Canker Sores
Natural Remedies

Natural Canker Sore Remedies: Quick Relief & Healing

Baking Soda
Posted by Amanda (West Palm, Florida) on 11/08/2007

I had the worst canker sore on my gum right behind my last upper molar. It hurt to even swallow and actually woke me up at 2:00 am in the morning last night. Apparently the Zilactin-B I put on it was not working! I stumbled upon your website and decided to try the only 2 things I could get my hands on at that time of night: salt and baking soda. First I removed all of the Zilactin and rinsed my mouth with warm salt water. Then, I made a paste with baking soda and a few drops of water and placed it on the canker and let it sit for about a mintue. Then I rinsed my mouth with plain warm water. I also took 2 tylenol to help get back to sleep. I still had some pain when trying to get back to sleep, but just woke up completely pain free!! I can swallow without pain and actually enjoyed my breakfast! I can't believe it! I plan to put another "paste" on today just to make sure, but will attest that this remedy really works!

Epsom Salt
Posted by Jean (North Carolina) on 02/02/2023

Epsom salt solution - a teaspoon in water rinse mouth in it several times a day till gone. Rinse and spit, do not swallow -- laxative effect.

Posted by Martina (Maryland) on 03/18/2022

Came to the site for canker sore remedy/ies. Decided to try aspirin (apple cider vinegar would make it worse) but didn't have any on hand. Aspirin and ibuprofen are both NSAID's. Used ibuprofen instead and instant relief. Repeated as necessary. The next day sore was in advanced stage of healing.

Dry Sage Leaves
Posted by Tim (Georgia) on 06/05/2018 21 posts

Dry Sage leaves are also great for canker sores. It's a cheapest way to get rid of cancer sore and related bb. Just chew a pinch of dry Sage leaves all day long. Place this mass on canker sore for an hour. Can swallow it easily without any side effect. Just avoid scratches - chew only leaves. You'll get rid of canker sore just in a day/or 2-3 days in severe and multiple cases. Also wash your brushes with soap everyday especially they stay as a bouquet in glass in your families.

Posted by Megan (White Plains) on 06/03/2018

I get mouth ulcers but years ago someone told me to try colostrum. Now whenever I feel one coming on, I take a capsule and it usually disappears.

Baking Soda
Posted by Redeemed 2004 (Nashville, Tn) on 04/13/2018

Since childhood I have suffered from mouth ulcers. Usually rinsing with H2O2 works by rinsing several times a day and before going to bed. The next day the ulcer is nearly gone or completely gone. But not this time! Sometimes when my seasonal allergies kick in I get a patch of ulcers. This spring has been the worst ever. Ulcers popped up on the left side of my mouth on the cheeks, gums and under the tongue. So painful and the H2O2 was not working at all. So I came back to this site where I have learned so much over the years -- thanks to all the contributors! Decided to attack the ulcers by taking Echinacea, Lysine 2000-3000 mgs per day on an empty stomach and applying baking soda to all the areas. The first day I got immediate relief from the pain and inflammation on the left side. Kept applying baking soda all day. Slept better that night. Next day the left side was on the way to being healed BUT new ulcers emerged under the tongue and along the gums on the bottom row of teeth as if they were marching to the uninfected right side of my mouth. Yikes! Continued the above protocol plus brushed my teeth with baking soda and continued to place a half teaspoon under the tongue and between my bottom lip and lower gum. Good news. The new ulcers begin to recede with each application of baking soda. Thanks Earth Clinic -- God bless you all!

Posted by Soloflex (Long Beach, Ca) on 03/29/2018

The best for canker sores is Lugol's Iodine 5%. Take 5 drops in the morning on empty stomach for about 2-3 weeks, they will never come back.

Posted by Audrey Walker (Us) on 02/03/2017

Raw natural honey worked very fast for me. I had a very painful canker sore for over a week. I tried salt, baking soda and collodial silver with no improvements. I read on here to try raw honey and I noticed relief the very first day. Within two days of dabbing raw honey on it several times per day the sore was almost gone. It was a huge relief and a yummy remedy!

Posted by Bill (NC) on 04/14/2022

I agree, Lysine is the solution for Canker sores. Take it daily.

