Genital Warts
Health Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar for Genital Warts

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by ConfusedButConfident (Phoenix, AZ) on 12/20/2008

Well I used the ACV treatment after finding this site. I cleaned the area on my penis really good with HP and then soaked a q-tip in ACV. I applied it to the wart and left it overnight. When I woke and took a shower I noticed it had turned completely white. Cleaned the area with HP again and went about my day. Second night I repeated the process, and woke the next morning and the whole wart was black! Is this supposed to happen and what do I do now? I can see where it is starting to come off it looks like but I do not want to pick at it. Should I be applying more ACV or should I just let it be and apply some vit E like I read elsewhere. As for pain and discomfort there is absolutely no pain, and the skin is not irritated at all. What should I do next, I used this one as a test and I have one more to take care of.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by simon (somewhere, texas) on 11/15/2008

I have had GW for about 5 years now. I have had them removed both from my anal area and my shaft twice via laser surgery. They just kept coming back!! I went to a urologist who tried injections of intefreron-a which was expensive for weekly injections and also completely ineffective for me. I found this site two nights ago and began treating the areas with ACV. I soaked a panty liner and folded it to treat my anus and the flat cotton makeup remover pads taped to the base of my little man. I have also started drinking 3 onces a day to boot. After 2 days i already have some of them turning white and one turning black. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and will repost more results.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Edward (New York, NY) on 10/20/2008

Eight days ago I suspected I may have GW's. I'm currently unemployed and have no insurance but decided this was a huge deal so I decided to pay out of pocket to see my doctor; $150. Ouch!

He's a nice guy, he gave me a free one-month supply of Aldara (the rest I would need to buy at the pharmacy $$$), told me to apply it 3 nights a week at bedtime, not to have sex for 3-6 months and most importantly, "You're gonna be ok."

Normally, I'm a confident, athletic, yet easy going, 31 year old male. Even with my customary attitudes and the Doc's re-assurance, I was depressed... 3-6 months?!? I couldn't barely stand to look at these 3 GW's on my penis' shaft for another 3 minutes! So, I walked home dejected, disappointed and depressed.

I couldn't just sit and wait so I started surfing the internet until I came to the cdc website. It states that in 90% of cases the virus will be suppressed in 1-2 years. This made me feel slightly better.

Then I came to I was happily surprised and further comforted when I read each and every entry for GW remedies... Thank you to every one of you for sharing. Whenever I start to feel upset about this virus, I re-read All of the entries again. Since I don't feel comfortable talking about this with any friends or family, re-reading helps my mood knowing that I'm not alone.

My regiment: I cut a bad-aid in-half, the long way so to make it narrower. Then pulled a q-tip ball off the stick, trimmed with scissors and dipped it in ACV.

Then placed the ACV soaked q-tip ball on GW and covered with the thin cut band-aid. I covered each GW this way and did this for 3 consecutive nights before bed.

Now it is day 4. One GW has scabbed up and looks like it'll fall off in a day or so (promising). One has turned red with a small black dot in the center (not sure what to think of this one). And the last one is a deep purple along with all the surrounding skin (not good, think I've damaged the skin. I hope it doesn't scar).

For the rest of the day today, before bed tonight and Day 5 I'll be piercing a vitamin E capsule and spreading liquid center on GW's in hopes of healing skin.

I've also been cleaning with hydrogen-peroxide after showering.

A few questions:

1. Has anyone had their wives / girlfriends get the female only approved vaccination? Will this prevent future significant others from getting this annoying virus and GW's?

I'd be very disappointed in myself if I knowingly gave this to a future girlfriend / wife.

2. How do you know when/if it's ever safe to have sex with long term partner without a condom?

All my doctor did was give me a bandage wrapped in white vinegar and look for white spots.

