Bladder Infections
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural UTI Remedies for Quick Relief

Goldenseal and Echinacea
Posted by Nikki (San Antonio, Texas ) on 10/11/2011

I had recently read that goldenseal is good for bladder/UT infections. I went to the local pharmacy and picked up a Goldenseal Echineaca blend capsule. I took two capsules three times per day when I first felt symptoms of the UTI. To be thorough, I also bought a home urine test to measure the possibility of UTI. The test measured that I was positive for UTI. After taking the goldenseal for 1 day, I was symptom free. After 2 days, I retook the test and was negative. I continued the goldenseal capsules for 5 days and tapered offer to once per day for a few more days. Symptoms never reappeared and still registered normal on the urine test 2 weeks later.

I also had an experience with symptoms of a yeast infection. I used a douche mixture of one capsule of goldenseal, 1/4 tsp of salt and one cup of water. Douched once and was symptom free w/in one day. However, I followed up with a second douche two days later to be sure and symptoms never resurfaced. Even after my pap smear just one month later, I was clear. I actually mentioned my experience to my doctor. He said its always best to come in to be checked but he is aware of goldenseal's antibiotic properties!

Goldenseal and Echinacea
Posted by Natili (Montpelier, VT) on 03/21/2006

[reports that goldenseal and echinachea cured her UTI.]
