I'm looking for some answers regarding MSM.
I was taking about 1-2000mg daily at the same time as using milk thistle and siberian ginseng. After the initial pronounced detox and ceasing of menopausal hot flashes I developed gout in the heels. At some stage, I have also had plantar fasciitis years ago but I'm fairly sure this is gout as I've also had that before when I first became ill with fibromyalgic and other crazy symptoms about a decade ago. I'm certain I have some kind of kidney dysfunction and have had it all my life...maybe something like Gitelman syndrome.
So my question is why am I getting gout in relation to the MSM? When I ceased the MSM the foot symptoms receded. Are my kidneys in danger from using MSM if I have some undiagnosed kidney problem? I thought msm was good for kidneys. I can't find any info online, all info says that msm is great for kodney function and helps lower homocysteine.