Toenail Fungus
Natural Remedies

Natural Nail Fungus Treatments: Effective Home Remedies

Apple Cider Vinegar, Anti-Yeast Cream
Posted by Gail (Florida) on 06/16/2006

I have had a nail fungus in my big toe for about 2 years. I didn't even know it was a fungus until someone told me of their nail fungus problem. Originally I thought I had damaged the nail by injury. My toe nail had a white streak in it, but wasn't all that noticeable. I usually never colored polish on my toes, but for two months, I was using dark colors. In between polishes, I noticed that half the nail was white! I freaked out and mentioned it to a few people who confirmed it was a fungus. I cant believe how the fungus took off so fast because of being covered by the polish! I had created a dark comfy breeding place without even realizing what I was doing. I began researching the web for natural remedies and I have been using the ACV, white vinegar and bleach for about 2 weeks now. The yellowing has disappeared. The affected area is very white. I clipped away most of the fungus, not too short though. Then, I filed the top of the nail so that the solutions that I use would penetrate more easily. The other day, I mentioned my problem to my cousin and she said that a friend of hers had a very bad nail fungus in 2 toes and began using (don't laugh) the generic brand for Monostat 7! She said that she applied it daily and at night she would get a Q-tip and apply under the nail as well as over the nail. She wore a sock to bed too. She did this for a few months until the nail grew out. It worked for her. With all my research, I have never heard of anyone mention this remedy? Any feedback or thoughts on this method? it kind of makes sense since it is a antifungal creme and is used internally. I just started using it tonight. I'm also going to try vicks. Maybe I will alternate between the vicks and the monostat and cleanse twice daily with the ACV and bleach solution. I'll keep you posted on my progress and appreciate any feedback about the Monostat cream. Thanks

Posted by Alice (Sierra Vista, AZ) on 12/11/2006

I was hoping Vince, or someone would explain the concentration of cayenne/salt/ and water. Not knowing, I made a paste where the cayenne and salt were approximately equal, and added enough water to make a paste. I pressed that beneath the nail as best as possible and rubbed it on the top. I have been using Store Brand mouthwash which is identical to Listerine, for the past 3-4 weeks. This has made a huge and fast improvement in my toenails, almost immediately. It was amazing! But I wanted to know more about the cayenne, because I have learned a remedy can be way way way better than I might have imagined! Plus I did not want to give the fungus any opportunity to become resistant to one treatment or the other.

Posted by Vince (Philadelphia, PA) on 09/21/2006

I cured the fungus by applying cayenne in salt water under the nail. I applied it and cleared any dead skin, and applied it again. working it under. I only applied it once, and it hasn't been back in 3 yrs. VF

All I do is mix a little cayenne with salt in water. Maybe 1/8tsp of each in about 3oz, and just soak the nail or skin for athlete's foot. For nail fungus I try to clean out any debris and reapply it, to make sure it gets in. I only had to treat mine once. I have a thumbnail that looks like it is separating in one spot. Maybe I caused it by cleaning my nails with a penknife a few times, but I treated it anyway. VF

Posted by Thomas (Los Angeles, CA) on 06/17/2007

Guaranteed to clear nail fungus a lot faster than other methods. Mix cayenne pepper with water and spread on THICK like paste. Pull on socks without disturbing paste. Will clear nails in 4 - 7 weeks.

Posted by Willard (Wapwallopen, PA) on 11/19/2006

I have been using Listerine on toe nails with good results. I tried many other things for the fungus. It is going to side 3/4 of fungus is gone now It be all gone but forget to put on every day. I would like people to try it and would like to know if it helped anyone else. Both of my big toe nails are 3/4 clear from the side not from the bottom.

Posted by Charlette (Plano, TX) on 11/16/2006

Soak feet once a week in an antibacterial wash. Found cure on Diva's Home Remedies. I purchased a large cheap bottle of mouthwash mixed half with water in foot tub. After a couple of weeks the fungus will disappear. Do not purchase dark colored mouthwash as this puts a tinted color on skin. I'm sure if you had a fingernail fungus you can put mouthwash in a cup and soak finger once a week and be cured.

Posted by Alice (Sierra Vista, AZ) on 12/07/2006

I have used vinegar and monostat plus a wide range of expensive over the counter "cures" for toenail fungus. I'm thinking of using the vinegar and hydrogen peroxide. Most of these things "sort of worked" but only mildly and slowly. I'd get a patch of clear nail at the base, and a lessening of the under-nail build up, only to have the fungus rush in and take over the whole nail again if I missed any treatments. I used Listerine-type mouthwash only by accident, because both big toes and one smaller toe became infected and I was too poor to visit the doctor. I was only hoping to control the infection long enough to be able to get medical help. Imagine my amazement when I found not only the infection cured in just a day or so, but also the fungus problem both in the nail and beneath the nail make dramatic improvements. I am angry because the medical establishment should be aware of this and other cures which are readily available to the public at a cost which almost every person in this nation CAN afford. I am angry because I would not have had the nail fungus get to the point it has, except due to the medical profession and the pharmaceutical industry, I have been deliberately led to believe nail fungus was almost impossible to cure, and therefore any "home remedies" would have next to no effect in curing fungus, so I did not even try try until I accidentally got monostat on a "mole" and saw it instantly begin to "cure" the mole. I reasoned it might also help fungus. It did help, but nothing like the dramatic effect I've had with the mouthwash. Because of the misleading by our medical and pharmaceutical industry, I thought the progress I saw was the best I could hope for. The medical and pharmaceutical industry expect and demand to be paid immense amounts of money, so they can live like kings. To do this they apparently are either willing to lie or at best incredibly negligent, at a huge cost to the rest of us, in life and in health, as well as in money. My mother died with feet so badly infected with fungus and the subsequent infection, it was horrible. Had she known she could have cured the fungus problem with something as cheap and simple as mouthwash, she might be alive today. I know she believed toenail fungus to be extremely difficult or impossible to cure. It would have been nice to cure mine before my big toenail was totally destroyed. I'm hoping it will come back, but at least I have a real CURE. Plus I bet the other cures given here will also work. Meanwhile doctors collect vast sums of money to give people pills which destroy livers and cost a fortune. When they could simply advise them to use mouthwash! Isn't that what quacks are supposed to be guilty of?

