Genital Warts
Health Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar for Genital Warts

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Brighter Side (Toronto, Ontario Canada) on 02/01/2012

Hi, first of all I want to thank everyone for taking thier time to post thier stories, you all honestly saved me from suicide. I discovered bumps in the entrance to my vagina a few weeks before christmas last year. I got a mirror like most of you did and I examined them. I hadn't heard of genital warts before but I was certain it was something different from the usual yeast infection.

I quickly did an internet search on my symptoms and the answer "Genital warts/HPV" kept re-occuring, I looked at pictures and read up hpv, and I decided to believe that it was different from what I had. I went to see a doctor the very next day, I didn't let him examine me, I told him my description was good enough because I wanted him to tell me it was a yeast infection, I wanted him to commonise what I had, I wanted him to give me drugs that I would take for 2 weeks and that would be the end of it. Well he did, he gave me something similar to canesteen, and I left happy, relieved, but with a nag at the back of my mind. I took the drugs religiously, added vitamins, was extra healthy and the "rash" spread.... Drastically. It was in my vagina, in my anus, at the side of my vagina, leading into my anus, it was a mess. I knew, and I couldn't doubt that it was infact GW.

It took me 2 months but I finally summoned up the courage, and I went to another doctor. I let him examine me and he did a pap smear. I wasn't even surprised when he told me I have the warts. I just told him I want to remove them. He recommended aldara, I couldn't afford it, he wrote a prescription for podofyllum, the pharmacy didn't have that kind. Finally, he wrote a prescription for podofilm, and that's what I got.

I was terrified of the podofilm cos all the search I did on it produced scary results - toxic, seeps into skin, major side effects, very dangerous, ony doctor can use, cancerous.... Etc. I didn't exactly know how to use it, the doctor was very unspecific, he was busy/ it was a walk in. But in all he was very un helpful. All the facts I know about this virus, I read up myself.

Anyway back to my story, I finally used the podofilm but very sparsely, and very carefully. I didn't go near the warts on the inside of my vag cos all the sites instruced against it. I had given up all hope, I was already going through some serious stuff in my life, so I just concluded that this GW was the icing on the cake.

Yesterday night I prayed for death to come, and I was planning on taking a lethal overdose this night until I just decided to check for herbal remedies for this thing. The thing that really helped was reading so many reviews, which told me I'm not alone. Secondly, how many of you have managed to move on, even cure yourselves. I cried because I was happy, I wasn't alone, God hadn't abandoned me, cos I truly believe he directed me to this site.

I went to examine myself for how to use the Apple Cider Vinegar on myself, and miraculously I can't find any of the warts that led from the front of my vagina to my anus. It's crazy, I'm crying as I'm typing cos I feel so much love from God right now. And all of you who took the time to write your experiences. I'm going to use the Apple Cider Vinegar for the ones on the inside of my vagina and I'm positive they will clear. I don't know if the virus wil remain but I know I'm going to clear these warts. I'm going to be positive, and I'll be happy. So all I'm saying is live your life, virus or no, but please try not to spread it to others. I'm sure with time a full cure will be made. And most of all be prayerful.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by James (New York) on 11/20/2011

I am starting the ACV treatment for anal warts. Since I was diagnosed this summer I've spent a lot of time alone thinking about how this happened to me and why I could have been so stupid to not have protected myself. After a good, long, unhealthy period of self-loathing and hatred, I decided to look forward and find a way to resolve this. Only, in the time that's passed, I've noticed a few more little warts pop up.

So I've been reading all over the internet about treatments and almost spent $100 dollars earlier this week on a cream product out there. Needless to say, I was very happy to find this home remedy and am very hopeful that it works.

I'm a young person without health insurance so hopefully this treatment does work. I'm really nervous about the burning and irritation. This site confuses me - it seems as though either this treatment works for everyone who tries it and the burning has done no real damage or those who've been negatively affected have decided to keep mum.

Anyway, rambling here tonight. I'll keep everyone posted on my progress. I don't feel comfortable talking to anyone about this yet in person so I'll confide in these blogs. Hopefully someone like me will find my success story posted in a few days and be able to find some relief and comfort in it.


