Lichen Sclerosus
Natural Remedies

Lichen Sclerosus Remedies

Vitamin D3
Posted by Nancy Kb (Asheville, Nc) on 01/30/2018

Castor oil is wonderful and soothing and aids skin healing.... BUT the CAUSE Of LS is a VITAMIN D deficiency which my integrative medicine MD, who is also a cardiologist, luckily knew all about (but not the gynecologist, go figure).

Take LOTS Of Vitamin D3 and also a small amount of Vitamin K2 to complement it, and the other cofactors for D which include magnesium, Omega-3s, and boron.

Your Vitamin D levels must get up to about 60-80 ng/dl. but not over 90 ng/dl. I was out of pain within 2 days of taking chewable Vitamin D3 3 X a day 5,000 units each. Still need to keep on top of it all. And now also include MSM, sulfur, another mneral we really need. ALSO Colloidal silver works to heal skin and other soft tissues.

Castor Oil
Posted by Karen (Goldbar Wa.) on 03/18/2017

I use Castor Oil applied to the area for my L.S. and the itching goes away immediately.

Castor Oil
Posted by Sandra (Arizona) on 12/01/2017

3 tbsp castor oil, 2 to 3 drops lavender oil and 2 to 3 drops lemongrass oil. Mix and apply in the morning and at night. Lavendar helps for the itching.

Lichen Sclerosus Triggers
Posted by Jodi (Maine) on 04/29/2016

My (vaginal) LS completely went away for over 15 yrs. Clobetasol, then Aubrey's organic aloe gel (the ONLY one that won't burn, even compared to drinkable stuff), coconut oil, etc. So, I'm reading about LS all over again and the one thing I never see is any awareness about one's mental/psychological state.

My mentor acupuncturist's first comment 15 yrs ago was "this sounds like a boundary issue to me..." Why is the skin tightening, atrophying?? I was in a yucky relationship... keep him out, down there!!

I am currently dealing with boundary issues in my life and hello LS.....I am offering that, for some, straightening out there life and head may be part of the cure. I definitely believe we can cure ourselves of this. I say something you perceive as embarrassing and your skin turns RED!! The mind affecting the body....As part of your healing you may want to be kind to yourself and shift what you can in a positive direction.

I am working on a cream with Chinese herbs for a natural vaginal alternative.

Emu Oil, Red Clover
Posted by Jillery (Rawlly, Nc) on 01/02/2016 88 posts

I began having 'cranky crotch' about 4 years ago. I went to about 6 doctors to find out what 'the dry patch' was outside my vag was as well as 'the hot spot' back near by butt was. I also had splitting skin near the bends of my legs, as well as something that looked like diaper rash. All of these issues were not concurrent but pretty much ongoing and varied. I see from reading about LS that break outs can be very different from one person to another. I also feel my vagina is smaller in the sense that some positions cause discomfort. I am 60 and highly sexual so LS is a bit of a problem to say the least. I finally got sent to a 7th doctor (gyno specialist) and had biopsies done. LS!

I find that something will work for a week or two and then my body does not use it as well as it had earlier. That might be just 'me' specific, I am not sure.

But so far I have found using Emu oil is the best oil thus far. I got mine at Vitamin Shoppe for about $20 for 4 oz. I do put coconut oil in me internally, esp as lube.

Itching is an issue esp on my mound area. Today I tried Oblas oil gently dabbed on and wiped off took care of that... TODAY.

I have also used some organic non hexene Castor oil topically and that has helped too, but so far the Emu seems to seep into my skin the best of all.

I take Red Clover pills- 3 in the am and 3 in the pm. That has seemed to help the area calm down A LOT. I have also ordered Red Clover ointment. Pricey at about $22 for a few ounces. I haven't received it yet, but I am thinking if the Red Clover is helpful internally it will be soothing externally too.

Here is a good yahoo blog to check out. A lot of the folks use traditional doctor stuff but there are also a lot of alternative applications.

It is a good community with much helpful information.

I hope this helps a few folks out. Best wishes!!


Posted by Ellie (Kansas City, Mo) on 08/17/2015

Recently diagnosed. Location in anal area, on chest, stomach, and legs. Oh holy night the Chronic anal itching during day is terrible!!! The SEVERE, wake me up, loss of sleep, night itch... makes me want to scream into my pillow and cry. Wait I have done that!!!! Punctured a COQ10 softgel and placed directly on anal affected area at 7:00 a.m. (Warning!!!! ' it Burned like hell but I felt instant itch relief. Burning sensation lasted 10 minutes) Just for testing purposes, I placed it again at 5:00 (still burned but way less this time) It is now 9:19, not one time did I have to sneak off into the bathroom at work to scratch and I have been laying in bed for over an hour without a hint of an itch. Crossing fingers (haven't had a solid night's sleep in 14 months & I hope this allows me to sleep through the night)!

