Remedy Side Effects
Health Benefits

Side Effects from Common Home Remedies

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Olivia (Brooklyn, New York) on 06/14/2008

Caution drinking Hydrogen Peroxide: I tried drinking less than a quarter capful of Rite Aid brand 3% hydrogen peroxide this morning in a 12 oz glass of water. I immediately felt my body tingling and I drank another glass of water to dilute the effect. Within minutes I felt a weird sensation and had to rush to the bathroom. I have been rushing to the bathroom practically all morning. I did not know whether to laugh or cry because I suffer from chronic constipation and I thought I welcome the frequent bathroom visits but not due to an upset stomach. I drank another glass of water and continued feeling funny. I went to Rite Aid and spoke to the pharmacist who told me I should be okay. I felt better after having a late breakfast. I have a sensitive stomach and I was told the HP may have been too much of an irritant for it. Just a word of caution if you are going to use 3% like I did for the first time, maybe you should start with one drop and see the effect or diarrhea and a racing pulse may be the side effect for a while. It is now about five hours later and I feel almost normal.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Sue (Choctaw, Oklahoma) on 05/31/2008

To all, I have use ACV for several months now and have been able to go off all blood pressure medication. I started to use ACV for Gerd (Acid reflex) blood pressure was 150/90 down to 112/60 in two months. Started to use baking soda in ACV and started to have several joint and leg pain. Stopped baking soda, leg pain is better. Forget baking soda - it will cause joint pain in some people so be very careful of it.

ACV will also cause anxiety in some people if used to often. Changes the PH of the body. I have to be careful not to do over one to two teaspoons at a time. Has anyone taken the tablets and do they work ? I also am a R.N. for 22 years and so sick of medication that D.R. put out like candy always looking for alter cures for problem. Most medication is short time cure to more medication.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Brandon (Berkeley, California) on 04/27/2008

Hi, I wanted to warn people of one potential side effect of hydrogen peroxide therapy. I took it internally as directed on this website and started having palpitations about a week later. These were premature ventricular contractions and progressed to happen in a bigeminal pattern (every other beat) for about a third of every day. I have no prior cardiac history and am a generally health 36 year-old man. I stopped the hydrogen peroxide and they went away. I restarted it after a week of no palpitations to test the theory that it may be due to the hydrogen peroxide and they came back. Stopped it again, and they went away. Premature ventricular contractions are not usually harmful, but are disturbing and it also sent me on a wild cardiac goose chase (including a $2500 echocardiogram) because I didn't consider that it could be related to the hydrogen peroxide therapy.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by tracey (chiefland, florida) on 04/24/2008

I started the acv w/water by itself after reading from the side effects page that acv and baking soda had caused someone bv. After a few day I decided if I used just a small pinch (just to neutralize the acv a tad) surley wouldn't cause any side effects. So after the fifth or sixth day I didn't get bv but ended up with a uti. Was wondering if this is from the bs or the acv or the combo. I would like to continue the acv for all the other benefits it gives. Lemons have become expensive so I'd prefer a different way to take the acv. Is it necessary to take with the water, I'd almost prefer to take alone off the spoon. I took the generic 100mg for Macobid for the uti but after 4 days of 2 pills a day, that was all I could handle (made me sick all day and night) so I swiched to the sea salt (all we have here is Morton). I did it last night and am continuing today. I think its helping but its hard to say for sure. Any ideas on both the acv and the uti inquiries above?

ACV, Baking Soda and Lemon Juice
Posted by G (Palo Alto, CA) on 07/21/2007

Hi Ted, I have a question for you: I started on 2 tbl ACV & 1/4 tsp Baking soda along with lemon juice. This I take twice a day for the last 5 days. The main intention is to reduce my blood pressure. I definitely see improvement in energy levels. However since I have started taking this I have begun getting constipated. Also my blood pressure has risen by about 5-8 points on the systolic reading and I feel I am gaining weight. Does this sound like I am retaining sodium? In one of your suggestions you mention using Potassium Bicarbonate. However I am unable to find it in the pharmacy. Please let me know what you would recommend. Thanks

Lemon and BS With HBP
Posted by PL (Naples, Florida,USA) on 09/07/2007

I have had HBP for many years, and finally gave in to the doctors and started on BP meds. I was taking the meds for about one year and then I found earth clinic. I started off taking the lemon juice/baking soda 2-3 times a day and I started to wean off the BP meds. I couldn't find any info on how to get off the meds so I took a pill every other day , then 1/2 pill for three days, then stopped all together. I checked my presure 3-4 times per day and it was 125/65 or close to that most of the time. I was very happy because I hate taking the meds...after nine days off the meds and nice low bBP readings, yesterday turned into a nightmare!