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Inlovekelly (Phoenix, Arizona, Us) on 11/09/2011

I am a 22 year old female. I was diagnosed with Genital Wart in June 2011. I was prescribed aldera for 3 weeks it did absoloutely NOTHING!!! I then started under going the acid treatments, which were pretty painful but I wanted to do anything to get rid of these hideous things. I did that for 4 weeks then took a 4 week break and did another set of four weeks, however they still did not go away and they came back worse!!!

I stumbled across some sites that talked about ACV as treatment, I had no idea what ACV stood for. Once I found out I did some research read over 100 stories/post about, googled every site I could find. That same night around 1am I drove to walmart purchased a bottle of ACV $1.17, and thought, well I've already spent over $2,000 in other treatments what could another $1.17 hurt. I will say this was the best decision of my life!!!

The first night I did the treatment I could only do it for 30 min, the next 1hr, the next about 4 or 5 hours. I took a break because I was traveling, however I have noticed that my warts have disappeared faster than ever before, there are still a few left but I am assuming once I start the treatments again they will go away.

DO NOT SPEND MONEY GOING TO THE DR. This is the BEST and CHEAPEST treatment. I will admit it can, no it will be painful, however it will be totally worth it, you will be wart free!!! This was the best thing I could have stumbled across!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rei (La, Usa) on 11/11/2011

I have been diagnosed with HPV a couple of months ago, had them cauterized but just a month after that I already had a recurrence. I used aspirin/castor oil/ACV on that and it was gone in a couple of days. Sadly, the one that got cauterized also recurred after that. I used the same remedy, it disappeared, healed, but now I can feel that it is coming back again. So, yesterday I decided to just use pure ACV.

I moistened a cotton with ACV and let it stay on the area for 3 hours. I was so surprised to see afterwards that most of the skin turned white. These are not just spots, but the skin touched by the ACV on my vagina opening. I am wondering now if they are really warts or was it because of my skin's (even healthy ones) reaction to ACV?

Anyway, I continued with the treatment today, and much as I avoided removing the whitened skin, it has turned so soft that some got removed when I applied castor oil to soothe it. The same thing happened when I used the ACV/castor oil/aspirin paste before. I never really saw the skin turn black because it fell off while it was still white. Maybe that is the reason why I have another recurrence now, I may have not killed the root.

I will continue with my ACV until I see this new outbreak turn black, like what has happened to others.

I do have a question though. My GYN has been constantly pressuring me to get the vaccine, but will it still work considering that I already have the virus? I do not want to spend a lot of money for something that will be useless. Has any of you taken the vaccine after being diagnosed with HPV?

For internal treatment, I am now taking Vit. C, multivitamins, and lots of homemade yogurt. I am giving myself a timeline for this. I have to be able to boost my immunity enough to get rid of the virus by the end of this year. I plan to get a Pap smear by January and it has to turn out negative for this virus.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Elise (Usa) on 12/13/2011

Wow!!! I was diagnosed with GW last year, and at the time only had one little wart pop up right between my two "openings" down there. I went and had it burned off with acid, which took care of it almost immediately but with a little discomfort and pain and a BIG price tag. About 6 months later, another one popped up in the same spot. I went to the doctor and was prescribed Aldara, started using it for one night and in the meantime, started researching, reading all the Aldara horror stories, and then came across home remedies and the ACV treatment.

I stopped the Aldara and 3-4 days later started with ACV. I applied a small piece of a cotton ball for only about 15-20 minutes two nights in a row, and on the third morning the wart was GONE! I would recommend before leaving it on all night and making your skin raw, to just try for 15 minutes at a time first. This worked and I couldn't be happier!

Thank you SO MUCH!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Acv-wart-aloe (Eugene, Oregon) on 07/29/2011

A couple weeks after getting dumped, I got a surprise... I discovered a little bump on my anal/rectal area, thought it could be a h'roid. In just a few days, there must have been 100 bumps, and my whole anal area (between the cheeks) was covered. They came on strong and fast.

