Effective Natural Remedies for H. Pylori: Herbal and Dietary Solutions

Matula Tea
Posted by Colleen (Cape Town, South africa) on 05/27/2008

Matula Tea killed my H Pylori in a month. Had a gastroscopy before and was told it was present. Had a second one a month later and no sign of H Pylori. Hope it stays away! This tea is good!

Matula Tea
Posted by Athanasia (Europe) on 06/16/2016

In stead of the expensive matula tea why not use greek mountain tea which you can find in every greek shop. It's been used for h.pylori. Also if you use this together with the mastica it would be a very good combination I think, the greeks use both and are very healthy.

Posted by Blue Star (Nashville Tennessee) on 05/20/2022

Organic Turpentine for H.Pylori/Acid Reflux

I have had long-term acid reflux which I attempted to heal with diet. Nothing seemed to work. I am also a daily user of Organic Turpentine.

I use turpentine for various reasons. Allergies in Middle Tennessee are rated as some of the worlds worst. As an energy healer I find "turps" clears the 3rd eye and decalcifies the pineal. It is very helpful for eliminating parasites. During my covid experience, I felt it lessened the symptoms.

Though I was never formally diagnosed as having h.pylori, I suspected it as the culprit. Consistently taking Pure 100% Gum Spirits of Turpentine (organic), I have noticed over time my acid reflux became greatly reduced to the point I can eat anything now.

There is a protocol for taking "turps". This essential oil of pine resin is not to be confused with the synthetic, chemical turpentine purchased in hardware stores. Organic Turpentine is distilled from slash pine. There are different variations of turpentine used all over the world distilled from various pine and fir trees. I digress ...

I have worked up to about 10drops in sugar 3x's a day ... this is less than 1/4 tsp. It has helped keep me allergy free, kept me alive during covid and made my acid reflux a thing of the past.

Google Dr. Jennifer Clark for the turp protocol. Only use organic, 100% Pure Gum Spirits of Turpentine you can order from Amazon.

Mastic Gum
Posted by Sherri Lynn (Missouri) on 01/02/2022

Hey Vonna......

Some of the things that helped me:

Grapefruit seed extract / LDM-100 (direct from Barlow Labs only! ) / having my chiropractor 'adjust' my pyloric valve (it can get irritated and inflamed, which can cause it to spasm & narrow, adding to the problem - caused me lots of vomiting) / drink equal parts George's Aloe Juice & silver mixed together (ex:1 or 2 oz each) / activated charcoal (taken away from any other supplements) / far-infrared heat mat.

I did not follow a specific regimen......Just rotated these different things

Take Care & heal naturally!

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 09/10/2018

Dear Jessica,

I think he meant the actual spices. A teaspoon of the essential oils of these would be way too strong.

~Mama to Many~

H2O2 and Turpentine
Posted by Mark (Cairo, Ga) on 03/29/2018

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide, Triple Strength Ginger Brew, & 4 Drops of Turpentine cured me of H. Pylori:

I had gastritis for about 10 days. I couldn't sleep very well. I read about diets, the do's & don'ts! I took some Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide 3%. I mixed about a teaspoon in 6 oz of water, & drank it at night. I followed that with a Triple strength Ginger Brew, & went to sleep. I felt much better by morning!

To be sure I was finally cured, & done with H. PYLORI gut pains, & burning, I put 4 drops of turpentine in a 12 oz Triple strength Ginger Brew that morning, & H.Pylori, & Gastritis took the poop train down the track towards the colon, & the last stop was Toilet City! 😊 No more gut issues!!!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Beanie (Connecticut) on 09/02/2013

My chiropractor told me the reason People are not getting rid of H pylori is because they are not changing the ph in their stomach. We need stomach acid to digest food and more and more doctors are prescribing antacids. H pylori will go away if dietary changes are made. He said that he advises people to do the antibiotic treatment and from there he helps people get their stomach ph correct. If you are getting chronic heartburn- you are getting it for a reason. Do food eliminations to see what you are sensitive to. I was eating bananas and I would get heartburn. I found out through a food intolerance test that I had a food sensitivity to bananas. If I avoid them, eventually I might be able to allow them back in my diet, but for now-I don't want heartburn.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sue (Usa) on 04/25/2018

I used a high quality one from my local health food store. The one I used was called George's since 1979 and was 100% pure aloe vera. It was clear and not bitter.