3. Has anyone spoken to a sexual health counselor?

4. Any other recommendations as far as my current regiment?

5. What are some success stories concerning longest time without any recurrence. I read one writer say 8 years.

I'm thankful to and everyone who has shared their experiences and encouragement. I will post again in a few days and am hopeful that I can add to the groups success stories.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sarah (Portland, OR) on 09/30/2008

Hi I am a couple days into the ACV for genital warts and am scared because my Dr just said on the telephone, "hmmm im worried you will be damaging your mucosa". She is a wonderful woman who is not pushing anything on me as she knows how inhibiting the price of the cream is or the burning off process. Well i have not had anyone even touch me in many years and had sex without protection and contracted them all over my vaginal area and anal area even though i did not have anal sex. It took weeks for them to come to the surface and the Dr thought i just had 2 small ones 4 days ago. The cream she recommended costs over 300 so i looked on line and found you guys. When i put the acv on i couldnt believe how they were everywhere dotted front to back inside and out and side to side. The Dr wanted me to get them burned off but how the heck can you burn off 100+... Swear that's how many i have at least, and they are small but hurt like hell.

So i started homeopathic thuja 30c 4 times a day and it did not help at all. i started the acv (cotton balls dipped and covered with a pad and tape the pad down) and it hurt so bad... after 6 hours yesterday though, i saw alarming white and some grey/black which is scary as hell, but all of you guys say this is the way... so i trust you and thus i have the acv on now again. A couple questions maybe you guys can help me out with:
1. does anyone know if vitamin e capsules rubbed on after the acv work to soothe or do i need aloe?
2. does anyone know about damage to the mucosa? None of you have lost sensitivity in the area have you?
3. A guy today posted that he is all scarred. Does anyone else have scars?
4. Has anyone else seen 100 small warts? I feel like all the other cases have just a few 1-3 seems average.
Thanks i will let you know how it goes.
Any encouragement or help will be greatly appreciated

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Maddy (Home, On the Range) on 09/25/2008

About a month ago was when i first realized that things werent normal.. i went to the doctor & sure enough genital warts. she put acid on them which was the most traumatizing thing my down below parts have ever felt. she said i might have to come back for more treatments but it was so god awful i decided i HAD to look for a natual remedy. i found this website & finally felt like i had some hope. i tried it out & whether it was from the acid or the ACV things thankfully seem to be clearing up. but it leads me to some questions. i dont know how graphic i can get, but some spots are almost pruney now, you know like when you sit in the tub for too long.. i dont know if its because of all the foreign substances down there or what but it makes me nervous. also what i dont understand is that i got my pap tests back & they said they were normal also my std tests came back normal. i dont understand how thats possible when i clearly had genital warts at the time. how will i ever know if the virus is gone if my tests come back normal like that?? i hope someone can talk me through this. im thankful the only thing thats wrong with me is this but still, its been one of the most emotionaly draining things to deal with not having anyone to talk to about it. im so happy i found this website!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by T (Chicago, IL) on 09/14/2008

