Acid Reflux
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux Relief

Bentonite Clay
Posted by GT (Vero Beach, Florida) on 08/24/2007

Used Medicinal grade Bentonite clay for acid reflux,works within a few sips. Get a small bottle of water put in a teaspoon of bentonite clay (PH is 9.1) shake hard so it disolves in the water and take some sips. You will notice within the second sip the acid starts to calm down. A note; People with bad acid reflux have trouble sleeping, magnesium gets depleted when acid is on overload, a few sips of bentonite clay before bed you sleep like a baby. Magnesium has a 'calming' effect for the mind and the physical muscles. There is magnesium in bentonite clay.

Slippery Elm
Posted by Diane (Minster nr Ramsgate, UK) on 02/06/2007

I would like to recommend pure slippery elm powder (not slippery elm food which has flour in it) to help with acid reflux. Slippery elm when made up into a milkshake type drink (see tip at end of this for making it up without lumps!) has soothing properties, lines as it goes down, and is also nutritional. My children used to have slippery elm mixed with fruit such as stewed apple or apricots or banana as a cereal when they were bubbies. They loved it. Anyway, re: acid reflux - it will not instantly make it go away but will help soothe some of the symptoms and calm the volcanic eruptions a bit if drunk fairly frequently, especially when one has the symptoms of heartburn or sore throat etc. I think used in conjunction with yoghurt (or even better pre and pro biotic capsules) and the apple cider remedy, as well as of course changes to ways of living, it would be very good. I cannot say it will be as I have not tried the ACV remedy yet - but I intend to! My husband has ulcerative colitis and drinking slippery elm has really helped him as well as natural anti-inflammatories such as turmeric, taking pre and pro biotics, and taking flaxseed oil. Has anyone tried ACV for ulcerative colitis btw? Oh before I forget...I said I would give a tip for making up slippery elm without the lumps. This is how my hubby and I do it: Put two heaped teaspoonfuls of slippery elm in a mug. Bring kettle to boil but before pouring into mug, put a covering of cold water over the powder in the mug. DO NOT STIR yet though but stir as you are pouring in the hot water. Leave some room at the top for adding milk (we use soya milk btw as this suits my husband's UC more, but other types of milk are ok if you can drink them). Diane :-)

Slippery Elm
Posted by Kathleen (New York, NY) on 09/04/2007

Acid Reflux - Slippery Elm -- Cured my acid reflux after trying everything for a year. A herbalist in my neighborhood said get a bottle of water and put 2 Tablespoons of powered slippery elm in it and sip it all day long. Also, the Thayer's Slippery-Elm lozenges -- you can let one after the other dissolve and always at night when I go to bed (and during the night). Put more slippery elm powder in a little water and drink it straight, after meals -- it will be a little thick, but it absolutely works.

Digestive Enzymes
Posted by Jonathan (Memphis, TN) on 08/26/2006

I tried the ACV with honey and it worked some, but did not last. The pickle juice helped some, but again not lasting. I read on another website where people had success with digestive enzymes and aloe vera gel. I went to GNC and they said many customers like an enzyme formula plus Lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria along with aloe vera liquid. They said that acid reflux often stems from a lack of enzyme activity. These enzymes also contain betaine hydrochloride to increase stomach acid. I was on Protonix for a while, but I didn't like the way it made me feel. I decided to stop it and try the enzymes instead. These have absolutely cured my reflux!! I take two per meal and have been able to eat whatever I want. They are easy to break open if you don't want to try and swallow the capsules. I break them open and mix them with a glass of water before I eat. Don't worry, it doesn't taste bad at all! GNC even suggested sprinkling them in yogurt, milk, or directly on your food. I also take 2 ounces of aloe vera liquid each night. I wanted to share my success so that you may have the same relief I have. I'm glad I don't have to sit up in bed at night anymore! Best wishes!

Posted by Gary (West Monroe, LA)

Papaya enzymes cure acid reflux. Best remedy on the market. Take six first time. One later hour six more. Next day six a day. Then four a day until reflux is gone. I eat them like candy until pain is gone. You will thank me.

Digestive Enzymes
Posted by Israel (Austin, Texas) on 05/08/2007

I was diagnosed with Acid reflux two years ago at 27. I was given that (blue red)pill, but I like others realized that once i was off it, my acid reflux came back. I am not 100% sure what has caused it but have narrowed it down to the intake of soda as a youth. I am intrested to find the correlation between the extra large sized drink given out by fast food restraunts and the increased case of acid-reflux. Did the case increase upon their introduction? As for possible cure's I have tried a few...the best results came with digestive enzymes...I also tried goat milk which did alright but I am lactose intolerant...I have also read about a type of yogurt, helps that was popular in the 60's, but I don't know the name, if anyone knows what I am talking about please post the name. It has a natural way of stabilizing the digestive cultures in our system. Avoid grease, spice, and acids...especially vinegar...and eat slow...that is the biggest adjustment that has helped really, slow and smaller portions..

