Genital Warts
Natural Remedies

Top Home Remedies for Genital Warts

Oregano Oil
Posted by Brittany (La) on 05/24/2016

Hi I was diagnosed last yr in may with hpv2. I've read many different testimonies, about ways to suppress it, and even cure it. I'm determined to get rid of this disease like a lot of other ppl are too. My experience since I've been taking oregano oil. I read from a girl that she took it two times a day under the tongue not a lot or too long be aware it does burn a lot and two inches above the buttox because that's where the virus lives. I was doing it for a good second. I'm on my second bottle now my first bottle I still was having breakouts a little. I'm on my 2nd I admit I'm not taking it like I'm supposed to but so far its working. I may not take some for a while and I don't have any breakouts but I'm back on my daily routine an I'll be sure to post again my experiences. Good luck with all of you trying your best.

Salicylic Acid and Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Tony (California) on 10/25/2018

What is the name of that blemish stick and where can I find it? What are the amount of salicilic acid and tea tree oil in the product? Thanks.

Wart Remover Medication
Posted by Sam (Atl) on 02/23/2016

I literally tried everything. I started with tea tree oil and vitamin c to going to the doctor to have them removed to buying warto online. The only thing that slightly made a difference was going to the doctor.. but they didn't go away and came back times five. The thing that FINALLY got rid of them was over the counter liquid wart remover that I got from Kroger. It hurts like hell and you have to keep putting it on until it scabs and its not a pretty sight but I promise you that it gets rid of them. When the skin grew back it was patchy and miss colored but after a few weeks its all back to normal!

Prescription Medications
Posted by Dub (Massachusetts ) on 12/20/2015

So I got diagnosed with genital warts about 3 weeks ago. They were so small and painless. Then I started using imiquimod, and they started getting bigger and they hurt SOOOOO bad. Like I can't even go to the bathroom because they burn that bad. It's also hard to walk!! I've applied Apple cidar vinigar with a cotton ball and vaseline. Then I'd wash it off at the end of the night. It just hurts so bad and I don't know what to do!! I'm so sick of the pain. Does anybody have any recommendion that I can do for the pain??

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Leah (Winnipeg, Mb) on 10/20/2015

Tea tree oil on GW works to an extent. I found a few on my vagina thinking they were skin tags and a yeast infection because I was really really itchy. I've been using tea tree oil mixed with aloe gel for a while and it's improved. But it has been about two months and I still have them.

Garlic, Apple Cider Vinegar, Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Bryanryan (Arizona) on 08/08/2015

Okay so I went a little "cure" crazy and tried everything in two days. My results are amazing. The doctor said go to a dermatologist as I was just diagnosed last week. He also said many may not want to treat me....I read that most medical cures didn't work anyway....and I'm not a fan of doctors in the first place. Sooooo I hit the net.....

1st thing I tried was mincing garlic and compressing the affected area which is the foreskin on the bottom side of my penis, directly beneath my urethra.......sensitive location.

Garlic hurts like nothing you can imagine....and then washing with water hurts as well.....not sure the garlic did anything but make me suffer but I won't rule it out as a starting point. I followed that up with fresh aloe I cut from my plant at home. I slept with aloe on the affected area. I added quite a bit and frequently.

The 2nd day (yesterday) I applied garlic first....ouch...then aloe to soothe. I then applied Organic Apple Cider Vinegar. It did not burn right away which means it is penetrating the warts....however the second application that night did start burning. I cleaned up applied several drops.of tea tree oil and aloe and went to bed. This morning I noticed the area around the warts had turned a purplish black....I thought I killed my penis.....all the while I'm drinking 3-4 tablespoons of of the AC vinegar diluted with water for the 2 days....

Tonight I exfoliated with a homemade oatmeal scrub soap bar and 80%of the affected area rubbed away entirely. It isn't 100% gone yet but it looks 1,000 times better and by tomorrow will likely be gone completely. It is now a bit raw from the exfoliation, I applied more aloe and I will see what tomorrow brings. You can likely skip the garlic.....don't get ACV in your urethra, feels like death....tea tree, ACV, and Aloe work and hurt much less than garlic....

Hydrogen Peroxide, Coconut Oil, Iodine
Posted by Maika (Philippines) on 07/03/2015

hydrogen peroxide, iodine 10%, virgin coconut oil, garlic oil

Hello everyone I just want to share my experience to help others, I am suffering of GW for 3 years until now. But then after a long research I try hydrogen peroxide JULY 1 2015 the opening of my vagina turns white, then the next day today I repeat the process some of my warts shrink and others just disappear and while the big warts is start to get little I am very excited and happy with the result in just two days I got the result WOW right? I will continue using this 10% hydrogen peroxide, iodine and coconut oil. I know there is a cure just don't loose hope and believe in god's power.