Hello, this is T from Chicago, IL. I contracted genital warts from my ex-bf about a year ago. In the shower I felt two small hard growths on my perineum area. My gyn confirmed my own suspicions and fears with a positive diagnosis of hpv (genital warts). I opted to try and treat myself with natural methods vs. over the counter or prescription meds. I found this site called They have a lot of diff essential oils that cure a plethora of ailments; so I bought this product called heal warts. It was to be applied 3x/day only to the top of the wart and in 2 to 6 weeks the warts are guaranteed to flake away and no new wart will grow in the same place again. The product worked just as it was suppose to and w/in about 4 to 6 weeks they were gone. I was wart free for about one year and then I noticed two similar growths on my perineum area again. I started to use the heal warts formula again, confident that it would work the same. I had been using it for about 3 weeks with no improvements and to make matters worse the warts began to multiply and spread. I went from having 2 small warts to having like 10 vaginal warts and 1 anal wart (which I have no clue how I got cause I have never had anal sex). So thus began a new search for a new product that will get rid of these disgusting little bastards. I was ready to give prescription meds a try and then I found this blessing of a site called earthclinic. Many of the people were buzzing about apple cider vinegar (acv) for treating genital warts in as little as 3 days. I was a little scared because many of the comments stated that the acv burns upon contact, but I was willing to try anything. So I went out and bought some store brand of acv, cotton balls, sterile gauze pads and some big Band-Aids. I took a shower and carefully cleaned the area. After I got out I clean the wart area again with some hydrogen peroxide. I then took a cotton ball and soaked it with acv and squeezed out the excess. I put one cotton ball right inside my vagina since nearly half of my warts are right inside and around the vaginal opening. (I suspect I may have warts in my vaginal canal so I will do a full strength acv douche twice a day once I stop my menstrual cycle). I took another acv cotton ball and stretched it out to lengthen it; I then positioned it so that half the cotton was on my perineum warts and the other half was on my anal wart. Next I took the sterile gauze pad and cut it in half (the ones I bought are pretty big) then soaked it and squeezed out the excess acv. I used this pad to cover and keep the cotton balls in place and to cover any tiny warts that I may not see. Then I covered everything with the other dry half of the pad and taped it to the insides of my thighs with the big Band-Aids. I also put a panty liner in my panties as to avoid any leakage. I am not going to lie; the pain for me was an extremely intense burning sensation, almost unbearable. It doesn't burn the good skin, only the warts feel like they are burning. I kept telling myself the pain is the wart dying and being rejected by my body. The pain lessens in about 30 to 45 mins. The first day, I wore the acv treatment around the house for about 5 hours. When I took off the pad off the warts had become swollen and whiter. I took a shower and used the peroxide to clean the area and let it be. On day two I decided to do the treatment before bed. I did the same steps as before and went to bed. In the morning the warts were even whiter, and harder and slightly protruding more as if the wart was literally being pushed out of the skin. Every time I went to the bathroom and wiped I would see little chunks of wart on the toilet paper. Today is day three and the warts are sore and tender and one of them is starting to turn black, and another little wart chunk came off. I will use the treatment again tonight before bed. I have not been super aggressive with this treatment, meaning that I have not been wearing the pad for 24 hrs/day due to the pain intensity. I can only apply once a day for 5 to 10 hrs depending on what I have to do. Many people report that aloe vera gel or neosporin/ A&D ointment work well for soothing the pain and irritation. I will buy some aloe vera gel and give that a try. I can say that I am very confident that with in 1or maybe 2 weeks the warts will be completely gone. Once the warts are completely gone I will try using vitamin e oil to help heal the skin up like new. I will post and update my condition in a week. I really hope this info helps someone, cause hpv is a very scary disease and many can't afford the traditional wart medications. You are not alone in your struggle to rid yourself of these horrid nasty little things and apple cider vinegar is a cheap simple way to quickly get rid of the warts. I must say that even if you have seemingly removed all of the warts with the acv; it is still best for anyone with a positive hpv diagnosis do regularly get check for cervical or penile cancer.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rayn (Worcester, MA) on 09/12/2008

I just found your forum and was wondering what I was going to do about some genital warts that recently appeared. I went out and got band aids, cotton balls, ACV. I initially took a little onto a cotton ball and just applied it for about 10 seconds. No burning but after a few minutes they were turning a little lighter in color. So I soaked some pieces of cotton ball and held them in place with the band aid. I will let you know how I make out.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bobby (NJ, USA) on 09/11/2008

i used apple cider vineger for my genital warts for the last 3 days it has worked great only thing im unsure if the wart has fallen off because around the skin around the wart is is real brown like scabed and this is after like my 4th time applying it but there is a red spot were it looks like the wart it's self was is raw ??????? i looked with a magnifing glass and cant see no wart it's self. also what should i do as for healing let it dry then apply some neosporin and should i treat again or wait?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kara (New Bedford, MA) on 08/06/2008

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I don't want to speak too soon, but I think this is actually working. I am on night two of ACV treatment-- a couple hours of holding cottonball to affected cluster, and pieces of the larger ones have already fallen off and there is new skin underneath. It doesn't burn as much at all, it's just the smell that gets to me. But I'm hoping in a couple more days they will be completely gone. I also treated them a bit this morning. I make sure I sure before or after and I use aloe vera after every treatment. I was just diagnosed yesterday and was so afraid I would have to pay a large amounts of money, not to mention they could not see me for another THREE MONTHS at the OBGYN. I will update in another couple days to let you all know how it's going.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cathy (san diego, CA) on 01/03/2008

I am currently using ACV alone because I cannot find any tea tree oil. It burns a little but its not too bad. hopefully these warts will be gone by the time i go back to school for my second semester. i wanted to know if anyone has any other symptoms with this virus [ie. foul urine and itchiness]. thanks.

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