Bladder Infections
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural UTI Remedies for Quick Relief

Alka Seltzer
Posted by London (Sandusky, Ohio) on 10/17/2008

Alka Zeltzer did not work for my UTI. I did it for a couple of days, didn't work at all.

Posted by Mia (Jacksonville, Fl) on 10/14/2008

For the life of me I don't know why studies can't conclusively say that Cranberry juice works to cure bladder infection.

I have had 3 bladder infections (or UTIs) in my life. Two turned into kidney infections.

I just got over symptoms of the third two weeks ago. Within 2 hours of the first symptom I had completely red urine (from the blood).

I read everything about how only pure cranberry juice will work IF it would work at all. I read so many reports that there was no conclusive evidence that cranberry would CURE a bladder infection. They said it may prevent them but there was no evidence of a cure. I can tell you I have evidence of a cure. I drank a glass as soon as my urine turned red. The symptoms began to improve slightly.

I went to the pharmacy and the pharmacist told me any fluid would work just as well as the cranberry so to be calorie conscious I started drinking straight water. NOPE! Within half an hour the symptoms were WORSE than before I began drinking the water.

So I began chugging ocean spray cranberry. It wasn't pure, it was sugary, and it WORKED. For good measure I also took 1/2 a tsp. of baking soda in a glass of water AND I went to CVS and bought some cranberry pills all these things against the advice of the pharmacist but the last kidney infection I had left me with BAD BAD side effects from the cure so I was really desperate and IT WORKED! I did this for three days.

Don't belive that cranberry doesn't work - even the Ocean Spray kind. I woke up the next day 100% better. Still some slight pressure after urinating but that was it and by the next day all symptoms were COMPLETELY GONE.

Baking Soda
Posted by Donna (Bozeman, Montana) on 09/27/2008

I recently drank baking soda in water to try and treat a UTI that came on very suddenly. I saw somewhere online to take 1 tsp baking soda in 2 cups of water. Then an hour or two later, I took 1 tsp of the baking soda in 1 cup of water, then it said to have some chamomile tea after that. I did this, then repeated with some baking soda water (about 1 tsp per cup or cup and a half) several times over the next day or two. I was prepared to take some antibiotics that my husband had stopped taking from a recent dental procedure, because I was doubtful that the baking soda would work, but Voila! I was cured of the UTI symptoms with just the baking soda water and trying to drink/void more often.

The bonus was, I had the beginnings of a vaginal infection, and that also went away. And the sore throat/bad cold that I was fighting subsided much more quickly than I thought, once I started taking the baking soda. I'm very interested in all the varied claims, and how it can work. I worry a little about the saltiness of the baking soda, but think if I use it moderately, then supplement with folic acid and B vitamin supplements, plus increase my calcium intake, that hopefully I should be okay.

Thanks for sharing your experiences!

Posted by Stella (Ashevile, NC) on 09/27/2008

I take one cranberry capsule in the morning and one at night every day to prevent UTI's. It helps. I get mine at Sam's Club. I'm 54 and going through the change and more susceptible to getting UTI's than I used to.

Posted by Veronica (Thousand Oaks, California) on 09/10/2008

I have been plagued by bladder infections since being married. I know they call it the "Honeymoon" infection because it is common to occur after intercourse. Doctors have always prescribed an antibiotic for my infections, but as soon as I stop taking the medication, the infection returns a few weeks later. I was researching natural remedies and found that cranberry pills keep the bacteria from adhering to the inside wall of the bladder. I like ____ because it has other soothing and healing ingredients like Buchu leaf, Pipissewa, Uvu Ursi leaf, Oregon grape root and Marshmallow root. I take this right after intercourse with a glass of water and I haven't had a bladder infection in almost 5 years. This is amazing because I was constantly on antibiotics year-round and was absolutely miserable. This has been a huge miracle not to be on antibiotics. I'm so glad that I found this remedy that I wanted to share this with anyone who also has been plagued by bladder infections. It's such an easy remedy... I can't believe it took me 10 years to come across it!

Baking Soda
Posted by Linda (Reading, PA) on 09/07/2008

MH: Did you take the baking soda and water orally or via douching? Thanks

EC: Probably took it orally...

