Acid Reflux
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux Relief

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mike (Rockville, Indiana) on 01/13/2006

I am always skeptical of folk cures but after several days with bouts of heartburn and several nights of acid reflux I tried a straight shot of plain white vinegar. It felt hot going down and at first I felt worse but after a minute or two I began to feel much better. I now dilute the vinegar with three or four parts water and add a little raspberry flavored syrup to make it more palatable. I have had good consistent results after drinking a couple of ounces once or twice a day. Apparently the secret to controlling acid reflux is more complicated than simply reducing the acid - some kind of pH balance must be coming into play. I can not believe the medical and pharmaceutical aren't aware of this inexpensive treatment that seems to work for most sufferers.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rhonda (Dardanelle, AR) on 01/13/2006

After numerous doctor and ER visits and many tests for asthma-like symptoms, passing out feelling, sinus problems, tinnitus, then taking Nexium, Reglan, Prevacid, Zyrtec, Pepcid Complete and anything you can possibly think of, I had just about given up with doctors and medicine for acid reflux. Then I found this website and decided to try the apple cider vinegar and water. What a blessing! After five days, I am truly amazed. I feel ten times better than I did this time last week and I can actually hear without the ringing in my ears. Acid reflux can be a nightmare and can cause many strange symptoms to the human body. I am a 42 year old female and this has been an ongoing problem for over four years. My father lived to be 89 years old and took ACV almost every day of his life. He was a very wise man and I really think he was on to something.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Loo (Singapore) on 01/13/2006

hi everybody, apple cider really solve my acid stomach acid problem immedately. Million tks, earth clinic.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Teresa (Spartanburg, SC) on 01/12/2006

over a year ago i was diagnosed with severe larynx acid was causing sores on my vocal box,chronic coughing, post nasal drip,& etc. i was prescribed prilosec, it helped some but then it stopped working. then i was prescribed nexium which also helped some for awhile then stopped. so then i was prescribed nexium in the morning and zantac150 at night but of course this also stopped working i started taking organic apple cider vinegar 2 tablespoons at night and i am completely off of all the prescriptions i was put on. and it works better than any of the other ever my sinuses have cleared up,no more coughing,no voice loss, and as an extra plus no more hot flashes at night.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Donna (Tulsa, OK) on 01/11/2006

I recently started the raw apple cider vinegar and raw honey treatment. It has helped my bloating and reflux, but I see so many variations of dosage. Currently, I mix 2 tsp acv & 2 tsp honey in 8 oz. of distilled water. I use _______'s raw ACV with 'the mother'. I do not buy pasteurized acv because the raw is supposed to have more health benefits. I drink one glass first thing in the morning and one at bedtime. I still have stomach problems but the acv does help. I am now going to stop taking the Zelnorm, I already quit taking Protonix. I'm tired of popping pills and acv seems to be my remedy.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Virigina (Wells, ME) on 01/11/2006

In August I started having a really bad cough. At first they told me it was bronchitis and treated me for that and asthma. I have been to two specialists and had a bunch of tests. I have had acid reflux for quite awhile, and been on Protonix. And the doctors said, well it could be the acid reflux. I couldn't even carry on a conversation for very long without coughing. I was sleeping with 4 pillows and ending up on the couch about 2 in the morning because I couldn't stop Coughing. I went for an allergy test, and I'm not allergic to anything. I told the doctor that I was really getting concerned because now my voice was raspy. He put a tube down my nose and said my vocal cords were red and that it was the Acid reflux. He had me take the protonix twice a day. But I was still coughing. A few weeks ago a friend of mine told me her daughter discovered vinegar for her acid reflux. I started taking 3 tablespoons after each meal. My cough is gone. I'm sleeping all night and am down to three pillows!! I'm not sure if it should be 3 tablespoons after each meal, so if anyone has the correct receipe could you please give it to me.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Femi (Glendale Heights, IL) on 01/09/2006

Thanks a lot for those you created this site and posted their experience. There is no word to describe my thanks to them. I was suffering from acid reflux for almost 4 months now. I had seen 4 doctors so far for this problem nobody could give me def. cure. ACV was the solution for it. I keep burping thru out the day. After taking ACV its all gone now. But I have a question for those who posted, for how long I should take ACV for Acid reflux to cure completely?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dot (Haverhill , MA) on 01/09/2006

ACV cured my acid reflux as soon as I took my first dose with grape juice. I've been taking PRILOSEC for a year and it wasn't working anymore. I found this site and am so relieved to have a good nights sleep.Thanks so much Earth Clinic for the info.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Teri (Wisconsin Dells WI) on 01/08/2006

