Acid Reflux
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux Relief

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sharon (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada) on 09/07/2006

After suffering from a blocked bowel which caused back up of acid into the esophagus, many hospital visits with an NG-tube being inserted which scraped the interior of the esophagus, acid reflux was a full time occurrence. A scope showed that the lining of the esophagus was, as my Dr. said "raw meat". I was placed on most ant-acids known to man. They masked the symptoms for awhile, but I spent most days in pain. Sleeping was near impossible because of the pain and coughing. Thanks to a Dr. who practiced natural medicine and a magazine article which told me that far from having too much stomach acid, the pain meant that I was producing too little, I was told to take a forkful of sauerkraut when the pain hit and that it would help. It did! Immediately! It's effects were not permanent though. One week ago, again because of a magazine article, I was led to try Apple Cider Vinegar. Not for Acid reflux but to help me relax. I have not had acid reflux or heart burn since! Thanks for your web-site. I will be sharing my find with others.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dr. Paul Swanson (USA) on 08/29/2006

Thanks much for the ACV remedy for reflux. I join the chorus and say, yes, it has worked excellently for me as well. It has been shown that the lower esophageal sphincter closes in response to acidic stomach liquid near it.

My theory is that reflux is caused either by stomach liquid which is insufficiently acidic or because the acid receptors near the lower esophageal sphincter are not sensitive enough. Acidifying the stomach liquid with vinegar allows closure of the lower esophageal sphincter to be properly triggered by proximity of sufficiently acidic stomach liquid.

This theory is directly counter to the prevailing idea that reflux is caused by excess acid. I have observed in myself that Pepcid, which reduces stomach acid, does make reflux less painful because the refluxed stomach liquid is less acidic, but that nonetheless the actual amount and frequency of reflux increases. Thus, it makes sense to me that medications which reduce acid do reduce pain but do not eliminate continued reflux and symptoms. Clearly, this explanation of reflux will not be favored by those with financial interest in selling acid-reducing pharmaceuticals. Thanks again, Paul Swanson MD

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Peggy (Florence, AL) on 08/15/2006

I was told about apple cider vinegar for reflux by a neighbor who had seen it on television. I have had several prescription medicines and was presently on prilosec. I have been on the apple cider vinegar for 3 days with absolutely no reflux. Believe me, it works!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Chris (Toronto, Ontario) on 08/03/2006

Recently I was sent from work to the hospital for chest pain so bad I nearly fainted. They were not convinced that it was acid reflux. After blood tests and ekg's and a stress test they conceded that I probably have acid reflux disease and prescribed pantoloc.... it didn't help much. I was prescribed nexium after the reflux persisted and that didn't help much either. I stumbled onto this web site today and ran out to buy acv and got more relief than I have since the reflux started. Here's hoping it continues... thank you

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ricky (Walnut Creek, CA) on 08/03/2006

I'm 27 and recently came across this site for acid reflux and saw all the talk about ACV. At first i thought "what a scam" but i'll try, i was desperate. I've been taking acv for about 2 weeks or so, i can't believe it but i've really lost about ten pounds in 2 weeks. I've stuck to a healthy diet, lots of greens and lot and lots of water. At first i started taking it for acid reflux and digestive problems , and it's works. I thought something else was wrong when i started dropping the weight but it's the acv. It didn't work right away but after a week or so i noticed results! Try it yourself, just remember everybody's different what works for one person might not work for the next.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dorothy (Oroville, CA) on 07/19/2006

I went to your web site to find a way to cure my acid reflux, I had been taking Prevacid for a long time, just wasn't doing anything for me in the last 6 months, so I tried the apple cider vinegar tablets, it's been two weeks and I feel so much better, can't say it's cured yet. What excites me is my out of control appetite is now in control, and right from day one, unbelievable! the weight is comming off so easily. thank you so much.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Maria Elena (Edinburg, Texas) on 07/15/2006

I tried any kind that could relieve me of my very chronic acid reflux, tagament, pepcid, antacids, zantac, any medications for acid reflux. I have been using ACV for about a week and I have noticed some changes on the acid reflux. I had gotten to the point of smelling food while it was been cooked, that was enough to set my acid reflux! believe me and even when I would drink water I was having acid reflux daily and was lasting for long periods of was driving me nuts and having lots of pain during the day and at night....would be up all hours of the night. I had started throwing up and could taste the acid and the bitter smell of the acid reflux... just too much for me to handle..and I don't like seeing doctors.... So I called my sister and she told me about an article on ACV and told me to try it... thank God... I listened to her. I HAVE noticed my acid reflux isn't lasting long hours into the night or lasting for days. Now I sleep at night without worrying about having acid reflux, I'm too much enjoying having a good nights sleep!! We should remember what our elders had to say about home remedies and give it a try. Try it and you'll see the difference, because doctors don't want you to see the difference.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Terr (Northglenn, CO) on 07/07/2006

