Survival Remedies
Health Benefits

Survival Remedies

| Modified on Dec 24, 2021
The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Minimum Protocols
Posted by ORH (TEN MILE, TN) on 12/21/2021

HI U OLE PATOOTS, ORH here and supplements can mess you up just like Rx's do. Our Anti-aging doctor loves my Tractor Driver and hates me. I have my own trail and Phyllis does exactly as our doctor says. We had a set-too and I won't get into that. What I want input on is.... what are the few things that can keep you above ground?Here goes. ClO2, dog dewormer, H202 nasal inhalation, near infra-red sauna, eat from your garden, sleep, fresh air, sunshine, detox, alkaline ph, and whatever you can contribute. What I am saying is that we all know the things that really matter. We have to avoid cancer, heart problems, and a few other things. We can do this with simple things. Forget the little things that are just aggravations. Go after the biggies. I don't know squat about health CLO2, but in a short while, you will not be in my league. That is the way I ams. I wear things out with research. Would like your input on the subject of survival. ====ORH ====

Natural Cures Must-Have Books
Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 08/31/2017

Dear Suzy,

Two of my favorites are:

Be Your Own Doctor by Rachel Weaver


Charcoal Remedies by John Dinsley

These books use mostly simple remedies with good instructions. I have referenced both again and again.

~Mama to Many~

Natural Cures Must-Have Books
Posted by Suzy (Eugene, Or) on 08/30/2017

This past week we lost our connection to the internet and were hit with acute food poisoning.

I remembered activated charcoal and for my sweetie this brought some relief. But my vomiting was so severe it was coming back up. I used to read the recent posts regularly and had skimmed all the remedies sections. But, in my weakened condition my recall was not good.

I was hit by the realization that in the case of a real emergency, like what is occurring in Houston, we would be without the Internet as well.
I need to build a reference library invade of emergency and want a real paper book library. How thorough is the Natural Cures book and will there be updates say... annual best of? Also what books do other readers recommend?

EC: If you are asking about Earth Clinic's "Nature's Best Remedies" book, sorry no updates planned at the moment. Our community can tell you whether they think it's a thorough book or not!

The Green Pharmacy
Posted by Klutz (King City., Ontario/canada) on 08/21/2012

I thought that I might pass this on. In 1961 I was working in Cairo, On a Sunday in August I was off work, it was incredibly hot, all my friends were out, I went down to the street and bought a small watermelon from a street vendor. I didn't know that he was keeping the fruit plump in the heat by injecting raw Nile water into it.

I ate two slices and within a few minutes I got the most violent cramp in my belly. The only antiseptic that I had was crystals of Potassium Permanganate... So, on the basis that I might be killing myself, I made a fairly dark solution with bottled soda water and drank about twenty ml three times.

Apparently, I probably saved my own life. That's all Folks.

Ec's Top Remedies for a Disaster Preparedness Kit
Posted by Susan (USA)

1. Activated Charcoal to purify contaminated water supplies.
2. Cayenne to stop bleeding and heal wounds.
3. Apple Cider Vinegar (commercial brand, not organic) to stop food poisoning.
4. First Aid Supply Kit.

Posted by Davidmp (Hasty, Usa) on 08/22/2010

Suggestion 1: Buy and read the books "When All Hell Breaks Loose" and "98. 6 Degrees The Art of Keeping Your A** Alive! " by Cody Lundin.

Suggestion 2: Buy a very good bushcraft knife (not a survival knife) and learn how to use it. In an emergency, your knife will become your absolute best friend.

Suggestion 3: Take a good survival course. By good I mean one taught by someone with several years experience. Thoroughly check out the instructors.

Suggestion 4: Stockpile a minimum of 72 hours of light weight, easily transportable food (freeze dried). Also, 72 hours of water - most suggest 1 gallon per person per day. But that generally takes into account water for personal hygiene.

Suggestion 5: Build a well stocked first aid kit. These can be purchased, but most are only a start to a complete kit.

Suggestion 6: Stay away from commercially produced survival kits. These are designed for making money not keeping your butt alive.

The Green Pharmacy
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, TN) on 07/18/2008 490 posts

Survival Remedies: Let's touch on the subject of what I think every family should have in their emergency backpack in the event of a catastrophe. According to a lot of people we have one whale of a catastrophe arriving or finishing up in 2012. If we get the troubles predicted (and I certainly hope it will be natural disasters instead of nuclear) groceries are going to be emptied, ditto for drugstores and shopping centers. Probably telephones, TV's and radios as well as electricity and public water supplies will also be out of order for what will seem like an eternity to us spoiled people who are so used to having it all.

Contrary to popular belief, there have been studies done on lots of plants. There is a federal botanical data base that gives the chemicals and their actions on local and plants from other areas. There is a book titled The Green Pharmacy by James A. Duke (a PHD botanist who spent a lot of years collecting and amassing information for the federal government's data base. He gives information on local plants in the US, plus information on plants found on other parts of the planet. This book should be in every emergency backpack. Other books that should be in there with it is a good reference book identifying these plants and another on identifying edible wild plants. I recommend a trip to your local bookstore for purchasing them now and start looking through them, and some good family hikes to try to see how many you can find should make them more interesting. Field guides on these things will be handier & lighter weights for these hikes. Of course you should also remember a good water supply and enough MRE's (ready to eat meals as used in the military) which can probably be found in army surplus stores as well as on-line in emergency supplies.

A Whistle
Posted by TAN KOON PENG (SINGAPORE, SINGAPORE) on 06/22/2008

Survival Remedies: A whistle is a useful device for attracting attention in times of emergency. You can use it when hiking in the mountains.It will be handy if you are lost or injured and need help. Use it when boating and it can attract attraction easily should the boat overturn. Use it when you are caught in a an natural disaster to get resucer to your aid. Women can also use it for personal protection.