Since they didn't look like the "cauliflower" shape of a wart, I was nervous it was some other STD. Good reason to get all the STD tests again, which all came back "normal" but a doctor cut-off a piece of wart tissue and confirmed they were warts. She scheduled a much more extensive procedure to cut/burn them all. Even with "insurance" the procedure was going to cost me $$$ a small fortune. Plus I couldn't get an appointment for about two weeks!?!

I read up on Earth Clinic, and decided ACV and Aloe Vera was definitely worth a try.

I'd take a shower and clean my rectal area with Dial bar soap. I'd very gently pat dry. Then I took a small hand-towel, soaked in straight (generic 5% acidity) ACV, folded handcloth in half, and placed in between my butt cheeks. Oh glory did it burn, but I felt some crazy vibe of relief in it. I removed the towel after about three hours, and everything was a bit tender. Sure enough, the bumps all turned white. I rinsed off in the shower, then liberally applied some Aloe Vera gel, which cooled and soothed the tenderness.

The next night, I did the same thing with the towel and ACV, but could only endure the burn about 20 minutes, and then jumped in the shower to rinse off. I tried it a third time, but after maybe only two minutes this time, I just couldn't take it, and had to rinse off again.

My anal region was really red and irritated, but over the next few days, the warts kept turning blackish-blue and falling out.

I let it rest a week, using the Aloe Vera gel, until the ACV "burns" had cleared up. Then I did the ACV-soaked towel treatment two more nights, but this time there was no burn, and I was able to leave that towel in-between my cheeks for the whole night.

This was working so well, I canceled my expensive procedure, and used the ACV twice more in the next week, both times for several hours.

It's been a few months now, and there's no been relapse. My anal area is completely free of any warts. I also soaked all my underwear overnight in ACV, then washed in hot water. Once your doctor confirms you got genital warts, I would highly recommend at least trying ACV and Aloe Vera gel, before you spend good money on some expensive, ineffective, or dangerous procedure.

And I'd bet you they don't say anything about trying ACV! Thanks to everyone here in the Earth Clinic community for promoting all these "common sense" cures.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Shannon (San Antonio, Texas, United States) on 07/06/2011

Just want to let everyone know that you can absolutely cure genital warts with apple cider vinegar. All you do is soak a tiny piece of cotton to cover each wart. Then hold them with silk tape or derma-bond transparent gauze. Leave for 12 hours each night. You should start seeing a change in color by the 2nd night. Don't stop until they're all gone. If you have internal warts dip a tampon with Apple Cider Vinegar and insert into vaginal or anal cavity until you start seeing pieces of dead warts come out. Do not do this more than 7 days. Don't be scared. Acv is non toxic to tissues although it will be painful internally. Also, don't believe those who say they're non-curable. Once you are wart free, wait 3 months before having sexual intercourse to be sure you're cured and to avoid transmission. How does it work? It just does!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Miya (N/a, Wa, U.s) on 10/19/2011

I agree Shannon! This is how I cured my genital warts as well. I had genital warts 2 years ago and have not had an outbreak since. I went to the doctor and they said I had warts and so they said I had genital warts and they applied this solution to it to make the warts fall off. Beforehand, I had been doing the Apple Cider Vinegar solution soaking cotton balls into the solution and taping them to the warts before I went to bed. I would apply cotton balls in between my vaginal opening so as to not let the Apple Cider Vinegar burn and irritate the vaginal lining in my sleep. I applied the cotton ball solutions for about a week or 2 weeks before going to the doctor. Not only that but every morning, I would apply an ACV and alcohol solution mix to the warts as well. It burned but it was a good burn because it got rid of the warts faster and made them fall off. Not only that but I upped my intake of vitamin c and zinc and also practiced the law of attraction. Now when I go to the doctor and get blood tests or any kind of testing, the genital warts virus does not show up at ALL!!! Thank you it is truly a miracle!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sugar Bits (Sf, Ca) on 04/10/2011