How to use it. 1. Put hydrogen peroxide on the cotton ball in the warts 3x a day. 2. After you put peroxide put iodine on it to stop itching. 3. Put coconut oil overnight night . P

s. I'm sorry I'm not good in english but I know you guys understand what I am saying . Use hydrogen peroxide and give it a try. God bless us guys. Hope for our fastest recovery in this such things best luck to all of us.

Posted by Alex (Australia) on 05/01/2015

I believe I have HPV with a rash over the top. I have been to numerous medical people - as well as hospital who were unable to diagnose it. Anything from fungal, psoriasis, genital herpes has been the diagnoses given. What I had was a large extremely itchy and painful rash that extended from the lower front pelvic area, down through vaginal area through to anus.

After trying doctors medicines, over counter prescription, worming, cleansing, immune boosters, even rife frequencies for the diagnoses given I tried Bloodroot salve.

My sores reacted harshly and very painfully to this salve. I contacted the company who suggested I treat this seriously and use their Amazon deep tissue black salve - this is used for cancer. The sores became very painful, darkened scabs which covered areas up to 1 inch around. I have only treated a small area because it is incredibly painful and I can only tolerate so much at a time. Black salve is renowned for killing and removing cancer, warts, skin tags/things with roots. After the scabs came off a hole was left which at times was 2cm*2cm. A growth of 9mm round was removed from the clitoris leaving another deep hole. This growth was hiding more growths further below. I am currently treating them. The holes left were conducive of wart holes. The growths removed looked like warts. Now that the black salve has been there I can feel growths under the skin which was previously only a rash.

My female doctor was reluctant to give me a pap smear until this scab had gone. She treated it as an infection and still did not see there were growths. Still, the antibiotics she prescribed - and creams which I took so that I could get my pap smear sooner helped to weaken the scabs and pull them out quicker. I would not recommend this as they are supposed to stay on until they drop out. The cream broke the scab and the scab suppurated lots of clear liquid for days.

Before the rash I had no idea there were any sores, warts or anything underneath. I had been attempting to treat this and suffered with symptoms for probably 4 years.

If people are absolutely desperate to remove these warts, they are unsure of what something is and want to test an area for warts/cancer, and they are not responding to anything else, Black Salve is an option. Only try small areas at a time and consider pain relief. The pain is excruciating but for me it will be well worth it. It is the closest I have come to getting rid of the cause of the itch and finding out what was down there.

Black salve does not affect normal healthy skin. I tested it on healthy skin too. Black salve in my case did not create holes where there was merely a rash. It only left a hole where there was a growth with "roots". I will continue the burnoff.

In the meantime I will treat myself as though there may be something more serious. It is my understanding that HPV does not always display in results where there are problems.

A proper diagnosis and treatment is always best if you can get it.

Shitake Mushroom Extract, Turmeric
Posted by Wren (California, US) on 11/27/2014

Hey, so trying ACV, looks like its working, but so painful. I'm also taking ACV by mouth, lysine, vitamin c, zinc, olive leaf extract. Only on day 2ish and some are already white/black. I have done more research and found these two studies

One talks about AHCC (Shitake Mushroom extract) as being effective in clearing HPV virus (as in curing the virus, which was previously thought impossible) when taken for six months orally.

The second one talks about turmeric in the clearance of HPV, has anyone tried either of these remedies with any success?

These are both scientific studies so I'm more likely to believe the results that just anecdotal evidence but was just curious if anyone on here had any success.

Apparently the turmeric, you make a paste with olive oil then apply and the ACHH is taken orally.

ACV is literally SO PAINFUL so if theres any other way, I would be super keen to hear.

This is the first outbreak I have ever had in this area, I had one early when I was pregnant but it cleared in three days with topical applications of tea tree oil


Shitake Mushroom Extract, Turmeric
Posted by Lalaland (La, CA) on 11/28/2014

I don't know about HPV specifically, but since it is a virus, you could treat it like any virus. Look up olive leaf and oregano. I buy a bottle of olive leaf [buy a good quality product so it had enough of the applicable ingredients] and take a few capsules when I get run down...take 2-3 twice a day and its usually gone in 1-2 days.

Also, try applying Coconut Oil [CO] in the area. CO is antiviral, antibacterial, etc. I have used it to treat many small bumps, rashes, etc.

Last, try OIL PULLING...look up how to use it. You can find info here on EC or just do an internet search.

Best of luck!

