Bladder Infections
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural UTI Remedies for Quick Relief

Borax, Vinegar, Magnesium Chloride
Posted by Misaw (India) on 04/27/2024

I am a 47 years female. Last night I felt a very severe urge to urinate many a times which I realised that the feeling of the UTI infection while urination has increased tremendously. I couldn't remember when I had UTI infection in my life but I could remember I had it once or twice . I was not taking an medicine and didn't wanted to. On searching on this website which I usually do for any remedies, I found out about ACV which unfortunately I didn't had at my home as I gave a new bottle of ACV to someone else.

Unable to bear the UTI increasing tremendously I decided to try with RED WINE VINEGAR. I boiled water for a foot bath, poured in a bucket, I put 2 TSP RED WINE VINEGAR, Borax 1/8th of teaspoon and 2 Teaspoon Magnesium chloride (I know it sounds crazy). As the water was too hot, I sat on the bucket exposing my groin area. I took the steam for 5 minutes or so and drank a glass of 1 Teaspoon RED WINE VINEGAR mixed with 1/8th teaspoon Baking soda. Immediately I got the relief and sat peacefully taking the footbath. Before going to bed I put on coconut oil on my vagina to get some relief. And morning I don't have any UTI issues at all. However today and tomorrow I will drink the solution for complete recovery

Cream of Tartar
Posted by Suzanne (Springfield LA) on 01/25/2024

Cream of tartar for uti

Cream of tartar absolutely works. Took 1/2 teaspoon in 16 oz water and within half an hour felt relief.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Art (California) on 05/22/2023 2165 posts


I almost missed your post as it was pretty far back in the postings. The following links will explain the differences. I generally use unrefined VCO when I use it.

And this one : Coconut Oil is Better, , including 50% lauric acid.

I use a mix of other ingredients for UTIs so I have no experience with VCO for that purpose.


Sea Salt
Posted by Henk (Pretoria, South Africa) on 05/07/2023

Sea Salt for a UTI

Absolutely helps the best with the pain!

Do you then miss the pain? Want it back quickly?

Then drink coffee!! Haha!

1 heaped teaspoon sea salt or Himalayan salt in half glass water. Then after 20 minutes 2 glasses plain water to flush.

No sugar, bread, coffee. Water water water!

Cream of Tartar, Essential Oils
Posted by Torontogirl (FLA) on 03/23/2023

I found using cream of tartar and internal ingestion of essential oils finally cured a nasty antibiotic resistant UTI.

The oils I used were mostly Juniper, and less of Eucalyptus, Lavendar and Siberian Pine.

The UTI calmed down within a day!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Lilybelle (QLD) on 03/06/2023

Last week I went to the Doctor as I was sure I had a UTI. Every time I went to the toilet, I couldn't pass much urine and it would be all over body pain and tingling. He gave me a form to have a Urine Test done but didn't get to go as open hours were conflicting. So each day, I would get half a glass of water and pour in some ACV and Lemon Juice, then add some BiCarb Soda. By the 3rd day I was urinating normally and no pain or tingling.

Garlic, ACV, Cranberry Capsules
Posted by Prairie Girl (Canada) on 08/11/2022


After ingesting sugar the evening before (peanut butter chocolate pieces) and eating fruit (blueberries) for breakfast, yesterday afternoon, I felt the nagging early symptoms of a UTI coming on while I was in my car. I was tempted to go to a walk-in clinic to get Macrobid, but I didn't have time and wanted to see if I could treat myself without taking it.

Thankfully, I had previously stashed a bottle of apple cider vinegar capsules in the car. I immediately took 2 capsules with water (preferably take them with a bit of soup, salad, or a green veggie smoothie to avoid stomach ache). I then drove to the grocery store and bought garlic capsules, a bottle of pure unsweetened cranberry juice, and a green cabbage. Within half an hour, I started taking those, too (not the cabbage), alternating 2 capsules every half hour while drinking a bit of juice in between.