Sea Salt
Posted by Daisy (USA) on 11/23/2006

You can go to any Whole Foods Store and buy Himalayan Salt, like I did. It works! Bleach and Vicks are not natural remedies. Please do not do these remedies you will harm your liver and kidneys not to mention bleach is also a skin irritant. Read the warning labels and you will see that they are completely toxic. Rule of thumb, if you can't eat it don't put it on your skin. Also, Monostat is not a natural remedy either. It is a fungicide. After a while it will not work. Your fungus will grow immune and will need stronger stuff. You can create a super fungus that can eat your skin away. Don't do it.

Distilled Vinegar
Posted by Earl (San Jose, CA) on 12/02/2006

Toenail Fungus: There are two steps to this that worked for me.

1) Used distilled white vinegar. Soak feet a few minutes to get rid of fungus on feet.

2) If you have a toenail fungus as well, one drop on each cuticle twice a day until the nail grows out entirely. Approx. 6-9 months. If you miss a day the new growth will have the fungus and you may have to start again until that grows out. Just make it a habit, I found that the odd missed treatment was ok. H2O2 works as well, I just found the vinegar cheaper and easier to manage.

Much better than the drugs prescribed for toenail fungus that can damage your liver or kidneys. That's why you have to do bloodwork every month or no prescription renewal.

Distilled Vinegar
Posted by Fred (Hobart, Tasmania Australia) on 12/25/2006

I used distilled vinegar to cure toenail fungus. Applied twice a day from a dropper bottle (as described by Nedra from Berkeley.

Distilled Vinegar
Posted by Nedra (Berkeley, CA) on 12/03/2006

I just discovered yr site seeking sore throat gargle. Cayenne seems to have some positive effects, so thank you. I followed the recommendation of Walt Stoll, M.D. in Saving Yourself from the Disease-Care Crisis to treat my toenail fungus. It worked absolutely when I followed his instructions to the letter. Now even my physician assistant son recommends this to his patients with onychomycosis:

"If an individual with onychomycosis (toenail fungus) will fill a dropper bottle with the cheapest distilled vinegar from the grocery store (do not use good vinegar that has not been distilled) and put 2 drops of the vinegar at the growing base of the affected nail every night and morning, within a few months, normal nail will begin to show at the base of the nail.

"Remember, the normal nail will have to grow the infected nail off the body. If the treatment is missed, for even one dose, the nail that grew that day may not be resistant to the fungus and the fungus can jump from the infected nail that is still present into the healthy (but not resistant) nail. If that happens, infected nail will be seen at the base in a few months (when it has grown out enough to be seen) and the treatment will have to be continued until THAT infected nail tissue is grown off the body. In essence, the treatment time would have to be started anew."

Pretty simple. Works every time. Cure yourself and make yourself an instant hero with this one.

Lemongrass Essential Oil
Posted by Danette (San Jose, California) on 04/23/2007


4/22/07 Maddi, I have been applying the lemongrass oil on my toe nail fungus for about a week now. Yes, it did change color over night, not quite black (mostly brown). When will I see a completely clear nail? I am assuming the nail with fungus has to grown out and be cut off. Is this correct? The nail at the base is white with a tinge of yellow. Any suggestions?

Lemongrass Essential Oil
Posted by Suzanne (San Jose, CA) on 04/21/2007

I used lemongrass oil for my toenail fungus. Obviously works but what do I do now? Do I apply daily? Is it better to use at night or is it ok to apply then wear shoes? Any help from successful users would be really appreciated.

Lemongrass Essential Oil
Posted by Maddi (USA) on 12/28/2006


Lemongrass Essential Oil
Posted by AJ (Los Angeles, CA) on 01/09/2007

I have tried three application of lemongrass oil and I am making WONDERFUL progress. I have had serious to moderate toe nail infections for the past 3 years. Nothing I have tried has worked until now. I have applied lemongrass oil to all infected nails. The infected portion of each nail turn black within 24 hours of application. New nail that is healthy looking is just peeking in from the base and I am I very excited. I think this remedy with an essential oil will work for some. Also, the oil smells great!

Lemongrass Essential Oil
Posted by Joan (Stony Brook, US) on 03/24/2007

I tried lemongrass on my toe fungus, and yes, it turned black overnight. My question is, what next? I used it full strength with no ill effect so far. Do I continue to use it, if so, how often and for how long? Thanks so much.