Swig of Tequila
Posted by Kris Matko (Spain) on 12/03/2016

I really doubt that a swig of Tequila would do anything! Is this a joke?

People are fighting that infection hard but a swig of tequila make it go away for years? Have you even been officially diagnosed with the infection? Or are you a health troll?

Coconut Oil
Posted by Bobbylew (Woodstock N.b.) on 04/22/2016

I have H. Pylori and I hate taking medications as well. I tried some of my sister's pure virgin coconut oil for it and it improved, not only that, but I felt healthier and light on my feet. I really liked your testimony (story) about PVCO. I have also read many good things about it. I am actually going to buy a container of it again tomorrow after reading your story. :)

Colloidal Silver, Chaparral, Shitake
Posted by Masha (Pasadena, Ca, Usa) on 03/22/2012

I posted before on h-pylori and this is a follow up. I went to a health food store in Mexico for h-pylori, and the homeopath gave me the following: Colloidal silver, Chaparal, Shitake mushrooms.

I take 2 pills Chaparral 1/2 hour before breakfast and lunch, take 2 pills Shitake mushroom 10 minutes after breakfast and lunch. Take Colloidal silver after every meal, after breakfast, lunch and dinner. You finish all of it, the big bottle of Colloidal silver took one month to finsih. I have not tested yet, I am waiting for the two week period before testing.

I met with the Chinese Medicine doctor and she said that I need to stabilize my stomach first, then I will take herbs.

I hope that I can help by posting this.

Posted by Tara (Memphis, Tn, Usa) on 03/17/2012

World J Gastroenterol. 2005 Dec 21;11(47):7499-507.

Bactericidal and anti-adhesive properties of culinary and medicinal plants against Helicobacter pylori.

O'Mahony R, Al-Khtheeri H, Weerasekera D, Fernando N, Vaira D, Holton J, Basset C.

Source: Centre for Infectious Diseases and International Health, Royal Free and University College London Medical School, Windeyer Building, 46 Cleveland Street, London, W1P 6DB, United Kingdom.


AIM: To investigate the bactericidal and anti-adhesive properties of 25 plants against Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori).

METHODS: Twenty-five plants were boiled in water to produce aqueous extracts that simulate the effect of cooking. The bactericidal activity of the extracts was assessed by a standard kill-curve with seven strains of H. Pylori. The anti-adhesive property was assessed by the inhibition of binding of four strains of FITC-labeled H. pylori to stomach sections.

RESULTS: Of all the plants tested, eight plants, including Bengal quince, nightshade, garlic, dill, black pepper, coriander, fenugreek and black tea, were found to have no bactericidal effect on any of the isolates. Columbo weed, long pepper, parsley, tarragon, nutmeg, yellow-berried nightshade, threadstem carpetweed, sage and cinnamon had bactericidal activities against H. Pylori, but total inhibition of growth was not achieved in this study. Among the plants that killed H. Pylori, turmeric was the most efficient, followed by cumin, ginger, chilli, borage, black caraway, oregano and liquorice. Moreover, extracts of turmeric, borage and parsley were able to inhibit the adhesion of H. pylori strains to the stomach sections.