Well, I just want to say thank you for this great site! It has saved me, from great pain and suffering. I had to get off Nexium, I could no longer afford it. It really was beginning not to work anyway. I found this site, and instantly went to the fridge, and drank some pickle juice. Oh my gosh! Worked really well. I then went to the store and bought some ACV. What a difference! I have now slept through the night for 5 nights. I haven't slept through the night in years. I am slowing learning, that I can eat again. I used to get so sick, I could not even keep a soda cracker down. The burning was unbearable, and at times and I would be in tears. Thought I was going crazy. Anything spicy sent me over the edge, and I would be sick for the whole day and night. I no longer take any medicine, rolaids, Mylanta, etc. I also found that Celestial Seasonings makes a peppermint tea. I drink it every day, and it really helps. I am also trying yogurt, seems to help. Anyway, thank you so much for this site! I am so mad at the Drs. for prescribing medicine that just masked my problems.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Trey (Carrollton, Georgia) on 06/27/2006

I broke my shoulder playing softball and was given endocet 10/325 and naproxen 500mg. A week later I realized that I had a major problem. Something was causing me to feel like I was choking. Being in great shape all my life and never having an allergy, It was very disturbing. After lots of research I found that the pills and stress from the injury had really messed my stomach up bad. After all kinds of doctors and meds, I listened to my 87 year old neighbor. 2 days of apple cider vinegar and no more problems.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cecilia (Strongsville, OH) on 06/16/2006

I have had chronic lower'back pain for years and after taking AVC twice daily for a month I have noticed a drastic difference. I was restricted in activities and now I can do just about everything. While at the doctor's I also found out that my blood pressure dropped from 124/80 to 116/68. In January, 2006 I was diagnosed with acid reflux, which resulted with pills every day. Since taking the AVC I haven't had to take any medication for the acid reflux. I believe it has also helped with my allergies. This really is a miracle cure.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lynn (Caro, MI) on 06/15/2006

6 or 7 years ago my digestion went to hell, my arthritis reared it's head and I was miserable. I kept eliminating foods and tried aloe vera juice plus went to the doctors. They put me on Prevacid, naproxsyn, and zoloft. I tried to get off all but not very successfully. I finally kicked zoloft a little over 2yrs ago. The doctors will tell you that there is no withdrawal, there is a withdrawal believe me, but that's another story. I quit the pain pills which I was on prior to my digestion woes but I couldn't stop the acid reducers. I had to change to Prilosec due to finances and if I forgot a pill I would be doubled over in pain and vomiting. I couldn't ever bend over within 2 hours after eating without food and bile coming into my mouth. I found articles about acv and tried it. Immediate relief, no pain I still belch but no food comes up and I can even bend over. I will write again after another month or two and let you know how my arthritis is doing. I like the taste of avc. I also use ginger twice a day to aid digestion.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dee (NYC) on 06/14/2006

I had a horrible few days of bloating, abdominal pain, vomiting and nausea. I was diagnosed with Acid Reflux and given a prescription for Prilosec. I took the pill and still no relief, so yesterday I did some research and found this site. I immediately went to the grocery store and purchased some ACV. I took a tablespoon before bed and I slept through the night, and I somewhat am feeling back to normal today. I know it's too soon to tell, but I'm optimistic this will help me relieve my pain! Thanks to all on this site!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ann (Fairhope, AL) on 06/13/2006

Oh M-Gosh! ACV and honey cured my acid reflux, nasuea, a really heavy feeling and at the same time a vaccuous feeling in my stomach. ACV is a miracle!!!! I went to the doctor today and shared with him that I was taking ACV and what great results I was having......he didn't say a word....I could just tell that he was not in disagreement with this treatment. So, here I am, at 64 years old, and FINALLY able to sleep and free of all my symptoms!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dorthy (Palm Harbor, FL) on 06/13/2006

1 tablespoon ACV, 1 teaspoon honey, half glass water produced immediate results, slept like a baby.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tammy (Carrollton, TX) on 06/11/2006

I just put this to the test, I did 2 TBSP ACV in a cup of water, and my acid reflux went away immediately. I usually get acid every day, so I will test this again as soon as the next time comes around. My stepdad swears by' ACV. I see a lot of cures listed here that I need. I am hoping if I drink this mix 1 to 2 times a day I will see these benefits too!