Baking Soda
Posted by MH (San Francisco, CA, USA) on 09/06/2008

This is my 4th bladder infection this year. :( I hate having to go to the doctor and taking antibiotics so I looked at your website. (Last time I took antibiotics, I ended up getting a yeast infection also. Go figure.) I don't know about other people, but when I have a bladder infection, I end up in bed miserable for at least 1/2 of my day (in between painful, constant urinations.) Then afterwards when the antibiotics kick in and the pain is a little better, by that time I'm exhausted and miserable.

I used 1/2 tablespoon of baking soda to 8 ounces of water, and low and behold, the pain stopped within 15 minutes and I was able to urinate more normally. Just to be safe I drank plenty of water and had 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.

My bladder infection went away extremely fast and incredibly less painful than curing with antibiotics! (Let alone, cheaper!) Thank you for your advice everyone!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Kelly (Sacramento, CA) on 09/01/2008

I am 27 year old female. I have Fibromyalgia and a few other illnesses. I had a really bad UTI four years ago. I called my doctor and was put on antibiotic. It went away for a while but came back as a raging kidney infection. I had to go to the hospital and had a 103 fever. So two weeks ago when i started to have the UTI symptoms i wasn't happy. I called my doctor right away and had him prescribe antibiotic. I have had ill health since i was a kid and been on antibiotics on and off so I need a VERY strong one for them to work. This one didn't. The symptoms started coming back and even worse then before. I found this website and wanted to try the apple cider vinegar remedy. I took two tablespoons of it in a glass of water with some honey for taste. It made a difference but i was still miserable. So i decided to try it again and add a tablespoon of baking soda with it. And within a hour all my symptoms were gone! I am also taking cramberry liquid tabs and other herbs. I have kept taking it for a few days. Three to four times a day, and more you hurt the more you take. If i started to feel the symptoms again I would take another dose. Today I am stopping and will see what happens and if they come back but so far so good. The only warning I have is that if you have any stomach problems be really careful with the vinegar and baking soda. It can tear you up and be a laxative. It does clean out your sinus' and makes you have to urinate more which is great. I am so glad i found this site and THANK YOU to everyone that has posted. It is gross but So worth the result!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Cranberry
Posted by Alethea (Roswell, New Mexico) on 08/28/2008

For years whenever I feel like I"m getting a urinary tract infection I take 2 T spoons of apple cider vinegar twice a day. I also drink nothing but water and cranberry juice. I have not been to the doctor or wasted money on prescriptions since I was in high school (I am now 29). It really works!

Posted by Holly (Broadview Hts, Ohio) on 08/15/2008

I'm trying the d-mannose for my elderly mom, who's had two uti's within the last month. The 1st uti wasn't treated with enough anti-biotics, the 2nd, required hospitalization, with IV antibiotics and a weeks worth of oral antibiotic. I'm hoping the d-mannose will do the trick to keep this awful infection from occurring again. Has anyone successfully used d-mannose for the elderly? Thanks.

Uva Ursi
Posted by London (Sandusky, Ohio) on 08/11/2008

UVA URSI WORKS!!! This supplement will cure the most stubborn bladder infection. I tried everything you buy at the store, and tons of cranberry supplements and juices. Nothing helped me. Uva Ursi was the only thing that worked and worked quickly. 2 caps at night and 2 caps in the morning. $4 for a bottle at the store.

Watermelon, Baking Soda, Azo
Posted by Olivia (Saratoga springs, NY) on 08/01/2008

A great home remedy for UTI's is watermelon and a 1/2 tsp of baking soda mixed into a 8 fl. oz. cup of water. for instant relief i take a azo pill (sold at any pharmacy) and that will take care of the pain but to get rid of the infection i eat as much watermelon as i can and the backing soda mixture so then by the time the pill is done so is the UTI!

Posted by Robin (Ladera Ranch, CA) on 07/22/2008

I have had bladder infections for half my life and cranberries just don't cut it for me. I've tried the pills, tons of water, unsweetened cranberry juice, craisins (I know craisins have sugar but I've tried that too) and none of it works for me. I did a post on ACV working, I guess everyone is different.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lore Westphal (Ocala, FL, USA) on 07/12/2008

I am grateful for this website...
thanx for all the wonderful info on UTI...
I have been fighting UTI for the last 2 weeks and will try the ACV cure...
I am also taking the following extracts:
live leaf...wormwood...goldenrod...and from Dr. Schulze K-B organic and wild harvested herbal formula = ingredients:Juniper berry...horsetail herb...uva ursi leaf...burdock root...corn silk and parsley root...
olive leaf tea or extract kills everything in sight...I also take colloidal silver in all my water...I went to the Doctor and he gave me Cipro, which I took with my last UTI but not this time after I found out the side effects that can UTI is almost gone now with all my own goodies...I will now get on the ACV trip and everything you sufferers suggested...thanxxxxxx so much and God Bless...
say this every day: "today good and wonderful things will happen to me..." by Joel Osteen...