I woke up in the morning with my head spinning, the room was spinning and I was very dizzy, I had shortness of breath and I was very scared. My BP was very high. My husband came home and rushed me to the doctor. He was very upset that I stopped the meds and said I was lucky I didn't have a stroke. He said I had a rebound reaction and my BP was very high, with racing heart. I am back on the meds and wondering what happened. The doctor said NEVER take baking soda when you have high pressure! The lemon or ACV does not balance the sodium with potassium. I love natural cures, so now I will have to try to find another way to not have an acid PH. The doc says I will always have to take BP meds the rest of my life( I'm 55) Does any body out there know what happened? I still feel a little dizzy today, and am discouraged. I don't want anyone else to go through what I just did.

Constipation Caused From Op and ACV
Posted by JoLen (Milwaukee, WI) on 09/09/2007

I have been oil pulling and using ACV with b/s for the past two weeks. I feel good, however, I am more constipated. I noticed when I take dark molasses it helps me. Has anyone had this reaction and if so, what did you do to remedy this?

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Julie (Reading, Pennsylvania) on 05/16/2007

This is the 2nd time I'm posting this question. As well, I sent a message to Ted, and I haven't gotten any responses yet. I started taking ACV & baking soda about 2 weeks ago, and it IMMEDIATELY stopped my acid reflux (for which my symptom is a burning sore throat)!! Wonderful! However, I have Ulcerative Colitis (which is in remission) and have been experiencing diarrhea. I took the ACV * baking soda first thing in the AM , then had my low-acid coffee, and about an hour later, had severe "D". My question is, could the ACV be causing my diarrhea.?? I don't know what else it could be? I'm concerned that my UC might be flaring up, yet, it's helping my acid reflux...

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Jade (USA) on 05/17/2007

I have a few questions in regards to the remedies suggested on the earth clinic website: 1. have been taking ACV alone without any problem until adding baking soda which causes abdominal pain throughout the night...

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by S (USA) on 07/31/2007

Thank you for sharing your knowledge on It has helped me in many ways. I have been doing the 2tbs acv + 1/4 baking soda in water for almost three weeks. It has helped my migraines and joint aches as well as helped with my overall mental well being. However a side effect I have is that since taking this I have become increasingly tired. So much that I can not get out of bed or feel safe to drive or work. I began taking this remedy to try to help in regulating my menstrations and hormones. I've begun taking B-complex hoping this would give me added energy but it has not. I am wondering if I should lower dosages of acv or stop this remedy entirely. Thank You

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Keith (USA) on 08/24/2007

Hi Ted: I'm writing because I tried your ACV and baking soda remedy for reflux. I've only just started the regimen, so I can't tell how well it is working, but I have noticed one side effect that concerns me. The ACV has given me more energy, but I';m wondering if it ever causes insomnia? I fell asleep last night at 10:30 and woke up at 3:30 and couldn't go back to sleep. I've never really had any problems with insomnia, in fact, I'm usually quite sleepy all the time. As I said, the ACV seems to be resolving that issue, but I'm worried that it might be giving me too much energy. I know a good night's sleep is important for your health, so I don't want to suffer from losing hours. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks so much, Keith New York, NY

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Annon (Pelham, New Hampshire, USA) on 09/26/2007

I started using the acv and baking soda. I first got diarrhea (probably because I was not taking it on an empty stomach). After 1 week things improved but my bowel movements started to really stink. What is going on here? I know, too much information :)

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Laurie (Delta, Colorado) on 09/28/2007

I've read lots of people saying they've lost weight using ACV and baking soda. I've been using this formula for 3 weeks now and I've gained 3.5 pounds.Why would this be happening?I thought ACV was supposed to put you in alkaline range which I am. Could I be to alkaline?I test my saliva and urine every other day. I haven't changed my eating habits.I feel very bloated. any one experiencing this.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Sandy (Kent, Ohio) on 10/15/2007

I was having burning and have long suffered with heartburn. I tried the ACV, baking soda and honey last night and it did feel much better. This morning I had a second dose - this time with the organic cider vinegar - but I immediately had the "runs" -. I am wondering if I should cut back to one tablespoon of ACV since constipation has never been one of my problems - just the opposite. The burning feels a bit better and I am belching a lot but I wonder if I should limit dosage?

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Evelyn (Kampala, Uganda) on 11/07/2007

I suffer from all kinds of allergies, sinusitis and Rhuematoid arthritis. I have tried Acv and Baking Soda to cure these ailments, but to no avail. My arthritis pain has not only increased but my feet are now permanently swollen. My weight has also increased to alarming propotions. The remedy has simply not worked. Iam desparate. Can some one out there help me?

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