Side Effects from Common Home Remedies

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by TP (Boston, MA) on 12/16/2007

Yes, I agree with Sendhi, I was taking baking soda (1/8 tsp) almost every night with ACV and water. It made me feel good, it even helped me lose a few pounds, and it gave me a feeling of calmness. When it wore off the next day, I noticed my blood pressure went up at times when I got frustrated, and that was unusual to me. I have always eaten nutritiously and with the baking soda remedy, I noticed changes in my health, body, and the way I craved foods. I definately was not craving fruits or vegatables. I was craving everything else. I even feel the circulation pain in the back of my thighs was part of the cause. I never in my life complained about my legs. Luckily, when things go wrong inside of the body, the body has the ability to heal and bounce back. I stopped taking the baking soda and have changed my eating style again. Back to fruits and vegatables. I feel so much better.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Betty (Aurora, USA) on 12/14/2007

Q. I have Hypertension. Started the vinegar with molasses and soda and HBP got higher. Could that be from the soda? I cut it down to 1/4t but did not seem to help. Thanks Betty in Colorado

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Alan (Amsterdam, Netherlands) on 12/12/2007

Hello, everytime I take hydrogenperoxde by drinking 1-3 35% drops in a glass of tapwater or gargling, I get stings in my heart afterwards. What is the reason for this? I think about stopping hydrogen peroxide. Thank you

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Rhandi (Wichita, Kansas, Usa) on 08/04/2011

Not sure if this could be the problem, but you're supposed to take it with distilled water--never tap water...

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Laura (Selfkant-Hongen, Germany) on 12/09/2007

I just need some help on the ACV remedy. I started taking it after a week of excruciating pain. Doctor gave me aciphex and reglan but both made me sleep for days! So I stumbled upon your site and have started the ACV remedy while stopping all Rx drugs. I've only taken it now for 2 days, but have had instant results. I've taken only one dose a night after dinner. However, when I go to bed, I'm having a hard time going to sleep or staying asleep and I wake up tired in the morning. I also am having muscle twitching and this morning my hands were aching. My heart also seems to be racing, but when I take my blood pressure, my BP is low and my heart rate is in the 50s-60s. Not sure what is going on there. I feel like I'm taking too much caffeine or taking sudafed, but I'm not. I've cut caffeine out completely when my pain started. Anyway, is this normal? Is there something else I should be doing? I want to continue the ACV therapy for my magnificent relief of all my GERD symptoms, but I don't want to harm my body by taking ACV. Do you know why I'm experiencing these symptoms? Thanks in advance!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Mike (Orland Park, IL) on 12/16/2008

I read your comment about not sleeping. I would try taking the ACV in the morning. I take a few things in the morning because they keep me up at night when I took them at night. The difference is huge. You never want to mess up your sleep! Good luck.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by PETER (CHICAGO, IL) on 12/17/2008


Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Cathy (San Fran, California) on 12/18/2008

I believe muscle twitches can be caused by a magnesium deficiency. Maybe the acv and baking soda depletes certain minerals?

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Tom (Galway, Ireland) on 12/18/2008

Reply to Laura, Selfkant-Hongen, Germany (12/9/2007) The side effects you wrote about sound more like SE s of Excitotoxins eg. Aspartame, MSG etc. (in chewing gum, diet drinks, oriental fast food) rather than anything related to ACV. TRY STOPPING ALL EXCITOTOXINS and take Magnesium citrate and B complex vitamins with food twice daily. (Dr Russell Blaylock & I hope this helps.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Melanie (Livingston, New Jersey) on 12/08/2007

I tried the apple cider vinegar (two tbsp with 1/4 baking soda), after lunch and dinner a few nights ago. (I had been taking two tbsp of the AC vinegar in a glass of water in the morning and evening for a week and a half prior.) That night I had a massive headache and thought I needed to go to the hospital. It was literally unbearable. I don't know why this happened, but am attributing it to this ACV remedy with the baking soda. I was fine throughout the initial week and a half, and had increased bowel movement, but that one night was a living hell. I'm scared to go back to it, but what I had initially been doing I think works best, at least in my experience.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Jaques (Brighton, England) on 11/21/2007

I am 58, have had a lifetime of stomach problems - now diagnosed with hiatal hernia/acid reflux, taking omeprazol, 40mg a day, main problem is always have loose stools and worst very sore eosophagus/throat, had biopsy on what looked like Barrets but negative. However, dont like taking pills, tried 2 tbls acv with 1/4 tsp bicarb soda in 1/2 glass water for 5 days lst thing and last thing at night on empty stomach - also did oil pulling - immediately on drinking the remedy my eosophagus/throat hurt even with bicarb added, my mouth which has burned, esp my tongue, for 10 yrs, became even more sore and the "runs" worsened. first I thought it would improve but I couldnt sleep at all, felt agitated and as I have very high BP which medication isnt helping, I decided to go back on the stomach pills. Having read peoples positive results I felt sure acv would help me with my stomach/BP and high cholestorol - I eat a very healthy diet, dont smoke, exercise, am slim, I really dont know what to do next or why this acv works for so many and makes me worse - if anyone has any ideas Id be grateful? Thank you. Jaques

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Rick (Vancouver, WA) on 01/26/2009

Hi, Did you try just the acv without the bs? All the side effects people are writing about scare me. Rick

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Yvette (Oakland, California, USA) on 11/12/2007

Dear TED, I would like to need your help. I have a diabetes, my blood sugar is undercontrolled . But after I have a blood test in fasting way , my doctor tell me that my kidney will be damaged in 2=8 years . I'm so depress and very sad. My hi blood pressure is 112/86, my pulse 102(always). I did apply your formula AC+BS, but my hi blood pressure is increased very hi 189/100.Oh! I forgot to let you know that my mycroalbumine/creatine is 483.11 ; memoglobin A1c 6.6 (refe.>8), my akaline phosphatase 61.,protein in urine 740. Please i need your help a lot. My body is insuline resistence. Does baking soda makes my blodd pressure hi ? I don't want to have dialysis. I'm 52 years old. I have many surgeries alreday. Thank you very much.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Evelyn (Kampala, Uganda) on 11/07/2007

I suffer from all kinds of allergies, sinusitis and Rhuematoid arthritis. I have tried Acv and Baking Soda to cure these ailments, but to no avail. My arthritis pain has not only increased but my feet are now permanently swollen. My weight has also increased to alarming propotions. The remedy has simply not worked. Iam desparate. Can some one out there help me?

