Canker Sores
Natural Remedies

Natural Canker Sore Remedies: Quick Relief & Healing

Baking Soda
Posted by Heather (Boston, MA) on 11/15/2007

Thank Goodness I found this page. I started with two small canker sores a week after my flu shot. I hardly ever have a canker. So, I used Ambesol Max Strength. It burned, numbed, but things got much worse today. Almost two inch long canker on the side edge of my tongue. And three more scattered on my inner front and side lips. I rinsed with the pure apple cidar vineger. It didn't releave the pain. So I tried the baking soda paste. The paste started to tone down the pain. I was at a 10 most of the day. After the baking soda treatment, I am currently down to a 4. maybe less.ahhhhhh

Baking Soda
Posted by Heather (Van Nuys, CA) on 11/14/2007

I ran a quick search over the weekend on treatments for chronic canker sores on behalf of my boyfriend who has suffered these painful occurrences since childhood. I came across this site and he decided to try the baking soda paste. It stung at first, but it helped him heal within five days and he's so happy to have found this treatment. Thanks.

Avoid All Products With Citric Acid
Posted by Jon (Defiance, OH) on 03/03/2007

I don't see how Apple Cider would help canker sores, because it is acidic. What I do is I watch how much citric acid I take in. Soda is terrible! It has a very high concentration of citric acid! Milk Chocolate contains it, from what I hear, though they are not required to list it in the ingredients. I have noticed that I get them after eating chocolate, but I have to eat quite a bit of chocolate to get a sore. I have dealt with the pain of canker sores since I was a kid, often times having one right after another. I used to carry around medicines such as Kanka, only to find the stuff made them worse or made them last longer. Come to find out, I was putting citric acid directly on the sore, as many of these medications contain it! So I started with eliminating soda (I was hooked on diet pepsi at work). Bingo! I drastically reduced the number of canker sores I was getting. Next, I started watching what I was eating. I noticed that anything with citric acid in it would give me the beginnings of a canker sore within an HOUR after eating or drinking it. Then I applied some common sense to the situation, and remembered that an old cure for stomach indigestion and acid reflux was baking soda. So, whenever I eat something or drink something with citric acid in it, I immediately rinse my mouth with a mixture of baking soda and water (look on the box or on the arm and hammer website for their recommendation for using it as a mouth wash). I think the answer to canker sores is prevention, not curing it once it's in your mouth. Once it's there, you basically have to wait it out. I still get them, but only once in awhile now instead of all the time...However, when I do get one, it's my own fault now!

Baking Soda
Posted by John (Harfod, WI) on 12/01/2006

Whenever I get a canker sore, I pack some baking soda on it. If it does not go away in an hour or two, I re-apply it when I notice the sore still there. Some times it takes a few more aps.Usually, gone the same day. Sometimes, i'll pack the soda on right before bed. no canker in the morning. It works every time for me. A final note: It does sting for about a minute when applied. The stinging stops, even though the baking soda is still packed on the sore. Good luck, hope it works for you too.

Green Tea
Posted by Mike (Gainesville, FL) on 07/16/2006

I noticed my relatively new habit of drinking green tea is drastically affecting the frequency at which canker sores appear in my mouth. They now seem to form only in the upper part of my mouth. Swishing tea on the sore greatly reduces the time it takes (24-36 hours) for it to heal. It's amazing to find this out after years of dealing with them.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Anonymous (USA) on 06/27/2006

Take one capful of H202 and hold in your mouth for 10 minutes daily, then spit it out. No more canker sores and your teeth will be whiter without expensive pastes.

Posted by Maya (Ft Leavenworth) on 11/19/2005

My daughter and I would get canker scores often, until a friend told me about Lysine. We both take one a day, and if ever one starts to appear, then take 2 pills and the scores are gone. I told a great friend who had very dry lips and the lysine has worked for her as well! Love it! The pain is gone!