Just some thoughts.

General Feedback
Posted by Melanie (Boulder, Colorado ) on 11/04/2014

I have recently discovered I have 3 small warts and I am going to start using the method everyone is suggesting, but I have one question. I am allergic to aspirin. Will this apply if I am just applying it and not swallowing? I really want to get rid of these things since they are making me feel horrible about myself. Is there any other pill I can use?

Thank you so much! Reply appreciated.

General Feedback
Posted by Rebel (Somewhere, Usa) on 11/04/2014

Hi Melanie. I don't know about the aspirin. But if you can stand the smell of Tea Tree Oil. I was able to get rid of a huge wart on the bottom of my foot in the crease where the big toe bends down. I applied TTO to a cotton ball every night when I went to sleep. Put the cotton ball on the wart and covered with athletic tap, then put a sock on. Next morning I would just remove, shower and go to work, again at night repeat....

This was a really big wart and had a black center. It went away within a couple weeks if I remember correctly. It got smaller and smaller and I don't even know when it actually come off. I just noticed when I went to apply TTO it was gone. No scar or soreness.

The smell of the Tea Tree Oil was awful though. It would bother me until I went to sleep.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Despicable Me (Netherlands) on 11/09/2014

Tea tree will not hurt.. Acv is still possible though.. I don't know what it is called in english, I think it is q-tips. Use q-tips to put Apple Cider Vinegar directly on the wart and let it sink in, and repeat until the wart is "filled" with acv
I'm fighting this war as well.. Haven't had sex in over 2 years due to this and it really messed up my self esteem. This friday I got a sxdate so will be Apple Cider Vinegar 24/7 uptill then haha.. It better be gone by then or have to camcel (YES I DO! And if you all have a little moral and common sense you wouldn't go either!! )
with Apple Cider Vinegar I got the biggest of the biggest warts removed in less then a week.. Can't wait for this round to be gone gone gone.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Shelly (California) on 09/18/2015

Did tea tree work for you? I have warts in the opening and have no idea what to put on them

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Kate (Canada) on 10/14/2015

Tea tree oil is really effective. It works wonders! It was gone after 2days. Just like that. What I did was, I put a tea tree oil on the cotton ball and put it on top of the affected area (skin tags/warts) and let it stay there. Yes, a minty feeling but its fine. Just font let it stay for very long time because I forgot mine and it was crazy.its like if I left it much longer it develops a burnt like looking skin (which was manageabl/tolerable).a day after it was gone. But since its healing, you need to always keep the area dry at all times and can be a little bit itchy while its healing. I hope this helps. Oh yeah, ive also got that idea from a website which I totally forgot which site. :( accudentally cleared the history on my browser.

Hydrogen Peroxide Baths
Posted by Zay (Columbia Sc) on 09/22/2016

Did she add water when she was soaking in HP?

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Vicky (Lafayette,louisiana) on 05/17/2014

Tea tree oil for genital warts: After having my third child I had really bad hemorrhoids. Then I developed a couple of "bumps" on my inner thigh that burned really bad. After much research I realized that I didn't have hemorrhoids at all! It was actually genital warts! How lovely...I know. So the first method I tried to get rid of these warts was apple cider vinegar. I applied it to the ones in my inner thigh, too scared to touch my anus with it. I applied for four days twice a day two hours at a time. Burned like crazy so I stopped. Within a week I realized they had completely come off (must've happened when I was washing my self because I didn't realize.) So I was still stuck with a cluster of warts on my anus. Researched again, bought some Dr.Scholls freeze away. Did nnothing. Then coconut oil. Did nothing. Now I've been using hydrogen peroxide when I go to the restroom. And at night use tea tree oil. I kid you not, they are almost completely gone! It's pretty awesome!!! I'm super excited. I've also started iodine supplementing with lugol's 5% iodine to help keep them at bay. I heard that works as well.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Riko (Indonesia) on 02/19/2015

hai friend... Would you like to tell me the mixture of the tea tree oil? Do you blend with something or just the tea tree oil? And what percent of hydrogen peroxide? Thanks a lot...

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Jen (East Texas) on 06/12/2015

Did absolutely nothing but burn.

Posted by Girl (Wales) on 05/06/2017

Hello. I bought the powder, but the paste doesn't stay on at all. Did you keep this on overnight?

Posted by Sam (Uk) on 12/13/2018

Did it work for you?