It's not that the ACV doesnt work because they come back, they come back because it is a virus in your body, not just your skin. The virus is still there even if the warts arent. Removing warts does help clear the virus, but a lot of people have to repeatedly clear warts. Not everybody clears the virus quickly either, if you want to clear the virus enough to not pass it on during sex with a condom, you have to excercise and up your immune system and keep up with these habits. I've have hpv genital warts for almost over 5 years because up until recently I was drinking alcohol and abusing my body.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sam (Charelston, Sc) on 02/28/2010

Man I have dealt with denial, stress, depression, anxiety over this genital wart thing. I have had a small wart under the shaft for 3 years now. I'm a 27 yr old male. Too embarrassed to go to the doctor, And forget ever telling any one or asking for advice. Moreover, I thought about ordering these on line products. However, I have read all of the horror stories, side effects, disappointment and humiliation. Every time I would pee I would look under my penis to see if it was gone. It's literally driven me crazy and obsessive over this wart cluster. As such, I ran into this blog 1 week ago and I thought it would be another let down. God Bless all of you for your messages and suggestions. I read on the internet that doctors use this acv to check to see if you in fact have genital warts. So a couple of months ago I bought some. I first poured it on the wart and it didn't turn white. "Hurray I guess I don have it after all". False!!!! I followed the suggestions on this site. First wipe the dust off the bottle i Bought. Second Poured some on a cotton ball. Third placed it on the wart wrapped it with a band aid. Fourth went to sleep, woke up and the wart was white as snow. Then Reality set in that it's GW. Moreover, I have continued the process the next night, woke up and the wart was a little gray. Did it again yesterday and it turned black. Today It "FELL OFF" I'M AS SERIOUS AS A HEART ATTACK" IT REALLY WORKED! I will continue the process a couple of more days. I will buy some immune boosters and vitamin C. And With grace of god hopefully I will get a break from this for awhile, if not forever. THIS TREATMENT WORKED FOR ME AND I HOPE IT DOSE FOR YOU GUYS.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Success (Brooklyn, Ny) on 02/07/2010

Omg !! I can't believe it!!! I've had genital warts for about a year now && when I tell you my coochie looked like a big nasty thing of warts! Omg they were so digusting!I swear I had about 1000 !!! Anyway I'm young && was too scared to go to the doctor to get treated so I begin to do some research online. I found out about to ACV treatment && boy does it work wonders!! I just started using the cotton balls && ACV on wed && its sunday && some of them have turned black or are hard,grey && look like they are gettin very flat. I'm estactic! I was very skeptical && now I truly believe! I'm not expecting fast result because I have so many but I'm giving it to about the first week of march that I'll be cleared ! What I do it soak the cotton ball in ACV. The first two day I left the cotton on overnight && in the morning applied some Vitamin E wart actually came off the sencond day when I wiped myself after taking a piss. Then the rest of the days after I just took cotton balls two times a day && dabbed some ACV all over. I gotta admit it did burn a bit but nothing unbearable. I'm not quite clear yet but I'm going to keep up && keep you posted when I am clear but TRUST ME !!!! This WORKSSSSSS !!!!!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by K-L (Vancouver, Bc, Canada) on 01/10/2010

I came down with Genital Warts (GW) probably due to the stress of a nasty breakup. I likely had HPV for years and didn't know it! I thought the GW would never go away. Then I found the ACV treatment. OMG!

I slept with cotton balls soaked with ACV and held in place with a pantyliner to keep everything moist. I was also using Wartrol topically and orally during the day.

Although the stinging was (very!!!) painful for the three days I treated, overall it was worth it and then some! After three days for treatment, my GW are GONE!!! I did find that the skin in and around the areas I treated was burned, and now that it's healing, it's uncomfortable, but I now know that I have to check myself regularly, and at the first signs of a GW, I will RUN to the kitchen cupboard!!

Thanks to everyone on this board for your feedback. Not only did I not feel alone, but I feel like a normal person again.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Wartsgoaway82 (Atlanta, Ga) on 11/18/2009

I am a 33 year old male. I first saw warts on the base of my penis 2 years ago. I have been living in a nightmare ever since. I have seen several doctors including dermatologist and they all agreed that the warts will never go away. One doctor made me feel like a leopor and refused to treat me with the cryogenic method stating, "what's the difference, they'll just come back"

I was buying the home freeze kits and using those for almost a year. They would work sometimes but not all the time. condolox and aldara did not work for me. Condyllox was also very irritating and destructive.