As I had meetings and couldn't return home despite my discomfort, I kept running to the washroom between plying 2 garlic or ACV capsules and a 1/4 cup of juice every half hour or so. After about 1 to 2 hours, I then slowed down and alternated the 2 capsules at an hourly rate or longer with lots of water and a bit of food. After 2-3 hours, the slightly painful UTI symptoms and constant urge to run to the washroom subsided.

Today, I woke up with no strong symptoms but continued with the same plus I ate a tablespoon of raw cabbage salad for breakfast (no added sugar - cabbage is a known anti-parasite that helps, too). All good.

I think the trick is to treat the niggling symptoms EARLY and not delay taking the supplements. (*If you can't get to a grocery store and can't keep fresh cranberry juice at work or in the car, keep cranberry capsules on hand instead).



Garlic, ACV, AND Cranberry capsules (or preferably, bottled unsweetened cranberry juice if you are close to a store that sells it)

bottled water

a non-sweet snack (even starchy/high carb potato chips or popcorn will suffice if you can't access fresh food)

Let me know if it works for you.

Posted by Sam (Miami ) on 03/29/2023

Every woman should have in her medicine cabinet: Urolesan #1 remedy in Europe, it works fast, D-Mannose #2, authentic essential oils#3: thyme or oregano ( never from Amazon)-a trace of the oil in an empty capsule, swallow (1drop is too much). I guarantee your UTI will be gone in 3 days if you only take Urolesan, but take all 3 remedies if you worry. 8-10 drops of Urolesan on a cube of sugar or bread-in your mouth, swallow in few minutes.

Posted by PayItForward (PNW) on 04/22/2024 49 posts

Edited 4/24/24 at 4:25 pm
Arterium Urolesan Tincture on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before food and 2 hrs after food.

Urolesan increases kidney function and excretion of urine, acidifies urine, increases the elimination of the urea and chlorides, amplifies the production and secretion of bile, and improves the flow of blood to the liver. Use in cases of kidney problems, presence or formation of gallstones, inflammation of the kidney and the gallbladder, tumors of the liver and gallbladder, impairment of the proper function of the bile tracts.

Pharmacological Properties: The agent has a strong bactericidal, analgesic, aseptic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and choleretic, antiparasitic and antidiarrhoeal effect. The preparation stimulates the secretory functions of the stomach, reduces the tension of the smooth muscles of the intestines, bile and urinary tracts, prevents stagnation of bile, improves its flow, accelerates the process of urine and bile excretion, heals the liver, and cleans the intestines, liver, urinary, bile and the entire digestive tract.

Recommended Dosage: Place 8 to 10 drops on a cube or 1/2 tsp of granulated sugar (or ½ tsp honey) 3 times daily on empty stomach, allowing the sugar to dissolve under the tongue. Course of treatment depends upon the gravity of the sickness (from 7 days up to 1 month).

In cases of kidney and liver inflammation increase the single dose to 15 to 20 drops on the sugar.

Side effects: May include mild vertigo and nausea. Note: It is necessary to increase the intake of warm liquids and rest while taking this remedy.

Contraindications: Pregnancy, lactation period.

We follow each dose with a large soothing cup of calming herbal tea like chamomile, 30 minutes after ingesting. Calming our body with gentle controlled breathing for 5-10 minutes each time. We enjoy a customizable app called 'Awesome Breathing: Pacer Timer.' Meditate - Pray. Body and Soul (mind, will, emotions ♥).

Posted by Art (California) on 09/14/2023 2165 posts


Here is one US supplier :

If you are using it for kidney stones, another product which is very good for that purpose is Chanca Piedra. Here is a link to typical products :,aps,206&ref=nb_sb_noss_1


Multiple Remedies
Posted by Nan (Canada) on 06/30/2019

Forgot to add that I took several Vitamin C capsules, too.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Tam (Georgia) on 09/26/2018

I began having bladder infection symptoms last month and immediately started using the baking soda and water remedy. It really helped with the intense pain, so I drank alot of it along with Apple Cider Vinegar and water, pure cranberry juice and a no sugar diet. Despite my efforts it just got worse and worse and after a week of this I was seeing blood in my urine and suffering from chills. I had to visit the er. Five hours later I found it had spread and was diagnosed with a KIDNEY infection. My heart rate was also very high and potassium low. I took antibiotics for a week and am now thankfully healed! And making sure to consume plenty of pre and probiotics. Please don't suffer as long as I did or overuse even natural remedies. Learned a very valuable lesson.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Noloski (U.k.) on 01/08/2017

Absolutely astonished! One glass of water with two teaspoons of cider vinegar, one teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda, one teaspoon of honey. The urgency to urinate stopped and the sensation of imminent pain ceased too. Wow! Thank you SO much for this helpful article and assisting so many people so rapidly.