Posted by Madeleine (Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada) on 10/10/2014


I have had LS for 10 years and was prescribed Clobatesol. It did help in the beginning with the white patches and the itch but still got flare-ups that are excrutiating. I have never been able to stop using it for any lenght of time and would have flare-ups that lasted for weeks. This creme has done absolutely nothing for my LS for the past 4 months, I don't know if the area is now immune to it. I'm willing to change my diet but do not have a clue where to start. Are there certain foods that I should stay away from? I don't eat processed food or junk food, I eat lots of fruits and vegetables, I eat poultry and some fish. I thank you for any advice you can give me.

Posted by Arobi (Australia) on 08/16/2015

I find strong Manuka honey fantastic for instantly taking away and keeping away the itch and soreness of vulval LS. I apply it topically morning and night. Have also tried paw paw ointment and calendula ointment which help a little but the honey is best. Manuka honey is well known for healing leg ulcers so I'm hoping it might also heal my LS but have only been using it for a week so don't know yet whether it will be a wonder cure.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Lavender Oil
Posted by Mom (New York) on 11/10/2013

Hi, I have had Lichen Sclerosus (LS) most of my life, it was finally diagnosed 2 years ago and I had surgery 1 year ago. It helped alot. I have tried apple cidar vinegar, it helps a lot, I also will drink it! This is a life savor. I have recenlty found that applying lavender essential oils made thy itching stop immediately! Try a spot to make sure it doesn't burn. It did not burn me, but was slightly warm. It did not cause any other yeast infections or BV at all, which I was worried about. I am one of those weird people who get both at the same time. Try it! It helped a lot!!!

Posted by Art (California) on 07/24/2023 2154 posts


Given the known side effects of cyclosporine :

It might be worth viewing ECs page on LS here and decide what you think would be most appropriate for you:


Borax Baths
Posted by Donna (London, Canada ) on 07/16/2022

I've suffered from Lichen Sclerosis for years! Nothing helped and I had to endure colposcopies every year to make sure I didn't have cancer. Ouch! I found a group that recommended Borax Baths. Initially, I thought that was an insane idea. I did my research on Boron and decided to try it. Four years later, and I'm still taking my Borax baths on a regular basis. It is the only thing that calms my itching, burning and pain. My skin is healthy and soft, my overall physical pain is relieved and I rarely catch colds or viruses. (I've even managed to avoid the coronavirus— not that I'm suggesting that it's a preventative measure). My gynaecologist thinks I'm crazy for bathing in “detergents” but she's all wrong. Crazy like a

Essential Oils
Posted by Patricia C. (Florida) on 10/21/2021

After years of spotty treatment with steroid cream, my Lichen kicked into high gear. It took a year to find a thread about Frankincense oil, Vitamin B, and Vitamin E. By then I even had Lichen inside vagina plus around my anus. The steroid was helping somewhat with hormone cream to thicken skin. Once I started using St. John's oil, Almond oil (Tbsp of each with 40 drops of Frankincense Sacred oil) even a few drops inside me I see a reversal of the condition. White skin turning pink,Vitamin E oil topically 1 x week and Vit. B12 topically daily. Some scaring seems to be going away too. Some skin is still fragile but it's been only a few months! I am amazed when I tried stopping steroid cream it all reversed, same thing happened when I ran out of Frankincense. I hope this post helps someone, there's so little information out there. Good luck in your search for help.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Theresa (Kentucky) on 06/21/2018

Lichen Sclerosus is a terrible disease but it is manageable. I have zero pain or itching anymore. I would get rid of all processed foods and soft drinks. Take probiotics and drink kombucha tea. I have learned in my case that nightshade vegetables set me on fire. Take a natural hormone. Another thing get some DR Bonners organic peppermint soap. Only use that. I use the liquid. Also dr Bonners peppermint lotion is the biggest relief ever during an eruption. Take colloidal silver too.

Zinc Oxide
Posted by Linda (Auburn, In) on 04/05/2018

I am a 56 yo female who has suffered from Lichen Sclerosis for nearly 20 years. I've been using Clobetasol prescribed by my gyn. It doesn't help at all. More recently, the itching became so intense that I scratched my "down there" skin so hard that I caused bruising and tearing of the thin skin. I was a complete mess from the view I saw while looking at a mirror. A friend suggested zinc oxide so I bought a tube. Oh my word, what a relief that has done. I highly recommend it for vaginal itching!