Finally I found the Apple Cider Vinegar method.

I placed cotton balls in a bowl and poured on the ACV. I let it sit for 5-10 mins. I tore the cotton into sections that would cover the wart clusters and covered them with band aids.

I did this before bed and went to sleep.

The first morning, the warts were white and puffy. A couple of them were already grey. By noon they were black. I felt very lucky since that is what has to happen for them to fall off( or so other posts have stated).

I repeated the treatment the second night and the warts that did not turn black on the first night are now black with a few small white ones I couldn't tell were warts just a few days ago. After a full count I was shocked to discover that I have over 20 warts down there. I only knew of 6-8.

Today I feel powerful and enlightened. I even had a stubborn wart come off in the shower. This is on the second morning.

Big tip for people struggling with this: Dont give up!!

I will say I have had no pain so far, just mild stinging. I feel lucky and it might be because I froze them a couple days before starting the ACV.

Good luck to the rest of you. For me, hope is back!!

In the last week my situation got worse quickly and I reached a breaking point.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sassy (B-town, Usa) on 08/09/2009

*UPDATE* so ive had a recurrence. the area previously treated has not broken out again but it seems as though the virus is running its course in different areas. and. for a while there every wart i got rid of a few more would pop up! it was very frustrating, this has been a horrible month long endeavor since the first breakout. also i noticed that places i was first treated by the doctor with acid turned into little moles, not warts, i tested them, but moles!!! that acid crap is the devil! anyways, the warts have migrated to the clitoral area, luckily none have located themselves directly on the clit itself but on the hood and the area around it. this area has proved to be quite difficult to treat. since it is very moist and rubs while walking/sitting/doing pretty much anything the warts are quick to spread. so. for this area, this is what i did:

1. take cotton balls soaked with acv and squeeze out the excess before packing them in the affected area. NOTE* if you have been treating this area for several days and it becomes sensitive, dilute the avc with water.

2. after leaving on for 1-3 hours one to two times a day remove the cotton balls. rinse with warm water. GENTLY massage liquid antibacterial soap on the area. be careful not to pick or scratch the area, let any dead skin/scabs/dead warts fall off on their own when they are ready. picking and scratching will only spread them around. rinse. Rinse. RINSE. with water of course.

3. pat dry with some tp or a towel that you will not use again until after it is washed. apply vitamin e oil to the treated areas. again, be careful to not pick or scratch.

4. place dry cotton balls on the area treated. this helps control the moisture and prevents any open sores from touching healthy skin. do this until the warts are no longer present and the skin has returned to its normal healthy state.

5. WASH YOUR HANDS AFTER EVERY TIME YOU TOUCH DOWN THERE!!!!!!! AND DONT TOUCH ANYTHING ELSE UNTIL YOU HAVE. please, be clean :) you dont want to accidentally give this to anyone else do you?

after much trial and error this is what i have found works best and may work for you. tea tree oil can be used in place of the vitamin e oil but test in a small area first. i am possibly allergic to it and it makes me itch like crazy, which made me scratch, which spread the problem. also, tea tree oil has a very strong minty odor that is VERY noticeable. vitamin e oil does not. i also take a few supplements such as prenatal vitamins, garlic pills, vitamin e gel caps, and apple cider vinegar tablets. every freakin day. consistency is everything. this treatment is working well so far but you must have patience. ive been dealing with this for almost two months now and im really impressed with the fact that i can regulate this problem with something so simple. no matter what method you choose to treat the warts, there will always be a chance of recurrence and no treatment has been proven to be more effective than another since everyone is a little different. what works for you might not work for someone else. the best that you can do is to be healthy, consistent, and to stay positive. you will beat this.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Anon (New York, NY) on 07/01/2009

I am really bad at keeping secrets, but have obviously kept my lips sealed about my situation. I'm so relieved and thrilled, I had to write!

