Bladder Infections
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural UTI Remedies for Quick Relief

Posted by Barbara (Benton Harbor, MI,USA) on 12/11/2008

Just stumbled on this site. So hello everyone! This is a fantastic resource. Years ago I developed a UTI. Never have liked DRs so knew there had to be a better way, besides there's always the problem of antibiotics and yeast. Researched cranberry juice and calculated how much I would have to drink for any benefits, not to mention the sugar intake.Not that I'm opposed to sugar. I believe, in most cases, in moderation as opposed to abstinance. Then I spotted cranberry capsules in the vitamin section and thought, "what the hey". I have been taking 2 capsules in the morning for decades. Now you could probably count the # of bad habits I have and still need more toes and fingers. The least of which is sugar addiction. But I don't have UTIs. My oldest sister suffered from chronic ones and was real resentful that I hadn't turned her on to the caps long, long ago. But with the same treatment she hasn't had a problem for a decade. For my own reasons I have been treating bad life habits for yrs with natural remedies.So I might add that if you look at other cultures and their predominate lack of health issues, then research their nutrition habits many things can be avoided. Such as cayene capsules, Latinos and the lack of colon cancers. I take them for warmth in winter, (don't take w/some forms of stomach ulcer problems). I have just started to look into the C-nut oil thing. Vanity and my hair started it + extremely dry skin. Years ago I tried ACV and didn't care for the taste, yea I was once a baby about flavor. Decided to go back. Read about the upset stomachs/belching/gas over the oil. Have to say mine comes from the ACV not the oil. Like the one gal I too just "shoot" it down but I drink half my water before hand then more as a chaser. For those who are developing infections after sex. Maybe the best attack would be to treat your sexual partners also. Sex can be a big bargaining chip for getting your way. I would like to add that there's a supplement formula on the market which is excellent for toxic cleansing. Anyone who would like the name can write to the above e-address and I'd be glad to let you know where to find it. I am not a distributor. Just info about it.

Chinese Herbs
Posted by Bour0245 (Greenwood, Nova Scotia) on 09/11/2012

I was wondering if you could tell me the name of the chinese capsules or tell me the name of the store you got them from.

Chinese Herbs
Posted by Cathy (Pa) on 05/31/2018

Does anyone know the name of these? Or can figure out what it might be? Most TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine's) have English names. For example, I take "Liver Soothe" (English name) but its TCM name is: "Shu Gan Wan".

Corn Silk
Posted by Anna (Costa Mesa, California) on 11/12/2008

I tried to do the vinegar douche but I got worst I started getting pain in the vagina, thank God for corn silk and shave grass tea I felt better 3 hours later. They usually sell this in the mexican stores: One bag of corn silk and boil it in 4 cups of water, and for the shave grass tea they sale those in tea bags so you put that in a cup of hot water and drink it drink as many as many cups as you can, keep drinking it for 5 days or longer, even if you feel better. Both teas work but if you only find the corn silk it will work fine.

Alka Seltzer
Posted by Sandy (Ghana) on 03/02/2018

I took ACV and water when I had UTI symptoms and I felt like my symptoms got worse. The burning was worse and I had strains of blood in my urine. I thought I was seeing wrong but now that you mentioned blood in the urine, I'm getting worried.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Dominique (Seattle, Washington, USA) on 11/07/2008

Re acidic level of urine in helping finding the status of UTI. My pharmacist told me thet it should be acidic 6 or below. I was surprised that he felt ok with the vinegar but not the baking soda which in his opinion could cause acid reflex. I would love some feedback on this. I just bought some strips to measure the acid/alkaline levels in my urine and sure would like to a second, 3rd or more opinion in this matter
Thank you in advance for your consideration.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Martha (Chantilly, VA) on 10/27/2008