Thank you thank you!!! I've had bad heartburn for years now.. my boyfriend kept telling me about this vinegar cure he'd heard about.. he found this site and showed it to me.. I was sooo desperate that i finally decided to try a teaspoon full of apple cider vinegar.. WOW!!! it worked in minutes. I felt the heartburn go away and could burp again without feeling any burning! thanks again!! an I can only say to anyone thinking about trying this.. just take a teaspoon full.. it works and you have nothing to lose!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Wayne (Cooper) on 12/27/2005

I have been on vinegar and honey for about four days and I can see a big difference in my acid reflux. I also eat slices of Red Delicious apples a few times a day. Thanks for your articles.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Perry (Phoenix, Arizona) on 12/05/2005

Here's my story if anybody cares to read it. Labor Day 2005 my wife and I were watching TV and all of a sudden I was having chest pains really bad. i told my wife she was going to have to take me to the hospital. She had to get her clothes on and by the time she changed her clothes and said lets go I told her I didn't think I could make it so she called 911 and they were here in about 3 minutes. They treated me like I was having a heart attack. Baby aspirin, nitro etc.and I thought I was too. They took me to the hospital in the ambulance after treating me at home for about 45 minutes and I was there for 3 days and had all kinds of tests run. The next day after all those tests they told me to go home because they couldn't find anything wrong with my heart.The total bill was over $15,000.00. My primary Dr. told me he thought it was acid reflux and gave me a prescription for prevacid that cost $134.00 and I refused to get it filled. I came home and got on the internet and googled acid reflux and found this site and started using apple cider everytime I felt a 100 lb grandchild sitting on my chest (or that's what it felt like). In just a couple of minutes after taking a teaspoon of apple cider vingar straight the pain was gone. And it has worked everytime since. THANKS FOR THIS WEB PAGE AND ALL THE INFO FOUND HERE. Perry from Phoenix

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Janie (Plains, PA) on 12/04/2005

I thought I was having a heart attack at work the other night-I had chest pain and back pain but found out through all kinds of testing that it was just acid reflux. I was prescribed Nexium --it just didn't work for me too long--I would wake up every morning with pressure in my throat.I work nights and would have chest pain and a constant kind of pressure in my throat every night while at work around midnight,(no burning, but pain) I looked on line for a natural cure and found this site. Through advice of my friend I use 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with grape juice. It has been two weeks now and I haven't had an episode of pain. I also don't watch my diet and I can't believe it. They laugh at me at work because I have a shot glass next to my vinegar and I mix it with grapejuice. I am not laughing because it works and it is sure alot cheaper than buying Nexium. Thanks so much for the cure.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sammy (Newport, Tennessee) on 12/01/2005

I am a 15 year old male and I was diagnosed with acid reflux three years ago I didn't pay much attiontion to it until it started hurting really bad, infact it hurted so bad it effected my school work, and homework. Eventually I couldn't handle it no longer so I went to the doctor. now here I am. The docters have given me everything known to treat acid reflux. However, the doctrs never did give me any thing "natural" simply because it would damage the profitts of these large multibillion dollar corporations. Well, as a courius young man I am, I went to Google and typed in Acid Reflux Natural Cures and after a few minutes of searching I stumbled upon this sight. Luckly my grandmother was just about to go to the local food store so I asked her to pick me up some Apple Cider Vinegar, she asked "why?" and I explained. After the 15 seconds of explaining she finally said acid reflux was effecting her also. About three hours later she came back with a gallon of apple cider vinegar. Since then I have been putting two tablespoons inside a 8 ounce cup and I quickly gulp it down. Acid Reflux has yet to bother me or grandmother since the discovery of this sight. THANK YOU!!!!!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Nancy (Germantown, WI) on 11/25/2005

I've been suffering with serious reflux/heartburn for months now. It was mild for several years, but has now progressed. The ACV has worked wonders. I've stopped the prescription Protonix completely. It's been 5 days and when I feel a bout coming on I take 2 T. in 8 oz. water and within a minute or so the intense burn subsides. My stomach does feel a bit sour for about 10-15 minutes after drinking it, but it passes and then I feel great. Truly amazing. I've only had 1 episode of heartburn in those 5 days.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Julio (Riverside,California) on 09/02/2005

Dear friends: I was suffering of acid reflux for months, the doctors game me prevacid,the reflux got worse and gave me a horrible diarrhea.I took acv and after two days it was gone, now i add two tbs of liquid chlorophyl to the drink. I feel just peachy. thank you.