I was diagnosed with high-risk (cervical cancer-causing) HPV in college, way back in 2005. The virus was dormant in six months, and I buried the experience in the haze of junior year.

Flash forward to my last check-up: having finished up my HPV vaccine and barely having any sex, I was shocked to hear the high-risk HPV was back. I knew it wasn't a big deal if the doctor kept an eye on it, and having dealt with this already, I didn't think it was a big deal.

And it wasn't a big deal. But then there was a little bump in the crease between my thigh near my butt, which I assumed was an ingrown hair from shaving. But then it didn't go away. But I have sensitive skin, so of course it was just a bump... but then the bump grew a neighbor bump. And that bump looked angry and gross. And that bump begat one more bump.

That's when I put two and two together and freaked out.

I'm normally fine with doctors and have had plenty of embarrassing medical issues. But for some reason, I was haunted by these warts. I lost my appetite and hated myself and wanted to curl up into a hole and die, or else wait 6 months to a year for them to supposedly go away on their own. But what if they didn't? What if they got worse? And how could I go a year without sex?

First I tried straight up tea tree oil soaked in gauze and stuck on with band aids. It felt refreshing, but I didn't see a difference after two days. I had white vinegar in the house, so I tried that and went to sleep for 8 hours. The next morning, the warts maybe looked a little better. They were definitely white, which I knew would happen. But would they go away?

I decided white vinegar wasn't strong enough and bought of apple cider vinegar (5%). The first night I soaked the gauze with the vinegar, taped it on with bandaids and went to bed. I didn't notice too much in the morning, but they felt a little less raised.

Last night I soaked yet another gauze with the ACV, taped it on, and went to bed. It stung this time, but not too badly. (For those of you freaking out about the pain: of course it burns worse each time. You're putting acid on open skin.) This morning in the bath tub, I rubbed some of the dead skin off. The skin felt a bit sore, but absolutely manageable. I blotted on some tea tree oil before I went to work.

When I got home from work today, I had the time to check out the location in a hand mirror. Wow. The bumps are so much smaller and flatter. After only two days, the skin is a little worn out, but the warts are definitely shrinking and getting killed by the ACV.

This site is amazing. I hope more people who are too embarrassed to go to the doctor can take care of this situation for under $10. I can't wait to report back in a few days. I hate new age herbal folk remedies, but this one is really working! I can't believe it...

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lily (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on 06/10/2009

YEA for ACV + genital warts: I embarrassingly discovered on my own a bunch of small little specs throughout my labia and larger ones around my anus and did some research and found out that it was the dreaded genital warts! :(

Anyway, I'm SOOOO glad to have come upon this site!

I tried the ACV, and it worked! Here's what I did:

I showered, and washed everything very thoroughly with gentle soap, then dried, and splashed everything with ACV and put a cotton ball soaked with ACV and tucked it into my labia area. No burning at first, but pretty darn quickly! WOAH! Fire! I'm pretty good with pain, and I decided to stick it out. Throbbing pain which eventually subsided.

The next morning, I removed the cotton ball and showered, washed well again, and did the same procedure. Again, LOTS of burning! This is NOT for the weak! I took the cotton ball out after about 15mins as I couldn't take it anymore. At night, same procedure, except I applied aloe vera on top, and didn't leave the cotton ball there. MUCH, much better feeling!

Warning, a bit graphic..
The next morning, I went to wipe after peeing, and ended up seeing a whole bunch of little spots rubbed off onto the toilet paper! While showering, I noticed more than half of the spots were gone! 90% in the labia area, with exception of 2 small stubborn ones!
I washed, splashed with the ACV again, and applied the aloe vera as well.

For the rest of the day, every time I wiped down there, I was taking these spots off! Fantastic! I repeated it again that night, again, avoiding leaving the cotton ball there, and the next morning ALL except 2 stubborn ones around my anus were GONE! AMAZING! In 2 days!