Vitamin C
Posted by Aviva (Israel, Kiryay Ono) on 07/20/2016

I think I got this bladder infection by not drinking enough water. Anyhow, it was bad, had to go to bathroom every few minutes and hardly anything got out. I understood it was inflammation of the urinary tract. I put some probiotic yogurt over there and it gave some small relief. Then I drank a big glass ACV and a bit later I took 1500 mg vitamin C. All this began in the evening and going to bed I could not sleep because of the pain and urgency to pee. 10 minutes after the vitamin C I fell asleep for a few hours. The next day I took 3000 mg vitamin C and so the day after. I also tried to drink a lot of water. That's it. Last time it happened I took antibiotics.

Posted by Julie (Nm) on 12/02/2015

Hi, D-Mannose powder is wonderful for recurring bladder infections. I have almost always had my urine screenings to come back from the lab with low grade infection but don't take antibiotics unless absolutely necessary. I began searching online for help with bladder infections and found that others had great results with D-Mannose. It seems that bacteria attach themselves to the bladder lining and D-Mannose creates a "slickness" to that lining which creates conditions in which the bacteria detach and you rid yourself of the bacteria via urination. Whatever the process, IT WORKS. I used D-Mannose once per day just before retiring to sleep for 10 days. I keep D-Mannose in my medicine cabinet but have not had to use it for more than six months now. WONDERFUL!! I hope this works for you.

Enterococcus UTI Remedies
Posted by Maria (Germany) on 11/20/2017

Hi Tina, Have you tried coconut oil? I NEVER have had UTI in the last five years after taking coconut oil 1 tablespoon a day daily. Whenever I feel a slight burning sensation during urination I take at once 1 extra tablespoon Coconut oil in a warm cup of milk.Until than next morning no more discomfort. Try it you will feel the difference.

Posted by Gabrielle (London, Uk) on 04/27/2015

I am a Microbiologist who has worked for blue chip Pharmaceutical Companies and studied antibiotics for more than 15 years. I am also a UTI sufferer since the age of 6.

I recently had a UTI that I treated with 4 different antibiotics with zero effect. I did not want to take more antibiotics so started to serve the net to find alternative cures.

Your site is excellent and I have tried many of the remedies listed. I also searched for the clinical data to find the evidence base.

I tried

  • d mannose
  • grapefruit seed extract
  • apple cider vinegar
  • Turmeric
  • olive leaf extract.

All worked for three days then the infection came back.

I have therefore concluded that they are probably all bacteriostatic I.e stop numbers of bacteria increasing but do not resolve the infection.

Antibiotics are either bacteristatic or bacteriocidal I.e kill the bacteria. What we want is bactericidal or to change the flora so good bacteria can outnumber the bad.

The next part was looking at acidophilus. There is no evidence to support that acidophilus has any effect. Lactobacillus acidophilus species in the gut makes no difference to UTI in the bladder. We need ecoli for digestion so upping lactobacillus will not change this.

However Lactobacillus species in the vagina make a massive difference to UTI. The bacterial flora of the vagina can change the bacterial flora of the bladder. There are 27 clinical trials to support this the species they found helped was lactobacillus rhamnous and lactobacillus reuteri.

After 5 weeks of battling the UTI I added in a probiotic containing these two species to apple cider vinegar and finally I have resolved this. I took 2/day for 3 days.

I think that you need to update the site.

Posted by Kate (Kalamazoo, Michigan) on 02/03/2015

Hi everyone, I'm a long time reader on Earth Clinic and thought I'd post in case anybody is experiencing what I have been going through. Sorry for the length, I tend to be a bit wordy.