Zinc Oxide
Posted by Natalia (Mn, Usa) on 04/08/2018

Glad you found some relief! This condition sounds a bit like the IC I have that makes eating high oxalate foods or detoxing endotoxins at times unbearable. As an RN, Zinc Oxide used commonly for 'toughening' the skin with burns, but it's only a bandaid. While I heal from Mycoplasma (one of the Lyme complex infections), I use a more healing bandaid for symptom tolerance: Oils of Frankincense and Tea Tree in equal parts to 20 parts of raw coconut oil, applied externally.

LS has both fungal and bacterial aspects and both need to be addressed. One option is Borax in coconut oil as a vag suppository for the fungal aspect and D-Mannose (buy the pwdr) to rid the body of excess E. Coli. There are benefits to vag supps of probiotics too. For bacterial vaginosis, douching with ACV or even 25% dilute hydrogen peroxide works. You may want to look at an overall Candida overgrowth and begin a protocol to balance your microbiome or body terrain, do some diet changes, balance minerals and vitas, and do some serious self-care, knowing you deserve to be well. Best to you.

Castor Oil and Essential Oils
Posted by S (Kansas City ) on 08/13/2017

Lichen Sclerosus:

Castor oil, lavender oil and lemon grass oil mixture have given me incredible relief from pain and itching. I'm Almost feeling normal at times. Also, it looks much better only after 2 days of use. Bowel movements are much less painful as well. Before I tried this wonderful oil mixture, I had tried Butt Paste with 40% zinc oxide which helped with itching and pain to a certain extent. Applying several times night and day just to get by. Coconut oil is very soothing and felt nice but didn't help the itch at all. Please try the castor oil!

Castor Oil
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 10/06/2016

Dear Nan,

When I use Lemongrass essential oil on the skin, I dilute it a lot. It is very strong and can burn the skin. Lavender is more gentle.

I would try a mixture of the following:

  • 1 tablespoon castor oil
  • 1 DROP lemongrass essential oil
  • 3 drops lavender essential oil

I hope it is helpful to you! Our family has certainly found the above oils to help with different ailments.

~Mama to Many~

Castor Oil
Posted by Susu (Utah) on 02/25/2016

Thank you so much.

As soon as I read the three oil mix, I went to health store, got last time, applied, burning sensation at first, today, second time applied the oil mixture, already feel the improvement. Yes, I did got cream from Dr. too but nothing is improved but got worse last week...

But just one day, I already see the improvement. thank you so much... You saved my sanity. Susu

Posted by Art (California) on 09/26/2020 2154 posts

Hi Marlene,

The clobetasol is one of the strongest topical steroids and the body seems to build resistance to it and it can not be used in multiple areas of the body such as the face, genital areas and the armpits as it can cause other issues such as thinning of the skin and discolorations of the skin. It can also cause high blood pressure if used over large areas of the body as well as blurred vision and high cholesterol. Hair loss is another side effect as is stretch marks. Itching is also a common one These side effects may or may not be reversible once the clobetasol is stopped.

I say this, not to scare you, but from experience.


Vitamin E, Lavender Oil
Posted by Lg (Sacramento, Ca) on 08/14/2015

Thank you for sharing, I was skeptical that this would help. It has more than helped it has almost completely healed. I have dealt with this for over 20 years and I am amazed at the results. I use cotton rounds with a few drops of lavender and dilute with water 3 times a day. I also purchased some Frankincense as someone else suggested on here and plan on using it as well just as a precautionary.It is a little pricey, but we'll worth it and it's not a steroid! Thank you again for sharing! I hope this information will be helpful to others as well.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Moira (Long Island, Ny) on 11/04/2013

Hello, thanks to all of you for the many comments and helpful suggestions re. L.C. I am 60 yrs old and have been diagnosed 3 years ago with L.C.

I read and re-read many of your suggestions and for the last 4 days I have had some relief with the following suggestions: 1 cup baking soda and 1 cup white vinegar in bath and soak for 15min. It has cut down on itching and I'm less inflammed.

Zinc oxide seems to work on decreasing redness and itching ( applying 2x a day) However is it OK to use continually on vaginal tissue?

Also applying cold water after each time I urinate. Started Essiac tea but too soon to access.Thanks, Moira, N.Y.

Low Oxalates Diet
Posted by Jane (England) on 11/01/2015

I READ YOUR INFO AND WENT ON A GLUTEN AND LOW OXALATE DIET. I was told I had Lichen S.Thank you to everyone that shared their advice about going on a low Oxalate diet and gluten free. It works, I no longer suffer with this condition.

I did use a steroid cream for several weeks. But I am all clear, skin is normal color now, my gp advice is to continue doing what I am doing.