CONCLUSION: Several plants that were tested in our study had bactericidal and/or anti-adhesive effects on H. Pylori. Ingestion of the plants with anti-adhesive properties could therefore provide a potent alternative therapy for H. pylori infection, which overcomes the problem of resistance associated with current antibiotic treatment.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Art (California ) on 03/09/2016 2167 posts

Hi MtM,

Yes, I make my own CS. I'd go broke at retail prices for silver nanoparticles! I make different parts per million up to 320 ppm which is reduced, stabilized, stirred, heated and capped during the process.This is a concentrated mix which I can take with me in a small container and dilute back to 20 ppm when I want to use it. The concentrate looks similar to strong coffee. One cup of the 320 ppm will make about a gallon of 20ppm CS when diluted and looks goldish amber in color.

I also make it as low as 20 ppm which is reduced to form the nano particles and sometimes capped.

When brewing I first make the ionic silver at 20ppm which comes out colorless and crystal clear as water, not cloudy. I then reduce and heat this mix to form the nanoparticles which appears clear as water, but has a color similar to beer without the bubbles which gives a clue as to the particle size. Depending on what I am going to use it for, I might then cap it to help withstand the stomach environment without being converted to something else. The capping agent is broken down in the small intestine where the nanoparticles are able to start on their way.


Posted by Tony (New York, USA) on 07/13/2008

Dear friends, I too was diagnosed with h pylori and discovered eating at least 1 clove of organic garlic a day on an empty stomach helps. Garlic is an anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungus remedy. Natures own antibiotic! After I chew and crush and eat the garlic, I swallow it and leave it there for atleast 2 hours to work. After the 2 hours, I usually wash down some spring water. Garlic is a blood thinner, so be careful if you are taking a blood thinning drug. Talk to your doctor first if you are taking a blood thinner and plan on taking this regimen. Good luck folks!

Manuka Honey
Posted by Katzie (Canada) on 12/13/2022

Manuka Honey beats H.Pylori!! Back in 1994, one University in New Zealand found that Manuka honey was able to stop the growth of H. pylori after just 72 hours with a reasonable oral dosage that could be achieved in the stomach.

Manuka honey kills bacteria through a process called ‘osmosis', where the sugars in the honey attract all the water particles from the infectious bacteria which they need to survive. Hydrogen peroxide can also be found in Manuka honey too, which is recognised by scientists as a strong antimicrobial agent.

A reasonable dose would be 1 Tbsp Manuka just prior to meals, 5-10 mins or so before. Manuka tea is not enough as it does not include to 'entourage effect' of Manuka, which is where the miraculous healing properties either.

The specific brand does not matter, but the strength factor does. It's either UMF Factor or K Factor now. Go for as high a strength as you can afford. If the jar you get is way weaker, take 2 Tbsp instead of just 1. Manuka Honey WILL help you.

Happy Healing!!!!

Mastic Gum
Posted by Katzie (Canada) on 01/02/2022

Have you tried Manuka Honey yet? Lots of info here, as well as medical studies done showing its efficacy. Best of luck to you. I hope this works. Any brand will do, so please don't get hung up on Brand name or UMF Factor or anything else. Manuka Honey was prescribed by a Naturopath to a friend and it works for her.

Mastic Gum
Posted by ORH (TEN MILE , TN) on 01/06/2022

FORGE ON,,, ORH here and suggest you use distilled water, with lots of ice. Cold water holds more gas than hot water. That is the reason your hot pop bottle fizzes when you open it. A solid works just the opposite. Put sugar in your hot tea, not cold tea. That is the reason all Southern Rednecks order sweet tea. All in the Midwest are moving down here. They come here for a reason........ just accept our life style and don't try to change us. Otherwise, stay where you are. ====ORH====

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Katzie (Calgary) on 03/27/2021

Naturopaths prescribe Manuka Honey for H. Pylori frequently. 1 tbsp 30 mins before eating.

Manuka Honey
Posted by Katzie (Canada) on 01/04/2023

It sounds like a Herxheimer Reaction is what you are experiencing. If you are throwing both Colloidal Silver AND Manuka Honey at your H.Pylori, its probably too much all-at-once.

I was advised 1 TSP of Manuka 20-30 mins prior to meals. It worked.