Posted by Thesa (Colorado Springs) on 11/15/2005

My 5 year old daughter came down with a horribly serious case of canker sores. Her mouth had several sores on her tongue, cheek, and gums. Her gums were so red and swollen you could barely see her little teeth. Her breath was absolutely terrible and she barely ate or drank a thing. Finally after a week of different attempts, we had her gargle with 6 drops of tea tree oil in 4 oz. of water three times a day, gave her half an adult dose of L-lysine crushed up into water once a day, gave her a homeopathic every hour and had her drink 16 oz. of water with acidophilus/FOS throughout the day. We kept her completely off of sugar, dairy and meat and mostly she ate cottage cheese and plain yogurt. Within one day she was so much better and finally eating and within 3 days totally better!

Posted by Lynda (Durham, NH) on 10/20/2005

My nurse practitioner recommended L-Lysine for my debilitating canker sores. They would last for weeks and were so bad that the pain extended to my neck and lymph nodes. I couldn't even eat without excruciating pain. When I feel a canker sore coming on, I take 1 gram 3 times a day and the sore is gone within a day or two.

Tea Bags
Posted by Brijette (Bettendorf, Iowa)

My husband told me to put a tea bag on my canker sore. It definitely took away the pain! As for curing it, I think it speeded up the process. The tea bag remedy is good for any type of mouth sores because of the pain relieving effect. I usually use black tea, simply because that's what I have around most of the time. Green tea also works, and I'm sure any kind will probably do the trick. It is not necessary to steep the tea first, however it does work better if the bag is already wet before applying. If the strong taste is too much for you, drinking brewed tea also works if you swish it around over the canker sore while you drink it. However, it's been my experience that the tea bag directly on the sore is much more effective.

Tea Bags
Posted by Brenda (USA)

First, the tea bag, was very helpful in the healing process it definitely made the pain disappear in minutes as for the peroxide,i would use this as a last resort, but it does work! The tea bag was very successful! try it! it most definitely works! Use the peroxide as a last resort!

Baking Soda
Posted by Natasha (Naples) on 05/24/2024

Please don't brush with Baking Soda. When the sore is healed, then you can brush with it for prevention, even then not every day. Swish your mouth with hydrogen peroxide solution or iodine solution. You can swish a baking soda SOLUTION as well, but not too concentrated.

Posted by Juliana (Edmonton, Canada ) on 06/18/2021

I used many different things for the big sore on my tongue. Nothing would work, until I started to use the clove powder.. It started to work immediately.

I've learned that canker sore can be caused by bacteria or many other causes. In my case, it was bacterial, from a tooth infection. In 2 days it shrunk 80%..another 2 days later it was gone.

Peppermint Oil
Posted by Anon (Anon) on 07/02/2020

Peppermint oil seems to have shrunk the canker sore I had. I was putting a drop of the oil in my mouth once a day. That was three days ago, the sore is gone. It had been there about three days before I used the oil.

I mixed several drops with tea tree oil in a capsule and inserted it to see if it would get rid of what appears to be hpv on my cervix. That was 12 hours ago and my period has just started a week early.

Posted by Chris (Atlanta, Ga ) on 08/29/2019

I had nasty canker sore on the roof of mouth. I tried everything on here for relief. It all helped some. Then I remembered that I have some cbd oil balm. I loaded up a Q-Tip with it and placed it everywhere I felt pain or tenderness. Went to sleep. Woke up pain free. Like it went away over night. That stuff is the best for any type of skin lesion.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 05/28/2016

Hmmm Arnezi, coconut oil had always only given me temporary relief. But this past outbreak disappeared after drinking Oregano tea for a few days. Just 1 teaspoon of plain oregano from the spice jar in a glass of boiling water.

Posted by Paolo (Midland, Tx) on 12/05/2015

I had a canker sore in mouth right where my gums and cheek meet. I chewed one garlic clove in the morning and once at night and within three days it was non-existent.