Digestive Enzymes
Posted by Bouy (Winnipeg, Canada) on 06/12/2007

I am one of thousands that has acid reflex. I was provide a presciption from my doctor that said I would have to be on it forever. The drugs did not cure this condition, so I looked for a natural way of relieving this condition. I have tried the apple cider viniger, and it did work for me. But, I have also found that digestive enzymes have been my answer. I use a -complete- formula that helps digest all your food. I have tested them for two months with extreme success. I hope this info will help others. Good Luck and lets get natural.

Digestive Enzymes
Posted by Lina (NY, NY) on 06/17/2007

I have never experienced acid reflux until 2 years ago and it was really interfiring with my life. I couldn't eat or sleep. I went to the doctor and he prescribed some pills that did nothing. A friend told me about this natural pills Pineapple and Papaya enzimes. She said they worked wonderful on her. I tried them and in just a couple of hours I started to feel the relief! I strongly recommend this pills. You can get them in any natural store and they taste really good. Good Luck!

Digestive Enzymes
Posted by Kerry (Portland, OR) on 08/08/2007

papaya enzymes worked wonders for my acid reflux, heartburn, and indigestion. i can eat all the spicy, rich foods i want as long as i remember to take 3 chewable(yay!)tablets right after. i found them at my grocery store in the health food section. they cost a bit more than antacids, but they fix the problem not mask the symptoms.

Digestive Enzymes
Posted by Terry (Chicago, IL) on 09/01/2007

enzymes will stop all your acid reflex, Tums kills all your good acid. buy in health store

Posted by Karen (Birmingham, Michigan) on 09/12/2007

ALMONDS: I had been taking aciphex for my acid reflux for over a year. After trying to lose weight with no success, I discovered over the internet that some people have a weight problem with aciphex. I stopped using it and decided to try a natural remedy that I used when I was pregnant and it works! It's real simple: plain almonds. I eat about 5 with breakfast and then eat a few each time I eat and I haven't felt my reflux. This was a remedy that a nurse told me about many years ago when I was pregnant with my first child, 1981. I'm so glad I remembered it. Just to let you know, I am a drinker of chlorinated tap water; (read below) but somehow that remedy makes sense, too. Oh, and by the way, I began to lose weight after stopping the aciphex!

Posted by Rose (Philadelphia, PA) on 09/12/2007

I have had esophageal spasms on and off for 7 years. Diag. with reflux and put on Nexium. Nexium caused many side effects including urinary tract infection due to change in pH (suppression of acid). No help from Nexium. Found OTC meds for asthma containing expectorant and ephedra. Taking only small amounts (1/4-1/2 pill) was enough to quiet spasms and reduce mucous production. Be careful of ephedra, however, since it can increase BP. The small amount doesn't seem to add to BP, though. The docs do give nitroglyerine for spasms, but this works just as well. (incidentally, that feeling of "choking" is the esophagus spasming.) Have heard digestive anzymes with Betaine HCl will help reflux (probably same mechanism as ACV). Hope these suggestions help others.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Jonna (Los Angeles, CA) on 09/15/2007

Lately I have been having a hell of a time with digestive issues. Not sure what is going on -- it may be that I am eating way too much hormone injected chicken and turkey now that I moved in with my partner, who has to eat meat at least once a day or he gets sick. On the other hand, I ate a Trader Joe's garlic naan last week at home with a homemade curry and woke up to extreme abdominal pain and brain fog. Second time that happened with the naan, will have to check the ingredients next time I go. So perhaps I am allergic to wheat now. I don't know. At any rate, after a week of snail's pace recovery with Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda, molasses, etc., I decided to a) eat vegetarian and b) do Bill Munro's h202 inhalation therapy. I started the peroxide therapy yesterday at about noon. By 8pm the brain fog that I have had for a week disappeared. This morning, exactly 24 hours later, my digestive tract finally feels back to normal. No more abdominal pain. I did 6 pumps of 3% h202 (drugstore brand) every 2- 3 hours. I think eating only rice and vegetables the last few days was helpful too.

Posted by Ruth (Arlington, Texas) on 11/18/2005

Teaspoon of mustard. Hold your breath and gulp it down. Works in minutes!

Posted by V. Gillespie (Saint Louis, USA) on 09/16/2007

Mustard, regular prepared mustard that goes on a hotdog or sandwich quickly and completely cured intolerable acid reflux and heartburn. My husband told me to try it, so I swallowed a good tablespoon each time the reflux and heartburn came for a few days. It has been well over 6 years since and I have never had acid reflux or hearburn again. Mustard works amazingly.