Studies have proven that Manuka honey was able to stop the growth of H. pylori after just 72 hours with a reasonable oral dosage that could be achieved in the stomach (1 tsp 30-45mins before meals).

Manuka honey kills bacteria through a process called ‘osmosis', where the sugars in the honey attract all the water particles from the infectious bacteria that they need to survive, which ensures that they don't.

Healing prayers to you!!

Posted by Tony (California,usa) on 09/10/2013

After much research at testimonies at earthclinic.com, I came up with the following recipe for H. Pylori infection: 1/2 tsp. turmeric, in a 6 oz. glass of purified water [2/3 glass] + a 1/2 tsp baking soda, and a little non sugar sweetener to make smooth tasting.. Good results so far, great calming effect, no pain either and I am eating and drinking much easier now.. Be very careful when swallowing liquids so you don't choke on them as there is a danger you will ingest liquids into your airwaves.. I found by clearing my throat slowly, I could clear my airwaves.. Turmeric is a probiotic I am sure.. I will follow up with Papaya enzyme chewable tablets, 2 ea. X 3 x a day. I may add another probiotic[culturelle] to really kill this bacteria off.. Giving this a 60 day run and will announce my results then, hope this helps you.. This is a great site with precious info for those of us who don't want to waste our money on Doctors that only prescribe anti-biotics which don't always work for us who have to pay for them.. Au natural is way to go. Best of health to all who read this! Tony, California, USA

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sue (U.s.a.) on 11/13/2017

It's at the top of the comments. We did add green tea and we did it once a day. It is suppose to soften the shell around the bacteria. Here is what we did as stated at the beginning of this post/thread:


Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, SC) on 04/23/2013

My three fold remedy for H. Pylori is as follows:

1. Three tablespoons of high ppm colloidal silver morning and night on empty stomach. The silver solution will kill the infection.
2. DGL tablets fifteen minutes after the silver. Three per dose twice a day. This is a licorice extract and is effective in healing.
3. Aloe Vera fifteen minutes after the DGL. Take five tablespoons per dose, twice a day. All three on an empty stomach. That way the effect in the stomach is maximized.

Do this for two months. Next, while doing this, consume no coffee of any kind (get off acidic drinks) and no carbonated drinks. No acidic foods like tomatoes, chili, hot peppers while the two months of treatment is going on. Over thirty years of recommending this remedy I've never seen it fail. By the way, my silver is home made using filtered water and a few grains of salt to allow for conductivity. In minutes you have a cloudy solution. I dilute with distilled water until nothing can be see in the glass container and no metallic taste is apparent. That diluted content is about 200 ppm silver atoms to a million water molecules.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Mary (Washington, Usa) on 08/28/2018

With all due respect, why, if the H-Pylori thrives in an alkaline environment, would we want to decrease the stomachs acidity by consuming bicarbonate of soda? It makes more sense to try to create an environment hostile to H-Pylori by eating foods fermented in vinegar and avoiding alkalizing food and drink altogether.

Thank you.

Posted by Aprilrose (Woodbridge, Va) on 07/30/2012

I have been burping at least 100 times a day for 3 weeks. I tried everything like, eat less but frequently and avoided a lot of stuff that contraindicated. None of this worked. I am kind of worried about having h-pylori cuz a nurse I am working with told me that her husband had the same symptoms been diagnosed for h-pylori. I am a nurse but don't believe in medicine I want to do the natural way. So, last night I asked my husband to squeeze me 2 big pieces of garlic and mix it with apple cider vinegar. I took it by not chewing it, in other words, I just swallowed it. I got instant relief and had only 6 burp. When I got up this morning I dont feel bloated. Then this morning after I ate breakfast (probably an hour ago) I repeated it again. And I only have 3 burp so far. I feel so happy to have so much relief from this kitchen product. Hopefully it will help solve this problem cuz I hate taking medicine. I will give update after a week to see if this really a wonder cure.

