Bladder Infections
Natural Remedies

ACV for UTI: Natural & Effective Relief

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jennifer (Sunrise, Fl, Usa) on 10/04/2011

Another big YES for ACV as a urinary tract infection remedy. I get these all the time unfortunately, and not just little ones - really bad ones. I've urinated blood and had kidney infections from them before. The key to treating UTIs is to treat them FAST. If you think that you are getting one, treat it immediately - don't wait. The infection spreads fast and in a matter of hours, you can be in serious pain. You may notice that your UTI clears up after just one dose of ACV - but this is very important - DON'T STOP TAKING THE ACV - take it 3x per day, for one week - EVEN IF you feel no symptoms! Just like a UTI can come back if you stop taking antibiotics, it can come back if you stop taking the ACV, and with a vengeance. I keep a bottle of ACV with me at all times - I even bring a bottle with me overseas when I travel, and it has saved me through quite a few UTI episodes!

Please note that this remedy is only for mild UTIs. If you don't see an improvement in symptoms, or if you are urinating blood, have symptoms of a kidney infection, or are in serious pain - GO SEE A DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY. UTIs are very serious if left untreated - the infection can spread to your kidneys and cause permanent scarring. If you don't have health insurance, a lot of drugstores in the US (and even some Targets now) have health clinics that diagnose and treat urinary tract infections for under $100. A UTI clears up extremely quickly with the correct antibiotics.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Betsy (Mi, Usa) on 09/27/2011

I was a skeptic but considering I woke up at 4 am with a bladder infection I thought it couldn't hurt to try one of the natural remedies. Since baking soda was the easiest to prepare and drink I started by taking 1/2 tsp with a cup of water, then did it again about a half hour later. When I read all of the comments regarding ACV, I decided I would give that a try also--2 Tbl in a cup of water. I did this three times over a two hour period. By 11 am I was feeling much better, still had blood in my urine, but the discomfort was reduced. Can I say it was the ACV or baking soda, or maybe just all of the fluids I consumed? I guess I'll never know. Mainly, I'm glad I did not have to use any antibiotics.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rockgur14 (Candor, Ny United States) on 09/20/2011

I woke up a couple days ago with a terrible pain and realized immediately that I had a bladder infection. UTI's are seriously one of the worst and most uncomfortable sensations a person can have- very annoying! I am away at college and had no clue what to do (without a vehicle to drive to the doctors, mind you). I immediately panicked and looked up at-home remedies to find a quick solution. I have always known about unsweetend cranberry juice but that's about all I have heard. This is only my third UTI ever, so I don't really know a lot about what can help, treat, etc.

After frantically searching through some random websites, I came across Earth Clinic and... HALLELUJAH!! Probably one of the best things I've ever done. I noticed right away all of the users who vouch for ACV so I decided I would give it a shot. However, because of the no-car situation I am in, I had to wait for one of my roommates to come home so I could hitch a ride to the grocery store. In the meantime, I mixed up a solution of about 3 tbsps lemon juice and 8 oz. of water. I started feeling relief almost immediately. By the time I picked up some ACV, I already felt well enough to focus on things other than my UTI. I mixed up my own recipe of cranberry juice, lemon juice, ACV, and water that works absolute wonders.

Seriously... UTI's suck, and it is the worst feeling when you don't have the time/circumstances to rush to the doctors. If you feel one coming on, or if you've been suffering from one, just STOP! Drink some ACV and if you have it, lemon juice, and you will be returning to normal in no-time! I promise, this stuff is a MIRACLE!! It really works!! I still have a slight UTI but because I've only been drinking it for a day now I know I just need to give it some more time. Also, DRINK PLENTY OF WATER!! ACV works beautifully, but you need to be constantly flushing your bladder to fully rid yourself of the bacteria. Thank you so much for reading this, and thank you SO MUCH for all of the combined posts that recommend ACV! IT'S AMAZING!

Here's my recipe that works for me, hopefully it will work for you too!