Diagnosing Genital Warts
Posted by Thankfulwife (Charlotte, Nc) on 01/30/2014

Could this be HPV Genital Warts? I have been married & faithful for 12 years & so has my husband. About 6 years ago I noticed one small brown flat growth in my pubic hair region. It stayed the same with no more growth or spreading for 2 years. Then about 4 years ago it seemed that there were more and more of these tiny, rough, brown, flat wart-looking spots spreading across my pubic hair area. They aren't anywhere else, only where the hair grows. My husband doesn't have any of these on his body. Could this be warts caused by a strain of HPV & is it contagious? If so, why hasn't he been contaminated? It's been 12 years since I was with anyone other than my husband who seems to be unaffected. Also, I've had 4 babies and many blood tests & pap smears with nothing turning up. So, will applying Apple Cider Vinegar repeatedly via taped on cotton pads eventually cause the warts to die and go away? And if the warts go away is the virus gone & no longer contagious? Thank you.

Vitamin C, DMSO
Posted by Tim Up (La) on 10/29/2013

This is good remedy for genital and all other kinds of warts and face wrinkles too :)

Put quarter cup, half deciliter of clean non tap water (you don't want fluoride or other poisons) I use rain water, into a glass cup. Add one tee spoon of vitamin C crystals or powder into it. You can find vitamin C powder in vitamin store. And then add 10-20 drops of DMSO. Store in fridge, and make it in small patches.

Then apply it to warts 2-3 times a day. This solution will stain your underwear and can turn palms of your hands and finger nails yellow if they get in contact with it. But if you use your fingers to apply it, just wash your hands afterwards. I use this on my face too. For some reason it doesn't stain face. But it can stain pillow cases and clothing. But it comes off in the wash. I use small, cigarette size roll-on. It is handy. You can use small perfume bottle or dropper.

I think it is the vitamin C that gets rid of warts, but DMSO helps with absorption. This could also work without DMSO. I always use DMSO with it.

Posted by Lorah (General Santos City, Philippines) on 10/22/2013

I noticed there are growing bumps in my genitals, and search thru internet what would be this bumps. as I have seen, the bumps in my genitals are similar to genital warts. im so stressed and worried about this and felt scared and shy to go for a check.

After searching in the net about the home remedies for the said warts, I have and give it a try to follow the procedures, buy applying a vitamin e rich oil and spreaded chopped garlic. it gives me too much burning sensation.

Is this remedy effective? and taking a 2 capsules of garlic oil may help to boost my immune against genital warts?

Please help and let me know what should be the best movement I will take and best home remedy I may try.

Thank you so much.

Posted by Tobby20 (Philippines) on 03/26/2015

I read your comments here today and its 1 and half year ago. Asking if garlic is very effective removing warts. I want to ask if you continue to use it? And what is the result? Please reply me asap... Thank you for your response.

Posted by Hola From Ab (Calgary, Alberta) on 06/13/2013

Alternative to ACV much easier and less painful.

I am lucky in that I have only had the odd isolated wart appear. ACV did not work for me! From the other posts on here obviously many have had success with this remedy but for me it just inflamed the whole area and turned the wart into an open sore that healed back to a wart. Fortunately I found a remedy on this site for treating cold sores which has worked beautifully for genital warts as well.

First put some ice in a plastic bag and hold it against the wart(s) for about 15-20 minutes. Virus's don't like cold apparently.

Next take a gob of toothpaste, sprinkle some alum powder (available in the spice section of the supermarket) and mix with a q-tip. Plaster the wart (s) with this paste.

After doing this for a couple of days the wart(s) should dry into scabs at which point I apply some vitamin E oil to speed healing. Hope this works as well for you.

Posted by Need Help! (Usa) on 07/22/2013

How long do you leave the alum powder/tooth paste mixture on for? Should it be a certain time or should it be constantly? How often should it be changed? I have genital warts on my labia and around the opening of my vagina (they are spreading!!! ) and I am afraid to try ACV because I do not want to be a burning hot mess down there. Help please!

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Jessicole567 (Salladasburg, Pa, USA) on 06/01/2013

I was just interested in anyone's thoughts feelings or experiences with using colloidal silver or anything else for that matter to treat Hpv warts

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Catherine (Bathurst) on 11/15/2015

I used colloidal on my warts for less than under a month. It did reduce the itch and seem to make them stop from getting bigger. It did not get rid of them and worse it did stain my skin. I have a black spot about the size of a pennie on my rear end. It's pretty black.

I also have some slight silverish looking skin on my pubic bone.

I am thankful that I've stopped using to prevent further staining of my skin.

I was using a nano hydrosol silver. A common brand found at stores too.

I would be wary of using this. I mean they say this only happens long term but I was using it under a month in spray form. Topically. I guess your genitals would have some mucous membranes that might make it penetrate your system.