Light Meals After 4pm
Posted by Kat (Ny) on 07/19/2012

Eating light it the key, skip dinner or just have fresh squeezed juice, or fresh cilantro juice it is healing. The days of big food and big dinner has always been a bad idea the body needs time to heal and clear away all the toxins and the body needs time to rest, You wouldn't run your car all night it would break down more often, So in order for your digestion to be healthy eating light makes you feel cleaner, clearer and refreshed, and helped me eliminate stomach pain.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Heloise (Detroit, Michigan) on 01/29/2012

In an attempt to clear the stomach of urea I spit out all saliva and mucous formation in my mouth. If and to what extent this reduces the urea level in the stomach is not certain.

H. pylori expresses the highest level of urease seen in bacteria. The urease activity was recognized as an important parameter enabling acid survival early on in reasearch on the gastric mechanisma of H. Pylori. (Modlin I. M. , Sachs G. Acid related diseases: biology and treatment. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2004. P. 467)

Urea is a major end product of nitrogen metabolism by mammals. Diffusing from the blood through mucosal tissues and into the gastrointestinal tract. [... ] By metabolozing urea, H. Pylori is naturally acid resistant. [... ] When urea is added to H. Pylori cell suspensions at low pH values (down to 2. 0), bacterial survival is enhanced 10^3 - 10^6-fold compared with that in suspensions without urea, and survival is associated with rapid alkalinization of the suspensions by urease. (Brodgen, K. A. , Roth, J. A. , Stanton, T. B. , e. A. Virulence mechanisms of bacterial pathogens. Washington, D. C. : ASM Press; 2000. P. 69)

  • Drink liquorice tea
  • Chew mastic gum / eat mastic powder
  • Increase stomach acidity with vitamin C
  • Take aspirin in low doses

Conclusion of a study by W. H. Wang e. A. (doi:10.1136/gut.52.4.490): Aspirin inhibited the growth of H pylori, suppressed the mutagenic effect of metronidazole, and enhanced the susceptibility of H pylori to antimicrobial agents.

Be careful with the dosage: A study by E. S. Huang e. A. (doi:10.1016/j.amjmed.2010.12.022) concludes: Regular aspirin use is associated with gastrointestinal bleeding. Risk seems more strongly related to dose than duration of aspirin use. Efforts to minimize adverse effects of aspirin therapy should emphasize using the lowest effective dose among both short- and long-term users.

  • Take bismuth subgallate pills or pepto-bismol
  • Eat broccoli sprouts or broccoli

We showed that H. Pylori can be eradicated from human gastric xenografts after short-term administration of sulforaphane at a dose (1. 33 mg/day in each xenograft [volume, %u223C7 ml]; 0. 19 mg/ml) that can be achieved in the human diet (100 mg/day [stomach volume, 0. 5 to 1 liter]; 0. 1 to 0. 2 mg/liter). Thus, the administration of sulforaphane that can be safely delivered in the diet, particularly from broccoli sprouts, could be beneficial for the treatment of H. pylori-associated gastric diseases.

  • Use antimicrobial herbs: Cayenne, Turmeric, Cumin

Herbal or naturalistic treatment of ulcers includes the use of cayenne pepper and licorice root, among other things. Since the population of Thailand has little or no Hpylori-caused stomach ulcers, this has lead to the belief that eating cayenne pepper is an effective H-pylori preventive. Thai children begin eating small amounts of cayenne pepper when very young and increase their intake as they age. Some studies say cayenne kills the bacteria and stimulates mucous lining development in the stomach and intestine."

  • Drink cranberry juice

The double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled trial study by Lian Zang e. A. (DOI: 10.1111/j.1523-5378.2005.00301.x) into the efficacy of cranberry juice on Helicobacter pylori infection concluded:

Regular consumption of cranberry juice can suppress H. pylori infection in endemically afflicted populations.