2 tbsps Apple Cider Vinegar

2 or 3 tbsps 100% Lemon Juice

8 to 15 ounces of Water

**I also have tried the ACV and Lemon Juice with unsweetened cranberry juice. Just replace water with that. It makes it taste a little better!!

Good luck! :)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Julia (Box Elder, Sd, Usa) on 09/14/2011

I have had a uti for about a week thought I had it under control with cranberry pills, but I was wrong it came back with a vengence! So I tried ACV and WOW! This ACV works fast, I feel so much better now, I'll keep taking it for a few days and then see what happens but I feel so much better "thanks ACV".

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Phil (Brooklyn, New York) on 08/16/2011

Works works works! After less than an hour of taking ACV and water, pain and urgency was gone. I recommend to anyone to try. I have suffered for years with UTI's and this was the fastest remedy. Forget azo pills, go natural. _____'s organic is the best I think. Always have a bottle at home as it is an all-purpose cure all.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by April (Naugatuck, Ct, United States) on 07/25/2011

Hi, I'd like to leave a comment about Apple Cider Vinegar and blueberry juice(not from concentrate) for bladder infection. It has so far worked twice for me. As a person who gets uti"s cronically, I am so happy to finally be rid of antibiotics for this ailment.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Alison (West Palm Beach, Fl) on 04/23/2011

I am 20 years old and I have had severe bladder infections for the past year and a half. I have tried almost everything and still no releif. Finally I came across ACV and it is a MIRACLE! I just take two tablespoons morning and night and I am pain free! The vinegar is not the tastiest so get ready for it. Make sure you purchase the Organic ACV "with the mother in it", make sure its cloudy.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Anne (Brooklyn, Ny) on 01/24/2011

I got my first UTI about 2 years ago and since then have had them about 3 times, so I'm pretty familiar with the symptoms and typical treatment (antibiotics). Last weekend one suddenly came upon me. I went to the bathroom several times in a row and still felt like I had to go and also had blood in my urine. It was a sunday and the next day was a holiday so I decided to check out earth clinic's suggestions. I'm so glad I did, especially since I hate taking antibiotics.

After seeing all the positives for ACV, I began taking it (I also began taking cranberry pills). I took 2 Tbsp. In a small amount of water followed by lots of plain water. Within the hour there was no more blood in my urine and the urgency was not so bad. I kept taking it for the next few days, usually once in the morning and once at night, and was feeling pretty much normal, although because I've been drinking so much fluid, I have been wake up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. By the end of the week I wasn't being as strict with myself as far as not eating sweets, having caffeine, or drinking, so I got slightly worried it wasn't completely gone, so I kept taking it this weekend (a full week after initial symptoms) plus I got some unsweetened cranberry juice and have been drinking some of that.

I now feel totally back to normal - hoorah! I'll continue with the cranberry pills and a bit of juice every week to help prevent them in the future, but I'm so happy to know that I don't need to rush to the doc for antibiotics every time I get a uti.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Elizabeth (Cornish, Maine) on 12/16/2010

I just wanted to add my two cents here because I suffered with recurrent bladder and yeast infections for many years and doctors would always say that it was no big deal and send me home with yet another prescription for antibiotics. What I discovered on my own, was that hormonal imbalance was really the culprit. I had been on birth control pills for about 8 years when all of this started. After I stopped taking the pill, I had infections much less frequently, but they would still come back.

What finally worked for me was a combination of wild yam and vitex capsules, taken daily for two or three months. Both of these herbs are natural hormone balancers. They do not contain any actual hormones, but they will stimulate the body to produce hormones in the proper amounts.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by London (Sandusky , Ohio) on 11/02/2010

Apple cider vinegar IN CONJUNCTION with Echinacia herb pills 3 350mg pills 3 times a day cured my bladder infection. Also, I drank lemon water thru out the day too with this. 1 lemon a day

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Wendy (Vancouver, Washington, Usa) on 09/15/2010