ACV cured my UTI. I have had UTIs before so recognized the symptoms. 9 PM Saturday two wks before this post, started having minor symptoms. By Sunday night, knew for sure it was a UTI. Started drinking lots of water, which I should have done earlier. By 4 AM, pain was terrible and couldn't sleep so logged on the Internet and found your website. I tried the ACV with a little baking soda. I used 6 tbsp ACV the first dose and then 3tbsp ~every 6 hours with water. I consumed 10 oz over 48 hour period. The pain was gone within 2 hours of the first dose. I also started having back pain about the same time I got the UTI. Two days no coffee, very little sleep intense back pain, I thought maybe the UTI had moved into my kidneys. I went to the doctor on the 3rd day, doctor confirmed no UTI. And he said I could have coffee - life had meaning again. The back pain turned out to be unrelated from physical activity I had done on the weekend. More importantly, doctor confirmed UTI was gone after 3 days of vinegar. Since then, I've continued to consume ACV - just a few teaspoons to my diet each day. Add a little stievia and water with the unfiltered ACV, add a little baking soda and it makes a fizzy drink. Not bad. Thank you for your website.

Baking Soda
Posted by Donna (Bozeman, Montana) on 09/27/2008

I recently drank baking soda in water to try and treat a UTI that came on very suddenly. I saw somewhere online to take 1 tsp baking soda in 2 cups of water. Then an hour or two later, I took 1 tsp of the baking soda in 1 cup of water, then it said to have some chamomile tea after that. I did this, then repeated with some baking soda water (about 1 tsp per cup or cup and a half) several times over the next day or two. I was prepared to take some antibiotics that my husband had stopped taking from a recent dental procedure, because I was doubtful that the baking soda would work, but Voila! I was cured of the UTI symptoms with just the baking soda water and trying to drink/void more often.

The bonus was, I had the beginnings of a vaginal infection, and that also went away. And the sore throat/bad cold that I was fighting subsided much more quickly than I thought, once I started taking the baking soda. I'm very interested in all the varied claims, and how it can work. I worry a little about the saltiness of the baking soda, but think if I use it moderately, then supplement with folic acid and B vitamin supplements, plus increase my calcium intake, that hopefully I should be okay.

Thanks for sharing your experiences!

Posted by Kristine (North Canton) on 01/05/2021

It never helped me either.

Baking Soda
Posted by Linda (Reading, PA) on 09/07/2008

MH: Did you take the baking soda and water orally or via douching? Thanks

EC: Probably took it orally...

Apple Cider Vinegar, Cranberry
Posted by Trace (Upstate, Ny) on 11/09/2011

Over the weekend I felt UTI coming on. Pain in the right side and frequent urges to use the bathroom. I couldn't get to the doctor for a couple days, so I tried a tbls of apple cider vinegar mixed in a little bit of cranberry juice. Hour later I felt better. The pain in side became less. Took it three times that day. Next day I felt all back to normal. Urine was clear. It's now day five and I'm still taking it like an antibiotic to make sure it stays away.

On an added note. I also had laryngitis for a few days. When I took the ACV and cranberry juice my voice returned the same day. My mother-in-law had laryngitis for nearly three weeks. She's now trying this.

Watermelon, Baking Soda, Azo
Posted by Olivia (Saratoga springs, NY) on 08/01/2008

A great home remedy for UTI's is watermelon and a 1/2 tsp of baking soda mixed into a 8 fl. oz. cup of water. for instant relief i take a azo pill (sold at any pharmacy) and that will take care of the pain but to get rid of the infection i eat as much watermelon as i can and the backing soda mixture so then by the time the pill is done so is the UTI!

Watermelon, Baking Soda, Azo
Posted by Aline (Palma, Mallorca, Spain) on 08/04/2011

Don't like the pill bit, and I don't understand why the baking soda has to go with it, but definitely can vouch for the watermelon doing its thing when the need arises! Eat nothing else but watermelon for a whole day (or longer if you wish) and the infection is gone. Easier in summer time when there is lots of them!