  • Take red wine and green tea

A study by Paolo Ruggiero e. A. "To investigate whether red wine and green tea could exert anti-H pylori or anti-VacA (VacA is a pore-forming toxin produced by H. Pylori) activity in vivo in a mouse model of experimental infection" (ISSN 1007-9327 CN 14-1219/R):

Red wine and green tea are able to prevent H pylori-induced gastric epithelium damage, possibly involving VacA inhibition. This observation supports the possible relevance of diet on the pathological outcome of H pylori infection.

  • Drink peppermint tea to treat dyspepsia

Conclusion of a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial by B. May e. A. (DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2036.2003.01522.x) "to assess the efficacy and safety of enteric coated capsules containing a fixed combination of 90 mg peppermint oil and 50 mg caraway oil (PCC; Enteroplant) in patients with functional dyspepsia.":

These results demonstrate the good tolerability and the favourable risk-benefit ratio of PCC for the treatment of functional dyspepsia. And another study by B. May concludes "In our trial, however, H. pylori-positive patients given PCC showed a substantially better treatment response, and there were no interpretable differences in treatment outcome between the two sub-groups given placebo."

Try to incorporate as many of available treatments as you can into your daily diet to improve the long-term outcome of H. pylori infection.

When I feel my stomach burning or stinging in the night I take vitamin C to increase acidity which seems to stop the pain by killing the bacterium. I also take aspirin which might improve the susceptibility to various treatments. Cranberry juice, red wine, peppermint- and liquorice tea also seem to improve the treatment.

Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 10/31/2016

Dear Norma,

Try having a normal sized portion of broccoli (1/2-1 cup), lightly steamed once or twice a day. Too much broccoli, especially if you are not used to it, can cause digestive distress.

~Mama to Many~

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Luis (Fl) on 01/23/2016

Re - colloidal silver for H. Pylori - how many ppm's?

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Marilyn (Uk) on 09/20/2017

Can you tell me if colloidal silver destroys any healthy gut bacteria. I have been using it for 2 years to prevent colds and sore throats very successfully but ever since then I have had terrible problems with my intestines. I have been using good quality probiotics and have a good diet so the only thing I can think of is the colloidal silver might be upsetting the natural bacteria. Any advice would be very welcome. thanks

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Anon (Anon) on 11/28/2017

Probably 30 minutes before eating or at least an hour after eating would be "on an empty stomach". If you ate just raw fruit or vegetables with it that would probably not interfere with its absorption, I would think. You just don't want to dilute its concentration with a large dense meal. Although taking a larger dose of silver would probably be ok if you had it with a meal. It would get digested more slowly and absorbed over a longer time. I like to take it with fresh fruit.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Maria (Gippsland, Australia) on 11/03/2010

Hi, My husband had H. Pylori many years ago. The antibiotic treatment did not work. What did was homemade (strong) colloidal silver. I'm sorry but I do not remember quantities and as it was homemade I have no strength measurement either. He did have to take it for quite a while though.

Manuka Honey
Posted by Alice (Lowell, Ma) on 11/28/2009

I first tried Pine Nut Oil. It gave me some relief, but not satisfied I decided to try manuka honey since doctors were not paying attention to the problem and was told to take meds for the rest of my life. I bought the Manuka Honey ___ ___ and after a few days my pains went away and I was able to eat again. Since then I have been good. I took the honey for 1 month, and I only take it once in a while now. A good diet is also recommended since certain foods will also make the condition worse. Every body is different so this migth not work on all, but i'm glad I tried the honey. Other brands did not do what Manuka did for me.

Light Meals After 4pm
Posted by Janelle (Omaha, Ne) on 04/05/2012

I would have to agree with this, all of my severe episodes involving my stomach-reflux, indigestion, nausea- happen if I eat a big dinner which includes a concentrated protein like chicken or beef. Also, stomach acid is the lowest in the evening and it takes a lot of acid to digest meat.

Posted by marshal (al khobar, saudi arabia) on 03/05/2009

myrrh cured my sore throat. h pylori infection was diagnosed recently, high recommendations were given to consume fresh ginger juice daily, multi drug therapy will not always eradicate infection completely, well ginger is natural source.

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