I suffered through the second bladder infection of my life a year ago at age 40 (and no med insurance). For three days I tried the most popular natural remedy I knew of: 'raw' cran juice or cran capsules (I used both, with tons of water). This provided barely tolerable results, with no real signs of improvement, until my dad recommended the ACV treatment he'd read about on this site. I tried the 'recipe' he gave me, and was absolutely AMAZED at the VERY quick results. My 'situation' only required 3 doses, over about 3 hrs, and all symptoms disappeared (for good). I felt about 50% better after ONLY 1/2 HR of drinking first dose of remedy. And I felt completely symptom free after 2 more doses over next 2 or 3 hours. Each dose consisted of just 2 Tbls ACV (organic, non filtered, brown colored ONLY) w/ dash of baking soda (for alkaline balance(?)I think)in approx 6-8 oz water (which I 'slammed' down- very bitter. ), while still drinking lots of plain water over the next 12 or so hrs, just to help flush out infection.

Quick note of information I wanted to pass on (and a topic which remains controversial- so I don't mean to offend anyone who doesn't agree :), but the logic made sense to me anyway:
Not all herbal/natural remedies, as 'harmless' as they may seem, may be the healthiest choice to take daily for preventative purposes. Many are not FDA approved or monitored, and therefore can be as potent, or even MORE potent, than their respective prescription counterparts. Also, daily, frequent usage might prove ineffective over time(i. e. Due to tolerance increase). An MD recently warned me about the dangers of taking natural/herbal remedies to compliment a prescription drug to help treat or cure an illness faster or more effectively. Most prescription drugs have natural roots or base to begin with, so toxicity may occur if also adding one or more of the drugs base herbs. (Glad I finally met an MD who is educated on these matters. I have 'doubled up' many times in past hoping for quicker recovery, and wasn't aware of dangers. ) So I now do extensive research on any/all natural remedies I take, even if just intended for short time use. Except for some vitamins, I now only take any remedies on an 'as needed' basis, and have found this to provide the best results. Again, controversal topic, but just passing on for FYI purposes:)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Laramie (Missoula, Mt) on 08/24/2010

Cindy.... Have been there too many times to count. Go get Uva Ursi capsules, and take two at nite and two in the morning and you will clear it up probably for good like I did. Also, my daughter had the same results.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Manacci (Rochester, Il, Usa) on 08/14/2010

I had a UTI/bladder infection come out of nowhere last Friday in the afternoon. Burning frequent urination, and it got worse, fast. By the evening hours I had blood when I wiped. I looked on Earth Clinic and saw all the Yeas on Apple Cider Vinager, so I tried a shot of it chased by lots of water. I also used an over the counter probiotic of cranberry concentrate w/ vitamin C supplement, and LOTS of water. I did this for 3 days, but I was symptom free within an hour or two after taking the ACV and the probiotic! It has been a whole week now, I feel fine, and I saved myself the expense of an ER visit! Thank you Earth Clinic!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jamie (Atlanta, Ga) on 07/29/2010

I sat in an ankle deep bathtub of water and ACV while simultaniously taking a straight shot of ACV. It has been only 1 hour and while I'm still not 100%, there is significant improvement which I'm sure will continue as long as I keep the ACV coming. I was literally about to make the dreaded, guaranteed 2 hour wait to the Emergency room because my pain has been so unbareable all day long. I have sat on the toilet for hours because the sensation that I have to urinate was constant and it hurt so bad when urine actually did pass. I needed relief so I found this site online and got excited and hopeful. It really does work. I am sitting here typing this and not doubled over in pain in the restroom like I have been the rest of the day. I hope this is helpful for anyone else going through this infection. God bless! ! !

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Katina (St.louis, Missouri) on 02/09/2010

I had the worst UTI I've ever had. I was in so much pain I could not think or focus on anything else. I took a swig of ACV WITH WATER and in less than twenty minutes the pain was tolerable.. Then I put some in a water bottle and sipped on it for a day. I felt completely. That kind of pain can bring a person to tears.. I don't have insurance and I am sooooo happy I found this sight. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

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