The anal wart took another couple days to wipe off, but I can't recommend this enough if you can tolerate a bit of pain! I just used regular $1.49 bottle of ACV from the grocery store! Gotta give it a shot!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Becky (York, Uk) on 05/19/2009

Slept like a baby! (Having applied no ACV an therefore not having some random panicky sleep) After applying Vitamin E oil and aloe gel down there, things are a lot less sore, bt still kinda sore, so will reapply some two or three times today...the stuborn flat patch has still not gone (but is smaller) so will do one last all over (if i can stand it) tonight (if not ill have to try and do a topical application, although thats gonna be interesting considering where they are!) But im gonna try and stick an all over one out just to make sure everythings gone. Things look so much better down there (apart from being a bit raw lol) and i feel so much happier. I know it stings like a b---- but the smell, unless you get any on the carpet or anything, really isnt that bad, i really would urge people to have a go. On the last post i do i'll put my e-mail in case anyone wants to get in touch with any questions! x x

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sam L (Denver, CO) on 04/24/2009

ACV Cures HPV (GW) in one week after 12 years.

Just the fact that I am here astonishes me. I rarely post anything on any forum more or less my myself swayed enough by one to take action. In this case the success others had with ACV for gential warts was compelling. I have had GW since college and they have come and gone but for the most part been consistent for more than a decade of my life. They really never spread and for the most part i had he exact same warts the whole time. I tried freezing and aldara as well as the store bought kit for freezing. None of them worked for any long period of time.

After going through a divorce and wondering how i was ever going to have a normal sex life again, I decided to try this ACV.

Here is what I did:

First, shaved off the outer layers with a normal disposable razor (gently and painlessly) I've not heard anyone else mention this although some mentioned using a file? This worked bet for me and it brought them down to almost a surface level.

next took a cue tip and snipped off the tip

next dipped it in regular ACV from the grocery store

band-aided it to the wart with a small round band-aid went

repeated for all warts - went to bed


day 1 - warts turned white / grayish color. pale. little to moderate pain

day 2 - repeated process. burning sensation much stronger. woke me up at 3:00 am with stinging. removed bandages and washed off and then treated with aloe directly from the plant warts turning to more of a scab color... lots of little scabs / specs appearing

day 3 - repeated... similar burning (totally bearable given the fact that it appeared to be working) next day removed bandages, showered and applied aloe. All had turned black / scabbed over.

Day 4 (today) - gave ACV a rest to see what was happening. By end of day scabs / dead warts came off easily... like a scab ready to come off. whats left is smooth although quite pinkish / red skin..... there appears to be no sign of any warts. skin is smooth to the touch....


I hope you have the same luck I did... i will update after a week to see if any follow up will be needed. Also, using ACV Tonic for blood pressure and cholesterol and also seem to be allergy free this spring thus far which is a first since childhood? Placebo??? Phsyco-sematic? Who knows... but i am very grateful i found this site indeed.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Shlda-stayd-a-virgin (Houston, Tx) on 04/22/2010

Replying to Nena from L.A., Ca

Hi Nena,

This is DEFINATLEY too much TMI but you asked.

Well there were two versions of warts. One version outside: like on the outside labia (lips), the area between your vaginal opening and anus, and between my butt cheeks -- then the inside where its all pink. For both I got a Q Tip dipped in ACV and just went over all the interesting looking skin areas and held it there for a bit. Yes it is going to burn (especially inside)but just breathe through it. After you remove the qtip just wait like another 30 -60 seconds and see if things turn white. Mines turned white, if they don't turn white then I don't know what to tell you.

The outside ones went away in basically 3 weeks. I had to go another round with some pesky ones so all in all more than a month. I would soak up a cotton swab, break it up and then literally tape it to the warts using clinical paper tape, I think. ((The tape that is easy to tear off, especially on your sensitive areas. You can find everything at your local grocers.)) NOW the outside ones turned gray, sometimes black, and literally FELL off when I showered or wiped.after 2 weeks. It was a FABULOUS feeling. You are going to turn really red and sore, so make sure you have Vit E gel to ease the pain as that was the only thing that helped.