This all started 5 years ago when I got a new partner. I had dated this individual before and had gotten regular UTI's when intimate with him. This time, I got 3 (tested positive) UTI's in a row, over a period of maybe 6 months. So I spent a lot of time on serious rounds of anti-biotics. The symptoms would subside briefly and then I'd have another infection. After about 7 months, the tests for UTI's started coming back negative, but the symptoms were still very, very strong.

The doctor told me I had "cystitis" which if you don't know is an "incurable" inflammation of the bladder. I learned to live with the symptoms. It was quite unpleasant to say the least!

I also began to develop on and off vaginal yeast infections, which I treated with yogurt suppositories mostly. I began getting kidney pain, having regular shortness of breath, random abdominal pain and migraines. My previous partner and I had broke up at this point (infidelity issues on his side, which may or may not be relevant.) I went to the urgent care for random kidney/abdominal pain, who suggested possible appendicitis. That didn't feel right to me and I went home and continued having issues.

I became friends with a nutritional healer who told me I had a systemic candida infection. I went on a very strict diet for about 10 months, and all symptoms improved dramatically. Less pain with urination, much fewer headaches, abdominal pain gone, etc. However, when I recently went off the diet, all of the symptoms came rushing back! Kidney pain, yeast infection symptoms, and UTI symptoms. Well, all of these together do of course point to an infection of the urogenital system. But I had seen maybe 7 doctors and gotten nowhere.

I looked into trichomoniasis (which despite being incredibly common is not usually tested for), yeast, scar tissue in the vagina, bacterial vaginosis (even though I didn't have symptoms for that). A common way to treat all of them is with a hydrogen peroxide douche, 3% hydrogen peroxide mixed half and half with distilled water, 1-3 times a day. I told my nutritionist friend that I was going to do this - he recommended doing a douche with probiotics at night to re-inoculate the vagina.

I went out and bought one, I know we can't say the brand name but its very important that it's these specific strains so I'll write the strains: Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 and Lactobacillus reuter RC-14. I think I read years ago that these two strains were actually initially cultured out of the vagina of a healthy adult female.

I did the hydrogen peroxide douche last night, followed by two probiotic capsules orally and one in a tablespoon of water vaginally. This morning, I douched with the hydrogen peroxide again and took another probiotic orally. I'm planning on douching twice more today and doing a probiotic douche before bed.

The yeast infection symptoms are 98% gone, and the UTI symptoms have also subsided. This is the first time in 5 years that I've been without the UTI symptoms. I just browsed this article, which is about fungal infection in the bladder, kidneys, and vagina.

My guess (although of course it is a guess) is that I developed a fungal infection from all of the anit-biotics I took to clear the documented bacterial UTI's. Although I ate extremely large amounts of probiotics through supplements and fermented foods while on the candida cleanse, I think I did not get the right strain to colonize the vagina in all of my efforts.

I hope the good effects keep lasting, and hesitate to write so early as I don't want to get anyone's hopes falsely up. However, when I look at the reviews of this specific probiotic on amazon, it seems to help SO many people with any sort of women's troubles - UTI, yeast, vaginosis, that I thought I would write now just for that. It seems as though it may be akin to having a fecal transplant for patients with severe intestinal issues. I believe that the probiotic is helping more than the douching.

I hope this helps someone; this site has helped me so much. Good health and blessings to all.

Posted by Julie (Columbia, Mo) on 12/29/2014

I happened to be desperate and couldn't get any unsweetened cranberry juice, but there was lemon juice, and I had some stevia which I use as a sweetener, so I made myself some strong "lemonade", and it knocked out the bladder infection quickly! Of course, I continued to take several doses until all symptoms were gone, but it REALLY works! Hope this helps someone :)

Corn Silk
Posted by Rose Fenton (United Kingdom) on 10/06/2014

Having suffered from cystitis many times over the years, I always have handy some Cornsilk, and it has always worked for me. It is natural and cheap from a good Health shop. It is alkaline. You place a small quantity in a jug and pour on boiling water and leave it to cool. Best to leave it overnight, but if desperate, you can drink some after about 20 minutes. I also drink plenty of water afterwards.