White Vinegar
Posted by London (Sandusky, OH) on 06/30/2008

Hello everyone.
I just want to relate my intense struggle with trying to cure a Urinary tract infection. I hate going to the hospital. I have actually had doctors misdiagnose me and tell me I didn't have a UTI, when I actually did, and then be forced to return with worsened symptoms, and have them finally confirm it. Anyways, after battling my latest UTI for a month, I got desperate, and drank a glass of white distilled vinegar.
I choked it down, it wasn't easy. I was nauseous for about an hour and a half afterwards, and chased it with a couple of glasses of water, but, Guess what? My symptoms were gone the next day, I swear to God. I'm still drinking plenty of fluids, all manner of Herbal tea,etc, and cranberry supplements. About two days after drinking the vinegar, I drank, another Quarter glass, the rest of it filled with water, and drank that. Just to be sure. It worked, it's been a month, symptom free. Let me tell you, I tried, Azo, Cystex, about 10 cranberry pills a day, Alka Zeltzer, Baking soda, Lemon ginger tea, everything. Vinegar works. Results ladies!!!

Alka Seltzer
Posted by Lia (Atlanta, GA) on 06/23/2008

yes, it works right away!! just tried the original alka seltzer and soooo glad i did. well worth a try!!

Baking Soda
Posted by Sue (Montreal, Canada) on 06/09/2008

I had this horrible bladder infection yesterday and drank water and tea all day. It helped me go to the bathroom but the burning would not go away. I found a receipe on the web: boil 3 onions in 4 or 5 cups of water and drink the juice. I tried that and the burning did not go away. I drank herbal tea 3 kinds cranberry, echinnacea, cherry stem tea. I helped a bit but got fed up and drank lukewarm water with baking soda (2cups) That did it. Another cup of echinnacea. Today I feel much better and went to natural food store and bought probiotic, apple cider and cranberry pills. I will have more baking soda later tonight. Sue

Bladder Infection Causes
Posted by Suzi (Lolo, Montana) on 06/09/2008

Bladder Infections---for Ladies Only:

My very first infection occured on my honeymoon in 1975! The doctor seemed to be condesending and diagnosed "honeymoon cystitis". I was frightened and miserable. The antibiotics did the trick. 30 years later and quite literally, 17 trips to the emergency roomlater, plus at least 3 courses of meds a year(do the math)...I have been UTI free for over a YEAR!!! I continue to be sexually active with my husband and this is the not so simple "light bulb moment for me"!!!

Last year when my husband was gone for 3 months, I felt an infection coming on and was dazed and confused since it had been MANY months since we were intimate. The only thing I could detect that I was doing different was taking over- the counter sleeping medication(Unisom) for sleeplessness! So while the infection was clearing up I started to connect every single episode of UTI's to those darn sleeping pills.

When we would go on vacation----pills, camping--pills, honeymoon---pills, insomnia---pills! FOR THIRTY YEARS! I have had NO infections now since early 2007 and nothing has changed in the intimacy department. In fact just the freedom alone has increased our frequency! It boggles my mind to think about all the damaging courses of differnt antibiotics that my body has endured. So young or old, if you are dealing with cystitis, and use Unisom, or Compoz, or any of those sleeping pills at the drug store, may very well have the connection that I do. Just what it is in the sleeping pills that triggers bladder infections I don't know---------but I'm positive they are the culprit!

Posted by Bret (Phoenix, Arizona) on 06/05/2008

Cranberry juice is not an antibiotic. It acidifies the urine which inhibits ecoli. Also, studies did show that e-coli bacteria cling to the sides of the bladder. Cranberry juice removes this adhesive property and the bacteria are more easily flushed away. Also, if you are drinking Ocean Spray or a Juice Cocktail, you are drinking very diluted stuff that is high in sugar. Frozen concentrate is your best bet, Cranberry tabs also are a great idea. I use these in my elderly patients who are incontinent and get frequestn UTI's. Cranberry is more preventative than curative. Bret

Posted by Tara (Jenkintown, PA) on 06/04/2008

I drank cranberry juice for weeks, and still wound up with a serious kidney infection. I guess it doesn't help everyone.