Emu Oil
Posted by Relief At Last (Toronto, On) on 02/11/2012

Hello, I have had LS for about 5 months now. It went from a patch of white skin to scaling skin in very quick order. As I did not want to use steroid creams I researched the internet for alternate solutions. I have added a probiotic to my diet, drink more water, and generally try to keep all sugars and processed foods out of my diet. After trying a few alternate solutions that only temporarily stopped itching, I ordered some Pure Emu oil and although I have only been using for a week I am pleasantly surprised. No itching, the skin seems to be returning right back to normal-texturewise. I will have to wait to see if the white patch returns to its natural colour.

I plan to check in here in a few weeks to update on my condition.

Good Luck to all. This is a horrid thing to live with.

Baking Soda
Posted by Jay (Pueblo, Co) on 12/31/2011

I am a 67 year old male. I have had Lichens since about age 50. It started with extreme pain in the anal area. It was so severe I used a linament intended for livestock for relief. It was not diagnosed until 3 years ago, and my GP and Dermatologist seemed baffled about the whole thing. I don't think I can describe how painful this condition has been, but at times it felt like I had a razor blade between my buttocks. I have been thru all the steroid creams etc. With no effect. About a year ago a friend recommended baking soda and it has been a lifesaver for me. I soak at least once a day in baking soda bath, and the pain relief has been miraculous. I can usually function for 8 to 10 hours without pain, however I am still plagued by itching. It is best described as like poison Ivy, the more you scratch the worse it gets. I believe that the itch is caused or aggravated by my coffee consumtion, and I am trying to cut back on that. I apply a cream after bathing (Nupercainal) and that usually gets me thru the day. The itch, which is driving me crazy, is usually at night and effects my sleep patterns. I only saw one reference to baking soda in earlier posts, but I can assure you that it has been extremely helpful to me in the relief of pain. I am hoping that eliminating coffee will relieve the itching and in the mean time , I use the same ointment for temporary relief, or just take another bath in very hot water with the baking soda.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Cindy (Ft. Lauderdale, Fl, Usa) on 11/29/2011


My symptoms occured exactly like Dee's. I don't have itching or any white spots. But I do have some atrophy, white thinning skin in the folds, some past bleeding. I'm really upset that my atrophy will never grow back. This will prevent normal, painfree sex.

I was given potent steroids to apply topically everyday for one month, and then down to 2-3 times per week. After six weeks, my skin looks whiter than ever and I think it's gotten worse.

I took myself off the steroids, but needed something else to replace it. I wanted to do an all natural solution, so I searched this website as well as many others. After much research looking for women with my similar symtoms, I decided to try using Red Clover infusion/tea drinks. Everyone has recommended one quart per day. It has many anti-inflamatory properties as well as healing properties. Research has also showed that LS may be helped by megadoses of antioxidants. So, I went to the heath food store and bought the strongest antioxidant powder mix I could find (they work better, absored more than tablets). That's what I take internally.

As for what to use externally in the vulva area, I decided to use Neem cream followed by Organic Coconut oil (comes in a large jar, very soft and melts in your hand). Both have amazing healing properites, and the coconut oil replaces the essential fatty acids that the skin in this area desperately needs. I use coconut oil in place of everything I would have used butter or oil for, for example, use it for cooking eggs, baking, etc. It also can be used on the skin. I put it all over my body after the shower as a moisturizer. It is awesome! My nutritionist raves about it and uses it for everything also. It's a superfood!

I have used these drinks and creams for two days now, and my skin is already pinker! I still have some white skin in the fold area, but I am hopeful! Before this, I had an almost totally white vulva! I have also thrown away all my sweeteners with Aspartame, and will use only Stevia. I suggest everyone cut out the sugar, even honey. Sugar is sugar, and it creates an imflammatory reaction in the body.

It's worth a try, anything is better than steroids! Let me know how it works for you.....

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Julia (Indianapolis, In) on 06/09/2013

I have had LS for 6 years, following severe physical trauma and mental anguish. I am athyroid, a thyroid cancer survivor. Part of my labia is gone, eaten away. The clitoris is covered by fused labia minora. I have been using Clobestiral and hormone cream every other day. I still have outbreaks of red, thin and itchy skin with bleeding. White patches come and go. Now, I am having deep pelvic pain where my ovaries used to be. Had a total hysterectomy for severe endometriosus 30 yrs. ago. I have no orgasmic response, but do get aroused to some extent. I do not eat wheat, drink coffee and avoid sugar. I try to use all natural products. I can't tolerate underwear. I am miserable and the Dr. says "see you in a year."

Anti-Candida Diet
Posted by Kim (Effingham, Usa) on 08/17/2011

Hello again, I wasn't to clear on the MS and LS connection... According to research taking Vinegar stopped MS symptoms (auto-immune symptoms), when I took Vinegar for LS my symptoms stopped. LS is an auto-immune condition. Acetic acid (vinegar stops the reaction). Has anyone else tried oral vinegar for LS? It worked for me, but again I can't do it because it demineralizes my bones.

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