gut (I think I have a leaky gut and it causes my LS). I'm also on low-oxalate gluten-free diet. I really do think that Essiac Tonic will cure my LS, combined with proper diet.

Essiac Tea, Homeopathy
Posted by Kate (Auckland, New Zealand) on 03/02/2013

Last year I had my first flare up of Lichen Sclerosis, I didn't know that's what it was till I got it back this year in early February. I'm not interested in using steroid creams so I researched alternative treatments and came across Essiac Tea. I followed the instructions, it is now early March and it is almost gone. I also used homeopathic remedies to ease the itch, inflammation and splitting. Homeopathic Graphites, Urtica-urens, Nit-ac and Apis, each in a 30c potency. Am also taking homeopathic Kreosotum and Petroleum and they are taking away the last of the splits and itching. Hope this helps anyone suffering this awful affliction, feel free to message me. Xx

Essiac Tea
Posted by Daisy (Ewa Beach, Hi) on 11/19/2012

I took the whole bottle, I was cured within a few days of taking it but took the whole bottle of non alcohol formula. I really stress this because the alcohol one tastes God awful. Anyway, read about the benefits on the internet. I bought the liquid kind. 40 drops on an empty stomach in the a. M. And 40 drops on an empty stomach in the pm. I really want someone esle to try to see if it cures them too! I was diagnosised through a doctor and told and prescribed all the same stuff as anyone else. Essaic Tonic Tea purfies the blood, cleans the organs even the lungs and is a parasite killer too! Again, I took this not intentionally trying to cure my LS but I am cured. I haven't had a break out since this year June and no longer use any creams.

Baking Soda
Posted by Lynn (Pa, US) on 01/03/2015

The sitz bath is what I was thinking too with the baking soda. I'm trying the castor oil, lavendar and lemon grass for ointment. Husband is out now shopping for ingredients.

I was managing the Lichen Sclerosus fine with Emuaid and then ended up in the hospital with acute asthma exacerbation. I had antibiotics and steroids for 3 weeks. The LS has gone wild. I have blistering, inflammation, skin peeling and I can't bear to have clothing on. Emuaid no longer helps.

I'm so glad you guys are here!

Zinc Oxide
Posted by Leslie (Sydney, Australia) on 12/09/2011

There might be some hope for LS sufferers by using Zinc Oxide powder. I'm a 69 year old male and I first got LS at about age 30. After trying a few other treatments I tried simple ZnO powder. Within about 2 days most of the annoying symptoms were gone, and by 2 weeks it was like I never had LS (apart from a little scarring).. LS reappeared about a year ago and I treated it again with ZnO. Amazing, the clearing up of LS as I got 40 years ago. I don't think that the treatment can be as simple as ZnO, but it has worked miraculously for me both times. The reply of Kim from Effingham above is the first time I have seen mention of ZnO working for anybody else.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Kim (Effingham, Usa) on 02/14/2012

Lynn, read your note with interest. This is an awful disease.. I wonder if like the bee's our immune systems have been crippled by the pesticides... Food for thought. What I found strange.. I didn't have these problems until I moved to a farming area. I formally lived in the Mtns and drank spring water... I did find that Scar reduction cream (zinc oxide) with the tea extract totally knocks all the itch/thining and any progression of fusion of the tissue. Should have figured this before as this is for overreactive skin tissue. It does not cure it but I don't have to apply every day, just 1 x every 2-3 days. It is strange all of us are getting this....

Anti-Candida Diet
Posted by Pincky (Lagos, Nigeria) on 02/17/2012

Try chitosan capsules by tiens. It made those horrible white patches on my vulva disappear completely. I mean completely!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Kim (Effingham, Il Usa) on 07/01/2011

Jill from TX:

Your advise is EXCELLENT!! I have done my research and agree with all. I am a LS suffering soul. Perrins cream and your diet recommendations do help.

That being said, I would like to add to this forum some things that have helped me considerably with my LS.

I am certain that mine is associated with the endocrine/immune system. I have enlarged lymph nodes under arm when I have a flare up. I also have hypothyroid too.

In the last year I found a product called I-26 or hyperimmune egg. Started taking this and have had GREAT results, symptoms are greatly reduced. I am planning on continuing this until I find something else. I also came up with a remedy for the pain/itching. Take Lysine in powder form and add to Aloe Vera. Within seconds the pain itching will be gone. I apply this usually 1x a day and it lasts until the evening.

I have had this terrible disease for 8 years and found the lysine trick in a herpes tx. I just tried mixing it in aloe vera and it works like a charm.

I am not sure what caused mine, but it started after I had a hyster and dx hypothyroid.