Posted by Jane (Canada) on 02/15/2016

Honey will get rid of cankers almost over night everytime, works for me.

Posted by Aisling (Galway, Ireland ) on 08/18/2015

Lysine, an amino acid, is brilliant to alleviate mouth ulcers, just use recommend dose on pack, usually about 2 X 1000 mg tablets. You can use them continuously to help prevent ulcers if you are prone, or else just when you get an ulcer. I've tried everything, including soluble steroids but listen works brilliantly. Within two days the ulcer will have virtually gone. Corsodyl mouthwash is also quite good for bringing instant relief.

Baking Soda
Posted by Mama to Many (Tennessee) on 11/25/2014

I had a canker sore in my mouth last night. It was red and inflamed and had a white patch in the middle. But my son had just put a coat of finish on my kitchen floor and I couldn't access any of my herbs, charcoal, etc, since they were in the kitchen. I was looking around my bathroom for something I could try and saw my home made tooth powder. Baking soda!! I put some on the spot three times before bed. Tonight I realized it must have worked. I looked in my mouth and saw no sign of the sore! For the record, my tooth powder also has bentonite clay and peppermint essential oil in it. But I think it was the baking soda.

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Jmcclain (Little Rock, Ar) on 03/11/2014

I remembered the recommendation for Lysine for canker sores-- after I had a full-blown painful one. I did not want to wait however long it takes for the Lysine to work in my system, so I simply held a Lysine tablet on the sore for as long as I could (about 3 minutes). It immediately stopped stinging and began to heal. A few hours later, I did it again (motivated to hold it longer) and I am pain free now. It still looks terrible but does not hurt. I never dreamed it would work so quickly.

Activated Charcoal
Posted by Mama to Many (TN) on 07/16/2022

Hi Sandy, A canker sore is an ulcer in the mouth but isn't caused by an infected tooth. It sounds like you may be dealing with infected teeth which can also cause an ulcer on the gum and the pain you describe. Charcoal is something you can use for infected teeth, but I would look on this page ( for more details about treating infected teeth. You can use pain medication to help, but that won't help to cure it, just help you bear it. I'm sorry! I know it is so painful. I hope you can get relief from the remedies on that page soon. ~Mama to Many~

Avoid SLS Toothpaste
Posted by Dave (Columbus, Usa) on 04/28/2013

I have had canker sores for a while and had tried a lot of different things to help them. My daughter started to get them at a young age too. We looked around and found that SLS can cause canker sores and we found that it is in a lot of toothpastes. We started using Baking soda for toothpaste and we have not had any more canker sores for over 6 months except for my daughter 1 more time. She missed the toothpaste flavor and she used some of a gel mint flavor toothpast that had SLS in it and the next day she got a canker sore. She went back to the baking soda and it was gone in 2 days and didn't come back. Before she was getting 1 -2 every week now none in 6 months. We just get a small bowl and put some baking soda in it and wet the toothbrush in water and dip it in the paste 1 time and then brush. I learned about it from my grandpa many years ago but never used it. He past away at 94 years old and had almost all of his teeth.

Chronic Canker Sore
Posted by Louwrence (Rustenburg, North West, South Africa) on 04/04/2013

Hi Ana, Seeing that everything you have tried has failed, try rinsing your mouth with your own urine, it is an antiseptic, whenever I bite the inside of my mouth that is what I use. You can also try salt but it burns & doesn't heal as quickly as with urine.

Posted by Mary G. (Santa Cruz, California, Usa) on 03/25/2012

About 8 years ago my daughter (then in her early 20's and my husband both were plagued with canker sores. A co-worker of mine at the time suggested L lysine, 500 mg tablets. It totally cleared up the canker sores and they didn't need to keep taking it after the sores were gone. They both keep a supply handy to take at the first sign of a recurrence.

Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 02/19/2012

Finally, after 5 years of constant struggle with canker sores, I hope I've found the solution, thank G-d! I had taken l-lysine on an off with varying degrees of success untill I was told to take it (with water, of course) ON AN EMPTY STOMACH, away from food. For me, that was the secret, and so far so good, not one new sore! Now I just take one capsule of 500g. once in the morning for maintenance.

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