Watermelon, Baking Soda, Azo
Posted by L J (Los Angeles, California ) on 03/30/2015

Warning! Baking soda is ok once and awhile, although doctors have recently reported that too much baking soda can cause kidney damage, or burn out the kidneys..xo

Posted by Robin (Ladera Ranch, CA) on 07/22/2008

I have had bladder infections for half my life and cranberries just don't cut it for me. I've tried the pills, tons of water, unsweetened cranberry juice, craisins (I know craisins have sugar but I've tried that too) and none of it works for me. I did a post on ACV working, I guess everyone is different.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lore Westphal (Ocala, FL, USA) on 07/12/2008

I am grateful for this website...
thanx for all the wonderful info on UTI...
I have been fighting UTI for the last 2 weeks and will try the ACV cure...
I am also taking the following extracts:
live leaf...wormwood...goldenrod...and from Dr. Schulze K-B organic and wild harvested herbal formula = ingredients:Juniper berry...horsetail herb...uva ursi leaf...burdock root...corn silk and parsley root...
olive leaf tea or extract kills everything in sight...I also take colloidal silver in all my water...I went to the Doctor and he gave me Cipro, which I took with my last UTI but not this time after I found out the side effects that can UTI is almost gone now with all my own goodies...I will now get on the ACV trip and everything you sufferers suggested...thanxxxxxx so much and God Bless...
say this every day: "today good and wonderful things will happen to me..." by Joel Osteen...

Posted by Tara (Jenkintown, PA) on 06/04/2008

I drank cranberry juice for weeks, and still wound up with a serious kidney infection. I guess it doesn't help everyone.

Baking Soda
Posted by Laura (Ottawa, Canada) on 05/26/2008


I drank 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a tall glass of water, and it did seem to help my bladder infection a bit, but not enough to prevent me from having to go to the doctor two hours later.

Posted by Peggy (Erwin, Tennessee) on 05/14/2008

I don't get UTIs often but when I do I use cranberry juice. I drink at least 64 ounces a day until the infection is gone. It usually only lasts 2 days. 100% Pure cranberry juice is somewhat hard to find in my area but cranberry juice cocktail seems to work too. If you have UTIs often drinking a glass a day helps keep it in check.

Alkaline Diet
Posted by ALEKSANDRA (Pennsylvania) on 12/15/2021

I'm at a loss. is alkalization of urine good against UTI as this post from 2008 says, or bad as e.g. they say in this article:

They say that bacteria grow better when the urine is less acidic.

Posted by Chanana (Aubrey, TX) on 02/08/2008

I have had a handfull of bladder infections, and the minute I feel one come on I stock up on cranberry juice. I find that even when mixed with other juices, as long as it is primarily cranberry juice works well, you might just have to drink a little more of it. But it has worked for me every time.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Sea Salt
Posted by Gloria (Vancouver, Canada) on 01/11/2008

Ive had chronic UTI's for a long time especially due to having insulin resistance. When I eat sugar it seems to feed the bacteria and yeast. I have taken the ACV and sea salt for the first time tonite. 1 hour later the burning has calmed down, I have tried Dmanoose it helps but does not give me entire relief. Im antibiotic resistant so hopefully this will knock the bacteria out

Grape Leaf Pickles
Posted by Mary (Winston-Salem, NC) on 10/19/2007

Forget drinking vinegar, just eat 2 grape leaf pickles for a bladder infection. They are very salty and vinegary. You can also take 1 cranberry pill while eating the pickles. Wait 30 minutes before you start drinking lots of water. Preventive also after intercourse. Dial antibacterial soap -- wash privates within 5 minutes after intercourse too is great.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Adam (Tucson, Arizona) on 11/24/2009

I have used oregano oil in the past for a couple things, but I am wondering, which type of oil did you use and how much. All the oregano oil I have seen is very strong and I haven't found a good way to dilute it. Thanks.

EC: Most health food stores will carry Wild Oregano Oil in capsule form. Whole Foods has a few great brands!

Posted by Cheska (Dahab, Egypt) on 08/21/2007

If your cystitis/bladder infections are sex related try drinking a whole big bottle of mineral water after sex, this does mean you will be running to toilet all night but that is better then waking up in morning with that feeling of pissing razzor blades! It really helps me, the bacteria does not get a chance to get going as is being constantly flushed out. Also try to pee before and after sex. I also wash carefuly with a bottle of water with 15 drops of grapefruit seed extract in it to help steralise area. If you do develop an infection the next day take lots of cranberry tablets to try change your Ph levels as the bacteria cannot survive easily, lemon wedges or juice also help, stay well away from alchohol, sugar and anthing other then wearing lose cotton underware. Ensuring you get a good nights sleep aill boost your immune system and help fight any infection.