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Sandy (Kent, Ohio) on 10/15/2007

I was having burning and have long suffered with heartburn. I tried the ACV, baking soda and honey last night and it did feel much better. This morning I had a second dose - this time with the organic cider vinegar - but I immediately had the "runs" -. I am wondering if I should cut back to one tablespoon of ACV since constipation has never been one of my problems - just the opposite. The burning feels a bit better and I am belching a lot but I wonder if I should limit dosage?

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Annon (Pelham, New Hampshire, USA) on 09/26/2007

I started using the acv and baking soda. I first got diarrhea (probably because I was not taking it on an empty stomach). After 1 week things improved but my bowel movements started to really stink. What is going on here? I know, too much information :)

Constipation Caused From Op and ACV
Posted by JoLen (Milwaukee, WI) on 09/09/2007

I have been oil pulling and using ACV with b/s for the past two weeks. I feel good, however, I am more constipated. I noticed when I take dark molasses it helps me. Has anyone had this reaction and if so, what did you do to remedy this?

Lemon and BS With HBP
Posted by PL (Naples, Florida,USA) on 09/07/2007

I have had HBP for many years, and finally gave in to the doctors and started on BP meds. I was taking the meds for about one year and then I found earth clinic. I started off taking the lemon juice/baking soda 2-3 times a day and I started to wean off the BP meds. I couldn't find any info on how to get off the meds so I took a pill every other day , then 1/2 pill for three days, then stopped all together. I checked my presure 3-4 times per day and it was 125/65 or close to that most of the time. I was very happy because I hate taking the meds...after nine days off the meds and nice low bBP readings, yesterday turned into a nightmare!

I woke up in the morning with my head spinning, the room was spinning and I was very dizzy, I had shortness of breath and I was very scared. My BP was very high. My husband came home and rushed me to the doctor. He was very upset that I stopped the meds and said I was lucky I didn't have a stroke. He said I had a rebound reaction and my BP was very high, with racing heart. I am back on the meds and wondering what happened. The doctor said NEVER take baking soda when you have high pressure! The lemon or ACV does not balance the sodium with potassium. I love natural cures, so now I will have to try to find another way to not have an acid PH. The doc says I will always have to take BP meds the rest of my life( I'm 55) Does any body out there know what happened? I still feel a little dizzy today, and am discouraged. I don't want anyone else to go through what I just did.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Keith (USA) on 08/24/2007

Hi Ted: I'm writing because I tried your ACV and baking soda remedy for reflux. I've only just started the regimen, so I can't tell how well it is working, but I have noticed one side effect that concerns me. The ACV has given me more energy, but I';m wondering if it ever causes insomnia? I fell asleep last night at 10:30 and woke up at 3:30 and couldn't go back to sleep. I've never really had any problems with insomnia, in fact, I'm usually quite sleepy all the time. As I said, the ACV seems to be resolving that issue, but I'm worried that it might be giving me too much energy. I know a good night's sleep is important for your health, so I don't want to suffer from losing hours. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks so much, Keith New York, NY

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by S (USA) on 07/31/2007

Thank you for sharing your knowledge on It has helped me in many ways. I have been doing the 2tbs acv + 1/4 baking soda in water for almost three weeks. It has helped my migraines and joint aches as well as helped with my overall mental well being. However a side effect I have is that since taking this I have become increasingly tired. So much that I can not get out of bed or feel safe to drive or work. I began taking this remedy to try to help in regulating my menstrations and hormones. I've begun taking B-complex hoping this would give me added energy but it has not. I am wondering if I should lower dosages of acv or stop this remedy entirely. Thank You

ACV, Baking Soda and Lemon Juice
Posted by G (Palo Alto, CA) on 07/21/2007

Hi Ted, I have a question for you: I started on 2 tbl ACV & 1/4 tsp Baking soda along with lemon juice. This I take twice a day for the last 5 days. The main intention is to reduce my blood pressure. I definitely see improvement in energy levels. However since I have started taking this I have begun getting constipated. Also my blood pressure has risen by about 5-8 points on the systolic reading and I feel I am gaining weight. Does this sound like I am retaining sodium? In one of your suggestions you mention using Potassium Bicarbonate. However I am unable to find it in the pharmacy. Please let me know what you would recommend. Thanks

ACV, Baking Soda and Lemon Juice
Posted by Tom (Galloway, NJ USA) on 02/02/2009

Hello everybody, I also experienced a bad case of constipation. But to make matters worse, my butt not only feels like it is clamped shut but it burns like hell all the time. I've never had hemmies but I am assuming thats what they feel like (no bleeding). I started out with a teaspoon in about 10 oz of water but then I followed EC advice with 2 teaspoons in a liter of filtered water and sipped during the day.

I stopped for about a day and a half and the bottom end of me is getting better. However, I have a case of rosacea and it seemed to clear up nicely and I was peeing like a race horse..But the burning butt is a deal breaker. I was using _____ organic with the Mother... Any suggestions? Would baking soda help or should I forget about it? Thanks

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