I once had cystitis for 9 months when I had tried just about everything, but this was my first real relief. You can buy it from a good health shop and it is cheap. It is the dried ears around corn. God has given us everything we need in His creation.

Corn Silk
Posted by Sp (Lavergne, Tn) on 05/29/2018

Hi Jean, I know this is way too late to your question. I have been taking cornsilk in the capsule form by the brand Nature's Way and it has work so much better for treating my UTI than just the other things that's mentioned here. I take 3 capsules with water, and follow by 2 cups of water depending how bad my symptom is and I also do the organic applecider vinegar. I do this 3-4 times a day until my symptom clears up usually within 3-4 days, then I continue taking 3 capsule for 2 times a day for another 2 days to clear up the infection. The cornsilk doesn't upset my stomach. Hope this helps.

Medical Emergency Signs
Posted by Julie (Ontario) on 01/15/2022

Hi Dave,

You are right on. A late friend of mine developed the infection. He landed up at the hospital. He began taking antibiotics after he came home and then for some reason stopped taking them. He died of kidney failure due to the infection.

Vitamin C
Posted by Elizabeth (Nashville, Tn) on 07/16/2013

I have a history of recurring uti's so when I felt one coming on 6 days ago, I came straight to Earthclinic. My symtpoms were urgency. Burning urethra and tenderness in the bladder, although I rarely have burning upon urination. I read all the yea's for the ACV and I know that most bacteria doesn't like the acidity, so I gave it a shot. This is what I took:

1) 2 tablespoons of ACV with the "mother" mixed in with some water. I would down this like a shot and then chase it with a glass of water. I did this every 3 hours or so during the day. I noticed immediate relief of the burning sensation and the urgency would improve.. Also, it's a diuretic so I could void easier.

2) 5,000 mg of Vitamin C a couple times a day. It's also good to take a dose right before bedtime to keep the urine acidic during the night. I crushed the tablets with a garlic press and put them in a glass with a pinch of baking soda. Mix a little water so it fizzes and drink it like a shot. Follow with a full glass of water. I had around 12,000-15,000 mg a day.

3) I also take oregano oil pills and turmeric on a daily basis, so I continued this as well. Although, honestly, I think the biggest help was taking the ACV and Vitamin C to change my pH.

I did this for 4 days. You have to listen to your body... If I felt like it was too much, I would skip a dose or two. Also, you have to drink water until your eyeballs are swimming, literally. Flush all that bad crap out!

I went and got a dipstick test yesterday and it was clean!!! My Dr. said to keep doing what I was doing (I had told her about the ACV and mega-dosing Vitamin C) She said they change the pH of the urine and the bacteria can't thrive in it.

I'm still taking vitamin C, around 5,000 a day for a few days, to make sure the infection is gone and starting back on my probiotics. I do feel lots better and hope this can help someone!!!

Alkaline Diet
Posted by Joy (Battleground, Wash) on 05/06/2013

I read that magnesium citrate also alkaliinizes the body. I found that it heals muscle atrophy. Ted also said in here somewhere that it is the one form of magnesium that goes directly into the muscle tissue. My muscles have responded nicely and also removing the lines in my brow and forehead. I have found I need less progesterone cream, since the mag is bringing my body into balance. No more vaginal atrophy. I also had the prolapsed bladder and recently found that coating the vaginal cavity inside with wicth hazel when ever I notice the bladder down.... Re apply the witch hazel with my finger. HOPE THIS HELPS FOR MUSCLE, VAGINAL ATROPHY AND PROLAPSED BLADDER (CYSTOCELE).

If you can't pee drink cranberry juice to get the flow going.

Sea Salt
Posted by Darlene (Otto, Nc, Usa) on 08/23/2012

A couple of nights ago my 83 yr. old mother was complaining... Whenever she went to urinate she was burning very badly, and felt she had to go constantly. I looked up Ted's sea salt remedy and made her a glass (1tsp. Sea salt in glass warm water) to sip on before bed; the next morning she said there was no more burning, and she felt much better... And not having to constantly go to the bathroom. Thanks Ted! So thankful to have you and earth clinic.