Now the inside ones. I would do the same thing, soak a cotton ball and tape the ones I could reach. Those turned white and as strange as it sounds, disappeared out of then air. One particular tag (a large one) only took 2 weeks. Like literally the tag was there one day and then it shrunk and went away. The inner ones don't turn gray or black like the outside ones, they just leave. I did another ACV test inside and noticed I had really tiny specs here and there and tiny/med bumps that turned white. Those were the hard to reach ones so I would try my best to leave pieces of cotton swab (after I soaked and squeezed the excees ACV since it would hurt TOOOO much if it was drenched) inside and literally breathed through the pain but at times it just hurt so much I just had to stop. So what I did was douche with DILUTED acv. Yes it may take longer since it is really diluted but it hurts less. I would buy a douche kit, empty the contents - mix 2/3 water and 1/3 acv and douche. I did this ONCE a week for 2 months and it worked wonders. No more tags or white spots of any kind. All in all it probably took 6 months ONLY because the inner warts and outer warts didn't happen at the same time. I had outer wart problems and then like 2 months later I had inner ones. {That was a blow to the ego.}

HOWEVER a whole year after my first pap I am clear, even my paps are clear. My first three paps were positive but after I started douching it finally came back negative. I really think douching did the trick. I was even taking ACV pills and I would still have positive paps.

I no longer douche and have actually thrown out all of my supplies because nothing has felt or looked weired but I do occasionally do a ACV test once every 2 - 3 months and I am glad to say, I am good.

There were some dark moments, especially when I took care of the outer ones and then the inner ones came, but if you keep going you will get them all fixed. It might take a while, hell it took me months, but it happened and I am clean and healthy but more importantly CONFIDENT. You may feel like you will never get this taken care of but believe me you will.

I know it took me FOREVER to respond but I just hope someone else might get something out of this. Heres to a healthy life.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Slappy (Newark, New Jersey) on 04/03/2009

I had a single hemispherical wart about 1/8 inch in diameter on the shaft of my penis. It was about 1/16 inch tall. I tried the cotton method using ACV, and it turned part of it white, but not the whole thing. I kept applying ACV often, trying to only get it on the actual wart. The skin around the wart became very tender, but if I kept the ACV mostly on the wart, there was little or no pain.

The most interesting thing is that the wart didn't disappear all at once. Only half of it turned black, and that part fell off. With reapplication of the ACV, another section turned black and fell off. Over time, the entire wart disappeared. It seems that the ACV can only penetrate so deeply, so it can only "kill" a layer at a time. As that layer falls off, the ACV can get to the next one. Patience is the key here.

Even though I had to go through 4 different cycles of having a layer die and fall off, the whole process took no more than 3 weeks. It helps to be merciless with the wart by applying the ACV directly to the wart (with a swab) as much as possible.

I hope this helps.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Overthis (Phoenix, Arizona) on 03/15/2009

Heres my update! 6 days of using the ACV, Tea Tree Oil & Vitamin E. Every single wart is gone! The entire area has healed & there are no new signs of any new warts. I know this is no guarantee that I couldn't have a relapse & get more but I am glad there is a treatment that will get rid of them.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tracy (Somewhere, IL) on 03/07/2009

I've been dealing with GW since I was diagnosed in December with having two and the dr applied tc acid to them. Each month another couple seem to show up and we have been doing the tc method, which is taking forever and making me miss several days off of work for the appointments. I wanted to try Aldera, but the dr kept putting me off on giving a prescription. When I did more research on Aldara, I found out why...which further research lead me to this website. I started to treat my GWs with the ACV two days ago. In doing so, I also had noticed a small white bump right in the v of my top lip and it got me to wondering if the hpv could have been spread to my mouth through oral. I applied the treatment to my lips to see if anything white would show up and and low and behold I seen a couple areas at the corners of my mouth and the surrounding areas that showed patches of little pin head sized cluters ... so if you are participating in oral, there's a chance you might want to check your mouth also just to be on the safe side. I'm starting to gargle and also do a shot of the ACV along with all the other recommended vitamins from this site. I sure have learned a very valueable lesson and quite frankly am petrified to with with anyone else again unless I am certain they are STD free. I sure hope to be done with this ordeal soon and sure wish they would come up with something for the general population that could combat and protect against this nasty virus. It's pretty devastating... Best of luck to everyone.