Posted by Joyce (Joelton, TN) on 03/09/2008 490 posts

To the lady who wrote asking for things to have in light weight backpack in event of a catastrophe, I suggest that you research this on the internet - or even better go to a bookstore and buy yourself a book on survival tactics which should tell you lot of things, including building emergency shelters. If you do not have one already, get one on edible plants growing wild. After all, a backpack can only hold enough for a few days, and you may have to survive longer. Study these before putting them in your backpack & review them occasionally after that. You will find lots of books available on survival.

Posted by Deb H (USA) on 03/18/2008

I would like to go to my neighborhood camping and hiking store and talk to them about packing a waterproof emergency kit since I think that campers and hikers seem to have worked through many potential problem situations. My initial thoughts include such things as emergency cash, small tubes of antibiotic, arnica (stuff for cuts, scrapes, sprains); Odwalla bars or Kashi bars or high quality, lightweight foods like these, something for water purification (maybe a travel purifier... not sure about this); maybe some small items found in a formal first aid kit like scissors, tweezers, gauze, etc., perhaps some dry undergarments. It seems that a person could have a really good stash of emergency supplies of miniature items so that a kit could be lightweight but well stocked.

Your idea about discussing food strategies is excellent. This has been a topic of conversation around here and a number of people I know will be joining local CSA farms. Although it never got off the ground, at one point, people in my neighborhood were talking about doing pot luck dinners maybe three nights a week; each week hosted by a different neighbor who would supply dishes, silverware and clean-up. This might be fun to do in conjunction with a church as well. Many church kitchens have been abandoned but are wonderful for serving up group meals.

Posted by Deb H (USA) on 03/04/2008

It seems that there have been many catastrophic events in the past so many years; this has gotten me thinking about what might be good to put in a lightweight backpack - for quick carry away. Of course there are a number of interesting insights to be gleaned from Earthclinic but I thought that maybe it could be an interesting topic to put out there for debate and discussion. It seems that governments may (or may not!) know what their rolls are in catastrophic situations but so often the everyday person is caught off guard and unprepared. (Even just recently, for example, it has been written in our local paper that the underground water pipelines are badly aging and could collapse, causing water contamination for many, many people. And yet, no discussion about what people could do to prepare for such a thing.) And on and on! Anyway, just a suggestion. Best regards! Deb

Posted by Shawn (Las Vegas, NV) on 03/20/2008

I used to live in Portland, Or. There is a significant tectonic plate 50 miles of the coast called Juan de Fuca. Scientists have determined that it shifts every 300-350 years with a 9.0+ earthquake to the Northwest. It's overdue. Because of this the Portland fire department has come up with a training program for civilians. It's called the "neighborhood emergency teams" (NET). This program was designed to help yourself, your family and your neighbors, in that order. I pulled out my NET manual and this is what the PFD suggest you have in your medical kit.

- Kerlex, Kling, or any other brand of roller bandage (6 rolls)used to wrap over dressings and to secure splints.
- 4in. sterile gauze pads (4-6)
- 2in. sterile gauze pads (4-6)
- Sanitary napkins (2-4) used to control excessive bleeding.
- 1 and 2in. adhesive tape (1 roll of each) used to secure dressings and bandages; change every 6 months
- Bandaids (1 box assorted sizes)
- Triangular bandage (3) used to secure broken arms, shoulder dislocations or as a wrap for splints. Can be purchased or made from old sheets.
- Ace bandage for wrapping sprains.
- Sterile water (1 Qt.)used to flush wounds and cool burns.
- Antiseptic solution (1 bottle) used to cleanse wounds.
- Medical scissors
- Tweezers
- Sterile needle for splinters
- Asprin or non-asprin pain reliever.
- Latex gloves (2 pair)
- Anti-diarrhea medication
- Antacid
- Syrup of Ipecac (to induce vomiting, if advised by Poison Control Center)
- Sunscreen
- Tube of petroleum jelly
- Cleaning agent/soap
- Moistened towlets or baby wipes
- Assorted sizes of safty pins

Understand this is for a 72 hr. period. After the Katrina fiasco I think it's safe to say that in a major disaster we all may be on our own for a month or more.
As far as food and water use clear plastic bottles for water. I use the 5 gallon type with a teaspoon of bleach in it and change it every 6 months. Just make sure that on the bottom of the container in the recycle triangle the # is 1,2,4 or 5. Do not use 3,6 or 7; it has to do with how the plastic was produced. 3,6 and 7 are fine just not for long term storage like 6-12 months. NEVER use plastic opaque milk containers. They have micrscopic cavities for bacteria. One gallon of water for one person for one day. You can live 30 days without food and 7 days without water. Campers and hikers use the 3/3/3 saying. 3 hrs. for shelter , 3 days for water and 3 weeks for food. As far as food goes can goods are recomended. I make my own granola bars and put them in a Food-Saver bag to the freezer and rotate them out every 6 months. They're light weight and I know what's in them. Hopfully we'll never have to use this information but it's good to know.

P.S. I did this program over 10 years ago and websites weren't as popular as today. I do not have PFD's address.

EC: Shawn, thank you so much for typing all of this information from your manual.

Posted by Shirley (Missouri) on 04/02/2008

A simple mosquito repellant Get a large bottle of Listerine, pour into a 4-ounce spray bottle and use around areas outside. It works great and it's safe. It kills them instantly and will last a couple of days. Spray around food tables, play areas, standing water, anywhere you will be working or playing outside. Spray around door & window frames. Don't spray directly onto wood doors but do spray the frame around the door. This would also be a good thing to add to survival kits.