Again, the hyperimmune egg is worth trying. Just mix it in with OJ, drink down.

God bless, hope this helps some other women.

Vaginal Medication Link to Ls
Posted by Wendy (Bristol, Avon, Uk) on 09/23/2011

I'd like to add my pennyworth to this thread for what it is worth and in the hope that it may help just one person, more even better. I have suffered from food allergies for some 40 years, I was never able to get rid of them, only control them by eating less. I was diagnosed with LS about a year ago, but I think I may have had it in a more minor form for much longer. For the first two months it didn't seem much of a problem, but then it developed rapidly into a major discomfort and pain. I threw everything but the kitchen sink at it, in order to find a solution. I found that lots of things helped but only temporarily.

Then finally as a result of a paragraph I saw written by a Doctor about psoriasis, his theory was that toxins were unable to escape through the normal route ie liver kidneys so they moved to the next available organ which was the skin, causing serious skin eruptions. This made a lot of sense to me, so I started to treat LS like it was one of my allergic reactions, and bingo, the first real success in 8 months of trying. All I did was cut down on my consumption of food by approximately one third. The sores, pimples and razor like cuts cleared up instantly, and the itching wasn't far behind. My symptoms are now 90% reduced, and I can control the symptoms by dieting. Someone mentioned a low carb diet, and I noticed that certainly applied to me also. Ironically vegetables and fruit, the things you would think were good for you, were causing a lot of surface itching that kept me awake all night. I try to eat any major meal early in the day, and at night it might just be a small high protein meal, like a leg of chicken, but no veg or fruit especially potatoes.

I do think this disease is multifaceted and there is no one solution for everyone. One thing I want to say about this. It had spread from my vulva to anus, cleavage, bust, and all over my back, and finally to my mouth where the white skin was about an inch long and half inch wide. I managed to easily get rid of the mouth problem by putting garlic oil on about 6 times a day. It completely disappeared within 3 to 4 days, and didn't reappear for about two months, when I again repeated the treatment and it went again. The diet cleared up the itching on my back and breasts and anus. The manic itching in the vulva area disappears 90% of the time as long as I don't overeat at all, and I am still experimenting with food to get an even better result. But right now I am in a very good place, and maybe this approach might help others. That is my sincere wish - if only to help one person with this awful disease.

I don't know if garlic oil repeatedly applied to white patches in any other area would work, as it seems to me that every place you get it, it behaves differently, so I would be interested to hear if anyone else has had any success with that. My sincere best wished to all. Just because they tell us this disease is incurable, doesn't mean we shouldn't try to cure it.

Posted by Colleen (New Brunswick, NJ) on 03/29/2009

Wheatgrass Cure for Lichen Scelrosis.

I have had this for 2 years. and found Wheatgrass works wonders after using the topical steroids and it getting worse. I stopped using what the doctor prescribed and used WG and she was amazed and wanted to take pictures and everything. I tried many natural remedies and this is what I have found to work. I had about 6 months that was excruciating and painful sex but now and basically symptom free besides having a small patch of white spots that never real go all the way for good.

Wheatgrass pulp as a compress for 15-45 mins. Make sure it is juicy this is a little messy but very clean and has been proven as a remedy for many problems including yeast infections. Just holding the compress on for 30 mins made my white spots disappear and the skin that appeared was pink and healthy. Juice it and grow it yourself and use 1-2 times a week or get a wheatgrass shot at a heathfood store and ask for some of the pulp. I do this -you can tell them it is to treat a burn or infected cut b/c it is used for that too. You just bundle up the pulp and hold it on press it to your skin firmly. I sit and watch TV on the couch or in bed on top of a towel with paper towels on top. The chlorophyl is very rich and can stain clothing/sheets. Wheat Grass contains many minerals and chlorophyl so maybe this is why it works so well.

But, I recently got wheatgrass cream form an Australian doctor who makes it. it is sold on his website Dr. Wheatgrass. I find if I put this on a few nights a week the white spots disappear too and the skin heals. This stuff is amazing you can heal cuts and burns very quickly with it with generally no scarring. I also found that salt water baths help and Aloe Vera gel helps soothe, and tea tree oil ointment takes away itchiness.

I used the Nuva Ring birth control vaginal ring for 2 years and that is when my problems with LS started. Now I use a pill and generally have a little bit of white spots but no irritation at all anymore and the white spots always go away every month when I get my period. I feel maybe if I did not use hormonal birth control at all this would go away completely but am not at a point in my life where I can justify it as there is not as reliable of a natural method Hope this helps some people with LS b/c it is really awful to have this condition.

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